path: root/share/cmake-3.18/Help/manual/cmake-toolchains.7.rst
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+.. cmake-manual-description: CMake Toolchains Reference
+.. only:: html
+ .. contents::
+CMake uses a toolchain of utilities to compile, link libraries and create
+archives, and other tasks to drive the build. The toolchain utilities available
+are determined by the languages enabled. In normal builds, CMake automatically
+determines the toolchain for host builds based on system introspection and
+defaults. In cross-compiling scenarios, a toolchain file may be specified
+with information about compiler and utility paths.
+Languages are enabled by the :command:`project` command. Language-specific
+built-in variables, such as
+:variable:`CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID <CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_ID>` etc are set by
+invoking the :command:`project` command. If no project command
+is in the top-level CMakeLists file, one will be implicitly generated. By default
+the enabled languages are ``C`` and ``CXX``:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ project(C_Only C)
+A special value of ``NONE`` can also be used with the :command:`project` command
+to enable no languages:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ project(MyProject NONE)
+The :command:`enable_language` command can be used to enable languages after the
+:command:`project` command:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ enable_language(CXX)
+When a language is enabled, CMake finds a compiler for that language, and
+determines some information, such as the vendor and version of the compiler,
+the target architecture and bitwidth, the location of corresponding utilities
+The :prop_gbl:`ENABLED_LANGUAGES` global property contains the languages which
+are currently enabled.
+Variables and Properties
+Several variables relate to the language components of a toolchain which are
+enabled. :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER` is the full path to the compiler used
+for ``<LANG>``. :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_ID` is the identifier used
+by CMake for the compiler and :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_VERSION` is the
+version of the compiler.
+The :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS` variables and the configuration-specific
+equivalents contain flags that will be added to the compile command when
+compiling a file of a particular language.
+As the linker is invoked by the compiler driver, CMake needs a way to determine
+which compiler to use to invoke the linker. This is calculated by the
+:prop_sf:`LANGUAGE` of source files in the target, and in the case of static
+libraries, the language of the dependent libraries. The choice CMake makes may
+be overridden with the :prop_tgt:`LINKER_LANGUAGE` target property.
+Toolchain Features
+CMake provides the :command:`try_compile` command and wrapper macros such as
+:module:`CheckCXXSourceCompiles`, :module:`CheckCXXSymbolExists` and
+:module:`CheckIncludeFile` to test capability and availability of various
+toolchain features. These APIs test the toolchain in some way and cache the
+result so that the test does not have to be performed again the next time
+CMake runs.
+Some toolchain features have built-in handling in CMake, and do not require
+compile-tests. For example, :prop_tgt:`POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE` allows
+specifying that a target should be built as position-independent code, if
+the compiler supports that feature. The :prop_tgt:`<LANG>_VISIBILITY_PRESET`
+and :prop_tgt:`VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN` target properties add flags for
+hidden visibility, if supported by the compiler.
+.. _`Cross Compiling Toolchain`:
+Cross Compiling
+If :manual:`cmake(1)` is invoked with the command line parameter
+``-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=path/to/file``, the file will be loaded early to set
+values for the compilers.
+The :variable:`CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING` variable is set to true when CMake is
+Note that using the :variable:`CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR` or :variable:`CMAKE_BINARY_DIR`
+variables inside a toolchain file is typically undesirable. The toolchain
+file is used in contexts where these variables have different values when used
+in different places (e.g. as part of a call to :command:`try_compile`). In most
+cases, where there is a need to evaluate paths inside a toolchain file, the more
+appropriate variable to use would be :variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR`, since
+it always has an unambiguous, predictable value.
+Cross Compiling for Linux
+A typical cross-compiling toolchain for Linux has content such
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(CMAKE_SYSROOT /home/devel/rasp-pi-rootfs)
+ set(CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX /home/devel/stage)
+ set(tools /home/devel/gcc-4.7-linaro-rpi-gnueabihf)
+ set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER ${tools}/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc)
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER ${tools}/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++)
+The :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` is the CMake-identifier of the target platform
+to build for.
