path: root/share/cmake-3.17/Help/command/file.rst
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-File manipulation command.
-.. parsed-literal::
- `Reading`_
- file(`READ`_ <filename> <out-var> [...])
- file(`STRINGS`_ <filename> <out-var> [...])
- file(`\<HASH\> <HASH_>`_ <filename> <out-var>)
- file(`TIMESTAMP`_ <filename> <out-var> [...])
- `Writing`_
- file({`WRITE`_ | `APPEND`_} <filename> <content>...)
- file({`TOUCH`_ | `TOUCH_NOCREATE`_} [<file>...])
- file(`GENERATE`_ OUTPUT <output-file> [...])
- `Filesystem`_
- file({`GLOB`_ | `GLOB_RECURSE`_} <out-var> [...] [<globbing-expr>...])
- file(`RENAME`_ <oldname> <newname>)
- file({`REMOVE`_ | `REMOVE_RECURSE`_ } [<files>...])
- file(`MAKE_DIRECTORY`_ [<dir>...])
- file({`COPY`_ | `INSTALL`_} <file>... DESTINATION <dir> [...])
- file(`SIZE`_ <filename> <out-var>)
- file(`READ_SYMLINK`_ <linkname> <out-var>)
- file(`CREATE_LINK`_ <original> <linkname> [...])
- `Path Conversion`_
- file(`RELATIVE_PATH`_ <out-var> <directory> <file>)
- file({`TO_CMAKE_PATH`_ | `TO_NATIVE_PATH`_} <path> <out-var>)
- `Transfer`_
- file(`DOWNLOAD`_ <url> <file> [...])
- file(`UPLOAD`_ <file> <url> [...])
- `Locking`_
- file(`LOCK`_ <path> [...])
-.. _READ:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(READ <filename> <variable>
- [OFFSET <offset>] [LIMIT <max-in>] [HEX])
-Read content from a file called ``<filename>`` and store it in a
-``<variable>``. Optionally start from the given ``<offset>`` and
-read at most ``<max-in>`` bytes. The ``HEX`` option causes data to
-be converted to a hexadecimal representation (useful for binary data).
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(STRINGS <filename> <variable> [<options>...])
-Parse a list of ASCII strings from ``<filename>`` and store it in
-``<variable>``. Binary data in the file are ignored. Carriage return
-(``\r``, CR) characters are ignored. The options are:
-``LENGTH_MAXIMUM <max-len>``
- Consider only strings of at most a given length.
-``LENGTH_MINIMUM <min-len>``
- Consider only strings of at least a given length.
-``LIMIT_COUNT <max-num>``
- Limit the number of distinct strings to be extracted.
-``LIMIT_INPUT <max-in>``
- Limit the number of input bytes to read from the file.
-``LIMIT_OUTPUT <max-out>``
- Limit the number of total bytes to store in the ``<variable>``.
- Treat newline characters (``\n``, LF) as part of string content
- instead of terminating at them.
- Intel Hex and Motorola S-record files are automatically converted to
- binary while reading unless this option is given.
-``REGEX <regex>``
- Consider only strings that match the given regular expression.
-``ENCODING <encoding-type>``
- Consider strings of a given encoding. Currently supported encodings are:
- UTF-8, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-32BE. If the ENCODING option
- is not provided and the file has a Byte Order Mark, the ENCODING option
- will be defaulted to respect the Byte Order Mark.
-For example, the code
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(STRINGS myfile.txt myfile)
-stores a list in the variable ``myfile`` in which each item is a line
-from the input file.
-.. _HASH:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(<HASH> <filename> <variable>)
-Compute a cryptographic hash of the content of ``<filename>`` and
-store it in a ``<variable>``. The supported ``<HASH>`` algorithm names
-are those listed by the :ref:`string(\<HASH\>) <Supported Hash Algorithms>`
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(TIMESTAMP <filename> <variable> [<format>] [UTC])
-Compute a string representation of the modification time of ``<filename>``
-and store it in ``<variable>``. Should the command be unable to obtain a
-timestamp variable will be set to the empty string ("").
-See the :command:`string(TIMESTAMP)` command for documentation of
-the ``<format>`` and ``UTC`` options.
