path: root/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/FetchContent.cmake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/cmake-3.16/Modules/FetchContent.cmake')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1061 deletions
diff --git a/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/FetchContent.cmake b/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/FetchContent.cmake
deleted file mode 100644
index 5716b01..0000000
--- a/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/FetchContent.cmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1061 +0,0 @@
-# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
-# file Copyright.txt or for details.
-.. only:: html
- .. contents::
-This module enables populating content at configure time via any method
-supported by the :module:`ExternalProject` module. Whereas
-:command:`ExternalProject_Add` downloads at build time, the
-``FetchContent`` module makes content available immediately, allowing the
-configure step to use the content in commands like :command:`add_subdirectory`,
-:command:`include` or :command:`file` operations.
-Content population details would normally be defined separately from the
-command that performs the actual population. This separation ensures that
-all of the dependency details are defined before anything may try to use those
-details to populate content. This is particularly important in more complex
-project hierarchies where dependencies may be shared between multiple projects.
-The following shows a typical example of declaring content details:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- FetchContent_Declare(
- googletest
- GIT_TAG release-1.8.0
- )
-For most typical cases, populating the content can then be done with a single
-command like so:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- FetchContent_MakeAvailable(googletest)
-The above command not only populates the content, it also adds it to the main
-build (if possible) so that the main build can use the populated project's
-targets, etc. In some cases, the main project may need to have more precise
-control over the population or may be required to explicitly define the
-population steps (e.g. if CMake versions earlier than 3.14 need to be
-supported). The typical pattern of such custom steps looks like this:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- FetchContent_GetProperties(googletest)
- if(NOT googletest_POPULATED)
- FetchContent_Populate(googletest)
- add_subdirectory(${googletest_SOURCE_DIR} ${googletest_BINARY_DIR})
- endif()
-Regardless of which population method is used, when using the
-declare-populate pattern with a hierarchical project arrangement, projects at
-higher levels in the hierarchy are able to override the population details of
-content specified anywhere lower in the project hierarchy. The ability to
-detect whether content has already been populated ensures that even if
-multiple child projects want certain content to be available, the first one
-to populate it wins. The other child project can simply make use of the
-already available content instead of repeating the population for itself.
-See the :ref:`Examples <fetch-content-examples>` section which demonstrates
-this scenario.
-The ``FetchContent`` module also supports defining and populating
-content in a single call, with no check for whether the content has been
-populated elsewhere in the project already. This is a more low level
-operation and would not normally be the way the module is used, but it is
-sometimes useful as part of implementing some higher level feature or to
-populate some content in CMake's script mode.
-Declaring Content Details
-.. command:: FetchContent_Declare
- .. code-block:: cmake
- FetchContent_Declare(<name> <contentOptions>...)
- The ``FetchContent_Declare()`` function records the options that describe
- how to populate the specified content, but if such details have already
- been recorded earlier in this project (regardless of where in the project
- hierarchy), this and all later calls for the same content ``<name>`` are
- ignored. This "first to record, wins" approach is what allows hierarchical
- projects to have parent projects override content details of child projects.
- The content ``<name>`` can be any string without spaces, but good practice
- would be to use only letters, numbers and underscores. The name will be
- treated case-insensitively and it should be obvious for the content it
- represents, often being the name of the child project or the value given
- to its top level :command:`project` command (if it is a CMake project).
- For well-known public projects, the name should generally be the official
- name of the project. Choosing an unusual name makes it unlikely that other
- projects needing that same content will use the same name, leading to
- the content being populated multiple times.
- The ``<contentOptions>`` can be any of the download or update/patch options
- that the :command:`ExternalProject_Add` command understands. The configure,
- build, install and test steps are explicitly disabled and therefore options
- related to them will be ignored. In most cases, ``<contentOptions>`` will
- just be a couple of options defining the download method and method-specific
- details like a commit tag or archive hash. For example:
- .. code-block:: cmake
- FetchContent_Declare(
- googletest
- GIT_TAG release-1.8.0
- )
- FetchContent_Declare(
- myCompanyIcons
- URL_HASH 5588a7b18261c20068beabfb4f530b87
- )
- FetchContent_Declare(
- myCompanyCertificates
- SVN_REPOSITORY svn+ssh://
- SVN_REVISION -r12345
- )
-Populating The Content
-For most common scenarios, population means making content available to the
-main build according to previously declared details for that dependency.