+The :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR` is the CMake-identifier of the target architecture
+to build for.
+The :variable:`CMAKE_SYSROOT` is optional, and may be specified if a sysroot
+is available.
+The :variable:`CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX` is also optional. It may be used to specify
+a path on the host to install to. The :variable:`CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` is always
+the runtime installation location, even when cross-compiling.
+The :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER` variables may be set to full paths, or to
+names of compilers to search for in standard locations. For toolchains that
+do not support linking binaries without custom flags or scripts one may set
+the :variable:`CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_TARGET_TYPE` variable to ``STATIC_LIBRARY``
+to tell CMake not to try to link executables during its checks.
+CMake ``find_*`` commands will look in the sysroot, and the :variable:`CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH`
+entries by default in all cases, as well as looking in the host system root prefix.
+Although this can be controlled on a case-by-case basis, when cross-compiling, it
+can be useful to exclude looking in either the host or the target for particular
+artifacts. Generally, includes, libraries and packages should be found in the
+target system prefixes, whereas executables which must be run as part of the build
+should be found only on the host and not on the target. This is the purpose of
+the ``CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_*`` variables.
+.. _`Cray Cross-Compile`:
+Cross Compiling for the Cray Linux Environment
+Cross compiling for compute nodes in the Cray Linux Environment can be done
+without needing a separate toolchain file. Specifying
+``-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=CrayLinuxEnvironment`` on the CMake command line will
+ensure that the appropriate build settings and search paths are configured.
+The platform will pull its configuration from the current environment
+variables and will configure a project to use the compiler wrappers from the
+Cray Programming Environment's ``PrgEnv-*`` modules if present and loaded.
+The default configuration of the Cray Programming Environment is to only
+support static libraries. This can be overridden and shared libraries
+enabled by setting the ``CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE`` environment variable to
+Running CMake without specifying :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` will
+run the configure step in host mode assuming a standard Linux environment.
+If not overridden, the ``PrgEnv-*`` compiler wrappers will end up getting used,
+which if targeting the either the login node or compute node, is likely not the
+desired behavior. The exception to this would be if you are building directly
+on a NID instead of cross-compiling from a login node. If trying to build
+software for a login node, you will need to either first unload the
+currently loaded ``PrgEnv-*`` module or explicitly tell CMake to use the
+system compilers in ``/usr/bin`` instead of the Cray wrappers. If instead
+targeting a compute node is desired, just specify the
+:variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` as mentioned above.
+Cross Compiling using Clang
+Some compilers such as Clang are inherently cross compilers.
+The :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_TARGET` can be set to pass a
+value to those supported compilers when compiling:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(triple arm-linux-gnueabihf)
+ set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER clang)
+ set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_TARGET ${triple})
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER clang++)
+Similarly, some compilers do not ship their own supplementary utilities
+such as linkers, but provide a way to specify the location of the external
+toolchain which will be used by the compiler driver. The
+:variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN` variable can be set in a
+toolchain file to pass the path to the compiler driver.
+Cross Compiling for QNX
+As the Clang compiler the QNX QCC compile is inherently a cross compiler.
+And the :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_TARGET` can be set to pass a
+value to those supported compilers when compiling:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(arch gcc_ntoarmv7le)
+Cross Compiling for Windows CE
+Cross compiling for Windows CE requires the corresponding SDK being
+installed on your system. These SDKs are usually installed under
+``C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows CE Tools/SDKs``.
+A toolchain file to configure a Visual Studio generator for
+Windows CE may look like this:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET CE800) # Can be omitted for 8.0
+The :variable:`CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM` tells the generator which SDK to use.
+Further :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION` tells the generator what version of
+Windows CE to use. Currently version 8.0 (Windows Embedded Compact 2013) is
+supported out of the box. Other versions may require one to set
+:variable:`CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET` to the correct value.
