path: root/share/cmake-3.17/Help/command/set.rst
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diff --git a/share/cmake-3.17/Help/command/set.rst b/share/cmake-3.17/Help/command/set.rst
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+++ b/share/cmake-3.17/Help/command/set.rst
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+Set a normal, cache, or environment variable to a given value.
+See the :ref:`cmake-language(7) variables <CMake Language Variables>`
+documentation for the scopes and interaction of normal variables
+and cache entries.
+Signatures of this command that specify a ``<value>...`` placeholder
+expect zero or more arguments. Multiple arguments will be joined as
+a :ref:`semicolon-separated list <CMake Language Lists>` to form the actual variable
+value to be set. Zero arguments will cause normal variables to be
+unset. See the :command:`unset` command to unset variables explicitly.
+Set Normal Variable
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(<variable> <value>... [PARENT_SCOPE])
+Sets the given ``<variable>`` in the current function or directory scope.
+If the ``PARENT_SCOPE`` option is given the variable will be set in
+the scope above the current scope. Each new directory or function
+creates a new scope. This command will set the value of a variable
+into the parent directory or calling function (whichever is applicable
+to the case at hand). The previous state of the variable's value stays the
+same in the current scope (e.g., if it was undefined before, it is still
+undefined and if it had a value, it is still that value).
+Set Cache Entry
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(<variable> <value>... CACHE <type> <docstring> [FORCE])
+Sets the given cache ``<variable>`` (cache entry). Since cache entries
+are meant to provide user-settable values this does not overwrite
+existing cache entries by default. Use the ``FORCE`` option to
+overwrite existing entries.
+The ``<type>`` must be specified as one of:
+ Boolean ``ON/OFF`` value. :manual:`cmake-gui(1)` offers a checkbox.
+ Path to a file on disk. :manual:`cmake-gui(1)` offers a file dialog.
+ Path to a directory on disk. :manual:`cmake-gui(1)` offers a file dialog.
+ A line of text. :manual:`cmake-gui(1)` offers a text field or a
+ drop-down selection if the :prop_cache:`STRINGS` cache entry
+ property is set.
+ A line of text. :manual:`cmake-gui(1)` does not show internal entries.
+ They may be used to store variables persistently across runs.
+ Use of this type implies ``FORCE``.
+The ``<docstring>`` must be specified as a line of text providing
+a quick summary of the option for presentation to :manual:`cmake-gui(1)`
+If the cache entry does not exist prior to the call or the ``FORCE``
+option is given then the cache entry will be set to the given value.
+Furthermore, any normal variable binding in the current scope will
+be removed to expose the newly cached value to any immediately
+following evaluation.
+It is possible for the cache entry to exist prior to the call but
+have no type set if it was created on the :manual:`cmake(1)` command
+line by a user through the ``-D<var>=<value>`` option without
+specifying a type. In this case the ``set`` command will add the
+type. Furthermore, if the ``<type>`` is ``PATH`` or ``FILEPATH``
+and the ``<value>`` provided on the command line is a relative path,
+then the ``set`` command will treat the path as relative to the
+current working directory and convert it to an absolute path.
+Set Environment Variable
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(ENV{<variable>} [<value>])
+Sets an :manual:`Environment Variable <cmake-env-variables(7)>`
+to the given value.
+Subsequent calls of ``$ENV{<variable>}`` will return this new value.
+This command affects only the current CMake process, not the process
+from which CMake was called, nor the system environment at large,
+nor the environment of subsequent build or test processes.
+If no argument is given after ``ENV{<variable>}`` or if ``<value>`` is
+an empty string, then this command will clear any existing value of the
+environment variable.
+Arguments after ``<value>`` are ignored. If extra arguments are found,
+then an author warning is issued.