path: root/share/cmake-3.17/Help/manual/cmake-developer.7.rst
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+.. cmake-manual-description: CMake Developer Reference
+.. only:: html
+ .. contents::
+This manual is intended for reference by developers working with
+:manual:`cmake-language(7)` code, whether writing their own modules,
+authoring their own build systems, or working on CMake itself.
+See to get involved in development of
+CMake upstream. It includes links to contribution instructions, which
+in turn link to developer guides for CMake itself.
+.. _`Find Modules`:
+Find Modules
+A "find module" is a ``Find<PackageName>.cmake`` file to be loaded
+by the :command:`find_package` command when invoked for ``<PackageName>``.
+The primary task of a find module is to determine whether a package
+exists on the system, set the ``<PackageName>_FOUND`` variable to reflect
+this and provide any variables, macros and imported targets required to
+use the package. A find module is useful in cases where an upstream
+library does not provide a
+:ref:`config file package <Config File Packages>`.
+The traditional approach is to use variables for everything, including
+libraries and executables: see the `Standard Variable Names`_ section
+below. This is what most of the existing find modules provided by CMake
+The more modern approach is to behave as much like
+:ref:`config file packages <Config File Packages>` files as possible, by
+providing :ref:`imported target <Imported targets>`. This has the advantage
+of propagating :ref:`Target Usage Requirements` to consumers.
+In either case (or even when providing both variables and imported
+targets), find modules should provide backwards compatibility with old
+versions that had the same name.
+A FindFoo.cmake module will typically be loaded by the command::
+ find_package(Foo [major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]]]
+ [[COMPONENTS] [components...]]
+ [OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS components...]
+See the :command:`find_package` documentation for details on what
+variables are set for the find module. Most of these are dealt with by
+using :module:`FindPackageHandleStandardArgs`.
+Briefly, the module should only locate versions of the package
+compatible with the requested version, as described by the
+``Foo_FIND_VERSION`` family of variables. If ``Foo_FIND_QUIETLY`` is
+set to true, it should avoid printing messages, including anything
+complaining about the package not being found. If ``Foo_FIND_REQUIRED``
+is set to true, the module should issue a ``FATAL_ERROR`` if the package
+cannot be found. If neither are set to true, it should print a
+non-fatal message if it cannot find the package.
+Packages that find multiple semi-independent parts (like bundles of
+libraries) should search for the components listed in
+``Foo_FIND_COMPONENTS`` if it is set , and only set ``Foo_FOUND`` to
+true if for each searched-for component ``<c>`` that was not found,
+``Foo_FIND_REQUIRED_<c>`` is not set to true. The ``HANDLE_COMPONENTS``
+argument of ``find_package_handle_standard_args()`` can be used to
+implement this.
+If ``Foo_FIND_COMPONENTS`` is not set, which modules are searched for
+and required is up to the find module, but should be documented.
+For internal implementation, it is a generally accepted convention that
+variables starting with underscore are for temporary use only.
+.. _`CMake Developer Standard Variable Names`:
+Standard Variable Names
+For a ``FindXxx.cmake`` module that takes the approach of setting
+variables (either instead of or in addition to creating imported
+targets), the following variable names should be used to keep things
+consistent between find modules. Note that all variables start with
+``Xxx_`` to make sure they do not interfere with other find modules; the
+same consideration applies to macros, functions and imported targets.
+ The final set of include directories listed in one variable for use by
+ client code. This should not be a cache entry.
+ The libraries to link against to use Xxx. These should include full
+ paths. This should not be a cache entry.
+ Definitions to use when compiling code that uses Xxx. This really
+ shouldn't include options such as ``-DHAS_JPEG`` that a client
+ source-code file uses to decide whether to ``#include <jpeg.h>``
+ Where to find the Xxx tool.
+ Where to find the Yyy tool that comes with Xxx.
+ Optionally, the final set of library directories listed in one
+ variable for use by client code. This should not be a cache entry.
