path: root/src/com/android/phasebeam/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/android/phasebeam/')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/android/phasebeam/ b/src/com/android/phasebeam/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bf126d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/android/phasebeam/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+import static android.renderscript.Sampler.Value.NEAREST;
+import static android.renderscript.Sampler.Value.WRAP;
+import android.content.res.Resources;
+import android.renderscript.Allocation;
+import android.renderscript.Matrix4f;
+import android.renderscript.Mesh;
+import android.renderscript.Program;
+import android.renderscript.ProgramFragment;
+import android.renderscript.ProgramFragmentFixedFunction;
+import android.renderscript.ProgramRaster;
+import android.renderscript.ProgramStore;
+import android.renderscript.ProgramVertex;
+import android.renderscript.ProgramVertexFixedFunction;
+import android.renderscript.RenderScriptGL;
+import android.renderscript.Sampler;
+import android.renderscript.ProgramStore.BlendDstFunc;
+import android.renderscript.ProgramStore.BlendSrcFunc;
+public class PhaseBeamRS {
+ public static final int DOT_COUNT = 18;
+ private Resources mRes;
+ private RenderScriptGL mRS;
+ private ScriptC_phasebeam mScript;
+ int mHeight;
+ int mWidth;
+ private ScriptField_VpConsts mPvConsts;
+ private Allocation dotAllocation;
+ private Allocation beamAllocation;
+ private Allocation bgAllocation;
+ private ScriptField_Particle dotParticles;
+ private Mesh dotMesh;
+ private ScriptField_Particle beamParticles;
+ private Mesh beamMesh;
+ private int densityDPI;
+ boolean inited = false;
+ public void init(int dpi, RenderScriptGL rs, Resources res, int width, int height) {
+ if (!inited) {
+ densityDPI = dpi;
+ mRS = rs;
+ mRes = res;
+ mWidth = width;
+ mHeight = height;
+ dotParticles = new ScriptField_Particle(mRS, DOT_COUNT);
+ Mesh.AllocationBuilder smb2 = new Mesh.AllocationBuilder(mRS);
+ smb2.addVertexAllocation(dotParticles.getAllocation());
+ smb2.addIndexSetType(Mesh.Primitive.POINT);
+ dotMesh = smb2.create();
+ beamParticles = new ScriptField_Particle(mRS, DOT_COUNT);
+ Mesh.AllocationBuilder smb3 = new Mesh.AllocationBuilder(mRS);
+ smb3.addVertexAllocation(beamParticles.getAllocation());
+ smb3.addIndexSetType(Mesh.Primitive.POINT);
+ beamMesh = smb3.create();
+ mScript = new ScriptC_phasebeam(mRS, mRes, R.raw.phasebeam);
+ mScript.set_dotMesh(dotMesh);
+ mScript.set_beamMesh(beamMesh);
+ mScript.bind_dotParticles(dotParticles);
+ mScript.bind_beamParticles(beamParticles);
+ mPvConsts = new ScriptField_VpConsts(mRS, 1);
+ createProgramVertex();
+ createProgramRaster();
+ createProgramFragmentStore();
+ createProgramFragment();
+ loadTextures();
+ mScript.set_densityDPI(densityDPI);
+ mRS.bindRootScript(mScript);
+ mScript.invoke_positionParticles();
+ inited = true;
+ }
+ }
+ private Matrix4f getProjectionNormalized(int w, int h) {
+ // range -1,1 in the narrow axis at z = 0.
