/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define STATSD_DEBUG false // STOPSHIP if true #include "Log.h" #include "HashableDimensionKey.h" #include "FieldValue.h" namespace android { namespace os { namespace statsd { using std::string; using std::vector; using android::base::StringPrintf; /** * Recursive helper function that populates a parent StatsDimensionsValueParcel * with children StatsDimensionsValueParcels. * * \param parent parcel that will be populated with children * \param childDepth depth of children FieldValues * \param childPrefix expected FieldValue prefix of children * \param dims vector of FieldValues stored by HashableDimensionKey * \param index position in dims to start reading children from */ static void populateStatsDimensionsValueParcelChildren(StatsDimensionsValueParcel& parent, int childDepth, int childPrefix, const vector& dims, size_t& index) { if (childDepth > 2) { ALOGE("Depth > 2 not supported by StatsDimensionsValueParcel."); return; } while (index < dims.size()) { const FieldValue& dim = dims[index]; int fieldDepth = dim.mField.getDepth(); int fieldPrefix = dim.mField.getPrefix(childDepth); StatsDimensionsValueParcel child; child.field = dim.mField.getPosAtDepth(childDepth); if (fieldDepth == childDepth && fieldPrefix == childPrefix) { switch (dim.mValue.getType()) { case INT: child.valueType = STATS_DIMENSIONS_VALUE_INT_TYPE; child.intValue = dim.mValue.int_value; break; case LONG: child.valueType = STATS_DIMENSIONS_VALUE_LONG_TYPE; child.longValue = dim.mValue.long_value; break; case FLOAT: child.valueType = STATS_DIMENSIONS_VALUE_FLOAT_TYPE; child.floatValue = dim.mValue.float_value; break; case STRING: child.valueType = STATS_DIMENSIONS_VALUE_STRING_TYPE; child.stringValue = dim.mValue.str_value; break; default: ALOGE("Encountered FieldValue with unsupported value type."); break; } index++; parent.tupleValue.push_back(child); } else if (fieldDepth > childDepth && fieldPrefix == childPrefix) { // This FieldValue is not a child of the current parent, but it is // an indirect descendant. Thus, create a direct child of TUPLE_TYPE // and recurse to parcel the indirect descendants. child.valueType = STATS_DIMENSIONS_VALUE_TUPLE_TYPE; populateStatsDimensionsValueParcelChildren(child, childDepth + 1, dim.mField.getPrefix(childDepth + 1), dims, index); parent.tupleValue.push_back(child); } else { return; } } } StatsDimensionsValueParcel HashableDimensionKey::toStatsDimensionsValueParcel() const { StatsDimensionsValueParcel root; if (mValues.size() == 0) { return root; } root.field = mValues[0].mField.getTag(); root.valueType = STATS_DIMENSIONS_VALUE_TUPLE_TYPE; // Children of the root correspond to top-level (depth = 0) FieldValues. int childDepth = 0; int childPrefix = 0; size_t index = 0; populateStatsDimensionsValueParcelChildren(root, childDepth, childPrefix, mValues, index); return root; } android::hash_t hashDimension(const HashableDimensionKey& value) { android::hash_t hash = 0; for (const auto& fieldValue : value.getValues()) { hash = android::JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type((int)fieldValue.mField.getField())); hash = android::JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type((int)fieldValue.mField.getTag())); hash = android::JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type((int)fieldValue.mValue.getType())); switch (fieldValue.mValue.getType()) { case INT: hash = android::JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type(fieldValue.mValue.int_value)); break; case LONG: hash = android::JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type(fieldValue.mValue.long_value)); break; case STRING: hash = android::JenkinsHashMix(hash, static_cast(std::hash()( fieldValue.mValue.str_value))); break; case FLOAT: { hash = android::JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type(fieldValue.mValue.float_value)); break; } case DOUBLE: { hash = android::JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type(fieldValue.mValue.double_value)); break; } case