-.. code-block:: cmake
- [UNRESOLVED_DEPENDENCIES_VAR <unresolved_deps_var>]
- [CONFLICTING_DEPENDENCIES_PREFIX <conflicting_deps_prefix>]
- [EXECUTABLES [<executable_files>...]]
- [LIBRARIES [<library_files>...]]
- [MODULES [<module_files>...]]
- [DIRECTORIES [<directories>...]]
- [BUNDLE_EXECUTABLE <bundle_executable_file>]
- [PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES [<regexes>...]]
- [PRE_EXCLUDE_REGEXES [<regexes>...]]
- [POST_INCLUDE_REGEXES [<regexes>...]]
- [POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES [<regexes>...]]
- )
-Recursively get the list of libraries depended on by the given files.
-Please note that this sub-command is not intended to be used in project mode.
-Instead, use it in an :command:`install(CODE)` or :command:`install(SCRIPT)`
-block. For example:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- install(CODE [[
- # ...
- )
- ]])
-The arguments are as follows:
- Name of the variable in which to store the list of resolved dependencies.
-``UNRESOLVED_DEPENDENCIES_VAR <unresolved_deps_var>``
- Name of the variable in which to store the list of unresolved dependencies.
- If this variable is not specified, and there are any unresolved dependencies,
- an error is issued.
-``CONFLICTING_DEPENDENCIES_PREFIX <conflicting_deps_prefix>``
- Variable prefix in which to store conflicting dependency information.
- Dependencies are conflicting if two files with the same name are found in
- two different directories. The list of filenames that conflict are stored in
- ``<conflicting_deps_prefix>_FILENAMES``. For each filename, the list of paths
- that were found for that filename are stored in
- ``<conflicting_deps_prefix>_<filename>``.
-``EXECUTABLES <executable_files>``
- List of executable files to read for dependencies. These are executables that
- are typically created with :command:`add_executable`, but they do not have to
- be created by CMake. On Apple platforms, the paths to these files determine
- the value of ``@executable_path`` when recursively resolving the libraries.
- Specifying any kind of library (``STATIC``, ``MODULE``, or ``SHARED``) here
- will result in undefined behavior.
-``LIBRARIES <library_files>``
- List of library files to read for dependencies. These are libraries that are
- typically created with :command:`add_library(SHARED)`, but they do not have
- to be created by CMake. Specifying ``STATIC`` libraries, ``MODULE``
- libraries, or executables here will result in undefined behavior.
-``MODULES <module_files>``
- List of loadable module files to read for dependencies. These are modules
- that are typically created with :command:`add_library(MODULE)`, but they do
- not have to be created by CMake. They are typically used by calling
- ``dlopen()`` at runtime rather than linked at link time with ``ld -l``.
- Specifying ``STATIC`` libraries, ``SHARED`` libraries, or executables here
- will result in undefined behavior.
-``DIRECTORIES <directories>``
- List of additional directories to search for dependencies. On Linux
- platforms, these directories are searched if the dependency is not found in
- any of the other usual paths. If it is found in such a directory, a warning
- is issued, because it means that the file is incomplete (it does not list all
- of the directories that contain its dependencies). On Windows platforms,
- these directories are searched if the dependency is not found in any of the
- other search paths, but no warning is issued, because searching other paths
- is a normal part of Windows dependency resolution. On Apple platforms, this
- argument has no effect.
-``BUNDLE_EXECUTABLE <bundle_executable_file>``
- Executable to treat as the "bundle executable" when resolving libraries. On
- Apple platforms, this argument determines the value of ``@executable_path``
- when recursively resolving libraries for ``LIBRARIES`` and ``MODULES`` files.
- It has no effect on ``EXECUTABLES`` files. On other platforms, it has no
- effect. This is typically (but not always) one of the executables in the
- ``EXECUTABLES`` argument which designates the "main" executable of the
- package.
-The following arguments specify filters for including or excluding libraries to
-be resolved. See below for a full description of how they work.
-``PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES <regexes>``
- List of pre-include regexes through which to filter the names of
- not-yet-resolved dependencies.
-``PRE_EXCLUDE_REGEXES <regexes>``
- List of pre-exclude regexes through which to filter the names of
- not-yet-resolved dependencies.