-There are two main patterns for populating content, one based on calling
-:command:`FetchContent_GetProperties` and
-:command:`FetchContent_Populate` for more precise control and the other on
-calling :command:`FetchContent_MakeAvailable` for a simpler, more automated
-approach. The former generally follows this canonical pattern:
-.. _`fetch-content-canonical-pattern`:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- # Check if population has already been performed
- FetchContent_GetProperties(<name>)
- string(TOLOWER "<name>" lcName)
- if(NOT ${lcName}_POPULATED)
- # Fetch the content using previously declared details
- FetchContent_Populate(<name>)
- # Set custom variables, policies, etc.
- # ...
- # Bring the populated content into the build
- add_subdirectory(${${lcName}_SOURCE_DIR} ${${lcName}_BINARY_DIR})
- endif()
-The above is such a common pattern that, where no custom steps are needed
-between the calls to :command:`FetchContent_Populate` and
-:command:`add_subdirectory`, equivalent logic can be obtained by calling
-:command:`FetchContent_MakeAvailable` instead (and should be preferred where
-it meets the needs of the project).
-.. command:: FetchContent_Populate
- .. code-block:: cmake
- FetchContent_Populate( <name> )
- In most cases, the only argument given to ``FetchContent_Populate()`` is the
- ``<name>``. When used this way, the command assumes the content details have
- been recorded by an earlier call to :command:`FetchContent_Declare`. The
- details are stored in a global property, so they are unaffected by things
- like variable or directory scope. Therefore, it doesn't matter where in the
- project the details were previously declared, as long as they have been
- declared before the call to ``FetchContent_Populate()``. Those saved details
- are then used to construct a call to :command:`ExternalProject_Add` in a
- private sub-build to perform the content population immediately. The
- implementation of ``ExternalProject_Add()`` ensures that if the content has
- already been populated in a previous CMake run, that content will be reused
- rather than repopulating them again. For the common case where population
- involves downloading content, the cost of the download is only paid once.
- An internal global property records when a particular content population
- request has been processed. If ``FetchContent_Populate()`` is called more
- than once for the same content name within a configure run, the second call
- will halt with an error. Projects can and should check whether content
- population has already been processed with the
- :command:`FetchContent_GetProperties` command before calling
- ``FetchContent_Populate()``.
- ``FetchContent_Populate()`` will set three variables in the scope of the
- caller; ``<lcName>_POPULATED``, ``<lcName>_SOURCE_DIR`` and
- ``<lcName>_BINARY_DIR``, where ``<lcName>`` is the lowercased ``<name>``.
- ``<lcName>_POPULATED`` will always be set to ``True`` by the call.
- ``<lcName>_SOURCE_DIR`` is the location where the
- content can be found upon return (it will have already been populated), while
- ``<lcName>_BINARY_DIR`` is a directory intended for use as a corresponding
- build directory. The main use case for the two directory variables is to
- call :command:`add_subdirectory` immediately after population, i.e.:
- .. code-block:: cmake
- FetchContent_Populate(FooBar ...)
- add_subdirectory(${foobar_SOURCE_DIR} ${foobar_BINARY_DIR})
- The values of the three variables can also be retrieved from anywhere in the
- project hierarchy using the :command:`FetchContent_GetProperties` command.
- A number of cache variables influence the behavior of all content population
- performed using details saved from a :command:`FetchContent_Declare` call:
- In most cases, the saved details do not specify any options relating to the
- directories to use for the internal sub-build, final source and build areas.
- It is generally best to leave these decisions up to the ``FetchContent``
- module to handle on the project's behalf. The ``FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR``
- cache variable controls the point under which all content population
- directories are collected, but in most cases developers would not need to
- change this. The default location is ``${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/_deps``, but if
- developers change this value, they should aim to keep the path short and
- just below the top level of the build tree to avoid running into path
- length problems on Windows.
- The logging output during population can be quite verbose, making the
- configure stage quite noisy. This cache option (``ON`` by default) hides
- all population output unless an error is encountered. If experiencing
- problems with hung downloads, temporarily switching this option off may
- help diagnose which content population is causing the issue.
- When this option is enabled, no attempt is made to download or update
- any content. It is assumed that all content has already been populated in
- a previous run or the source directories have been pointed at existing
- contents the developer has provided manually (using options described
- further below). When the developer knows that no changes have been made to
- any content details, turning this option ``ON`` can significantly speed up
- the configure stage. It is ``OFF`` by default.
