path: root/share/cmake-3.10/Help/command/add_custom_command.rst
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diff --git a/share/cmake-3.10/Help/command/add_custom_command.rst b/share/cmake-3.10/Help/command/add_custom_command.rst
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+Add a custom build rule to the generated build system.
+There are two main signatures for ``add_custom_command``.
+Generating Files
+The first signature is for adding a custom command to produce an output::
+ add_custom_command(OUTPUT output1 [output2 ...]
+ COMMAND command1 [ARGS] [args1...]
+ [COMMAND command2 [ARGS] [args2...] ...]
+ [DEPENDS [depends...]]
+ [BYPRODUCTS [files...]]
+ [IMPLICIT_DEPENDS <lang1> depend1
+ [<lang2> depend2] ...]
+ [COMMENT comment]
+ [DEPFILE depfile]
+This defines a command to generate specified ``OUTPUT`` file(s).
+A target created in the same directory (``CMakeLists.txt`` file)
+that specifies any output of the custom command as a source file
+is given a rule to generate the file using the command at build time.
+Do not list the output in more than one independent target that
+may build in parallel or the two instances of the rule may conflict
+(instead use the :command:`add_custom_target` command to drive the
+command and make the other targets depend on that one).
+In makefile terms this creates a new target in the following form::
+The options are:
+ Append the ``COMMAND`` and ``DEPENDS`` option values to the custom
+ command for the first output specified. There must have already
+ been a previous call to this command with the same output.
+ options are currently ignored when APPEND is given, but may be
+ used in the future.
+ Specify the files the command is expected to produce but whose
+ modification time may or may not be newer than the dependencies.
+ If a byproduct name is a relative path it will be interpreted
+ relative to the build tree directory corresponding to the
+ current source directory.
+ Each byproduct file will be marked with the :prop_sf:`GENERATED`
+ source file property automatically.
+ Explicit specification of byproducts is supported by the
+ :generator:`Ninja` generator to tell the ``ninja`` build tool
+ how to regenerate byproducts when they are missing. It is
+ also useful when other build rules (e.g. custom commands)
+ depend on the byproducts. Ninja requires a build rule for any
+ generated file on which another rule depends even if there are
+ order-only dependencies to ensure the byproducts will be
+ available before their dependents build.
+ The ``BYPRODUCTS`` option is ignored on non-Ninja generators
+ except to mark byproducts ``GENERATED``.
+ Specify the command-line(s) to execute at build time.
+ If more than one ``COMMAND`` is specified they will be executed in order,
+ but *not* necessarily composed into a stateful shell or batch script.
+ (To run a full script, use the :command:`configure_file` command or the
+ :command:`file(GENERATE)` command to create it, and then specify
+ a ``COMMAND`` to launch it.)
+ The optional ``ARGS`` argument is for backward compatibility and
+ will be ignored.
+ If ``COMMAND`` specifies an executable target name (created by the
+ :command:`add_executable` command) it will automatically be replaced
+ by the location of the executable created at build time. If set, the
+ :prop_tgt:`CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR` executable target property will
+ also be prepended to the command to allow the executable to run on
+ the host.
+ (Use the ``TARGET_FILE``
+ :manual:`generator expression <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>` to
+ reference an executable later in the command line.)
+ Additionally a target-level dependency will be added so that the
+ executable target will be built before any target using this custom
+ command. However this does NOT add a file-level dependency that
+ would cause the custom command to re-run whenever the executable is
+ recompiled.
+ Arguments to ``COMMAND`` may use
+ :manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`.
+ References to target names in generator expressions imply target-level
+ dependencies, but NOT file-level dependencies. List target names with
+ the ``DEPENDS`` option to add file-level dependencies.
+ Display the given message before the commands are executed at
+ build time.
+ Specify files on which the command depends. If any dependency is
+ an ``OUTPUT`` of another custom command in the same directory
+ (``CMakeLists.txt`` file) CMake automatically brings the other
+ custom command into the target in which this command is built.
+ If ``DEPENDS`` is not specified the command will run whenever
+ the ``OUTPUT`` is missing; if the command does not actually
+ create the ``OUTPUT`` then the rule will always run.
