path: root/share/cmake-3.16/Help/manual/cmake.1.rst
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-.. cmake-manual-description: CMake Command-Line Reference
-.. parsed-literal::
- `Generate a Project Buildsystem`_
- cmake [<options>] <path-to-source>
- cmake [<options>] <path-to-existing-build>
- cmake [<options>] -S <path-to-source> -B <path-to-build>
- `Build a Project`_
- cmake --build <dir> [<options>] [-- <build-tool-options>]
- `Install a Project`_
- cmake --install <dir> [<options>]
- `Open a Project`_
- cmake --open <dir>
- `Run a Script`_
- cmake [{-D <var>=<value>}...] -P <cmake-script-file>
- `Run a Command-Line Tool`_
- cmake -E <command> [<options>]
- `Run the Find-Package Tool`_
- cmake --find-package [<options>]
- `View Help`_
- cmake --help[-<topic>]
-The **cmake** executable is the command-line interface of the cross-platform
-buildsystem generator CMake. The above `Synopsis`_ lists various actions
-the tool can perform as described in sections below.
-To build a software project with CMake, `Generate a Project Buildsystem`_.
-Optionally use **cmake** to `Build a Project`_, `Install a Project`_ or just
-run the corresponding build tool (e.g. ``make``) directly. **cmake** can also
-be used to `View Help`_.
-The other actions are meant for use by software developers writing
-scripts in the :manual:`CMake language <cmake-language(7)>` to support
-their builds.
-For graphical user interfaces that may be used in place of **cmake**,
-see :manual:`ccmake <ccmake(1)>` and :manual:`cmake-gui <cmake-gui(1)>`.
-For command-line interfaces to the CMake testing and packaging facilities,
-see :manual:`ctest <ctest(1)>` and :manual:`cpack <cpack(1)>`.
-For more information on CMake at large, `see also`_ the links at the end
-of this manual.
-Introduction to CMake Buildsystems
-A *buildsystem* describes how to build a project's executables and libraries
-from its source code using a *build tool* to automate the process. For
-example, a buildsystem may be a ``Makefile`` for use with a command-line
-``make`` tool or a project file for an Integrated Development Environment
-(IDE). In order to avoid maintaining multiple such buildsystems, a project
-may specify its buildsystem abstractly using files written in the
-:manual:`CMake language <cmake-language(7)>`. From these files CMake
-generates a preferred buildsystem locally for each user through a backend
-called a *generator*.
-To generate a buildsystem with CMake, the following must be selected:
-Source Tree
- The top-level directory containing source files provided by the project.
- The project specifies its buildsystem using files as described in the
- :manual:`cmake-language(7)` manual, starting with a top-level file named
- ``CMakeLists.txt``. These files specify build targets and their
- dependencies as described in the :manual:`cmake-buildsystem(7)` manual.
-Build Tree
- The top-level directory in which buildsystem files and build output
- artifacts (e.g. executables and libraries) are to be stored.
- CMake will write a ``CMakeCache.txt`` file to identify the directory
- as a build tree and store persistent information such as buildsystem
- configuration options.
- To maintain a pristine source tree, perform an *out-of-source* build
- by using a separate dedicated build tree. An *in-source* build in
- which the build tree is placed in the same directory as the source
- tree is also supported, but discouraged.
- This chooses the kind of buildsystem to generate. See the
- :manual:`cmake-generators(7)` manual for documentation of all generators.
- Run ``cmake --help`` to see a list of generators available locally.
- Optionally use the ``-G`` option below to specify a generator, or simply
- accept the default CMake chooses for the current platform.
- When using one of the :ref:`Command-Line Build Tool Generators`
- CMake expects that the environment needed by the compiler toolchain
- is already configured in the shell. When using one of the
- :ref:`IDE Build Tool Generators`, no particular environment is needed.
-Generate a Project Buildsystem
-Run CMake with one of the following command signatures to specify the
-source and build trees and generate a buildsystem:
-``cmake [<options>] <path-to-source>``
- Uses the current working directory as the build tree, and
- ``<path-to-source>`` as the source tree. The specified path may
- be absolute or relative to the current working directory.
