path: root/share/cmake-3.17/Help/release/3.16.rst
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+CMake 3.16 Release Notes
+.. only:: html
+ .. contents::
+Changes made since CMake 3.15 include the following.
+New Features
+* CMake learned to support the Objective C (``OBJC``) and Objective C++
+ (``OBJCXX``) languages. They may be enabled via the :command:`project`
+ and :command:`enable_language` commands. When ``OBJC`` or ``OBJCXX``
+ is enabled, source files with the ``.m`` or ``.mm``, respectively,
+ will be compiled as Objective C or C++. Otherwise they will be treated
+ as plain C++ sources as they were before.
+* The ``Clang`` compiler is now supported on ``Solaris``.
+* On AIX, executables using the :prop_tgt:`ENABLE_EXPORTS` target property
+ now produce a linker import file with a ``.imp`` extension in addition
+ to the executable file. Plugins (created via :command:`add_library` with
+ the ``MODULE`` option) that use :command:`target_link_libraries` to link
+ to the executable for its symbols are now linked using the import file.
+ The :command:`install(TARGETS)` command now installs the import file as
+ an ``ARCHIVE`` artifact.
+* On AIX, runtime linking is no longer enabled by default. CMake provides
+ the linker enough information to resolve all symbols up front.
+ One may manually enable runtime linking for shared libraries and/or
+ loadable modules by adding ``-Wl,-G`` to their link flags
+ (e.g. in the :variable:`CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS` or
+ :variable:`CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS` variable).
+ One may manually enable runtime linking for executables by adding
+ ``-Wl,-brtl`` to their link flags (e.g. in the
+ :variable:`CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS` variable).
+* :manual:`cmake(1)` ``-E`` now supports ``true`` and ``false`` commands,
+ which do nothing while returning exit codes of 0 and 1, respectively.
+* :manual:`cmake(1)` gained a ``--trace-redirect=<file>`` command line
+ option that can be used to redirect ``--trace`` output to a file instead
+ of ``stderr``.
+* The :manual:`cmake(1)` ``--loglevel`` command line option has been
+ renamed to ``--log-level`` to make it consistent with the naming of other
+ command line options. The ``--loglevel`` option is still supported to
+ preserve backward compatibility.
+* The :command:`add_test` command learned the option ``COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS``
+ which causes lists in the ``COMMAND`` argument to be expanded, including
+ lists created by generator expressions.
+* The :command:`file` command learned a new sub-command,
+ ``GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES``, which allows you to recursively get the list of
+ libraries linked by an executable or library. This sub-command is intended as
+ a replacement for :module:`GetPrerequisites`.
+* The :command:`find_file`, :command:`find_library`, :command:`find_path`,
+ :command:`find_package`, and :command:`find_program` commands have learned to
+ check the following variables to control the default behavior for groups of
+ search locations:
+ * :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACKAGE_ROOT_PATH` - Controls the default
+ behavior of searching the :variable:`<PackageName>_ROOT` variables.
+ * :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH` - Controls the default
+ behavior of searching the CMake-specific environment variables.
+ * :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_USE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH` - Controls the default
+ behavior of searching the standard system environment variables.
+ * :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_PATH` - Controls the default behavior of
+ searching the CMake-specific cache variables.
+ * :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH` - Controls the default
+ behavior of searching the platform-specific CMake variables.
+* The :command:`find_package` command has learned to check the
+ :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY` variable to control the default
+ behavior of searching the CMake user package registry and to check the
+ :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_USE_SYSTEM_PACKAGE_REGISTRY` variable to control
+ the default behavior of searching the CMake system package registry.
+* The :command:`message` command learned indentation control with the new
+ :variable:`CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT` variable.
+* The :command:`target_precompile_headers` command was added to specify
+ a list of headers to precompile for faster compilation times.