+ Where to find the base directory of Xxx.
+ Expect Version Yy if true. Make sure at most one of these is ever true.
+ If False, do not try to use the relevant CMake wrapping command.
+ If False, optional Yy part of Xxx system is not available.
+ Set to false, or undefined, if we haven't found, or don't want to use
+ Xxx.
+ Should be set by config-files in the case that it has set
+ ``Xxx_FOUND`` to FALSE. The contained message will be printed by the
+ :command:`find_package` command and by
+ ``find_package_handle_standard_args()`` to inform the user about the
+ problem.
+ Optionally, the runtime library search path for use when running an
+ executable linked to shared libraries. The list should be used by
+ user code to create the ``PATH`` on windows or ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` on
+ UNIX. This should not be a cache entry.
+ The full version string of the package found, if any. Note that many
+ existing modules provide ``Xxx_VERSION_STRING`` instead.
+ The major version of the package found, if any.
+ The minor version of the package found, if any.
+ The patch version of the package found, if any.
+The following names should not usually be used in CMakeLists.txt files, but
+are typically cache variables for users to edit and control the
+behaviour of find modules (like entering the path to a library manually)
+ The path of the Xxx library (as used with :command:`find_library`, for
+ example).
+ The path of the Yy library that is part of the Xxx system. It may or
+ may not be required to use Xxx.
+ Where to find headers for using the Xxx library.
+ Where to find headers for using the Yy library of the Xxx system.
+To prevent users being overwhelmed with settings to configure, try to
+keep as many options as possible out of the cache, leaving at least one
+option which can be used to disable use of the module, or locate a
+not-found library (e.g. ``Xxx_ROOT_DIR``). For the same reason, mark
+most cache options as advanced. For packages which provide both debug
+and release binaries, it is common to create cache variables with a
+``_LIBRARY_<CONFIG>`` suffix, such as ``Foo_LIBRARY_RELEASE`` and
+While these are the standard variable names, you should provide
+backwards compatibility for any old names that were actually in use.
+Make sure you comment them as deprecated, so that no-one starts using
+A Sample Find Module
+We will describe how to create a simple find module for a library ``Foo``.
+The top of the module should begin with a license notice, followed by
+a blank line, and then followed by a :ref:`Bracket Comment`. The comment
+should begin with ``.rst:`` to indicate that the rest of its content is
+reStructuredText-format documentation. For example:
+ # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
+ # file Copyright.txt or for details.
+ #[=======================================================================[.rst:
+ FindFoo
+ -------
+ Finds the Foo library.
+ Imported Targets
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ This module provides the following imported targets, if found:
+ ``Foo::Foo``
+ The Foo library
+ Result Variables
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ This will define the following variables:
+ ``Foo_FOUND``
+ True if the system has the Foo library.
+ ``Foo_VERSION``
+ The version of the Foo library which was found.
+ Include directories needed to use Foo.
+ Libraries needed to link to Foo.
+ Cache Variables
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ The following cache variables may also be set:
+ The directory containing ``foo.h``.
+ ``Foo_LIBRARY``
+ The path to the Foo library.
+ #]=======================================================================]
+The module documentation consists of:
+* An underlined heading specifying the module name.
+* A simple description of what the module finds.
+ More description may be required for some packages. If there are
+ caveats or other details users of the module should be aware of,
+ specify them here.
+* A section listing imported targets provided by the module, if any.
+* A section listing result variables provided by the module.
+* Optionally a section listing cache variables used by the module, if any.
+If the package provides any macros or functions, they should be listed in
+an additional section, but can be documented by additional ``.rst:``
+comment blocks immediately above where those macros or functions are defined.
+The find module implementation may begin below the documentation block.
+Now the actual libraries and so on have to be found. The code here will
+obviously vary from module to module (dealing with that, after all, is the
+point of find modules), but there tends to be a common pattern for libraries.
+First, we try to use ``pkg-config`` to find the library. Note that we
+cannot rely on this, as it may not be available, but it provides a good
+starting point.