- This is a less severe download/update control compared to
- ``FETCHCONTENT_FULLY_DISCONNECTED``. Instead of bypassing all download and
- update logic, the ``FETCHCONTENT_UPDATES_DISCONNECTED`` only disables the
- update stage. Therefore, if content has not been downloaded previously,
- it will still be downloaded when this option is enabled. This can speed up
- the configure stage, but not as much as
- In addition to the above cache variables, the following cache variables are
- also defined for each content name (``<ucName>`` is the uppercased value of
- ``<name>``):
- If this is set, no download or update steps are performed for the specified
- content and the ``<lcName>_SOURCE_DIR`` variable returned to the caller is
- pointed at this location. This gives developers a way to have a separate
- checkout of the content that they can modify freely without interference
- from the build. The build simply uses that existing source, but it still
- defines ``<lcName>_BINARY_DIR`` to point inside its own build area.
- Developers are strongly encouraged to use this mechanism rather than
- editing the sources populated in the default location, as changes to
- sources in the default location can be lost when content population details
- are changed by the project.
- This is the per-content equivalent of
- ``FETCHCONTENT_UPDATES_DISCONNECTED``. If the global option or this option
- is ``ON``, then updates will be disabled for the named content.
- Disabling updates for individual content can be useful for content whose
- details rarely change, while still leaving other frequently changing
- content with updates enabled.
- The ``FetchContent_Populate()`` command also supports a syntax allowing the
- content details to be specified directly rather than using any saved
- details. This is more low-level and use of this form is generally to be
- avoided in favour of using saved content details as outlined above.
- Nevertheless, in certain situations it can be useful to invoke the content
- population as an isolated operation (typically as part of implementing some
- other higher level feature or when using CMake in script mode):
- .. code-block:: cmake
- FetchContent_Populate( <name>
- [SUBBUILD_DIR <subBuildDir>]
- [SOURCE_DIR <srcDir>]
- [BINARY_DIR <binDir>]
- ...
- )
- This form has a number of key differences to that where only ``<name>`` is
- provided:
- - All required population details are assumed to have been provided directly
- in the call to ``FetchContent_Populate()``. Any saved details for
- ``<name>`` are ignored.
- - No check is made for whether content for ``<name>`` has already been
- populated.
- - No global property is set to record that the population has occurred.
- - No global properties record the source or binary directories used for the
- populated content.
- ``FETCHCONTENT_UPDATES_DISCONNECTED`` cache variables are ignored.
- The ``<lcName>_SOURCE_DIR`` and ``<lcName>_BINARY_DIR`` variables are still
- returned to the caller, but since these locations are not stored as global
- properties when this form is used, they are only available to the calling
- scope and below rather than the entire project hierarchy. No
- ``<lcName>_POPULATED`` variable is set in the caller's scope with this form.
- The supported options for ``FetchContent_Populate()`` are the same as those
- for :command:`FetchContent_Declare()`. Those few options shown just
- above are either specific to ``FetchContent_Populate()`` or their behavior is
- slightly modified from how :command:`ExternalProject_Add` treats them.
- ``QUIET``
- The ``QUIET`` option can be given to hide the output associated with
- populating the specified content. If the population fails, the output will
- be shown regardless of whether this option was given or not so that the
- cause of the failure can be diagnosed. The global ``FETCHCONTENT_QUIET``
- cache variable has no effect on ``FetchContent_Populate()`` calls where the
- content details are provided directly.
- The ``SUBBUILD_DIR`` argument can be provided to change the location of the
- sub-build created to perform the population. The default value is
- ``${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/<lcName>-subbuild`` and it would be unusual
- to need to override this default. If a relative path is specified, it will
- be interpreted as relative to :variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR`.
- The ``SOURCE_DIR`` and ``BINARY_DIR`` arguments are supported by
- :command:`ExternalProject_Add`, but different default values are used by
- ``FetchContent_Populate()``. ``SOURCE_DIR`` defaults to
- ``${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/<lcName>-src`` and ``BINARY_DIR`` defaults to
- ``${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/<lcName>-build``. If a relative path is
- specified, it will be interpreted as relative to
- In addition to the above explicit options, any other unrecognized options are
- passed through unmodified to :command:`ExternalProject_Add` to perform the
- download, patch and update steps. The following options are explicitly
- prohibited (they are disabled by the ``FetchContent_Populate()`` command):
- If using ``FetchContent_Populate()`` within CMake's script mode, be aware
- that the implementation sets up a sub-build which therefore requires a CMake
- generator and build tool to be available. If these cannot be found by
- default, then the :variable:`CMAKE_GENERATOR` and/or
- :variable:`CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM` variables will need to be set appropriately
- on the command line invoking the script.
