path: root/share/cmake-3.6/Help/command/find_package.rst
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--- a/share/cmake-3.6/Help/command/find_package.rst
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-Load settings for an external project.
- find_package(<package> [version] [EXACT] [QUIET] [MODULE]
- [REQUIRED] [[COMPONENTS] [components...]]
- [OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS components...]
-Finds and loads settings from an external project. ``<package>_FOUND``
-will be set to indicate whether the package was found. When the
-package is found package-specific information is provided through
-variables and :ref:`Imported Targets` documented by the package itself. The
-``QUIET`` option disables messages if the package cannot be found. The
-``MODULE`` option disables the second signature documented below. The
-``REQUIRED`` option stops processing with an error message if the package
-cannot be found.
-A package-specific list of required components may be listed after the
-``COMPONENTS`` option (or after the ``REQUIRED`` option if present).
-Additional optional components may be listed after
-``OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS``. Available components and their influence on
-whether a package is considered to be found are defined by the target
-The ``[version]`` argument requests a version with which the package found
-should be compatible (format is ``major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]]``). The
-``EXACT`` option requests that the version be matched exactly. If no
-``[version]`` and/or component list is given to a recursive invocation
-inside a find-module, the corresponding arguments are forwarded
-automatically from the outer call (including the ``EXACT`` flag for
-``[version]``). Version support is currently provided only on a
-package-by-package basis (details below).
-User code should generally look for packages using the above simple
-signature. The remainder of this command documentation specifies the
-full command signature and details of the search process. Project
-maintainers wishing to provide a package to be found by this command
-are encouraged to read on.
-The command has two modes by which it searches for packages: "Module"
-mode and "Config" mode. Module mode is available when the command is
-invoked with the above reduced signature. CMake searches for a file
-called ``Find<package>.cmake`` in the :variable:`CMAKE_MODULE_PATH`
-followed by the CMake installation. If the file is found, it is read
-and processed by CMake. It is responsible for finding the package,
-checking the version, and producing any needed messages. Many
-find-modules provide limited or no support for versioning; check
-the module documentation. If no module is found and the ``MODULE``
-option is not given the command proceeds to Config mode.
-The complete Config mode command signature is::
- find_package(<package> [version] [EXACT] [QUIET]
- [REQUIRED] [[COMPONENTS] [components...]]
- [NAMES name1 [name2 ...]]
- [CONFIGS config1 [config2 ...]]
- [HINTS path1 [path2 ... ]]
- [PATHS path1 [path2 ... ]]
- [PATH_SUFFIXES suffix1 [suffix2 ...]]
- [NO_CMAKE_BUILDS_PATH] # Deprecated; does nothing.
-The ``CONFIG`` option may be used to skip Module mode explicitly and
-switch to Config mode. It is synonymous to using ``NO_MODULE``. Config
-mode is also implied by use of options not specified in the reduced
-Config mode attempts to locate a configuration file provided by the
-package to be found. A cache entry called ``<package>_DIR`` is created to
-hold the directory containing the file. By default the command
-searches for a package with the name ``<package>``. If the ``NAMES`` option
-is given the names following it are used instead of ``<package>``. The
-command searches for a file called ``<name>Config.cmake`` or
-``<lower-case-name>-config.cmake`` for each name specified. A
-replacement set of possible configuration file names may be given
-using the ``CONFIGS`` option. The search procedure is specified below.
-Once found, the configuration file is read and processed by CMake.
-Since the file is provided by the package it already knows the
-location of package contents. The full path to the configuration file
-is stored in the cmake variable ``<package>_CONFIG``.
-All configuration files which have been considered by CMake while
-searching for an installation of the package with an appropriate
-version are stored in the cmake variable ``<package>_CONSIDERED_CONFIGS``,
-the associated versions in ``<package>_CONSIDERED_VERSIONS``.
-If the package configuration file cannot be found CMake will generate
-an error describing the problem unless the ``QUIET`` argument is
-specified. If ``REQUIRED`` is specified and the package is not found a
-fatal error is generated and the configure step stops executing. If
-``<package>_DIR`` has been set to a directory not containing a
-configuration file CMake will ignore it and search from scratch.
-When the ``[version]`` argument is given Config mode will only find a
-version of the package that claims compatibility with the requested
-version (format is ``major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]]``). If the ``EXACT``
-option is given only a version of the package claiming an exact match
-of the requested version may be found. CMake does not establish any
-convention for the meaning of version numbers. Package version
-numbers are checked by "version" files provided by the packages
-themselves. For a candidate package configuration file
-``<config-file>.cmake`` the corresponding version file is located next
-to it and named either ``<config-file>-version.cmake`` or
-``<config-file>Version.cmake``. If no such version file is available
-then the configuration file is assumed to not be compatible with any
-requested version. A basic version file containing generic version
-matching code can be created using the
-:module:`CMakePackageConfigHelpers` module. When a version file
-is found it is loaded to check the requested version number. The
-version file is loaded in a nested scope in which the following
-variables have been defined:
- the ``<package>`` name
- full requested version string
- major version if requested, else 0
- minor version if requested, else 0
- patch version if requested, else 0
- tweak version if requested, else 0
- number of version components, 0 to 4
-The version file checks whether it satisfies the requested version and
-sets these variables:
- full provided version string
- true if version is exact match
- true if version is compatible
- true if unsuitable as any version
-These variables are checked by the ``find_package`` command to determine
-whether the configuration file provides an acceptable version. They
-are not available after the find_package call returns. If the version
-is acceptable the following variables are set:
- full provided version string
- major version if provided, else 0
- minor version if provided, else 0
- patch version if provided, else 0
- tweak version if provided, else 0
- number of version components, 0 to 4
-and the corresponding package configuration file is loaded. When
-multiple package configuration files are available whose version files
-claim compatibility with the version requested it is unspecified which
-one is chosen. No attempt is made to choose a highest or closest
-version number.