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ find_package(PkgConfig)
+ pkg_check_modules(PC_Foo QUIET Foo)
+This should define some variables starting ``PC_Foo_`` that contain the
+information from the ``Foo.pc`` file.
+Now we need to find the libraries and include files; we use the
+information from ``pkg-config`` to provide hints to CMake about where to
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ find_path(Foo_INCLUDE_DIR
+ NAMES foo.h
+ )
+ find_library(Foo_LIBRARY
+ NAMES foo
+ )
+If you have a good way of getting the version (from a header file, for
+example), you can use that information to set ``Foo_VERSION`` (although
+note that find modules have traditionally used ``Foo_VERSION_STRING``,
+so you may want to set both). Otherwise, attempt to use the information
+from ``pkg-config``
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(Foo_VERSION ${PC_Foo_VERSION})
+Now we can use :module:`FindPackageHandleStandardArgs` to do most of the
+rest of the work for us
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs)
+ find_package_handle_standard_args(Foo
+ )
+This will check that the ``REQUIRED_VARS`` contain values (that do not
+end in ``-NOTFOUND``) and set ``Foo_FOUND`` appropriately. It will also
+cache those values. If ``Foo_VERSION`` is set, and a required version
+was passed to :command:`find_package`, it will check the requested version
+against the one in ``Foo_VERSION``. It will also print messages as
+appropriate; note that if the package was found, it will print the
+contents of the first required variable to indicate where it was found.
+At this point, we have to provide a way for users of the find module to
+link to the library or libraries that were found. There are two
+approaches, as discussed in the `Find Modules`_ section above. The
+traditional variable approach looks like
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ if(Foo_FOUND)
+ endif()
+If more than one library was found, all of them should be included in
+these variables (see the `Standard Variable Names`_ section for more
+When providing imported targets, these should be namespaced (hence the
+``Foo::`` prefix); CMake will recognize that values passed to
+:command:`target_link_libraries` that contain ``::`` in their name are
+supposed to be imported targets (rather than just library names), and
+will produce appropriate diagnostic messages if that target does not
+exist (see policy :policy:`CMP0028`).
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ add_library(Foo::Foo UNKNOWN IMPORTED)
+ set_target_properties(Foo::Foo PROPERTIES
+ )
+ endif()
+One thing to note about this is that the ``INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES`` and
+similar properties should only contain information about the target itself, and
+not any of its dependencies. Instead, those dependencies should also be
+targets, and CMake should be told that they are dependencies of this target.
+CMake will then combine all the necessary information automatically.
+The type of the :prop_tgt:`IMPORTED` target created in the
+:command:`add_library` command can always be specified as ``UNKNOWN``
+type. This simplifies the code in cases where static or shared variants may
+be found, and CMake will determine the type by inspecting the files.
+If the library is available with multiple configurations, the
+:prop_tgt:`IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS` target property should also be
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ if(Foo_FOUND)
+ if (NOT TARGET Foo::Foo)
+ add_library(Foo::Foo UNKNOWN IMPORTED)
+ endif()
+ set_property(TARGET Foo::Foo APPEND PROPERTY
+ )
+ set_target_properties(Foo::Foo PROPERTIES
+ )
+ endif()
+ set_property(TARGET Foo::Foo APPEND PROPERTY
+ )
+ set_target_properties(Foo::Foo PROPERTIES
+ )
+ endif()
+ set_target_properties(Foo::Foo PROPERTIES
+ )
+ endif()
+The ``RELEASE`` variant should be listed first in the property
+so that the variant is chosen if the user uses a configuration which is
+not an exact match for any listed ``IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS``.
+Most of the cache variables should be hidden in the ``ccmake`` interface unless
+the user explicitly asks to edit them.
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ mark_as_advanced(
+ )
+If this module replaces an older version, you should set compatibility variables
+to cause the least disruption possible.
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ # compatibility variables