- The source tree must contain a ``CMakeLists.txt`` file and must
- *not* contain a ``CMakeCache.txt`` file because the latter
- identifies an existing build tree. For example:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ mkdir build ; cd build
- $ cmake ../src
-``cmake [<options>] <path-to-existing-build>``
- Uses ``<path-to-existing-build>`` as the build tree, and loads the
- path to the source tree from its ``CMakeCache.txt`` file, which must
- have already been generated by a previous run of CMake. The specified
- path may be absolute or relative to the current working directory.
- For example:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ cd build
- $ cmake .
-``cmake [<options>] -S <path-to-source> -B <path-to-build>``
- Uses ``<path-to-build>`` as the build tree and ``<path-to-source>``
- as the source tree. The specified paths may be absolute or relative
- to the current working directory. The source tree must contain a
- ``CMakeLists.txt`` file. The build tree will be created automatically
- if it does not already exist. For example:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ cmake -S src -B build
-In all cases the ``<options>`` may be zero or more of the `Options`_ below.
-After generating a buildsystem one may use the corresponding native
-build tool to build the project. For example, after using the
-:generator:`Unix Makefiles` generator one may run ``make`` directly:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ make
- $ make install
-Alternatively, one may use **cmake** to `Build a Project`_ by
-automatically choosing and invoking the appropriate native build tool.
-.. _`CMake Options`:
-.. include:: OPTIONS_BUILD.txt
- List non-advanced cached variables.
- List ``CACHE`` variables will run CMake and list all the variables from
- the CMake ``CACHE`` that are not marked as ``INTERNAL`` or :prop_cache:`ADVANCED`.
- This will effectively display current CMake settings, which can then be
- changed with ``-D`` option. Changing some of the variables may result
- in more variables being created. If ``A`` is specified, then it will
- display also advanced variables. If ``H`` is specified, it will also
- display help for each variable.
- View mode only.
- Only load the cache. Do not actually run configure and generate
- steps.
- Generate graphviz of dependencies, see :module:`CMakeGraphVizOptions` for more.
- Generate a graphviz input file that will contain all the library and
- executable dependencies in the project. See the documentation for
- :module:`CMakeGraphVizOptions` for more details.
-``--system-information [file]``
- Dump information about this system.
- Dump a wide range of information about the current system. If run
- from the top of a binary tree for a CMake project it will dump
- additional information such as the cache, log files etc.
- Set the log level.
- The :command:`message` command will only output messages of the specified
- log level or higher. The default log level is ``STATUS``.
- For backward compatibility reasons, ``--loglevel`` is also accepted as a
- synonym for this option.
- Do not delete the :command:`try_compile` build tree.
- Only useful on one :command:`try_compile` at a time.
- Do not delete the files and directories created for :command:`try_compile`
- calls. This is useful in debugging failed try_compiles. It may
- however change the results of the try-compiles as old junk from a
- previous try-compile may cause a different test to either pass or
- fail incorrectly. This option is best used for one try-compile at a
- time, and only when debugging.
- Put cmake in a debug mode.
- Print extra information during the cmake run like stack traces with
- :command:`message(SEND_ERROR)` calls.
- Put cmake in trace mode.
- Print a trace of all calls made and from where.
- Put cmake in trace mode.
- Like ``--trace``, but with variables expanded.
- Put cmake in trace mode, but output only lines of a specified file.
- Multiple options are allowed.
- Put cmake in trace mode and redirect trace output to a file instead of stderr.
- Warn about uninitialized values.
- Print a warning when an uninitialized variable is used.
- Warn about unused variables.
- Find variables that are declared or set, but not used.
- Don't warn about command line options.
- Don't find variables that are declared on the command line, but not
- used.
- Find problems with variable usage in system files.
- Normally, unused and uninitialized variables are searched for only
- in :variable:`CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR` and :variable:`CMAKE_BINARY_DIR`.
- This flag tells CMake to warn about other files as well.
