path: root/share/cmake-3.17/Help/command/target_link_libraries.rst
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+.. only:: html
+ .. contents::
+Specify libraries or flags to use when linking a given target and/or
+its dependents. :ref:`Usage requirements <Target Usage Requirements>`
+from linked library targets will be propagated. Usage requirements
+of a target's dependencies affect compilation of its own sources.
+This command has several signatures as detailed in subsections below.
+All of them have the general form
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ target_link_libraries(<target> ... <item>... ...)
+The named ``<target>`` must have been created by a command such as
+:command:`add_executable` or :command:`add_library` and must not be an
+:ref:`ALIAS target <Alias Targets>`. If policy :policy:`CMP0079` is not
+set to ``NEW`` then the target must have been created in the current
+directory. Repeated calls for the same ``<target>`` append items in
+the order called.
+Each ``<item>`` may be:
+* **A library target name**: The generated link line will have the
+ full path to the linkable library file associated with the target.
+ The buildsystem will have a dependency to re-link ``<target>`` if
+ the library file changes.
+ The named target must be created by :command:`add_library` within
+ the project or as an :ref:`IMPORTED library <Imported Targets>`.
+ If it is created within the project an ordering dependency will
+ automatically be added in the build system to make sure the named
+ library target is up-to-date before the ``<target>`` links.
+ If an imported library has the :prop_tgt:`IMPORTED_NO_SONAME`
+ target property set, CMake may ask the linker to search for
+ the library instead of using the full path
+ (e.g. ``/usr/lib/`` becomes ``-lfoo``).
+ The full path to the target's artifact will be quoted/escaped for
+ the shell automatically.
+* **A full path to a library file**: The generated link line will
+ normally preserve the full path to the file. The buildsystem will
+ have a dependency to re-link ``<target>`` if the library file changes.
+ There are some cases where CMake may ask the linker to search for
+ the library (e.g. ``/usr/lib/`` becomes ``-lfoo``), such
+ as when a shared library is detected to have no ``SONAME`` field.
+ See policy :policy:`CMP0060` for discussion of another case.
+ If the library file is in a macOS framework, the ``Headers`` directory
+ of the framework will also be processed as a
+ :ref:`usage requirement <Target Usage Requirements>`. This has the same
+ effect as passing the framework directory as an include directory.
+ On :ref:`Visual Studio Generators` for VS 2010 and above, library files
+ ending in ``.targets`` will be treated as MSBuild targets files and
+ imported into generated project files. This is not supported by other
+ generators.
+ The full path to the library file will be quoted/escaped for
+ the shell automatically.
+* **A plain library name**: The generated link line will ask the linker
+ to search for the library (e.g. ``foo`` becomes ``-lfoo`` or ``foo.lib``).
+ The library name/flag is treated as a command-line string fragment and
+ will be used with no extra quoting or escaping.
+* **A link flag**: Item names starting with ``-``, but not ``-l`` or
+ ``-framework``, are treated as linker flags. Note that such flags will
+ be treated like any other library link item for purposes of transitive
+ dependencies, so they are generally safe to specify only as private link
+ items that will not propagate to dependents.
+ Link flags specified here are inserted into the link command in the same
+ place as the link libraries. This might not be correct, depending on
+ the linker. Use the :prop_tgt:`LINK_OPTIONS` target property or
+ :command:`target_link_options` command to add link
+ flags explicitly. The flags will then be placed at the toolchain-defined
+ flag position in the link command.
+ The link flag is treated as a command-line string fragment and
+ will be used with no extra quoting or escaping.
+* **A generator expression**: A ``$<...>`` :manual:`generator expression
+ <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>` may evaluate to any of the above
+ items or to a :ref:`semicolon-separated list <CMake Language Lists>` of them.
+ If the ``...`` contains any ``;`` characters, e.g. after evaluation
+ of a ``${list}`` variable, be sure to use an explicitly quoted
+ argument ``"$<...>"`` so that this command receives it as a
+ single ``<item>``.
+ Additionally, a generator expression may be used as a fragment of
+ any of the above items, e.g. ``foo$<1:_d>``.
+ Note that generator expressions will not be used in OLD handling of
+ policy :policy:`CMP0003` or policy :policy:`CMP0004`.
+* A ``debug``, ``optimized``, or ``general`` keyword immediately followed
+ by another ``<item>``. The item following such a keyword will be used
+ only for the corresponding build configuration. The ``debug`` keyword
+ corresponds to the ``Debug`` configuration (or to configurations named
+ in the :prop_gbl:`DEBUG_CONFIGURATIONS` global property if it is set).
+ The ``optimized`` keyword corresponds to all other configurations. The
+ ``general`` keyword corresponds to all configurations, and is purely
+ optional. Higher granularity may be achieved for per-configuration
+ rules by creating and linking to
+ :ref:`IMPORTED library targets <Imported Targets>`.
+ These keywords are interpreted immediately by this command and therefore
+ have no special meaning when produced by a generator expression.
+Items containing ``::``, such as ``Foo::Bar``, are assumed to be
+:ref:`IMPORTED <Imported Targets>` or :ref:`ALIAS <Alias Targets>` library
+target names and will cause an error if no such target exists.
+See policy :policy:`CMP0028`.
+See the :manual:`cmake-buildsystem(7)` manual for more on defining
+buildsystem properties.
+Libraries for a Target and/or its Dependents
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ target_link_libraries(<target>
+ [<PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE> <item>...]...)
+The ``PUBLIC``, ``PRIVATE`` and ``INTERFACE`` keywords can be used to
+specify both the link dependencies and the link interface in one command.