-.. command:: FetchContent_GetProperties
- When using saved content details, a call to :command:`FetchContent_Populate`
- records information in global properties which can be queried at any time.
- This information includes the source and binary directories associated with
- the content and also whether or not the content population has been processed
- during the current configure run.
- .. code-block:: cmake
- FetchContent_GetProperties( <name>
- [SOURCE_DIR <srcDirVar>]
- [BINARY_DIR <binDirVar>]
- [POPULATED <doneVar>]
- )
- The ``SOURCE_DIR``, ``BINARY_DIR`` and ``POPULATED`` options can be used to
- specify which properties should be retrieved. Each option accepts a value
- which is the name of the variable in which to store that property. Most of
- the time though, only ``<name>`` is given, in which case the call will then
- set the same variables as a call to
- :command:`FetchContent_Populate(name) <FetchContent_Populate>`. This allows
- the following canonical pattern to be used, which ensures that the relevant
- variables will always be defined regardless of whether or not the population
- has been performed elsewhere in the project already:
- .. code-block:: cmake
- FetchContent_GetProperties(foobar)
- if(NOT foobar_POPULATED)
- FetchContent_Populate(foobar)
- ...
- endif()
- The above pattern allows other parts of the overall project hierarchy to
- re-use the same content and ensure that it is only populated once.
-.. command:: FetchContent_MakeAvailable
- .. code-block:: cmake
- FetchContent_MakeAvailable( <name1> [<name2>...] )
- This command implements the common pattern typically needed for most
- dependencies. It iterates over each of the named dependencies in turn
- and for each one it loosely follows the same
- :ref:`canonical pattern <fetch-content-canonical-pattern>` as
- presented at the beginning of this section. One small difference to
- that pattern is that it will only call :command:`add_subdirectory` on the
- populated content if there is a ``CMakeLists.txt`` file in its top level
- source directory. This allows the command to be used for dependencies
- that make downloaded content available at a known location but which do
- not need or support being added directly to the build.
-.. _`fetch-content-examples`:
-This first fairly straightforward example ensures that some popular testing
-frameworks are available to the main build:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- include(FetchContent)
- FetchContent_Declare(
- googletest
- GIT_TAG release-1.8.0
- )
- FetchContent_Declare(
- Catch2
- GIT_TAG v2.5.0
- )
- # After the following call, the CMake targets defined by googletest and
- # Catch2 will be defined and available to the rest of the build
- FetchContent_MakeAvailable(googletest Catch2)
-In more complex project hierarchies, the dependency relationships can be more
-complicated. Consider a hierarchy where ``projA`` is the top level project and
-it depends directly on projects ``projB`` and ``projC``. Both ``projB`` and
-``projC`` can be built standalone and they also both depend on another project
-``projD``. ``projB`` additionally depends on ``projE``. This example assumes
-that all five projects are available on a company git server. The
-``CMakeLists.txt`` of each project might have sections like the following:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- include(FetchContent)
- FetchContent_Declare(
- projB
- GIT_TAG 4a89dc7e24ff212a7b5167bef7ab079d
- )
- FetchContent_Declare(
- projC
- GIT_TAG 4ad4016bd1d8d5412d135cf8ceea1bb9
- )
- FetchContent_Declare(
- projD
- GIT_TAG origin/integrationBranch
- )
- FetchContent_Declare(
- projE
- GIT_TAG origin/release/2.3-rc1
- )
- # Order is important, see notes in the discussion further below
- FetchContent_MakeAvailable(projD projB projC)
-.. code-block:: cmake
- include(FetchContent)
- FetchContent_Declare(
- projD
- GIT_TAG 20b415f9034bbd2a2e8216e9a5c9e632
- )
- FetchContent_Declare(
- projE
- GIT_TAG 68e20f674a48be38d60e129f600faf7d
- )
- FetchContent_MakeAvailable(projD projE)
-.. code-block:: cmake
- include(FetchContent)
- FetchContent_Declare(
- projD
- GIT_TAG 7d9a17ad2c962aa13e2fbb8043fb6b8a
- )
- # This particular version of projD requires workarounds
- FetchContent_GetProperties(projD)
- if(NOT projd_POPULATED)
- FetchContent_Populate(projD)
- # Copy an additional/replacement file into the populated source
- file(COPY someFile.c DESTINATION ${projd_SOURCE_DIR}/src)
- add_subdirectory(${projd_SOURCE_DIR} ${projd_BINARY_DIR})
- endif()
-A few key points should be noted in the above:
-- ``projB`` and ``projC`` define different content details for ``projD``,
- but ``projA`` also defines a set of content details for ``projD``.