-.. _`Build Tool Mode`:
-Build a Project
-CMake provides a command-line signature to build an already-generated
-project binary tree:
-.. code-block:: shell
- cmake --build <dir> [<options>] [-- <build-tool-options>]
-This abstracts a native build tool's command-line interface with the
-following options:
-``--build <dir>``
- Project binary directory to be built. This is required and must be first.
-``--parallel [<jobs>], -j [<jobs>]``
- The maximum number of concurrent processes to use when building.
- If ``<jobs>`` is omitted the native build tool's default number is used.
- The :envvar:`CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL` environment variable, if set,
- specifies a default parallel level when this option is not given.
- Some native build tools always build in parallel. The use of ``<jobs>``
- value of ``1`` can be used to limit to a single job.
-``--target <tgt>..., -t <tgt>...``
- Build ``<tgt>`` instead of the default target. Multiple targets may be
- given, separated by spaces.
-``--config <cfg>``
- For multi-configuration tools, choose configuration ``<cfg>``.
- Build target ``clean`` first, then build.
- (To clean only, use ``--target clean``.)
- Ignored. Behavior is default in CMake >= 3.0.
-``--verbose, -v``
- Enable verbose output - if supported - including the build commands to be
- executed.
- This option can be omitted if :envvar:`VERBOSE` environment variable or
- :variable:`CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE` cached variable is set.
- Pass remaining options to the native tool.
-Run ``cmake --build`` with no options for quick help.
-Install a Project
-CMake provides a command-line signature to install an already-generated
-project binary tree:
-.. code-block:: shell
- cmake --install <dir> [<options>]
-This may be used after building a project to run installation without
-using the generated build system or the native build tool.
-The options are:
-``--install <dir>``
- Project binary directory to install. This is required and must be first.
-``--config <cfg>``
- For multi-configuration generators, choose configuration ``<cfg>``.
-``--component <comp>``
- Component-based install. Only install component ``<comp>``.
-``--prefix <prefix>``
- Override the installation prefix, :variable:`CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`.
- Strip before installing.
-``-v, --verbose``
- Enable verbose output.
- This option can be omitted if :envvar:`VERBOSE` environment variable is set.
-Run ``cmake --install`` with no options for quick help.
-Open a Project
-.. code-block:: shell
- cmake --open <dir>
-Open the generated project in the associated application. This is only
-supported by some generators.
-.. _`Script Processing Mode`:
-Run a Script
-.. code-block:: shell
- cmake [{-D <var>=<value>}...] -P <cmake-script-file>
-Process the given cmake file as a script written in the CMake
-language. No configure or generate step is performed and the cache
-is not modified. If variables are defined using ``-D``, this must be
-done before the ``-P`` argument.
-Run a Command-Line Tool
-CMake provides builtin command-line tools through the signature
-.. code-block:: shell
- cmake -E <command> [<options>]
-Run ``cmake -E`` or ``cmake -E help`` for a summary of commands.
-Available commands are:
- Report cmake capabilities in JSON format. The output is a JSON object
- with the following keys:
- ``version``
- A JSON object with version information. Keys are:
- ``string``
- The full version string as displayed by cmake ``--version``.
- ``major``
- The major version number in integer form.
- ``minor``
- The minor version number in integer form.
- ``patch``
- The patch level in integer form.
- ``suffix``
- The cmake version suffix string.
- ``isDirty``
- A bool that is set if the cmake build is from a dirty tree.
- ``generators``
- A list available generators. Each generator is a JSON object with the
- following keys:
- ``name``
- A string containing the name of the generator.
- ``toolsetSupport``
- ``true`` if the generator supports toolsets and ``false`` otherwise.
- ``platformSupport``
- ``true`` if the generator supports platforms and ``false`` otherwise.
- ``extraGenerators``
- A list of strings with all the extra generators compatible with
- the generator.
- ``fileApi``
- Optional member that is present when the :manual:`cmake-file-api(7)`
- is available. The value is a JSON object with one member:
- ``requests``
- A JSON array containing zero or more supported file-api requests.
- Each request is a JSON object with members:
- ``kind``
- Specifies one of the supported :ref:`file-api object kinds`.
- ``version``
- A JSON array whose elements are each a JSON object containing
- ``major`` and ``minor`` members specifying non-negative integer
- version components.