+* The :variable:`CMAKE_CUDA_RESOLVE_DEVICE_SYMBOLS` variable has been
+ introduced to optionally initialize the
+ :prop_tgt:`CUDA_RESOLVE_DEVICE_SYMBOLS` target property.
+* The :variable:`CMAKE_ECLIPSE_RESOURCE_ENCODING` variable was added to
+ specify the resource encoding for the the :generator:`Eclipse CDT4` extra
+ generator.
+* The :variable:`CMAKE_UNITY_BUILD` variable was added to initialize the
+ :prop_tgt:`UNITY_BUILD` target property to tell generators to batch
+ include source files for faster compilation times.
+* The :prop_tgt:`BUILD_RPATH` and :prop_tgt:`INSTALL_RPATH` target properties
+ now support :manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`.
+* The :prop_tgt:`INSTALL_REMOVE_ENVIRONMENT_RPATH` target property was
+ added to remove compiler-defined ``RPATH`` entries from a target.
+ This property is initialized by the
+* The :prop_tgt:`PRECOMPILE_HEADERS` target property was added to specify
+ a list of headers to precompile for faster compilation times.
+ Set it using the :command:`target_precompile_headers` command.
+* The :prop_tgt:`UNITY_BUILD` target property was added to tell
+ generators to batch include source files for faster compilation
+ times.
+* The :prop_tgt:`VS_CONFIGURATION_TYPE` target property now supports
+ :manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`.
+* The :prop_tgt:`VS_DPI_AWARE` target property was added to tell
+ :ref:`Visual Studio Generators` to set the ``EnableDpiAwareness``
+ property in ``.vcxproj`` files.
+* The :prop_tgt:`XCODE_SCHEME_DEBUG_DOCUMENT_VERSIONING` target property was
+ added to tell the :generator:`Xcode` generator to set the value of the
+ ``Allow debugging when using document Versions Browser`` schema option.
+* The :module:`FindDoxygen` module :command:`doxygen_add_docs` command
+ gained a new ``USE_STAMP_FILE`` option. When this option present,
+ the custom target created by the command will only re-run Doxygen if
+ any of the source files have changed since the last successful run.
+* The :module:`FindGnuTLS` module now provides an imported target.
+* The :module:`FindPackageHandleStandardArgs` module
+ :command:`find_package_handle_standard_args` command gained
+ a new ``REASON_FAILURE_MESSAGE`` option to specify a message
+ giving the reason for the failure.
+* The :module:`FindPkgConfig` module :command:`pkg_search_module` macro
+ now defines a ``<prefix>_MODULE_NAME`` result variable containing the
+ first matching module name.
+* The :module:`FindPython3` and :module:`FindPython` modules gained
+ options to control which ``ABIs`` will be searched.
+* The :module:`FindPython3`, :module:`FindPython2`, and :module:`FindPython`
+ modules now support direct specification of artifacts via cache entries.
+* When using :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC`, CMake now generates the ``-p`` path prefix
+ option for ``moc``. This ensures that ``moc`` output files are identical
+ on different build setups (given, that the headers compiled by ``moc`` are
+ in an :command:`include directory <target_include_directories>`).
+ Also it ensures that ``moc`` output files will compile correctly when the
+ source and/or build directory is a symbolic link.
+ The ``moc`` path prefix generation behavior can be configured by setting
+ the new :variable:`CMAKE_AUTOMOC_PATH_PREFIX` variable and/or
+ :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC_PATH_PREFIX` target property.
+* :manual:`ctest(1)` now has the ability to schedule tests based on resource
+ requirements for each test. See :ref:`ctest-resource-allocation` for
+ details.
+* A new test property, :prop_test:`SKIP_REGULAR_EXPRESSION`, has been added.
+ This property is similar to :prop_test:`FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION` and
+ :prop_test:`PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION`, but with the same meaning as
+ :prop_test:`SKIP_RETURN_CODE`. This is useful, for example, in cases where
+ the user has no control over the return code of the test. For example, in
+ Catch2, the return value is the number of assertion failed, therefore it is
+ impossible to use it for :prop_test:`SKIP_RETURN_CODE`.