STORAGE: { hash = android::JenkinsHashMixBytes(hash, fieldValue.mValue.storage_value.data(), fieldValue.mValue.storage_value.size()); break; } default: break; } } return JenkinsHashWhiten(hash); } bool filterValues(const Matcher& matcherField, const vector& values, FieldValue* output) { if (matcherField.hasAllPositionMatcher()) { return false; } for (const auto& value : values) { if (value.mField.matches(matcherField)) { (*output) = value; return true; } } return false; } bool filterValues(const vector& matcherFields, const vector& values, HashableDimensionKey* output) { size_t num_matches = 0; for (const auto& value : values) { for (size_t i = 0; i < matcherFields.size(); ++i) { const auto& matcher = matcherFields[i]; if (value.mField.matches(matcher)) { output->addValue(value); output->mutableValue(num_matches)->mField.setTag(value.mField.getTag()); output->mutableValue(num_matches)->mField.setField( value.mField.getField() & matcher.mMask); num_matches++; } } } return num_matches > 0; } bool filterValues(const vector& dimKeyMatcherFields, const vector& valueMatcherFields, const vector& values, HashableDimensionKey& key, vector& valueIndices) { size_t key_num_matches = 0; size_t value_num_matches = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { const FieldValue& value = values[i]; for (const auto& matcher : dimKeyMatcherFields) { if (value.mField.matches(matcher)) { key.addValue(value); key.mutableValue(key_num_matches)->mField.setTag(value.mField.getTag()); key.mutableValue(key_num_matches) ->mField.setField(value.mField.getField() & matcher.mMask); key_num_matches++; } } for (size_t j = 0; j < valueMatcherFields.size(); ++j) { if (valueIndices[j] == -1 && value.mField.matches(valueMatcherFields[j])) { valueIndices[j] = i; value_num_matches++; } } } return value_num_matches == valueMatcherFields.size(); } bool filterPrimaryKey(const std::vector& values, HashableDimensionKey* output) { size_t num_matches = 0; const int32_t simpleFieldMask = 0xff7f0000; const int32_t attributionUidFieldMask = 0xff7f7f7f; for (const auto& value : values) { if (value.mAnnotations.isPrimaryField()) { output->addValue(value); output->mutableValue(num_matches)->mField.setTag(value.mField.getTag()); const int32_t mask = isAttributionUidField(value) ? attributionUidFieldMask : simpleFieldMask; output->mutableValue(num_matches)->mField.setField(value.mField.getField() & mask); num_matches++; } } return num_matches > 0; } void filterGaugeValues(const std::vector& matcherFields, const std::vector& values, std::vector* output) { for (const auto& field : matcherFields) { for (const auto& value : values) { if (value.mField.matches(field)) { output->push_back(value); } } } } void getDimensionForCondition(const std::vector& eventValues, const Metric2Condition& links, HashableDimensionKey* conditionDimension) { // Get the dimension first by using dimension from what. filterValues(links.metricFields, eventValues, conditionDimension); size_t count = conditionDimension->getValues().size(); if (count != links.conditionFields.size()) { return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { conditionDimension->mutableValue(i)->mField.setField( links.conditionFields[i].mMatcher.getField()); conditionDimension->mutableValue(i)->mField.setTag( links.conditionFields[i].mMatcher.getTag()); } } void getDimensionForState(const std::vector& eventValues, const Metric2State& link, HashableDimensionKey* statePrimaryKey) { // First, get the dimension from the event using the "what" fields from the // MetricStateLinks. filterValues(link.metricFields, eventValues, statePrimaryKey); // Then check that the statePrimaryKey size equals the number of state fields size_t count = statePrimaryKey->getValues().size(); if (count != link.stateFields.size()) { return; } // For each dimension Value in the statePrimaryKey, set the field and tag // using the state atom fields from MetricStateLinks. for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { statePrimaryKey->mutableValue(i)->mField.setField(link.stateFields[i].mMatcher.getField()); statePrimaryKey->mutableValue(i)->mField.setTag(link.stateFields[i].mMatcher.getTag()); } } bool containsLinkedStateValues(const HashableDimensionKey& whatKey, const HashableDimensionKey& primaryKey, const vector& stateLinks, const int32_t stateAtomId) { if (whatKey.getValues().size() < primaryKey.getValues().size()) { ALOGE("Contains linked values false: whatKey is too small"); return false; } for (const auto& primaryValue : primaryKey.getValues()) { bool found = false; for (const auto& whatValue : whatKey.getValues()) { if (linked(stateLinks, stateAtomId, primaryValue.mField, whatValue.mField) && primaryValue.mValue == whatValue.mValue) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { return false; } } return true; } bool linked(const vector& stateLinks, const int32_t stateAtomId, const Field& stateField, const Field& metricField) { for (auto stateLink : stateLinks) { if (stateLink.stateAtomId != stateAtomId) { continue; } for (size_t i = 0; i < stateLink.stateFields.size(); i++) { if (stateLink.stateFields[i].mMatcher == stateField && stateLink.metricFields[i].mMatcher == metricField) { return true; } } } return false; } bool LessThan(const vector& s1, const vector& s2) { if (s1.size() != s2.size()) { return s1.size() < s2.size(); } size_t count = s1.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (s1[i] != s2[i]) { return s1[i] < s2[i]; } } return false; } bool HashableDimensionKey::operator!=(const HashableDimensionKey& that) const { return !((*this) == that); } bool HashableDimensionKey::operator==(const HashableDimensionKey& that) const { // according to http://go/cppref/cpp/container/vector/operator_cmp return mValues == that.mValues; }; bool HashableDimensionKey::operator<(const HashableDimensionKey& that) const { return LessThan(getValues(), that.getValues()); }; bool HashableDimensionKey::contains(const HashableDimensionKey& that) const { if (mValues.size() < that.getValues().size()) { return false; } if (mValues.size() == that.getValues().size()) { return (*this) == that; } for (const auto& value : that.getValues()) { bool found = false; for (const auto& myValue : mValues) { if (value.mField == myValue.mField && value.mValue == myValue.mValue) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { return false; } } return true; } string HashableDimensionKey::toString() const { std::string output; for (const auto& value : mValues) { output += StringPrintf("(%d)%#x->%s ", value.mField.getTag(), value.mField.getField(), value.mValue.toString().c_str()); } return output; } bool MetricDimensionKey::operator==(const MetricDimensionKey& that) const { return mDimensionKeyInWhat == that.getDimensionKeyInWhat() && mStateValuesKey == that.getStateValuesKey(); }; string MetricDimensionKey::toString() const { return mDimensionKeyInWhat.toString() + mStateValuesKey.toString(); } bool MetricDimensionKey::operator<(const MetricDimensionKey& that) const { if (mDimensionKeyInWhat < that.getDimensionKeyInWhat()) { return true; } else if (that.getDimensionKeyInWhat() < mDimensionKeyInWhat) { return false; } return mStateValuesKey < that.getStateValuesKey(); } size_t MetricDimensionKey::getSize(const bool usesNestedDimensions) const { size_t dimensionKeySize = 0; // Dimension/State values if (usesNestedDimensions) { // Assume nested dimension adds an additional atomTag + # of dimension fields dimensionKeySize += sizeof(int32_t); dimensionKeySize += sizeof(int32_t) * getDimensionKeyInWhat().getValues().size(); } dimensionKeySize += getFieldValuesSizeV2(getDimensionKeyInWhat().getValues()); // Each state value has a atomId and group/value dimensionKeySize += sizeof(int32_t) * getStateValuesKey().getValues().size(); dimensionKeySize += getFieldValuesSizeV2(getStateValuesKey().getValues()); return dimensionKeySize; } bool AtomDimensionKey::operator==(const AtomDimensionKey& that) const { return mAtomTag == that.getAtomTag() && mAtomFieldValues == that.getAtomFieldValues(); }; } // namespace statsd } // namespace os } // namespace android