+Libraries and targets following ``PUBLIC`` are linked to, and are made
+part of the link interface. Libraries and targets following ``PRIVATE``
+are linked to, but are not made part of the link interface. Libraries
+following ``INTERFACE`` are appended to the link interface and are not
+used for linking ``<target>``.
+Libraries for both a Target and its Dependents
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ target_link_libraries(<target> <item>...)
+Library dependencies are transitive by default with this signature.
+When this target is linked into another target then the libraries
+linked to this target will appear on the link line for the other
+target too. This transitive "link interface" is stored in the
+:prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES` target property and may be overridden
+by setting the property directly. When :policy:`CMP0022` is not set to
+``NEW``, transitive linking is built in but may be overridden by the
+:prop_tgt:`LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES` property. Calls to other signatures
+of this command may set the property making any libraries linked
+exclusively by this signature private.
+Libraries for a Target and/or its Dependents (Legacy)
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ target_link_libraries(<target>
+ [<LINK_PRIVATE|LINK_PUBLIC> <lib>...]...)
+The ``LINK_PUBLIC`` and ``LINK_PRIVATE`` modes can be used to specify both
+the link dependencies and the link interface in one command.
+This signature is for compatibility only. Prefer the ``PUBLIC`` or
+``PRIVATE`` keywords instead.
+Libraries and targets following ``LINK_PUBLIC`` are linked to, and are
+made part of the :prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES`. If policy
+:policy:`CMP0022` is not ``NEW``, they are also made part of the
+:prop_tgt:`LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES`. Libraries and targets following
+``LINK_PRIVATE`` are linked to, but are not made part of the
+Libraries for Dependents Only (Legacy)
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ target_link_libraries(<target> LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES <item>...)
+The ``LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES`` mode appends the libraries to the
+:prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES` target property instead of using them
+for linking. If policy :policy:`CMP0022` is not ``NEW``, then this mode
+also appends libraries to the :prop_tgt:`LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES` and its
+per-configuration equivalent.
+This signature is for compatibility only. Prefer the ``INTERFACE`` mode
+Libraries specified as ``debug`` are wrapped in a generator expression to
+correspond to debug builds. If policy :policy:`CMP0022` is
+not ``NEW``, the libraries are also appended to the
+property (or to the properties corresponding to configurations listed in
+the :prop_gbl:`DEBUG_CONFIGURATIONS` global property if it is set).
+Libraries specified as ``optimized`` are appended to the
+:prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES` property. If policy :policy:`CMP0022`
+is not ``NEW``, they are also appended to the
+:prop_tgt:`LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES` property. Libraries specified as
+``general`` (or without any keyword) are treated as if specified for both
+``debug`` and ``optimized``.
+Linking Object Libraries
+:ref:`Object Libraries` may be used as the ``<target>`` (first) argument
+of ``target_link_libraries`` to specify dependencies of their sources
+on other libraries. For example, the code
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ add_library(A SHARED a.c)
+ target_compile_definitions(A PUBLIC A)
+ add_library(obj OBJECT obj.c)
+ target_compile_definitions(obj PUBLIC OBJ)
+ target_link_libraries(obj PUBLIC A)
+compiles ``obj.c`` with ``-DA -DOBJ`` and establishes usage requirements
+for ``obj`` that propagate to its dependents.
+Normal libraries and executables may link to :ref:`Object Libraries`
+to get their objects and usage requirements. Continuing the above
+example, the code
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ add_library(B SHARED b.c)
+ target_link_libraries(B PUBLIC obj)
+compiles ``b.c`` with ``-DA -DOBJ``, creates shared library ``B``
+with object files from ``b.c`` and ``obj.c``, and links ``B`` to ``A``.
+Furthermore, the code
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ add_executable(main main.c)
+ target_link_libraries(main B)
+compiles ``main.c`` with ``-DA -DOBJ`` and links executable ``main``
+to ``B`` and ``A``. The object library's usage requirements are
+propagated transitively through ``B``, but its object files are not.
+:ref:`Object Libraries` may "link" to other object libraries to get
+usage requirements, but since they do not have a link step nothing
+is done with their object files. Continuing from the above example,
+the code:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ add_library(obj2 OBJECT obj2.c)
+ target_link_libraries(obj2 PUBLIC obj)
+ add_executable(main2 main2.c)
+ target_link_libraries(main2 obj2)
+compiles ``obj2.c`` with ``-DA -DOBJ``, creates executable ``main2``
+with object files from ``main2.c`` and ``obj2.c``, and links ``main2``
+to ``A``.
+In other words, when :ref:`Object Libraries` appear in a target's
+:prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES` property they will be
+treated as :ref:`Interface Libraries`, but when they appear in
+a target's :prop_tgt:`LINK_LIBRARIES` property their object files
+will be included in the link too.
+Cyclic Dependencies of Static Libraries
+The library dependency graph is normally acyclic (a DAG), but in the case
+of mutually-dependent ``STATIC`` libraries CMake allows the graph to
+contain cycles (strongly connected components). When another target links
+to one of the libraries, CMake repeats the entire connected component.
+For example, the code
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ add_library(A STATIC a.c)
+ add_library(B STATIC b.c)
+ target_link_libraries(A B)
+ target_link_libraries(B A)
+ add_executable(main main.c)
+ target_link_libraries(main A)
+links ``main`` to ``A B A B``. While one repetition is usually
+sufficient, pathological object file and symbol arrangements can require
+more. One may handle such cases by using the
+:prop_tgt:`LINK_INTERFACE_MULTIPLICITY` target property or by manually
+repeating the component in the last ``target_link_libraries`` call.
+However, if two archives are really so interdependent they should probably
+be combined into a single archive, perhaps by using :ref:`Object Libraries`.
+Creating Relocatable Packages
+.. include:: /include/INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES_WARNING.txt