- ``serverMode``
- ``true`` if cmake supports server-mode and ``false`` otherwise.
-``chdir <dir> <cmd> [<arg>...]``
- Change the current working directory and run a command.
-``compare_files [--ignore-eol] <file1> <file2>``
- Check if ``<file1>`` is same as ``<file2>``. If files are the same,
- then returns ``0``, if not it returns ``1``. The ``--ignore-eol`` option
- implies line-wise comparison and ignores LF/CRLF differences.
-``copy <file>... <destination>``
- Copy files to ``<destination>`` (either file or directory).
- If multiple files are specified, the ``<destination>`` must be
- directory and it must exist. Wildcards are not supported.
- ``copy`` does follow symlinks. That means it does not copy symlinks,
- but the files or directories it point to.
-``copy_directory <dir>... <destination>``
- Copy content of ``<dir>...`` directories to ``<destination>`` directory.
- If ``<destination>`` directory does not exist it will be created.
- ``copy_directory`` does follow symlinks.
-``copy_if_different <file>... <destination>``
- Copy files to ``<destination>`` (either file or directory) if
- they have changed.
- If multiple files are specified, the ``<destination>`` must be
- directory and it must exist.
- ``copy_if_different`` does follow symlinks.
-``create_symlink <old> <new>``
- Create a symbolic link ``<new>`` naming ``<old>``.
- .. note::
- Path to where ``<new>`` symbolic link will be created has to exist beforehand.
-``echo [<string>...]``
- Displays arguments as text.
-``echo_append [<string>...]``
- Displays arguments as text but no new line.
-``env [--unset=NAME]... [NAME=VALUE]... COMMAND [ARG]...``
- Run command in a modified environment.
- Display the current environment variables.
- Do nothing, with an exit code of 1.
-``make_directory <dir>...``
- Create ``<dir>`` directories. If necessary, create parent
- directories too. If a directory already exists it will be
- silently ignored.
-``md5sum <file>...``
- Create MD5 checksum of files in ``md5sum`` compatible format::
- 351abe79cd3800b38cdfb25d45015a15 file1.txt
- 052f86c15bbde68af55c7f7b340ab639 file2.txt
-``sha1sum <file>...``
- Create SHA1 checksum of files in ``sha1sum`` compatible format::
- 4bb7932a29e6f73c97bb9272f2bdc393122f86e0 file1.txt
- 1df4c8f318665f9a5f2ed38f55adadb7ef9f559c file2.txt
-``sha224sum <file>...``
- Create SHA224 checksum of files in ``sha224sum`` compatible format::
- b9b9346bc8437bbda630b0b7ddfc5ea9ca157546dbbf4c613192f930 file1.txt
- 6dfbe55f4d2edc5fe5c9197bca51ceaaf824e48eba0cc453088aee24 file2.txt
-``sha256sum <file>...``
- Create SHA256 checksum of files in ``sha256sum`` compatible format::
- 76713b23615d31680afeb0e9efe94d47d3d4229191198bb46d7485f9cb191acc file1.txt
- 15b682ead6c12dedb1baf91231e1e89cfc7974b3787c1e2e01b986bffadae0ea file2.txt
-``sha384sum <file>...``
- Create SHA384 checksum of files in ``sha384sum`` compatible format::
- acc049fedc091a22f5f2ce39a43b9057fd93c910e9afd76a6411a28a8f2b8a12c73d7129e292f94fc0329c309df49434 file1.txt
- 668ddeb108710d271ee21c0f3acbd6a7517e2b78f9181c6a2ff3b8943af92b0195dcb7cce48aa3e17893173c0a39e23d file2.txt
-``sha512sum <file>...``
- Create SHA512 checksum of files in ``sha512sum`` compatible format::
- 2a78d7a6c5328cfb1467c63beac8ff21794213901eaadafd48e7800289afbc08e5fb3e86aa31116c945ee3d7bf2a6194489ec6101051083d1108defc8e1dba89 file1.txt
- 7a0b54896fe5e70cca6dd643ad6f672614b189bf26f8153061c4d219474b05dad08c4e729af9f4b009f1a1a280cb625454bf587c690f4617c27e3aebdf3b7a2d file2.txt
-``remove [-f] <file>...``
- Remove the file(s). If any of the listed files already do not
- exist, the command returns a non-zero exit code, but no message
- is logged. The ``-f`` option changes the behavior to return a
- zero exit code (i.e. success) in such situations instead.