- List of post-include regexes through which to filter the names of resolved
- dependencies.
- List of post-exclude regexes through which to filter the names of resolved
- dependencies.
-These arguments can be used to blacklist unwanted system libraries when
-resolving the dependencies, or to whitelist libraries from a specific
-directory. The filtering works as follows:
-1. If the not-yet-resolved dependency matches any of the
- ``PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES``, steps 2 and 3 are skipped, and the dependency
- resolution proceeds to step 4.
-2. If the not-yet-resolved dependency matches any of the
- ``PRE_EXCLUDE_REGEXES``, dependency resolution stops for that dependency.
-3. Otherwise, dependency resolution proceeds.
-4. ``file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES)`` searches for the dependency according to
- the linking rules of the platform (see below).
-5. If the dependency is found, and its full path matches one of the
- ``POST_INCLUDE_REGEXES``, the full path is added to the resolved
- dependencies, and ``file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES)`` recursively resolves
- that library's own dependencies. Otherwise, resolution proceeds to step 6.
-6. If the dependency is found, but its full path matches one of the
- ``POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES``, it is not added to the resolved dependencies, and
- dependency resolution stops for that dependency.
-7. If the dependency is found, and its full path does not match either
- ``POST_INCLUDE_REGEXES`` or ``POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES``, the full path is added
- to the resolved dependencies, and ``file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES)``
- recursively resolves that library's own dependencies.
-Different platforms have different rules for how dependencies are resolved.
-These specifics are described here.
-On Linux platforms, library resolution works as follows:
-1. If the depending file does not have any ``RUNPATH`` entries, and the library
- exists in one of the depending file's ``RPATH`` entries, or its parents', in
- that order, the dependency is resolved to that file.
-2. Otherwise, if the depending file has any ``RUNPATH`` entries, and the
- library exists in one of those entries, the dependency is resolved to that
- file.
-3. Otherwise, if the library exists in one of the directories listed by
- ``ldconfig``, the dependency is resolved to that file.
-4. Otherwise, if the library exists in one of the ``DIRECTORIES`` entries, the
- dependency is resolved to that file. In this case, a warning is issued,
- because finding a file in one of the ``DIRECTORIES`` means that the
- depending file is not complete (it does not list all the directories from
- which it pulls dependencies).
-5. Otherwise, the dependency is unresolved.
-On Windows platforms, library resolution works as follows:
-1. The dependent DLL name is converted to lowercase. Windows DLL names are
- case-insensitive, and some linkers mangle the case of the DLL dependency
- names. However, this makes it more difficult for ``PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES``,
- ``POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES`` to properly filter DLL names - every regex would
- have to check for both uppercase and lowercase letters. For example:
- .. code-block:: cmake
- # ...
- PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES "^[Mm][Yy][Ll][Ii][Bb][Rr][Aa][Rr][Yy]\\.[Dd][Ll][Ll]$"
- )
- Converting the DLL name to lowercase allows the regexes to only match
- lowercase names, thus simplifying the regex. For example:
- .. code-block:: cmake
- # ...
- PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES "^mylibrary\\.dll$"
- )
- This regex will match ``mylibrary.dll`` regardless of how it is cased,
- either on disk or in the depending file. (For example, it will match
- ``mylibrary.dll``, ``MyLibrary.dll``, and ``MYLIBRARY.DLL``.)
- Please note that the directory portion of any resolved DLLs retains its
- casing and is not converted to lowercase. Only the filename portion is
- converted.
-2. (**Not yet implemented**) If the depending file is a Windows Store app, and
- the dependency is listed as a dependency in the application's package
- manifest, the dependency is resolved to that file.
-3. Otherwise, if the library exists in the same directory as the depending
- file, the dependency is resolved to that file.
-4. Otherwise, if the library exists in either the operating system's
- ``system32`` directory or the ``Windows`` directory, in that order, the
- dependency is resolved to that file.
-5. Otherwise, if the library exists in one of the directories specified by
- ``DIRECTORIES``, in the order they are listed, the dependency is resolved to
- that file. In this case, a warning is not issued, because searching other
- directories is a normal part of Windows library resolution.
-6. Otherwise, the dependency is unresolved.
