#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # A simple GUI to remotely actuate the Vehicle HAL via the eumalator import sys from threading import Thread from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * import VehicleHalProto_pb2 from vhal_emulator import Vhal import vhal_consts_2_0 as c # Define a simple thread that receives messages from a vhal object (v) and prints them def rxThread(v): while(1): msg = v.rxMsg() if (msg.msg_type == VehicleHalProto_pb2.SET_PROPERTY_RESP): if msg.status == 0: print "Success ("+str(msg.status)+")" else: print "Error ("+str(msg.status)+")" else: print msg; # Main window setup def window(): app = QApplication(sys.argv) widget = QWidget() widget.setWindowTitle("VHal Driver") widget.setGeometry(100,100,200,50) topLevelLayout = QHBoxLayout() widget.setLayout(topLevelLayout) shiftLayout = QVBoxLayout() topLevelLayout.addLayout(shiftLayout) gearTitle = QLabel(widget) gearTitle.setText("Gear Shift") shiftLayout.addWidget(gearTitle); gearDisplay = QLabel(widget) shiftLayout.addWidget(gearDisplay); slider = QSlider(Qt.Vertical) slider.setMinimum(0) slider.setMaximum(2) slider.setInvertedAppearance(True) slider.valueChanged.connect(lambda:sliderMove(slider, gearDisplay)) shiftLayout.addWidget(slider) sliderMove(slider, gearDisplay) buttonLayout = QVBoxLayout() topLevelLayout.addLayout(buttonLayout) signalButtonGroup = QButtonGroup() bNoSignal = QPushButton("None") bNoSignal.setCheckable(True) bNoSignal.setChecked(True) buttonLayout.addWidget(bNoSignal) signalButtonGroup.addButton(bNoSignal) bHazards = QPushButton("Hazards") bHazards.setCheckable(True) buttonLayout.addWidget(bHazards) signalButtonGroup.addButton(bHazards) bLeft = QPushButton("Left") bLeft.setCheckable(True) buttonLayout.addWidget(bLeft) signalButtonGroup.addButton(bLeft) bRight = QPushButton("Right") bRight.setCheckable(True) buttonLayout.addWidget(bRight) signalButtonGroup.addButton(bRight) signalButtonGroup.buttonClicked.connect(lambda:onSignalClicked(signalButtonGroup)) widget.show() sys.exit(app.exec_()) def onSignalClicked(group): print "signal "+group.checkedButton().text()+" is active" try: vhal.setProperty(c.VEHICLEPROPERTY_TURN_SIGNAL_STATE, 0, group.checkedId()) except: print "Ignoring error setting property 0x{:08X}".format(c.VEHICLEPROPERTY_TURN_SIGNAL_STATE) def sliderMove(slider, gearDisplay): if slider.value() == 0: gearName = 'park' vhal.setProperty(c.VEHICLEPROPERTY_GEAR_SELECTION, 0, c.VEHICLEGEAR_GEAR_PARK) elif slider.value() == 1: gearName = 'reverse' vhal.setProperty(c.VEHICLEPROPERTY_GEAR_SELECTION, 0, c.VEHICLEGEAR_GEAR_REVERSE) elif slider.value() == 2: gearName = 'drive' vhal.setProperty(c.VEHICLEPROPERTY_GEAR_SELECTION, 0, c.VEHICLEGEAR_GEAR_DRIVE) else: gearName = "UNK" print "slider "+slider.objectName()+" requested "+str(slider.value())+" = "+gearName gearDisplay.setText(gearName) if __name__ == '__main__': print "Starting VHal driver GUI" vhal = Vhal(c.vhal_types_2_0) # Start a receive thread to consume any replies from the vhal print "Starting receiver thread" rx = Thread(target=rxThread, args=(vhal,)) rx.setDaemon(True) rx.start() # Put the car in park so we start in a known state (consistent with the GUI default state) vhal.setProperty(c.VEHICLEPROPERTY_GEAR_SELECTION, 0, c.VEHICLEGEAR_GEAR_PARK) # Start the main UI -- never returns window()