+Cross Compiling for Windows 10 Universal Applications
+A toolchain file to configure a Visual Studio generator for a
+Windows 10 Universal Application may look like this:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME WindowsStore)
+A Windows 10 Universal Application targets both Windows Store and
+Windows Phone. Specify the :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION` variable
+to be ``10.0`` to build with the latest available Windows 10 SDK.
+Specify a more specific version (e.g. ``10.0.10240.0`` for RTM)
+to build with the corresponding SDK.
+Cross Compiling for Windows Phone
+A toolchain file to configure a Visual Studio generator for
+Windows Phone may look like this:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME WindowsPhone)
+Cross Compiling for Windows Store
+A toolchain file to configure a Visual Studio generator for
+Windows Store may look like this:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME WindowsStore)
+.. _`Cross Compiling for Android`:
+Cross Compiling for Android
+A toolchain file may configure cross-compiling for Android by setting the
+:variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` variable to ``Android``. Further configuration
+is specific to the Android development environment to be used.
+For :ref:`Visual Studio Generators`, CMake expects :ref:`NVIDIA Nsight Tegra
+Visual Studio Edition <Cross Compiling for Android with NVIDIA Nsight Tegra
+Visual Studio Edition>` to be installed. See that section for further
+configuration details.
+For :ref:`Makefile Generators` and the :generator:`Ninja` generator,
+CMake expects one of these environments:
+* :ref:`NDK <Cross Compiling for Android with the NDK>`
+* :ref:`Standalone Toolchain <Cross Compiling for Android with a Standalone Toolchain>`
+CMake uses the following steps to select one of the environments:
+* If the :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK` variable is set, the NDK at the
+ specified location will be used.
+* Else, if the :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN` variable
+ is set, the Standalone Toolchain at the specified location will be used.
+* Else, if the :variable:`CMAKE_SYSROOT` variable is set to a directory
+ of the form ``<ndk>/platforms/android-<api>/arch-<arch>``, the ``<ndk>``
+ part will be used as the value of :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK` and the
+ NDK will be used.
+* Else, if the :variable:`CMAKE_SYSROOT` variable is set to a directory of the
+ form ``<standalone-toolchain>/sysroot``, the ``<standalone-toolchain>`` part
+ will be used as the value of :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN`
+ and the Standalone Toolchain will be used.
+* Else, if a cmake variable ``ANDROID_NDK`` is set it will be used
+ as the value of :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK`, and the NDK will be used.
+* Else, if a cmake variable ``ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN`` is set, it will be
+ used as the value of :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN`, and the
+ Standalone Toolchain will be used.
+* Else, if an environment variable ``ANDROID_NDK_ROOT`` or
+ ``ANDROID_NDK`` is set, it will be used as the value of
+ :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK`, and the NDK will be used.
+* Else, if an environment variable ``ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN`` is
+ set then it will be used as the value of
+ :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN`, and the Standalone
+ Toolchain will be used.
+* Else, an error diagnostic will be issued that neither the NDK or
+ Standalone Toolchain can be found.
+.. _`Cross Compiling for Android with the NDK`:
+Cross Compiling for Android with the NDK
+A toolchain file may configure :ref:`Makefile Generators` or the
+:generator:`Ninja` generator to target Android for cross-compiling.
+Configure use of an Android NDK with the following variables:
+ Set to ``Android``. Must be specified to enable cross compiling
+ for Android.
+ Set to the Android API level. If not specified, the value is
+ determined as follows:
+ * If the :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_API` variable is set, its value
+ is used as the API level.
+ * If the :variable:`CMAKE_SYSROOT` variable is set, the API level is
+ detected from the NDK directory structure containing the sysroot.
+ * Otherwise, the latest API level available in the NDK is used.
+ Set to the Android ABI (architecture). If not specified, this
+ variable will default to ``armeabi``.
+ The :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH` variable will be computed
+ from ``CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI`` automatically.
+ Also see the :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_ARM_MODE` and
+ :variable:`CMAKE_ANDROID_ARM_NEON` variables.