-Config mode provides an elaborate interface and search procedure.
-Much of the interface is provided for completeness and for use
-internally by find-modules loaded by Module mode. Most user code
-should simply call::
- find_package(<package> [major[.minor]] [EXACT] [REQUIRED|QUIET])
-in order to find a package. Package maintainers providing CMake
-package configuration files are encouraged to name and install them
-such that the procedure outlined below will find them without
-requiring use of additional options.
-CMake constructs a set of possible installation prefixes for the
-package. Under each prefix several directories are searched for a
-configuration file. The tables below show the directories searched.
-Each entry is meant for installation trees following Windows (W), UNIX
-(U), or Apple (A) conventions::
- <prefix>/ (W)
- <prefix>/(cmake|CMake)/ (W)
- <prefix>/<name>*/ (W)
- <prefix>/<name>*/(cmake|CMake)/ (W)
- <prefix>/(lib/<arch>|lib|share)/cmake/<name>*/ (U)
- <prefix>/(lib/<arch>|lib|share)/<name>*/ (U)
- <prefix>/(lib/<arch>|lib|share)/<name>*/(cmake|CMake)/ (U)
-On systems supporting OS X Frameworks and Application Bundles the
-following directories are searched for frameworks or bundles
-containing a configuration file::
- <prefix>/<name>.framework/Resources/ (A)
- <prefix>/<name>.framework/Resources/CMake/ (A)
- <prefix>/<name>.framework/Versions/*/Resources/ (A)
- <prefix>/<name>.framework/Versions/*/Resources/CMake/ (A)
- <prefix>/<name>.app/Contents/Resources/ (A)
- <prefix>/<name>.app/Contents/Resources/CMake/ (A)
-In all cases the ``<name>`` is treated as case-insensitive and corresponds
-to any of the names specified (``<package>`` or names given by ``NAMES``).
-Paths with ``lib/<arch>`` are enabled if the
-:variable:`CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE` variable is set. If ``PATH_SUFFIXES``
-is specified the suffixes are appended to each (W) or (U) directory entry
-This set of directories is intended to work in cooperation with
-projects that provide configuration files in their installation trees.
-Directories above marked with (W) are intended for installations on
-Windows where the prefix may point at the top of an application's
-installation directory. Those marked with (U) are intended for
-installations on UNIX platforms where the prefix is shared by multiple
-packages. This is merely a convention, so all (W) and (U) directories
-are still searched on all platforms. Directories marked with (A) are
-intended for installations on Apple platforms. The
-variables determine the order of preference.
-The set of installation prefixes is constructed using the following
-steps. If ``NO_DEFAULT_PATH`` is specified all ``NO_*`` options are
-1. Search paths specified in cmake-specific cache variables. These
- are intended to be used on the command line with a ``-DVAR=value``.
- This can be skipped if ``NO_CMAKE_PATH`` is passed::
-2. Search paths specified in cmake-specific environment variables.
- These are intended to be set in the user's shell configuration.
- This can be skipped if ``NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH`` is passed::
- <package>_DIR
-3. Search paths specified by the ``HINTS`` option. These should be paths
- computed by system introspection, such as a hint provided by the
- location of another item already found. Hard-coded guesses should
- be specified with the ``PATHS`` option.
-4. Search the standard system environment variables. This can be
- skipped if ``NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH`` is passed. Path entries
- ending in ``/bin`` or ``/sbin`` are automatically converted to their
- parent directories::
-5. Search paths stored in the CMake :ref:`User Package Registry`.
- This can be skipped if ``NO_CMAKE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY`` is passed or by
- to ``TRUE``.
- See the :manual:`cmake-packages(7)` manual for details on the user
- package registry.
-6. Search cmake variables defined in the Platform files for the
- current system. This can be skipped if ``NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH`` is
- passed::
-7. Search paths stored in the CMake :ref:`System Package Registry`.
- This can be skipped if ``NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PACKAGE_REGISTRY`` is passed
- or by setting the
- See the :manual:`cmake-packages(7)` manual for details on the system
- package registry.
-8. Search paths specified by the ``PATHS`` option. These are typically
- hard-coded guesses.
-.. |FIND_XXX| replace:: find_package
-.. |FIND_ARGS_XXX| replace:: <package>
-.. include:: FIND_XXX_ROOT.txt
-.. include:: FIND_XXX_ORDER.txt
-Every non-REQUIRED ``find_package`` call can be disabled by setting the
-:variable:`CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_<PackageName>` variable to ``TRUE``.
-When loading a find module or package configuration file ``find_package``
-defines variables to provide information about the call arguments (and
-restores their original state before returning):
- the ``<package>`` name which is searched for
- true if ``REQUIRED`` option was given
- true if ``QUIET`` option was given
- full requested version string
- major version if requested, else 0
- minor version if requested, else 0
- patch version if requested, else 0
- tweak version if requested, else 0
- number of version components, 0 to 4
- true if ``EXACT`` option was given
- list of requested components
- true if component ``<c>`` is required,
- false if component ``<c>`` is optional
-In Module mode the loaded find module is responsible to honor the
-request detailed by these variables; see the find module for details.
-In Config mode ``find_package`` handles ``REQUIRED``, ``QUIET``, and
-``[version]`` options automatically but leaves it to the package
-configuration file to handle components in a way that makes sense
-for the package. The package configuration file may set
-``<package>_FOUND`` to false to tell ``find_package`` that component
-requirements are not satisfied.
-See the :command:`cmake_policy` command documentation for discussion
-of the ``NO_POLICY_SCOPE`` option.