- Because ``projA`` will define them first, the details from ``projB`` and
- ``projC`` will not be used. The override details defined by ``projA``
- are not required to match either of those from ``projB`` or ``projC``, but
- it is up to the higher level project to ensure that the details it does
- define still make sense for the child projects.
-- In the ``projA`` call to :command:`FetchContent_MakeAvailable`, ``projD``
- is listed ahead of ``projB`` and ``projC`` to ensure that ``projA`` is in
- control of how ``projD`` is populated.
-- While ``projA`` defines content details for ``projE``, it does not need
- to explicitly call ``FetchContent_MakeAvailable(projE)`` or
- ``FetchContent_Populate(projD)`` itself. Instead, it leaves that to the
- child ``projB``. For higher level projects, it is often enough to just
- define the override content details and leave the actual population to the
- child projects. This saves repeating the same thing at each level of the
- project hierarchy unnecessarily.
-Projects don't always need to add the populated content to the build.
-Sometimes the project just wants to make the downloaded content available at
-a predictable location. The next example ensures that a set of standard
-company toolchain files (and potentially even the toolchain binaries
-themselves) is available early enough to be used for that same build.
-.. code-block:: cmake
- cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
- include(FetchContent)
- FetchContent_Declare(
- mycom_toolchains
- )
- FetchContent_MakeAvailable(mycom_toolchains)
- project(CrossCompileExample)
-The project could be configured to use one of the downloaded toolchains like
-.. code-block:: shell
- cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=_deps/mycom_toolchains-src/toolchain_arm.cmake /path/to/src
-When CMake processes the ``CMakeLists.txt`` file, it will download and unpack
-the tarball into ``_deps/mycompany_toolchains-src`` relative to the build
-directory. The :variable:`CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE` variable is not used until
-the :command:`project` command is reached, at which point CMake looks for the
-named toolchain file relative to the build directory. Because the tarball has
-already been downloaded and unpacked by then, the toolchain file will be in
-place, even the very first time that ``cmake`` is run in the build directory.
-Lastly, the following example demonstrates how one might download and unpack a
-firmware tarball using CMake's :manual:`script mode <cmake(1)>`. The call to
-:command:`FetchContent_Populate` specifies all the content details and the
-unpacked firmware will be placed in a ``firmware`` directory below the
-current working directory.
-.. code-block:: cmake
- # NOTE: Intended to be run in script mode with cmake -P
- include(FetchContent)
- FetchContent_Populate(
- firmware
- URL_HASH MD5=68247684da89b608d466253762b0ff11
- SOURCE_DIR firmware
- )
-set(__FetchContent_privateDir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/FetchContent")
-# Recording and retrieving content details for later population
-# Internal use, projects must not call this directly. It is
-# intended for use by FetchContent_Declare() only.
-# Sets a content-specific global property (not meant for use
-# outside of functions defined here in this file) which can later
-# be retrieved using __FetchContent_getSavedDetails() with just the
-# same content name. If there is already a value stored in the
-# property, it is left unchanged and this call has no effect.
-# This allows parent projects to define the content details,
-# overriding anything a child project may try to set (properties
-# are not cached between runs, so the first thing to set it in a
-# build will be in control).
-function(__FetchContent_declareDetails contentName)
- string(TOLOWER ${contentName} contentNameLower)
- set(propertyName "_FetchContent_${contentNameLower}_savedDetails")
- get_property(alreadyDefined GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName} DEFINED)
- if(NOT alreadyDefined)
- define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName}
- BRIEF_DOCS "Internal implementation detail of FetchContent_Populate()"
- FULL_DOCS "Details used by FetchContent_Populate() for ${contentName}"
- )
- set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName} ${ARGN})
- endif()
-# Internal use, projects must not call this directly. It is
-# intended for use by the FetchContent_Declare() function.