+ Set to the absolute path to the Android NDK root directory.
+ A ``${CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK}/platforms`` directory must exist.
+ If not specified, a default for this variable will be chosen
+ as specified :ref:`above <Cross Compiling for Android>`.
+ Set to a true value to use the deprecated per-api-level headers
+ instead of the unified headers. If not specified, the default will
+ be false unless using a NDK that does not provide unified headers.
+ On NDK r19 or above, this variable must be unset or set to ``clang``.
+ On NDK r18 or below, set this to the version of the NDK toolchain to
+ be selected as the compiler. If not specified, the default will be
+ the latest available GCC toolchain.
+ Set to specify which C++ standard library to use. If not specified,
+ a default will be selected as described in the variable documentation.
+The following variables will be computed and provided automatically:
+ The absolute path prefix to the binutils in the NDK toolchain.
+ The host platform suffix of the binutils in the NDK toolchain.
+For example, a toolchain file might contain:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Android)
+ set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION 21) # API level
+ set(CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI arm64-v8a)
+ set(CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK /path/to/android-ndk)
+ set(CMAKE_ANDROID_STL_TYPE gnustl_static)
+Alternatively one may specify the values without a toolchain file:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ cmake ../src \
+ -DCMAKE_ANDROID_NDK=/path/to/android-ndk \
+ -DCMAKE_ANDROID_STL_TYPE=gnustl_static
+.. _`Cross Compiling for Android with a Standalone Toolchain`:
+Cross Compiling for Android with a Standalone Toolchain
+A toolchain file may configure :ref:`Makefile Generators` or the
+:generator:`Ninja` generator to target Android for cross-compiling
+using a standalone toolchain.
+Configure use of an Android standalone toolchain with the following variables:
+ Set to ``Android``. Must be specified to enable cross compiling
+ for Android.
+ Set to the absolute path to the standalone toolchain root directory.
+ must exist.
+ If not specified, a default for this variable will be chosen
+ as specified :ref:`above <Cross Compiling for Android>`.
+ When the standalone toolchain targets ARM, optionally set this to ``ON``
+ to target 32-bit ARM instead of 16-bit Thumb.
+ See variable documentation for details.
+ When the standalone toolchain targets ARM v7, optionally set thisto ``ON``
+ to target ARM NEON devices. See variable documentation for details.
+The following variables will be computed and provided automatically:
+ The Android API level detected from the standalone toolchain.
+ The Android ABI detected from the standalone toolchain.
+ The absolute path prefix to the ``binutils`` in the standalone toolchain.
+ The host platform suffix of the ``binutils`` in the standalone toolchain.
+For example, a toolchain file might contain:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Android)
+ set(CMAKE_ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN /path/to/android-toolchain)
+Alternatively one may specify the values without a toolchain file:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ cmake ../src \
+ -DCMAKE_ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN=/path/to/android-toolchain
+.. _`Cross Compiling for Android with NVIDIA Nsight Tegra Visual Studio Edition`:
+Cross Compiling for Android with NVIDIA Nsight Tegra Visual Studio Edition
+A toolchain file to configure one of the :ref:`Visual Studio Generators`
+to build using NVIDIA Nsight Tegra targeting Android may look like this:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Android)
+The :variable:`CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET` may be set to select
+the Nsight Tegra "Toolchain Version" value.
+See also target properties:
+* :prop_tgt:`ANDROID_API_MIN`
+* :prop_tgt:`ANDROID_API`
+* :prop_tgt:`ANDROID_ARCH`
+* :prop_tgt:`ANDROID_GUI`
+* :prop_tgt:`ANDROID_PROCESS_MAX`
+* :prop_tgt:`ANDROID_PROGUARD`
+* :prop_tgt:`ANDROID_SKIP_ANT_STEP`
+* :prop_tgt:`ANDROID_STL_TYPE`
+.. _`Cross Compiling for iOS, tvOS, or watchOS`:
+Cross Compiling for iOS, tvOS, or watchOS
+For cross-compiling to iOS, tvOS, or watchOS, the :generator:`Xcode`
+generator is recommended. The :generator:`Unix Makefiles` or
+:generator:`Ninja` generators can also be used, but they require the
+project to handle more areas like target CPU selection and code signing.