- ``remove`` does not follow symlinks. That means it remove only symlinks
- and not files it point to.
-``remove_directory <dir>...``
- Remove ``<dir>`` directories and their contents. If a directory does
- not exist it will be silently ignored. If ``<dir>`` is a symlink to
- a directory, just the symlink will be removed.
-``rename <oldname> <newname>``
- Rename a file or directory (on one volume). If file with the ``<newname>`` name
- already exists, then it will be silently replaced.
- Launch :manual:`cmake-server(7)` mode.
-``sleep <number>...``
- Sleep for given number of seconds.
-``tar [cxt][vf][zjJ] file.tar [<options>] [--] [<pathname>...]``
- Create or extract a tar or zip archive. Options are:
- ``c``
- Create a new archive containing the specified files.
- If used, the ``<pathname>...`` argument is mandatory.
- ``x``
- Extract to disk from the archive.
- The ``<pathname>...`` argument could be used to extract only selected files
- or directories.
- When extracting selected files or directories, you must provide their exact
- names including the path, as printed by list (``-t``).
- ``t``
- List archive contents.
- The ``<pathname>...`` argument could be used to list only selected files
- or directories.
- ``v``
- Produce verbose output.
- ``z``
- Compress the resulting archive with gzip.
- ``j``
- Compress the resulting archive with bzip2.
- ``J``
- Compress the resulting archive with XZ.
- ``--zstd``
- Compress the resulting archive with Zstandard.
- ``--files-from=<file>``
- Read file names from the given file, one per line.
- Blank lines are ignored. Lines may not start in ``-``
- except for ``--add-file=<name>`` to add files whose
- names start in ``-``.
- ``--format=<format>``
- Specify the format of the archive to be created.
- Supported formats are: ``7zip``, ``gnutar``, ``pax``,
- ``paxr`` (restricted pax, default), and ``zip``.
- ``--mtime=<date>``
- Specify modification time recorded in tarball entries.
- ``--``
- Stop interpreting options and treat all remaining arguments
- as file names, even if they start with ``-``.
-``time <command> [<args>...]``
- Run command and display elapsed time.
-``touch <file>...``
- Creates ``<file>`` if file do not exist.
- If ``<file>`` exists, it is changing ``<file>`` access and modification times.
-``touch_nocreate <file>...``
- Touch a file if it exists but do not create it. If a file does
- not exist it will be silently ignored.
- Do nothing, with an exit code of 0.
-Windows-specific Command-Line Tools
-The following ``cmake -E`` commands are available only on Windows:
-``delete_regv <key>``
- Delete Windows registry value.
-``env_vs8_wince <sdkname>``
- Displays a batch file which sets the environment for the provided
- Windows CE SDK installed in VS2005.
-``env_vs9_wince <sdkname>``
- Displays a batch file which sets the environment for the provided
- Windows CE SDK installed in VS2008.
-``write_regv <key> <value>``
- Write Windows registry value.
-Run the Find-Package Tool
-CMake provides a pkg-config like helper for Makefile-based projects:
-.. code-block:: shell
- cmake --find-package [<options>]
-It searches a package using :command:`find_package()` and prints the
-resulting flags to stdout. This can be used instead of pkg-config
-to find installed libraries in plain Makefile-based projects or in
-autoconf-based projects (via ``share/aclocal/cmake.m4``).
-.. note::
- This mode is not well-supported due to some technical limitations.
- It is kept for compatibility but should not be used in new projects.
-View Help
-To print selected pages from the CMake documentation, use
-.. code-block:: shell
- cmake --help[-<topic>]
-with one of the following options:
-.. include:: OPTIONS_HELP.txt
-See Also
-.. include:: LINKS.txt