-# Retrieves details saved for the specified content in an
-# earlier call to __FetchContent_declareDetails().
-function(__FetchContent_getSavedDetails contentName outVar)
- string(TOLOWER ${contentName} contentNameLower)
- set(propertyName "_FetchContent_${contentNameLower}_savedDetails")
- get_property(alreadyDefined GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName} DEFINED)
- if(NOT alreadyDefined)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "No content details recorded for ${contentName}")
- endif()
- get_property(propertyValue GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName})
- set(${outVar} "${propertyValue}" PARENT_SCOPE)
-# Saves population details of the content, sets defaults for the
-function(FetchContent_Declare contentName)
- set(options "")
- set(oneValueArgs SVN_REPOSITORY)
- set(multiValueArgs "")
- cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
- unset(srcDirSuffix)
- unset(svnRepoArgs)
- # Add a hash of the svn repository URL to the source dir. This works
- # around the problem where if the URL changes, the download would
- # fail because it tries to checkout/update rather than switch the
- # old URL to the new one. We limit the hash to the first 7 characters
- # so that the source path doesn't get overly long (which can be a
- # problem on windows due to path length limits).
- string(SUBSTRING ${urlSHA} 0 7 urlSHA)
- set(srcDirSuffix "-${urlSHA}")
- endif()
- string(TOLOWER ${contentName} contentNameLower)
- __FetchContent_declareDetails(
- ${contentNameLower}
- SOURCE_DIR "${FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}/${contentNameLower}-src${srcDirSuffix}"
- BINARY_DIR "${FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}/${contentNameLower}-build"
- ${svnRepoArgs}
- # List these last so they can override things we set above
- )
-# Set/get whether the specified content has been populated yet.
-# The setter also records the source and binary dirs used.
-# Internal use, projects must not call this directly. It is
-# intended for use by the FetchContent_Populate() function to
-# record when FetchContent_Populate() is called for a particular
-# content name.
-function(__FetchContent_setPopulated contentName sourceDir binaryDir)
- string(TOLOWER ${contentName} contentNameLower)
- set(prefix "_FetchContent_${contentNameLower}")
- set(propertyName "${prefix}_sourceDir")
- define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName}
- BRIEF_DOCS "Internal implementation detail of FetchContent_Populate()"
- FULL_DOCS "Details used by FetchContent_Populate() for ${contentName}"
- )
- set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName} ${sourceDir})
- set(propertyName "${prefix}_binaryDir")
- define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName}
- BRIEF_DOCS "Internal implementation detail of FetchContent_Populate()"
- FULL_DOCS "Details used by FetchContent_Populate() for ${contentName}"
- )
- set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName} ${binaryDir})
- set(propertyName "${prefix}_populated")
- define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName}
- BRIEF_DOCS "Internal implementation detail of FetchContent_Populate()"
- FULL_DOCS "Details used by FetchContent_Populate() for ${contentName}"
- )
- set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName} True)
-# Set variables in the calling scope for any of the retrievable
-# properties. If no specific properties are requested, variables
-# will be set for all retrievable properties.
-# This function is intended to also be used by projects as the canonical
-# way to detect whether they should call FetchContent_Populate()
-# and pull the populated source into the build with add_subdirectory(),
-# if they are using the populated content in that way.
-function(FetchContent_GetProperties contentName)
- string(TOLOWER ${contentName} contentNameLower)
- set(options "")
- set(multiValueArgs "")
- cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
- # No specific properties requested, provide them all
- set(ARG_SOURCE_DIR ${contentNameLower}_SOURCE_DIR)
- set(ARG_BINARY_DIR ${contentNameLower}_BINARY_DIR)
- set(ARG_POPULATED ${contentNameLower}_POPULATED)
- endif()
- set(prefix "_FetchContent_${contentNameLower}")
- set(propertyName "${prefix}_sourceDir")
- get_property(value GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName})
- if(value)
- set(${ARG_SOURCE_DIR} ${value} PARENT_SCOPE)
- endif()
- endif()
- set(propertyName "${prefix}_binaryDir")
- get_property(value GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName})
- if(value)
- set(${ARG_BINARY_DIR} ${value} PARENT_SCOPE)
- endif()
- endif()
- set(propertyName "${prefix}_populated")
- get_property(value GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName} DEFINED)
- endif()
-# Performing the population
-# The value of contentName will always have been lowercased by the caller.