+ Matrix4f m1 = new Matrix4f();
+ Matrix4f m2 = new Matrix4f();
+ if (w > h) {
+ float aspect = ((float) w) / h;
+ m1.loadFrustum(-aspect, aspect, -1, 1, 1, 100);
+ } else {
+ float aspect = ((float) h) / w;
+ m1.loadFrustum(-1, 1, -aspect, aspect, 1, 100);
+ }
+ m2.loadRotate(180, 0, 1, 0);
+ m1.loadMultiply(m1, m2);
+ m2.loadScale(-1, 1, 1);
+ m1.loadMultiply(m1, m2);
+ m2.loadTranslate(0, 0, 1);
+ m1.loadMultiply(m1, m2);
+ return m1;
+ }
+ private void updateProjectionMatrices() {
+ Matrix4f projNorm = getProjectionNormalized(mWidth, mHeight);
+ ScriptField_VpConsts.Item i = new ScriptField_VpConsts.Item();
+ i.MVP = projNorm;
+ i.scaleSize = densityDPI / 240.0f;
+ mPvConsts.set(i, 0, true);
+ }
+ private Allocation loadTexture(int id) {
+ final Allocation allocation = Allocation.createFromBitmapResource(mRS, mRes, id);
+ return allocation;
+ }
+ private void loadTextures() {
+ dotAllocation = loadTexture(;
+ beamAllocation = loadTexture(R.drawable.beam);
+ bgAllocation = loadTexture(;
+ mScript.set_textureDot(dotAllocation);
+ mScript.set_textureBeam(beamAllocation);
+ mScript.set_textureBg(bgAllocation);
+ }
+ private void createProgramVertex() {
+ ProgramVertexFixedFunction.Constants mPvOrthoAlloc =
+ new ProgramVertexFixedFunction.Constants(mRS);
+ Matrix4f proj = new Matrix4f();
+ proj.loadOrthoWindow(mWidth, mHeight);
+ mPvOrthoAlloc.setProjection(proj);
+ ProgramVertexFixedFunction.Builder pvb = new ProgramVertexFixedFunction.Builder(mRS);
+ ProgramVertex pv = pvb.create();
+ ((ProgramVertexFixedFunction) pv).bindConstants(mPvOrthoAlloc);
+ mScript.set_vertBg(pv);
+ updateProjectionMatrices();
+ ProgramVertex.Builder builder = new ProgramVertex.Builder(mRS);
+ builder.setShader(mRes, R.raw.dot_vs);
+ builder.addConstant(mPvConsts.getType());
+ builder.addInput(dotMesh.getVertexAllocation(0).getType().getElement());
+ ProgramVertex pvs = builder.create();
+ pvs.bindConstants(mPvConsts.getAllocation(), 0);
+ mRS.bindProgramVertex(pvs);
+ mScript.set_vertDots(pvs);
+ }
+ private void createProgramFragment() {
+ Sampler.Builder samplerBuilder = new Sampler.Builder(mRS);
+ samplerBuilder.setMinification(NEAREST);
+ samplerBuilder.setMagnification(NEAREST);
+ samplerBuilder.setWrapS(WRAP);
+ samplerBuilder.setWrapT(WRAP);
+ Sampler sn = samplerBuilder.create();
+ ProgramFragmentFixedFunction.Builder builderff =
+ new ProgramFragmentFixedFunction.Builder(mRS);
+ builderff = new ProgramFragmentFixedFunction.Builder(mRS);
+ builderff.setTexture(ProgramFragmentFixedFunction.Builder.EnvMode.REPLACE,
+ ProgramFragmentFixedFunction.Builder.Format.RGB, 0);
+ ProgramFragment pfff = builderff.create();
+ mScript.set_fragBg(pfff);
+ pfff.bindSampler(sn, 0);
+ ProgramFragment.Builder builder = new ProgramFragment.Builder(mRS);
+ builder.setShader(mRes, R.raw.dot_fs);
+ builder.addTexture(Program.TextureType.TEXTURE_2D);
+ ProgramFragment pf = builder.create();
+ pf.bindSampler(Sampler.CLAMP_LINEAR(mRS), 0);
+ mScript.set_fragDots(pf);
+ }
+ private void createProgramRaster() {
+ ProgramRaster.Builder builder = new ProgramRaster.Builder(mRS);
+ builder.setPointSpriteEnabled(true);
+ ProgramRaster pr = builder.create();
+ mRS.bindProgramRaster(pr);
+ }
+ private void createProgramFragmentStore() {
+ ProgramStore.Builder builder = new ProgramStore.Builder(mRS);
+ builder.setBlendFunc(BlendSrcFunc.SRC_ALPHA, BlendDstFunc.ONE);
+ mRS.bindProgramStore(builder.create());
+ }
+ public void start() {
+ mRS.bindRootScript(mScript);
+ }
+ public void stop() {
+ mRS.bindRootScript(null);
+ }
+ public void setOffset(float xOffset, float yOffset, int xPixels, int yPixels) {
+ mScript.set_xOffset(xOffset);
+ }
+ public void resize(int w, int h) {
+ // why do i need to do this again when surface changed for wallpaper, but not when as an app?
+ ProgramVertexFixedFunction.Constants mPvOrthoAlloc =
+ new ProgramVertexFixedFunction.Constants(mRS);
+ Matrix4f proj = new Matrix4f();
+ proj.loadOrthoWindow(w, h);
+ mPvOrthoAlloc.setProjection(proj);
+ ProgramVertexFixedFunction.Builder pvb = new ProgramVertexFixedFunction.Builder(mRS);
+ ProgramVertex pv = pvb.create();
+ ((ProgramVertexFixedFunction) pv).bindConstants(mPvOrthoAlloc);
+ mScript.set_vertBg(pv);
+ }