+* :manual:`cpack(1)` learned support for multiple configurations for ``-C``
+ option.
+* The :cpack_gen:`CPack DEB Generator` is now able to format generic text
+ (usually used as the description for multiple CPack generators) according
+ to the `Debian Policy Manual`_. See the
+* The :cpack_gen:`CPack Archive Generator` learned to generate ``.tar.zst``
+ packages with Zstandard compression.
+.. _`Debian Policy Manual`:
+Deprecated and Removed Features
+* An explicit deprecation diagnostic was added for policy ``CMP0067``
+ (``CMP0066`` and below were already deprecated).
+ The :manual:`cmake-policies(7)` manual explains that the OLD behaviors
+ of all policies are deprecated and that projects should port to the
+ NEW behaviors.
+* The :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NO_PACKAGE_REGISTRY` variable has been
+ deprecated. Use the :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY` variable
+ instead.
+* The :module:`GetPrerequisites` module has been deprecated, as it has been
+ superceded by :command:`file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES)`.
+* The ``CPACK_INSTALL_SCRIPT`` variable has been deprecated in favor of the
+ new, more accurately named :variable:`CPACK_INSTALL_SCRIPTS` variable.
+Other Changes
+* The :manual:`cmake(1)` ``-C <initial-cache>`` option now evaluates the
+ initial cache script with :variable:`CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR` and
+ :variable:`CMAKE_BINARY_DIR` set to the top-level source and build trees.
+* The :manual:`cmake(1)` ``-E remove_directory`` command-line tool,
+ when given the path to a symlink to a directory, now removes just
+ the symlink. It no longer removes content of the linked directory.
+* The :manual:`ctest(1)` ``--build-makeprogram`` command-line option now
+ specifies the make program used when configuring a project with the
+ :generator:`Ninja` generator or the :ref:`Makefile Generators`.
+* The :module:`ExternalProject` module :command:`ExternalProject_Add` command
+ has been updated so that ``GIT_SUBMODULES ""`` initializes no submodules.
+ See policy :policy:`CMP0097`.
+* The :module:`FindGTest` module has been updated to recognize
+ MSVC build trees generated by GTest 1.8.1.
+* The :command:`project` command no longer strips leading zeros in version
+ components. See policy :policy:`CMP0096`.
+* The Qt Compressed Help file is now named ``CMake.qch``, which no longer
+ contains the release version in the file name. When CMake is upgraded
+ in-place, the name and location of this file will remain constant.
+ Tools such as IDEs, help viewers, etc. should now be able to refer to this
+ file at a fixed location that remains valid across CMake upgrades.
+* ``RPATH`` entries are properly escaped in the generated CMake scripts
+ used for installation. See policy :policy:`CMP0095`.
+* When using :variable:`CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS` on Windows the
+ auto-generated exports are now updated only when the object files
+ providing the symbols are updated.
+Changes made since CMake 3.16.0 include the following.
+* CMake 3.16.0 and 3.16.1 processed ``.hh`` files with :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC`.
+ This was a behavior change from CMake 3.15 and below that can break
+ existing projects, so it has been reverted as of 3.16.2.
+* The :module:`FindPython`, :module:`FindPython2`, and :module:`FindPython3`
+ modules no longer create cache entries for ``Python{,2,3}_LIBRARY_RELEASE``
+ and ``Python{,2,3}_LIBRARY_DEBUG``. Those values are always computed from
+ other results and so should not be cached. The entries were created by
+ CMake 3.16.0 through 3.16.4 but were always ``FORCE``-set and could not
+ be meaningfully edited by users.
+ Additionally, the modules no longer expose their internal ``_Python*``
+ cache entries publicly. CMake 3.16.0 through 3.16.4 accidentally
+ made them visible as advanced cache entries.