+ If ``DEPENDS`` specifies any target (created by the
+ :command:`add_custom_target`, :command:`add_executable`, or
+ :command:`add_library` command) a target-level dependency is
+ created to make sure the target is built before any target
+ using this custom command. Additionally, if the target is an
+ executable or library a file-level dependency is created to
+ cause the custom command to re-run whenever the target is
+ recompiled.
+ Arguments to ``DEPENDS`` may use
+ :manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`.
+ Lists in ``COMMAND`` arguments will be expanded, including those
+ created with
+ :manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`,
+ allowing ``COMMAND`` arguments such as
+ to be properly expanded.
+ Request scanning of implicit dependencies of an input file.
+ The language given specifies the programming language whose
+ corresponding dependency scanner should be used.
+ Currently only ``C`` and ``CXX`` language scanners are supported.
+ The language has to be specified for every file in the
+ ``IMPLICIT_DEPENDS`` list. Dependencies discovered from the
+ scanning are added to those of the custom command at build time.
+ Note that the ``IMPLICIT_DEPENDS`` option is currently supported
+ only for Makefile generators and will be ignored by other generators.
+ Specify the primary input source file to the command. This is
+ treated just like any value given to the ``DEPENDS`` option
+ but also suggests to Visual Studio generators where to hang
+ the custom command. At most one custom command may specify a
+ given source file as its main dependency.
+ Specify the output files the command is expected to produce.
+ If an output name is a relative path it will be interpreted
+ relative to the build tree directory corresponding to the
+ current source directory.
+ Each output file will be marked with the :prop_sf:`GENERATED`
+ source file property automatically.
+ If the output of the custom command is not actually created
+ as a file on disk it should be marked with the :prop_sf:`SYMBOLIC`
+ source file property.
+ The command will be given direct access to the terminal if possible.
+ With the :generator:`Ninja` generator, this places the command in
+ the ``console`` :prop_gbl:`pool <JOB_POOLS>`.
+ All arguments to the commands will be escaped properly for the
+ build tool so that the invoked command receives each argument
+ unchanged. Note that one level of escapes is still used by the
+ CMake language processor before add_custom_command even sees the
+ arguments. Use of ``VERBATIM`` is recommended as it enables
+ correct behavior. When ``VERBATIM`` is not given the behavior
+ is platform specific because there is no protection of
+ tool-specific special characters.
+ Execute the command with the given current working directory.
+ If it is a relative path it will be interpreted relative to the
+ build tree directory corresponding to the current source directory.
+ Specify a ``.d`` depfile for the :generator:`Ninja` generator.
+ A ``.d`` file holds dependencies usually emitted by the custom
+ command itself.
+ Using ``DEPFILE`` with other generators than Ninja is an error.
+Build Events
+The second signature adds a custom command to a target such as a
+library or executable. This is useful for performing an operation
+before or after building the target. The command becomes part of the
+target and will only execute when the target itself is built. If the
+target is already built, the command will not execute.
+ add_custom_command(TARGET <target>
+ COMMAND command1 [ARGS] [args1...]
+ [COMMAND command2 [ARGS] [args2...] ...]
+ [BYPRODUCTS [files...]]
+ [COMMENT comment]
+This defines a new command that will be associated with building the
+specified ``<target>``. The ``<target>`` must be defined in the current
+directory; targets defined in other directories may not be specified.
+When the command will happen is determined by which
+of the following is specified:
+ Run before any other rules are executed within the target.
+ This is supported only on Visual Studio 8 or later.
+ For all other generators ``PRE_BUILD`` will be treated as
+ ``PRE_LINK``.
+ Run after sources have been compiled but before linking the binary
+ or running the librarian or archiver tool of a static library.
+ This is not defined for targets created by the
+ :command:`add_custom_target` command.
+ Run after all other rules within the target have been executed.
+.. note::
+ Because generator expressions can be used in custom commands,
+ it is possible to define ``COMMAND`` lines or whole custom commands
+ which evaluate to empty strings for certain configurations.
+ For **Visual Studio 2010 (and newer)** generators these command
+ lines or custom commands will be omitted for the specific
+ configuration and no "empty-string-command" will be added.
+ This allows to add individual build events for every configuration.