path: root/sl4n/rapidjson/doc/diagram/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sl4n/rapidjson/doc/diagram/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/sl4n/rapidjson/doc/diagram/ b/sl4n/rapidjson/doc/diagram/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1492a8a..0000000
--- a/sl4n/rapidjson/doc/diagram/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-digraph {
- rankdir=LR
- compound=true
- fontname="Inconsolata, Consolas"
- fontsize=10
- margin="0,0"
- ranksep=0.3
- nodesep=0.15
- penwidth=0.5
- colorscheme=spectral7
- node [shape=box, fontname="Inconsolata, Consolas", fontsize=10, penwidth=0.5, style=filled, fillcolor=white]
- edge [fontname="Inconsolata, Consolas", fontsize=10, penwidth=0.5]
- subgraph cluster0 {
- style=filled
- fillcolor=4
- Encoding [label="<<concept>>\nEncoding"]
- edge [arrowtail=onormal, dir=back]
- Encoding -> { UTF8; UTF16; UTF32; ASCII; AutoUTF }
- UTF16 -> { UTF16LE; UTF16BE }
- UTF32 -> { UTF32LE; UTF32BE }
- }
- subgraph cluster1 {
- style=filled
- fillcolor=5
- Stream [label="<<concept>>\nStream"]
- InputByteStream [label="<<concept>>\nInputByteStream"]
- OutputByteStream [label="<<concept>>\nOutputByteStream"]
- edge [arrowtail=onormal, dir=back]
- Stream -> {
- StringStream; InsituStringStream; StringBuffer;
- EncodedInputStream; EncodedOutputStream;
- AutoUTFInputStream; AutoUTFOutputStream
- InputByteStream; OutputByteStream
- }
- InputByteStream -> { MemoryStream; FlieReadStream }
- OutputByteStream -> { MemoryBuffer; FileWriteStream }
- }
- subgraph cluster2 {
- style=filled
- fillcolor=3
- Allocator [label="<<concept>>\nAllocator"]
- edge [arrowtail=onormal, dir=back]
- Allocator -> { CrtAllocator; MemoryPoolAllocator }
- }
- {
- edge [arrowtail=odiamond, arrowhead=vee, dir=both]
- EncodedInputStream -> InputByteStream
- EncodedOutputStream -> OutputByteStream
- AutoUTFInputStream -> InputByteStream
- AutoUTFOutputStream -> OutputByteStream
- MemoryPoolAllocator -> Allocator [label="base", tailport=s]
- }
- {
- edge [arrowhead=vee, style=dashed]
- AutoUTFInputStream -> AutoUTF
- AutoUTFOutputStream -> AutoUTF
- }
- //UTF32LE -> Stream [style=invis]
-} \ No newline at end of file