path: root/adservices/service-core/java/com/android/adservices/service/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-12-15Log beacon level reporting metrics (Flag Guarded)xufan
2023-11-27Add Measurement flex deletion integration testsGilad Barkan
2023-11-14Added null aggregate report generationdanghle
2023-11-02Expand signals intake E2E testsCaleb Clark
2023-09-29Allow AppManifestConfig to return enabled by default - part 3Felipe Leme
2023-08-30adding background job to send ad selection debug reports in a batchAditya Gupta
2023-08-25Delete expired data for the unified api flowPrabal Singh
2023-07-20Log topic ID distribution metricsBen Nissan
2023-07-08[fetchCA] Add E2E testsKevin Puthusseri
2023-06-21Add existing attribution status to SourceYan Zhang
2023-03-13Merge changes from topic "presubmit-am-20e5b9412004429e98fb61c6291ab78b" into...Caleb Clark
2023-03-11Remove 2 Feature Flags After Rolling Out Topics Contributor Check Featurehanlixy
2023-03-10Disable AdData filtering fields when filtering is disabled.Caleb Clark
2023-03-02Gated registerAdBeacon behind flagZeyad El-arabaty
2023-02-06Rename getEnableDatabaseSchemaVersion5 to getEnableTopicMigrationYaw Frempong
2022-12-02Merge v3 and v6 Msmt migrations.Teferi Aleme
2022-10-28Compute TopicContributor Table in Epoch and Guard by Feature Flaghanlixy
2022-09-06Enable enrollment checks for all APIsKevin Tjen
2022-08-13Enforce limits on memory usage for JsIsolateChandan Kumar
2022-08-07AdSelection API enforce caller is foreground appStefano Galarraga
2022-04-04Create AdServices Feature Flags that are backed by Phenotype/HeterodyneBinh Nguyen