-On Apple platforms, library resolution works as follows:
-1. If the dependency starts with ``@executable_path/``, and an ``EXECUTABLES``
- argument is in the process of being resolved, and replacing
- ``@executable_path/`` with the directory of the executable yields an
- existing file, the dependency is resolved to that file.
-2. Otherwise, if the dependency starts with ``@executable_path/``, and there is
- a ``BUNDLE_EXECUTABLE`` argument, and replacing ``@executable_path/`` with
- the directory of the bundle executable yields an existing file, the
- dependency is resolved to that file.
-3. Otherwise, if the dependency starts with ``@loader_path/``, and replacing
- ``@loader_path/`` with the directory of the depending file yields an
- existing file, the dependency is resolved to that file.
-4. Otherwise, if the dependency starts with ``@rpath/``, and replacing
- ``@rpath/`` with one of the ``RPATH`` entries of the depending file yields
- an existing file, the dependency is resolved to that file. Note that
- ``RPATH`` entries that start with ``@executable_path/`` or ``@loader_path/``
- also have these items replaced with the appropriate path.
-5. Otherwise, if the dependency is an absolute file that exists, the dependency
- is resolved to that file.
-6. Otherwise, the dependency is unresolved.
-This function accepts several variables that determine which tool is used for
-dependency resolution:
- Determines which operating system and executable format the files are built
- for. This could be one of several values:
- * ``linux+elf``
- * ``windows+pe``
- * ``macos+macho``
- If this variable is not specified, it is determined automatically by system
- introspection.
- Determines the tool to use for dependency resolution. It could be one of
- several values, depending on the value of
- ================================================= =============================================
- ================================================= =============================================
- ``linux+elf`` ``objdump``
- ``windows+pe`` ``dumpbin``
- ``windows+pe`` ``objdump``
- ``macos+macho`` ``otool``
- ================================================= =============================================
- If this variable is not specified, it is determined automatically by system
- introspection.
- Determines the path to the tool to use for dependency resolution. This is the
- actual path to ``objdump``, ``dumpbin``, or ``otool``.
- If this variable is not specified, it is determined automatically by system
- introspection.
-.. _WRITE:
-.. _APPEND:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(WRITE <filename> <content>...)
- file(APPEND <filename> <content>...)
-Write ``<content>`` into a file called ``<filename>``. If the file does
-not exist, it will be created. If the file already exists, ``WRITE``
-mode will overwrite it and ``APPEND`` mode will append to the end.
-Any directories in the path specified by ``<filename>`` that do not
-exist will be created.
-If the file is a build input, use the :command:`configure_file` command
-to update the file only when its content changes.
-.. _TOUCH:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(TOUCH [<files>...])
- file(TOUCH_NOCREATE [<files>...])
-Create a file with no content if it does not yet exist. If the file already
-exists, its access and/or modification will be updated to the time when the
-function call is executed.
-Use TOUCH_NOCREATE to touch a file if it exists but not create it. If a file
-does not exist it will be silently ignored.
-With TOUCH and TOUCH_NOCREATE the contents of an existing file will not be
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(GENERATE OUTPUT output-file
- <INPUT input-file|CONTENT content>
- [CONDITION expression])
-Generate an output file for each build configuration supported by the current
-:manual:`CMake Generator <cmake-generators(7)>`. Evaluate
-:manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`
-from the input content to produce the output content. The options are:
-``CONDITION <condition>``
- Generate the output file for a particular configuration only if
- the condition is true. The condition must be either ``0`` or ``1``
- after evaluating generator expressions.
-``CONTENT <content>``
- Use the content given explicitly as input.
-``INPUT <input-file>``
- Use the content from a given file as input.
- A relative path is treated with respect to the value of
- :variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR`. See policy :policy:`CMP0070`.
-``OUTPUT <output-file>``
- Specify the output file name to generate. Use generator expressions
- such as ``$<CONFIG>`` to specify a configuration-specific output file
- name. Multiple configurations may generate the same output file only
- if the generated content is identical. Otherwise, the ``<output-file>``
- must evaluate to an unique name for each configuration.
- A relative path (after evaluating generator expressions) is treated
- with respect to the value of :variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR`.
- See policy :policy:`CMP0070`.