+Any of the three systems can be targeted by setting the
+:variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` variable to a value from the table below.
+By default, the latest Device SDK is chosen. As for all Apple platforms,
+a different SDK (e.g. a simulator) can be selected by setting the
+:variable:`CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT` variable, although this should rarely be
+necessary (see :ref:`Switching Between Device and Simulator` below).
+A list of available SDKs can be obtained by running ``xcodebuild -showsdks``.
+======= ================= ==================== ================
+OS CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Device SDK (default) Simulator SDK
+======= ================= ==================== ================
+iOS iOS iphoneos iphonesimulator
+tvOS tvOS appletvos appletvsimulator
+watchOS watchOS watchos watchsimulator
+======= ================= ==================== ================
+For example, to create a CMake configuration for iOS, the following
+command is sufficient:
+.. code-block:: console
+ cmake .. -GXcode -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=iOS
+Variable :variable:`CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES` can be used to set architectures
+for both device and simulator. Variable :variable:`CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET`
+can be used to set an iOS/tvOS/watchOS deployment target.
+Next configuration will install fat 5 architectures iOS library
+and add the ``-miphoneos-version-min=9.3``/``-mios-simulator-version-min=9.3``
+flags to the compiler:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ cmake -S. -B_builds -GXcode \
+ "-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=armv7;armv7s;arm64;i386;x86_64" \
+ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/_install \
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ # CMakeLists.txt
+ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
+ project(foo)
+ add_library(foo foo.cpp)
+ install(TARGETS foo DESTINATION lib)
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ cmake --build _builds --config Release --target install
+Check library:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ lipo -info _install/lib/libfoo.a
+ Architectures in the fat file: _install/lib/libfoo.a are: i386 armv7 armv7s x86_64 arm64
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ otool -l _install/lib/libfoo.a | grep -A2 LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS
+ cmdsize 16
+ version 9.3
+Code Signing
+Some build artifacts for the embedded Apple platforms require mandatory
+code signing. If the :generator:`Xcode` generator is being used and
+code signing is required or desired, the development team ID can be
+specified via the ``CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM`` CMake variable.
+This team ID will then be included in the generated Xcode project.
+By default, CMake avoids the need for code signing during the internal
+configuration phase (i.e compiler ID and feature detection).
+.. _`Switching Between Device and Simulator`:
+Switching Between Device and Simulator
+When configuring for any of the embedded platforms, one can target either
+real devices or the simulator. Both have their own separate SDK, but CMake
+only supports specifying a single SDK for the configuration phase. This
+means the developer must select one or the other at configuration time.
+When using the :generator:`Xcode` generator, this is less of a limitation
+because Xcode still allows you to build for either a device or a simulator,
+even though configuration was only performed for one of the two. From
+within the Xcode IDE, builds are performed for the selected "destination"
+platform. When building from the command line, the desired sdk can be
+specified directly by passing a ``-sdk`` option to the underlying build
+tool (``xcodebuild``). For example:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ cmake --build ... -- -sdk iphonesimulator
+Please note that checks made during configuration were performed against
+the configure-time SDK and might not hold true for other SDKs. Commands
+like :command:`find_package`, :command:`find_library`, etc. store and use
+details only for the configured SDK/platform, so they can be problematic
+if wanting to switch between device and simulator builds. You can follow
+the next rules to make device + simulator configuration work:
+- Use explicit ``-l`` linker flag,
+ e.g. ``target_link_libraries(foo PUBLIC "-lz")``
+- Use explicit ``-framework`` linker flag,
+ e.g. ``target_link_libraries(foo PUBLIC "-framework CoreFoundation")``
+- Use :command:`find_package` only for libraries installed with
+ :variable:`CMAKE_IOS_INSTALL_COMBINED` feature