-# All other arguments are assumed to be options that are understood by
-# ExternalProject_Add(), except for QUIET and SUBBUILD_DIR.
-function(__FetchContent_directPopulate contentName)
- set(options
- )
- set(oneValueArgs
- # Prevent the following from being passed through
- # We force both of these to be ON since we are always executing serially
- # and we want all steps to have access to the terminal in case they
- # need input from the command line (e.g. ask for a private key password)
- # or they want to provide timely progress. We silently absorb and
- # discard these if they are set by the caller.
- )
- set(multiValueArgs "")
- cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Internal error: SUBBUILD_DIR not set")
- endif()
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Internal error: SOURCE_DIR not set")
- endif()
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Internal error: BINARY_DIR not set")
- endif()
- # Ensure the caller can know where to find the source and build directories
- # with some convenient variables. Doing this here ensures the caller sees
- # the correct result in the case where the default values are overridden by
- # the content details set by the project.
- # The unparsed arguments may contain spaces, so build up ARG_EXTRA
- # in such a way that it correctly substitutes into the generated
- # CMakeLists.txt file with each argument quoted.
- unset(ARG_EXTRA)
- set(ARG_EXTRA "${ARG_EXTRA} \"${arg}\"")
- endforeach()
- # Hide output if requested, but save it to a variable in case there's an
- # error so we can show the output upon failure. When not quiet, don't
- # capture the output to a variable because the user may want to see the
- # output as it happens (e.g. progress during long downloads). Combine both
- # stdout and stderr in the one capture variable so the output stays in order.
- if (ARG_QUIET)
- set(outputOptions
- OUTPUT_VARIABLE capturedOutput
- ERROR_VARIABLE capturedOutput
- )
- else()
- set(capturedOutput)
- set(outputOptions)
- message(STATUS "Populating ${contentName}")
- endif()
- set(generatorOpts "-G${CMAKE_GENERATOR}")
- list(APPEND generatorOpts "-A${CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM}")
- endif()
- list(APPEND generatorOpts "-T${CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET}")
- endif()
- endif()
- else()
- # Likely we've been invoked via CMake's script mode where no
- # generator is set (and hence CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM could not be
- # trusted even if provided). We will have to rely on being
- # able to find the default generator and build tool.
- unset(generatorOpts)
- endif()
- # Create and build a separate CMake project to carry out the population.
- # If we've already previously done these steps, they will not cause
- # anything to be updated, so extra rebuilds of the project won't occur.
- # Make sure to pass through CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM in case the main project
- # has this set to something not findable on the PATH.
- configure_file("${__FetchContent_privateDir}/"
- "${ARG_SUBBUILD_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt")
- execute_process(
- COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ${generatorOpts} .
- ${outputOptions}
- )
- if(result)
- if(capturedOutput)
- message("${capturedOutput}")
- endif()
- message(FATAL_ERROR "CMake step for ${contentName} failed: ${result}")
- endif()
- execute_process(
- ${outputOptions}
- )
- if(result)
- if(capturedOutput)
- message("${capturedOutput}")
- endif()
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Build step for ${contentName} failed: ${result}")
- endif()
-option(FETCHCONTENT_FULLY_DISCONNECTED "Disables all attempts to download or update content and assumes source dirs already exist")
-option(FETCHCONTENT_UPDATES_DISCONNECTED "Enables UPDATE_DISCONNECTED behavior for all content population")
-option(FETCHCONTENT_QUIET "Enables QUIET option for all content population" ON)
-set(FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/_deps" CACHE PATH "Directory under which to collect all populated content")
-# Populate the specified content using details stored from
-# an earlier call to FetchContent_Declare().
-function(FetchContent_Populate contentName)
- if(NOT contentName)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Empty contentName not allowed for FetchContent_Populate()")
- endif()
- string(TOLOWER ${contentName} contentNameLower)
- if(ARGN)
- # This is the direct population form with details fully specified
- # as part of the call, so we already have everything we need
- __FetchContent_directPopulate(
- ${contentNameLower}
- SUBBUILD_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${contentNameLower}-subbuild"
- SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${contentNameLower}-src"
- BINARY_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${contentNameLower}-build"
- ${ARGN} # Could override any of the above ..._DIR variables
- )
- # Pass source and binary dir variables back to the caller
- set(${contentNameLower}_SOURCE_DIR "${${contentNameLower}_SOURCE_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE)
- set(${contentNameLower}_BINARY_DIR "${${contentNameLower}_BINARY_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE)
- # Don't set global properties, or record that we did this population, since
- # this was a direct call outside of the normal declared details form.