-Exactly one ``CONTENT`` or ``INPUT`` option must be given. A specific
-``OUTPUT`` file may be named by at most one invocation of ``file(GENERATE)``.
-Generated files are modified and their timestamp updated on subsequent cmake
-runs only if their content is changed.
-Note also that ``file(GENERATE)`` does not create the output file until the
-generation phase. The output file will not yet have been written when the
-``file(GENERATE)`` command returns, it is written only after processing all
-of a project's ``CMakeLists.txt`` files.
-.. _GLOB:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(GLOB <variable>
- [<globbing-expressions>...])
- [<globbing-expressions>...])
-Generate a list of files that match the ``<globbing-expressions>`` and
-store it into the ``<variable>``. Globbing expressions are similar to
-regular expressions, but much simpler. If ``RELATIVE`` flag is
-specified, the results will be returned as relative paths to the given
-path. The results will be ordered lexicographically.
-On Windows and macOS, globbing is case-insensitive even if the underlying
-filesystem is case-sensitive (both filenames and globbing expressions are
-converted to lowercase before matching). On other platforms, globbing is
-If the ``CONFIGURE_DEPENDS`` flag is specified, CMake will add logic
-to the main build system check target to rerun the flagged ``GLOB`` commands
-at build time. If any of the outputs change, CMake will regenerate the build
-By default ``GLOB`` lists directories - directories are omitted in result if
-``LIST_DIRECTORIES`` is set to false.
-.. note::
- We do not recommend using GLOB to collect a list of source files from
- your source tree. If no CMakeLists.txt file changes when a source is
- added or removed then the generated build system cannot know when to
- ask CMake to regenerate.
- The ``CONFIGURE_DEPENDS`` flag may not work reliably on all generators, or if
- a new generator is added in the future that cannot support it, projects using
- it will be stuck. Even if ``CONFIGURE_DEPENDS`` works reliably, there is
- still a cost to perform the check on every rebuild.
-Examples of globbing expressions include::
- *.cxx - match all files with extension cxx
- *.vt? - match all files with extension vta,...,vtz
- f[3-5].txt - match files f3.txt, f4.txt, f5.txt
-The ``GLOB_RECURSE`` mode will traverse all the subdirectories of the
-matched directory and match the files. Subdirectories that are symlinks
-are only traversed if ``FOLLOW_SYMLINKS`` is given or policy
-:policy:`CMP0009` is not set to ``NEW``.
-By default ``GLOB_RECURSE`` omits directories from result list - setting
-``LIST_DIRECTORIES`` to true adds directories to result list.
-If ``FOLLOW_SYMLINKS`` is given or policy :policy:`CMP0009` is not set to
-``NEW`` then ``LIST_DIRECTORIES`` treats symlinks as directories.
-Examples of recursive globbing include::
- /dir/*.py - match all python files in /dir and subdirectories
-.. _RENAME:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(RENAME <oldname> <newname>)
-Move a file or directory within a filesystem from ``<oldname>`` to
-``<newname>``, replacing the destination atomically.
-.. _REMOVE:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(REMOVE [<files>...])
- file(REMOVE_RECURSE [<files>...])
-Remove the given files. The ``REMOVE_RECURSE`` mode will remove the given
-files and directories, also non-empty directories. No error is emitted if a
-given file does not exist. Relative input paths are evaluated with respect
-to the current source directory. Empty input paths are ignored with a warning.
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(MAKE_DIRECTORY [<directories>...])
-Create the given directories and their parents as needed.
-.. _COPY:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(<COPY|INSTALL> <files>... DESTINATION <dir>
- [FILE_PERMISSIONS <permissions>...]
- [DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS <permissions>...]
- [[PATTERN <pattern> | REGEX <regex>]
- [EXCLUDE] [PERMISSIONS <permissions>...]] [...])
-The ``COPY`` signature copies files, directories, and symlinks to a
-destination folder. Relative input paths are evaluated with respect
-to the current source directory, and a relative destination is
-evaluated with respect to the current build directory. Copying
-preserves input file timestamps, and optimizes out a file if it exists
-at the destination with the same timestamp. Copying preserves input
-permissions unless explicit permissions or ``NO_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS``
-are given (default is ``USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS``).
