path: root/share/cmake-3.17/Help/release/3.15.rst
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+CMake 3.15 Release Notes
+.. only:: html
+ .. contents::
+Changes made since CMake 3.14 include the following.
+New Features
+* The :generator:`Xcode` generator now supports per-target schemes.
+ See the :variable:`CMAKE_XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME` variable and
+ :prop_tgt:`XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME` target property.
+* The :generator:`Green Hills MULTI` generator has been updated:
+ * It now supports the :command:`add_custom_command` and
+ :command:`add_custom_target` commands.
+ * It is now available on Linux.
+* Preliminary support for the ``Swift`` language was added to the
+ :generator:`Ninja` generator:
+ * Use the :envvar:`SWIFTC` environment variable to specify a compiler.
+ * The :prop_tgt:`Swift_DEPENDENCIES_FILE` target property and
+ :prop_sf:`Swift_DEPENDENCIES_FILE` source file property were added
+ to customize dependency files.
+ * The :prop_tgt:`Swift_MODULE_NAME` target property was added to
+ customize the Swift module name.
+ * The :prop_sf:`Swift_DIAGNOSTICS_FILE` source property was added to
+ indicate where to write the serialised Swift diagnostics.
+ The Swift support is experimental, not considered stable, and may change
+ in future releases of CMake.
+* The ``Clang`` compiler variant on Windows that targets the MSVC ABI
+ but has a GNU-like command line is now supported.
+* Support for the Clang-based ARM compiler was added with compiler id
+ ``ARMClang``.
+* Support was added for the IAR compiler architectures Renesas RX,
+ RL78, RH850 and Texas Instruments MSP430.
+* Support was added for the IAR compilers built for Linux (IAR BuildLx).
+* The :envvar:`CMAKE_GENERATOR` environment variable was added
+ to specify a default generator to use when :manual:`cmake(1)` is
+ run without a ``-G`` option. Additionally, environment variables
+ and :envvar:`CMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE` were created to configure
+ the generator.
+* The :manual:`cmake(1)` ``--build`` tool ``--target`` parameter gained support
+ for multiple targets, e.g. ``cmake --build . --target Library1 Library2``.
+ It now also has a short form ``-t`` alias, e.g.
+ ``cmake --build . -t Library1 Library2``.
+* The :manual:`cmake(1)` command gained a new ``--install`` option.
+ This may be used after building a project to run installation without
+ using the generated build system or the native build tool.
+* The :manual:`cmake(1)` command learned a new CLI option ``--loglevel``.
+* The :manual:`cmake(1)` ``-E remove_directory`` command-line tool learned
+ to support removing multiple directories.
+* The :manual:`cmake(1)` ``-E tar`` tool has been improved:
+ * It now continues adding files to an archive even if some of the files
+ are not readable. This behavior is more consistent with the
+ classic ``tar`` tool.
+ * It now parses all flags, and if an invalid flag was provided, a
+ warning is issued.
+ * It now displays an error if no action flag was specified, along with a
+ list of possible actions: ``t`` (list), ``c`` (create) or ``x`` (extract).
+ * It now supports extracting (``-x``) or listing (``-t``) only specific
+ files or directories.
+ * It now supports Zstandard compression with a ``--zstd`` option.
+ Zstandard was designed to give a compression ratio comparable to that
+ of the DEFLATE (zip) algorithm, but faster, especially for decompression.
+* The :command:`add_custom_command` and :command:`add_custom_target` commands
+ gained a new ``JOB_POOL`` option that works with the :generator:`Ninja`
+ generator to set the pool variable on the build statement.
+* The :command:`add_library` command ``ALIAS`` option learned to support
+ import libraries of the ``UNKNOWN`` type.
+* The :command:`cmake_parse_arguments` command gained an additional
+ ``<prefix>_KEYWORDS_MISSING_VALUES`` output variable to report
+ keyword arguments that were given by the caller with no values.
+* The :command:`execute_process` command gained a ``COMMAND_ECHO`` option
+ and supporting :variable:`CMAKE_EXECUTE_PROCESS_COMMAND_ECHO` variable
+ to enable echoing of the command-line string before execution.
+* The :command:`file(INSTALL)` command learned a new argument,
+ ``FOLLOW_SYMLINK_CHAIN``, which can be used to recursively resolve and
+ install symlinks.
+* :command:`list` learned new sub-commands:
+ ``PREPEND``, ``POP_FRONT`` and ``POP_BACK``.
+* The :command:`message` command learned new types:
+ ``NOTICE``, ``VERBOSE``, ``DEBUG`` and ``TRACE``.
+* The :command:`string` learned a new sub-command ``REPEAT``.
+* The :variable:`CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR` variable and corresponding
+ :prop_tgt:`CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR` target property learned to support
+ arguments to the emulator.
