# ImsMedia test ## 1. Introduction - The `test/` directory in _ImsMedia_ contains test implementation of _ImsMedia_'. - Module `imsmediahal/` contains implementation of _ImsMedia_'s HAL APIs. ## 2. Procedure to test app Build `app` and `imsmediahal` under `test\` folder ``` gcert cd test mma ``` #### 2.1 Install test app from out folder and run ``` adb install imsmediatestingapp.apk ``` #### 2.2 Modify manifest file ``` adb pull /vendor/etc/vintf/manifest.xml add below content in manifest file. android.hardware.radio.ims.media IImsMedia/default push back manifest file to Device. adb push manifest.xml /vendor/etc/vintf/manifest.xml ``` #### 2.3 Push imsmediahal apk into device from out folder ``` adb push com.android.telephony.testimsmediahal /system/priv-app/ adb reboot Test the Audio using test app ```