-If ``FOLLOW_SYMLINK_CHAIN`` is specified, ``COPY`` will recursively resolve
-the symlinks at the paths given until a real file is found, and install
-a corresponding symlink in the destination for each symlink encountered. For
-each symlink that is installed, the resolution is stripped of the directory,
-leaving only the filename, meaning that the new symlink points to a file in
-the same directory as the symlink. This feature is useful on some Unix systems,
-where libraries are installed as a chain of symlinks with version numbers, with
-less specific versions pointing to more specific versions.
-``FOLLOW_SYMLINK_CHAIN`` will install all of these symlinks and the library
-itself into the destination directory. For example, if you have the following
-directory structure:
-* ``/opt/foo/lib/``
-* ``/opt/foo/lib/ ->``
-* ``/opt/foo/lib/ ->``
-* ``/opt/foo/lib/ ->``
-and you do:
-.. code-block:: cmake
-This will install all of the symlinks and ```` itself into
-See the :command:`install(DIRECTORY)` command for documentation of
-permissions, ``FILES_MATCHING``, ``PATTERN``, ``REGEX``, and
-``EXCLUDE`` options. Copying directories preserves the structure
-of their content even if options are used to select a subset of
-The ``INSTALL`` signature differs slightly from ``COPY``: it prints
-status messages (subject to the :variable:`CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE` variable),
-and ``NO_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS`` is default.
-Installation scripts generated by the :command:`install` command
-use this signature (with some undocumented options for internal use).
-.. _SIZE:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(SIZE <filename> <variable>)
-Determine the file size of the ``<filename>`` and put the result in
-``<variable>`` variable. Requires that ``<filename>`` is a valid path
-pointing to a file and is readable.
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(READ_SYMLINK <linkname> <variable>)
-This subcommand queries the symlink ``<linkname>`` and stores the path it
-points to in the result ``<variable>``. If ``<linkname>`` does not exist or
-is not a symlink, CMake issues a fatal error.
-Note that this command returns the raw symlink path and does not resolve
-a relative path. The following is an example of how to ensure that an
-absolute path is obtained:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- set(linkname "/path/to/foo.sym")
- file(READ_SYMLINK "${linkname}" result)
- if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${result}")
- get_filename_component(dir "${linkname}" DIRECTORY)
- set(result "${dir}/${result}")
- endif()
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(CREATE_LINK <original> <linkname>
-Create a link ``<linkname>`` that points to ``<original>``.
-It will be a hard link by default, but providing the ``SYMBOLIC`` option
-results in a symbolic link instead. Hard links require that ``original``
-exists and is a file, not a directory. If ``<linkname>`` already exists,
-it will be overwritten.
-The ``<result>`` variable, if specified, receives the status of the operation.
-It is set to ``0`` upon success or an error message otherwise. If ``RESULT``
-is not specified and the operation fails, a fatal error is emitted.
-Specifying ``COPY_ON_ERROR`` enables copying the file as a fallback if
-creating the link fails. It can be useful for handling situations such as
-``<original>`` and ``<linkname>`` being on different drives or mount points,
-which would make them unable to support a hard link.
-Path Conversion
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(RELATIVE_PATH <variable> <directory> <file>)
-Compute the relative path from a ``<directory>`` to a ``<file>`` and
-store it in the ``<variable>``.
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "<path>" <variable>)
- file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "<path>" <variable>)
-The ``TO_CMAKE_PATH`` mode converts a native ``<path>`` into a cmake-style
-path with forward-slashes (``/``). The input can be a single path or a
-system search path like ``$ENV{PATH}``. A search path will be converted
-to a cmake-style list separated by ``;`` characters.
-The ``TO_NATIVE_PATH`` mode converts a cmake-style ``<path>`` into a native
-path with platform-specific slashes (``\`` on Windows and ``/`` elsewhere).
-Always use double quotes around the ``<path>`` to be sure it is treated
-as a single argument to this command.
-.. _UPLOAD:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(DOWNLOAD <url> <file> [<options>...])
- file(UPLOAD <file> <url> [<options>...])
-The ``DOWNLOAD`` mode downloads the given ``<url>`` to a local ``<file>``.