+* The :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_PREFER_CONFIG` variable was added to tell
+ :command:`find_package` calls to look for a package configuration
+ file first even if a find module is available.
+* The :variable:`CMAKE_FRAMEWORK` variable was added to initialize the
+ :prop_tgt:`FRAMEWORK` property on all targets.
+* The :variable:`CMAKE_VS_JUST_MY_CODE_DEBUGGING` variable and
+ :prop_tgt:`VS_JUST_MY_CODE_DEBUGGING` target property were added to
+ enable the Just My Code feature of the Visual Studio Debugger when
+ compiling with MSVC cl 19.05 and higher.
+* The :variable:`CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY` variable and
+ :prop_tgt:`MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY` target property were introduced to
+ select the runtime library used by compilers targeting the MSVC ABI.
+ See policy :policy:`CMP0091`.
+* The :variable:`CMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE` and
+ :variable:`CMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE_BEFORE` variables were added to allow
+ injection of custom code at the sites of :command:`project` calls
+ without knowing the project name a priori.
+* The :prop_tgt:`ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES` target property and
+ :prop_dir:`ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES` directory property were added.
+ They allow to register additional files that should be removed during
+ the clean stage.
+* The :prop_tgt:`PUBLIC_HEADER` and :prop_tgt:`PRIVATE_HEADER` properties
+ may now be set on :ref:`Interface Libraries`. The headers specified by those
+ properties can be installed using the :command:`install(TARGETS)` command by
+ passing the ``PUBLIC_HEADER`` and ``PRIVATE_HEADER`` arguments respectively.
+* The :prop_tgt:`VS_PACKAGE_REFERENCES` target property was added to
+ tell :ref:`Visual Studio Generators` to add references to ``nuget``
+ packages.
+* The :prop_tgt:`VS_PROJECT_IMPORT` target property was added to allow
+ managed Visual Studio project files to import external ``.props`` files.
+* The :prop_tgt:`VS_NO_SOLUTION_DEPLOY` target property was added to
+ tell :ref:`Visual Studio Generators` whether to deploy an artifact
+ to the WinCE or Windows Phone target device.
+* The :module:`FindBoost` module was reworked to expose a more consistent
+ user experience between its "Config" and "Module" modes and with other
+ find modules in general.
+ * A new imported target ``Boost::headers`` is now defined (same
+ as ``Boost::boost``).
+ * New output variables ``Boost_VERSION_MACRO``,
+ ``Boost_VERSION_PATCH``, and ``Boost_VERSION_COUNT``
+ were added.
+ * The ``QUIET`` argument passed to :command:`find_package` is no
+ longer ignored in config mode. Note that the CMake package shipped with
+ Boost ``1.70.0`` ignores the ``QUIET`` argument passed to
+ :command:`find_package`. This is fixed in the next Boost release.
+ * The input switch ``Boost_DETAILED_FAILURE_MSG`` was removed.
+ * ``Boost_VERSION`` now reports the version in ``x.y.z``
+ format in module mode. See policy :policy:`CMP0093`.
+* The :module:`FindCups` module now provides imported targets.
+* The :module:`FindEnvModules` module was added to use Lua- and TCL-based
+ environment modules in :ref:`CTest Scripts <CTest Script>`.
+* The :module:`FindGLEW` module now provides an interface more consistent
+ with what upstream GLEW provides in its own CMake package files.
+* The :module:`FindPkgConfig` now populates :prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_LINK_OPTIONS`
+ property of imported targets with other (non-library) linker flags.
+* The :module:`FindPostgreSQL` module learned to find debug and release
+ variants separately.
+* Modules :module:`FindPython3`, :module:`FindPython2` and :module:`FindPython`
+ gained additional lookup strategies and controls, and a new default.
+ See policy :policy:`CMP0094`.
+* Modules :module:`FindPython`, :module:`FindPython2` and :module:`FindPython3`
+ gain a new target (respectively ``Python::Module``, ``Python2::Module``
+ and ``Python3::Module``) which can be used to develop Python modules.
+* Modules :module:`FindPython3`, :module:`FindPython2` and :module:`FindPython`
+ gain capability to control how virtual environments are handled.
+* The :module:`UseSWIG` module learned to manage alternate library names
+ by passing ``-interface <library_name>`` for ``python`` language or
+ ``-dllimport <library_name>`` for ``CSharp`` language to the ``SWIG``
+ compiler.
+Generator Expressions
+* The :manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`
+ ``PLATFORM_ID`` learned to support matching one value from a comma-separated
+ list.
+* The ``$<CUDA_COMPILER_ID:...>`` and ``$<CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION:...>``
+ :manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>` were added.
