path: root/share/cmake-3.10/Help/release/3.5.rst
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+CMake 3.5 Release Notes
+.. only:: html
+ .. contents::
+Changes made since CMake 3.4 include the following.
+New Features
+* The :manual:`cmake-gui(1)` gained options to control warnings about
+ deprecated functionality.
+* The :manual:`cmake-gui(1)` learned an option to set the toolset
+ to be used with VS IDE and Xcode generators, much like the
+ existing ``-T`` option to :manual:`cmake(1)`.
+* The :manual:`cmake-gui(1)` gained a Regular Expression Explorer which
+ may be used to create and evaluate regular expressions in real-time.
+ The explorer window is available via the ``Tools`` menu.
+* The ``-Wdev`` and ``-Wno-dev`` :manual:`cmake(1)` options now also enable
+ and suppress the deprecated warnings output by default.
+* The suppression of developer warnings as errors can now be controlled with
+ the new ``-Werror=dev`` and ``-Wno-error=dev`` :manual:`cmake(1)` options.
+* The :manual:`cmake(1)` ``-E`` command-line tools ``copy``,
+ ``copy_if_different``, ``copy_directory``, and ``make_directory``
+ learned to support multiple input files or directories.
+* The :command:`cmake_parse_arguments` command is now implemented natively.
+ The :module:`CMakeParseArguments` module remains as an empty placeholder
+ for compatibility.
+* The :command:`install(DIRECTORY)` command learned to support
+ :manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`
+ in the list of directories.
+* The :variable:`CMAKE_ERROR_DEPRECATED` variable can now be set using the
+ ``-Werror=deprecated`` and ``-Wno-error=deprecated`` :manual:`cmake(1)`
+ options.
+* The :variable:`CMAKE_WARN_DEPRECATED` variable can now be set using the
+ ``-Wdeprecated`` and ``-Wno-deprecated`` :manual:`cmake(1)` options.
+* The :prop_tgt:`VS_GLOBAL_<variable>` target property is now implemented
+ for VS 2010 and above. Previously it worked only in VS 2008 and below.
+* The :module:`ExternalProject` module learned a new ``GIT_REMOTE_NAME``
+ option to control the ``git clone --origin`` value.
+* The :module:`FindBoost` module now provides imported targets
+ such as ``Boost::boost`` and ``Boost::filesystem``.
+* The :module:`FindFLEX` module ``FLEX_TARGET`` macro learned a
+ new ``DEFINES_FILE`` option to specify a custom output header
+ to be generated.
+* The :module:`FindGTest` module now provides imported targets.
+* The :module:`FindGTK2` module, when ``GTK2_USE_IMPORTED_TARGETS`` is
+ enabled, now sets ``GTK2_LIBRARIES`` to contain the list of imported
+ targets instead of the paths to the libraries. Moreover it now sets
+ a new ``GTK2_TARGETS`` variable containing all the targets imported.
+* The :module:`FindOpenMP` module learned to support Clang.
+* The :module:`FindOpenSSL` module gained a new
+ ``OPENSSL_MSVC_STATIC_RT`` option to search for libraries using
+ the MSVC static runtime.
+* The :module:`FindPNG` module now provides imported targets.
+* The :module:`FindTIFF` module now provides imported targets.
+* A :module:`FindXalanC` module was introduced to find the
+ Apache Xalan-C++ XSL transform processing library.
+* The :module:`FindXercesC` module now provides imported targets.
+* Support was added for the ARM Compiler ( with compiler id ``ARMCC``.
+* A new platform file for cross-compiling in the Cray Linux Environment to
+ target compute nodes was added. See
+ :ref:`Cross Compiling for the Cray Linux Environment <Cray Cross-Compile>`
+ for usage details.
+* The :manual:`Compile Features <cmake-compile-features(7)>` functionality
+ is now aware of features supported by Clang compilers on Windows (MinGW).
+* When building for embedded Apple platforms like iOS CMake learned to build and
+ install combined targets which contain both a device and a simulator build.
+ This behavior can be enabled by setting the :prop_tgt:`IOS_INSTALL_COMBINED`
+ target property.
+* The :module:`CPackDMG` module learned new variable to specify AppleScript
+ file run to customize appearance of ``DragNDrop`` installer folder,
+ including background image setting using supplied PNG or multi-resolution
+ TIFF file. See the :variable:`CPACK_DMG_DS_STORE_SETUP_SCRIPT` and
+ :variable:`CPACK_DMG_BACKGROUND_IMAGE` variables.
+* The :module:`CPackDeb` module learned to set the optional config
+ file ``Source`` field using a monolithic or per-component variable.
+* The :module:`CPackDeb` module learned to set Package, Section
+ and Priority control fields per-component.
+ See variables :variable:`CPACK_DEBIAN_<COMPONENT>_PACKAGE_SECTION` and
+* The :module:`CPack DragNDrop generator <CPackDMG>` learned to add
+ multi-lingual SLAs to a DMG which is presented to the user when they try to
+ mount the DMG. See the :variable:`CPACK_DMG_SLA_LANGUAGES` and
+ :variable:`CPACK_DMG_SLA_DIR` variables for details.
+* The :module:`CPackNSIS` module learned new variables to add bitmaps to the
+ installer. See the :variable:`CPACK_NSIS_MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP`
+* The :module:`CPackRPM` module learned to set Name and Group
+ control fields per-component.
+ See :variable:`CPACK_RPM_<component>_PACKAGE_NAME`
+ and :variable:`CPACK_RPM_<component>_PACKAGE_GROUP`.
+* Warnings about deprecated functionality are now enabled by default.
+ They may be suppressed with ``-Wno-deprecated`` or by setting the
+ :variable:`CMAKE_WARN_DEPRECATED` variable to false.
+Deprecated and Removed Features
+* The :manual:`cmake(1)` ``-E time`` command now properly passes arguments
+ with spaces or special characters through to the child process. This
+ may break scripts that worked around the bug with their own extra
+ quoting or escaping.
+* The :generator:`Xcode` generator was fixed to escape backslashes in
+ strings consistently with other generators. Projects that previously
+ worked around the inconsistecy with an extra level of backslashes
+ conditioned on the Xcode generator must be updated to remove the
+ workaround for CMake 3.5 and greater.
+Other Changes
+* The :generator:`Visual Studio 14 2015` generator learned to map the
+ ``/debug:fastlink`` linker flag to the ``.vcxproj`` file property.
+* The :module:`FindGTK2` module now configures the ``GTK2::sigc++`` imported
+ target to enable c++11 on its dependents when using sigc++ 2.5.1 or higher.
+* The precompiled Windows binary provided on ```` is now a
+ ``.msi`` package instead of an installer executable. One may need
+ to manually uninstall CMake versions lower than 3.5 before installing
+ the new package.