-The ``UPLOAD`` mode uploads a local ``<file>`` to a given ``<url>``.
-Options to both ``DOWNLOAD`` and ``UPLOAD`` are:
- Terminate the operation after a period of inactivity.
-``LOG <variable>``
- Store a human-readable log of the operation in a variable.
- Print progress information as status messages until the operation is
- complete.
-``STATUS <variable>``
- Store the resulting status of the operation in a variable.
- The status is a ``;`` separated list of length 2.
- The first element is the numeric return value for the operation,
- and the second element is a string value for the error.
- A ``0`` numeric error means no error in the operation.
-``TIMEOUT <seconds>``
- Terminate the operation after a given total time has elapsed.
-``USERPWD <username>:<password>``
- Set username and password for operation.
-``HTTPHEADER <HTTP-header>``
- HTTP header for operation. Suboption can be repeated several times.
-``NETRC <level>``
- Specify whether the .netrc file is to be used for operation. If this
- option is not specified, the value of the ``CMAKE_NETRC`` variable
- will be used instead.
- Valid levels are:
- The .netrc file is ignored.
- This is the default.
- The .netrc file is optional, and information in the URL is preferred.
- The file will be scanned to find which ever information is not specified
- in the URL.
- The .netrc file is required, and information in the URL is ignored.
-``NETRC_FILE <file>``
- Specify an alternative .netrc file to the one in your home directory,
- if the ``NETRC`` level is ``OPTIONAL`` or ``REQUIRED``. If this option
- is not specified, the value of the ``CMAKE_NETRC_FILE`` variable will
- be used instead.
-If neither ``NETRC`` option is given CMake will check variables
-``CMAKE_NETRC`` and ``CMAKE_NETRC_FILE``, respectively.
-Additional options to ``DOWNLOAD`` are:
- Verify that the downloaded content hash matches the expected value, where
- ``ALGO`` is one of the algorithms supported by ``file(<HASH>)``.
- If it does not match, the operation fails with an error.
-``EXPECTED_MD5 <value>``
- Historical short-hand for ``EXPECTED_HASH MD5=<value>``.
- Specify whether to verify the server certificate for ``https://`` URLs.
- The default is to *not* verify.
-``TLS_CAINFO <file>``
- Specify a custom Certificate Authority file for ``https://`` URLs.
-For ``https://`` URLs CMake must be built with OpenSSL support. ``TLS/SSL``
-certificates are not checked by default. Set ``TLS_VERIFY`` to ``ON`` to
-check certificates and/or use ``EXPECTED_HASH`` to verify downloaded content.
-If neither ``TLS`` option is given CMake will check variables
-``CMAKE_TLS_VERIFY`` and ``CMAKE_TLS_CAINFO``, respectively.
-.. _LOCK:
-.. code-block:: cmake
- file(LOCK <path> [DIRECTORY] [RELEASE]
- [RESULT_VARIABLE <variable>]
- [TIMEOUT <seconds>])
-Lock a file specified by ``<path>`` if no ``DIRECTORY`` option present and file
-``<path>/cmake.lock`` otherwise. File will be locked for scope defined by
-``GUARD`` option (default value is ``PROCESS``). ``RELEASE`` option can be used
-to unlock file explicitly. If option ``TIMEOUT`` is not specified CMake will
-wait until lock succeed or until fatal error occurs. If ``TIMEOUT`` is set to
-``0`` lock will be tried once and result will be reported immediately. If
-``TIMEOUT`` is not ``0`` CMake will try to lock file for the period specified
-by ``<seconds>`` value. Any errors will be interpreted as fatal if there is no
-``RESULT_VARIABLE`` option. Otherwise result will be stored in ``<variable>``
-and will be ``0`` on success or error message on failure.
-Note that lock is advisory - there is no guarantee that other processes will
-respect this lock, i.e. lock synchronize two or more CMake instances sharing
-some modifiable resources. Similar logic applied to ``DIRECTORY`` option -
-locking parent directory doesn't prevent other ``LOCK`` commands to lock any
-child directory or file.
-Trying to lock file twice is not allowed. Any intermediate directories and
-file itself will be created if they not exist. ``GUARD`` and ``TIMEOUT``
-options ignored on ``RELEASE`` operation.