+* The ``$<COMPILE_LANG_AND_ID:...>`` generator expression was introduced to
+ allow specification of compile options for target files based on the
+ :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_ID` and :prop_sf:`LANGUAGE` of
+ each source file.
+* A ``$<FILTER:list,INCLUDE|EXCLUDE,regex>``
+ :manual:`generator expression <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`
+ has been added.
+* A ``$<REMOVE_DUPLICATES:list>``
+ :manual:`generator expression <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`
+ has been added.
+* The ``$<SHELL_PATH:...>`` :manual:`generator expression
+ <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>` gained support for a list of paths.
+* New ``$<TARGET_FILE*>`` :manual:`generator expressions
+ <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>` were added to retrieve the prefix, base
+ name, and suffix of the file names of various artifacts:
+ * ``$<TARGET_FILE_PREFIX:...>``
+ * ``$<TARGET_FILE_BASE_NAME:...>``
+ * ``$<TARGET_FILE_SUFFIX:...>``
+* The ``$<TARGET_OBJECTS:...>`` :manual:`generator expression
+ <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>` is now supported on ``SHARED``,
+ ``STATIC``, ``MODULE`` libraries and executables.
+* The :command:`ctest_submit` command learned a new option: ``BUILD_ID``.
+ This can be used to store the ID assigned to this build by CDash to a
+ variable.
+* The :command:`ctest_update` command learned to honor a new variable:
+ :variable:`CTEST_UPDATE_VERSION_OVERRIDE`. This can be used to specify
+ the current version of your source tree rather than using the update
+ command to discover the current version that is checked out.
+* The :cpack_gen:`CPack IFW Generator` gained a new
+ :variable:`CPACK_IFW_PACKAGE_STYLE_SHEET` variable to customize the
+ installer stylesheet.
+Deprecated and Removed Features
+* The :manual:`cmake-server(7)` mode has been deprecated and will be
+ removed from a future version of CMake. Please port clients to use
+ the :manual:`cmake-file-api(7)` instead.
+* The :prop_dir:`ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES` directory property is now
+ deprecated. Use the :prop_dir:`ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES` directory property
+ instead.
+* The variable :variable:`CMAKE_AUTOMOC_RELAXED_MODE` is considered
+ deprecated. Support still exists but will be removed in future versions.
+* The :command:`export(PACKAGE)` command now does nothing unless
+ enabled via :variable:`CMAKE_EXPORT_PACKAGE_REGISTRY`.
+ See policy :policy:`CMP0090`.
+* The :generator:`Xcode` generator now requires at least Xcode 5.
+* An explicit deprecation diagnostic was added for policy ``CMP0066``
+ (``CMP0065`` and below were already deprecated).
+ The :manual:`cmake-policies(7)` manual explains that the OLD behaviors
+ of all policies are deprecated and that projects should port to the
+ NEW behaviors.
+Other Changes
+* CMake learned how to compile C++14 with the IBM AIX XL compiler
+ and the SunPro compiler and to compile C++20 with the AppleClang compiler.
+* With MSVC-like compilers the value of :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS`
+ no longer contains warning flags like ``/W3`` by default.
+ See policy :policy:`CMP0092`.
+* IBM Clang-based XL compilers that define ``__ibmxl__`` now use the
+ compiler id ``XLClang`` instead of ``XL``. See policy :policy:`CMP0089`.
+* The :command:`file(REMOVE)` and :command:`file(REMOVE_RECURSE)` commands
+ were changed to ignore empty arguments with a warning instead of treating
+ them as a relative path and removing the contents of the current directory.
+Changes made since CMake 3.15.0 include the following.
+* In CMake 3.15.0 support for the GNU-like ``Clang`` compiler targeting the
+ MSVC ABI implemented :variable:`CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD` values 98 and 11 using
+ the corresponding ``-std=`` flags. However, these modes do not work with
+ the MSVC standard library. Therefore CMake 3.15.1 passes C++14 standard
+ flags even for C++98 and C++11. This is consistent with MSVC itself which
+ always runs in a mode aware of C++14.
+* Preliminary Swift support added in 3.15.0 has been updated.
+* In CMake 3.15.0 and 3.15.1 the :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_PREFER_CONFIG`
+ variable caused the :command:`find_package` command to fail on a missing
+ package even without the ``REQUIRED`` option. This has been fixed.
+* ``CrayPrgEnv`` compiler wrapper support has been updated for the 19.06
+ release of the Cray Programming Environment for which the default linking
+ mode on XC Cray systems is now dynamic instead of static.
+* In CMake 3.15.0 through 3.15.3, the :prop_dir:`EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL`
+ directory property was regressed from pre-3.14 behavior and caused
+ targets within the directory to be excluded even from its own "all".
+ This has been fixed.
+ The bug also existed in 3.14.0 through 3.14.6 and is fixed in 3.14.7.