- # We only want to save values in the global properties for content that
- # honours the hierarchical details mechanism so that projects are not
- # robbed of the ability to override details set in nested projects.
- return()
- endif()
- # No details provided, so assume they were saved from an earlier call
- # to FetchContent_Declare(). Do a check that we haven't already
- # populated this content before in case the caller forgot to check.
- FetchContent_GetProperties(${contentName})
- if(${contentNameLower}_POPULATED)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Content ${contentName} already populated in ${${contentNameLower}_SOURCE_DIR}")
- endif()
- string(TOUPPER ${contentName} contentNameUpper)
- set(FETCHCONTENT_SOURCE_DIR_${contentNameUpper}
- "${FETCHCONTENT_SOURCE_DIR_${contentNameUpper}}"
- CACHE PATH "When not empty, overrides where to find pre-populated content for ${contentName}")
- if(FETCHCONTENT_SOURCE_DIR_${contentNameUpper})
- # The source directory has been explicitly provided in the cache,
- # so no population is required
- set(${contentNameLower}_SOURCE_DIR "${FETCHCONTENT_SOURCE_DIR_${contentNameUpper}}")
- set(${contentNameLower}_BINARY_DIR "${FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}/${contentNameLower}-build")
- # Bypass population and assume source is already there from a previous run
- set(${contentNameLower}_SOURCE_DIR "${FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}/${contentNameLower}-src")
- set(${contentNameLower}_BINARY_DIR "${FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}/${contentNameLower}-build")
- else()
- # Support both a global "disconnect all updates" and a per-content
- # update test (either one being set disables updates for this content).
- "Enables UPDATE_DISCONNECTED behavior just for population of ${contentName}")
- set(disconnectUpdates True)
- else()
- set(disconnectUpdates False)
- endif()
- set(quietFlag QUIET)
- else()
- unset(quietFlag)
- endif()
- __FetchContent_getSavedDetails(${contentName} contentDetails)
- if("${contentDetails}" STREQUAL "")
- message(FATAL_ERROR "No details have been set for content: ${contentName}")
- endif()
- __FetchContent_directPopulate(
- ${contentNameLower}
- ${quietFlag}
- UPDATE_DISCONNECTED ${disconnectUpdates}
- SUBBUILD_DIR "${FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}/${contentNameLower}-subbuild"
- SOURCE_DIR "${FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}/${contentNameLower}-src"
- BINARY_DIR "${FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}/${contentNameLower}-build"
- # Put the saved details last so they can override any of the
- # the options we set above (this can include SOURCE_DIR or
- ${contentDetails}
- )
- endif()
- __FetchContent_setPopulated(
- ${contentName}
- ${${contentNameLower}_SOURCE_DIR}
- ${${contentNameLower}_BINARY_DIR}
- )
- # Pass variables back to the caller. The variables passed back here
- # must match what FetchContent_GetProperties() sets when it is called
- # with just the content name.
- set(${contentNameLower}_SOURCE_DIR "${${contentNameLower}_SOURCE_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE)
- set(${contentNameLower}_BINARY_DIR "${${contentNameLower}_BINARY_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE)
- set(${contentNameLower}_POPULATED True PARENT_SCOPE)
-# Arguments are assumed to be the names of dependencies that have been
-# declared previously and should be populated. It is not an error if
-# any of them have already been populated (they will just be skipped in
-# that case). The command is implemented as a macro so that the variables
-# defined by the FetchContent_GetProperties() and FetchContent_Populate()
-# calls will be available to the caller.
- foreach(contentName IN ITEMS ${ARGV})
- string(TOLOWER ${contentName} contentNameLower)
- FetchContent_GetProperties(${contentName})
- if(NOT ${contentNameLower}_POPULATED)
- FetchContent_Populate(${contentName})
- # Only try to call add_subdirectory() if the populated content
- # can be treated that way. Protecting the call with the check
- # allows this function to be used for projects that just want
- # to ensure the content exists, such as to provide content at
- # a known location.
- if(EXISTS ${${contentNameLower}_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt)
- add_subdirectory(${${contentNameLower}_SOURCE_DIR}
- ${${contentNameLower}_BINARY_DIR})
- endif()
- endif()
- endforeach()