path: root/proguard/docs/manual/usage.html
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+<title>ProGuard Usage</title>
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+To run ProGuard, just type:
+<p class="code">
+<code><b>java -jar proguard.jar </b></code><i>options</i> ...
+You can find the ProGuard jar in the <code>lib</code> directory of the
+ProGuard distribution. Alternatively, the <code>bin</code> directory contains
+some short Linux and Windows scripts containing this command. Typically, you'll
+put most options in a configuration file (say, <code></code>), and
+just call:
+<p class="code">
+<code><b>java -jar proguard.jar</b></code>
+You can combine command line options and options from configuration files. For
+<p class="code">
+<code><b>java -jar proguard.jar -verbose</b></code>
+You can add comments in a configuration file, starting with a
+<code><b>#</b></code> character and continuing until the end of the line.
+Extra whitespace between words and delimiters is ignored. File names with
+spaces or special characters should be quoted with single or double quotes.
+Options can be grouped arbitrarily in arguments on the command line and in
+lines in configuration files. This means that you can quote arbitrary sections
+of command line options, to avoid shell expansion of special characters, for
+The order of the options is generally irrelevant. For quick experiments, you
+can abbreviate them to their first unique characters.
+The sections below provide more details:
+<li><a href="#iooptions">Input/Output Options</a></li>
+<li><a href="#keepoptions">Keep Options</a></li>
+<li><a href="#shrinkingoptions">Shrinking Options</a></li>
+<li><a href="#optimizationoptions">Optimization Options</a></li>
+<li><a href="#obfuscationoptions">Obfuscation Options</a></li>
+<li><a href="#preverificationoptions">Preverification Options</a></li>
+<li><a href="#generaloptions">General Options</a></li>
+<li><a href="#classpath">Class Paths</a></li>
+<li><a href="#filename">File Names</a></li>
+<li><a href="#filefilters">File Filters</a></li>
+<li><a href="#filters">Filters</a></li>
+<li><a href="#keepoverview">Overview of <code>Keep</code> Options</a></li>
+<li><a href="#keepoptionmodifiers">Keep Option Modifiers</a></li>
+<li><a href="#classspecification">Class Specifications</a></li>
+<h2><a name="iooptions">Input/Output Options</a></h2>
+<dt><a name="at"><code><b>@</b></code></a><a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Short for '<a href="#include"><code>-include</code></a>
+ <a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a>'.</dd>
+<dt><a name="include"><code><b>-include</b></code></a>
+ <a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Recursively reads configuration options from the given file
+ <i>filename</i>.</dd>
+<dt><a name="basedirectory"><code><b>-basedirectory</b></code></a>
+ <a href="#filename"><i>directoryname</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies the base directory for all subsequent relative file names in
+ these configuration arguments or this configuration file.</dd>
+<dt><a name="injars"><code><b>-injars</b></code></a>
+ <a href="#classpath"><i>class_path</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies the input jars (or wars, ears, zips, or directories) of the
+ application to be processed. The class files in these jars will be
+ processed and written to the output jars. By default, any non-class files
+ will be copied without changes. Please be aware of any temporary files
+ (e.g. created by IDEs), especially if you are reading your input files
+ straight from directories. The entries in the class path can be filtered,
+ as explained in the <a href="#filefilters">filters</a> section. For better
+ readability, class path entries can be specified using multiple
+ <code>-injars</code> options.</dd>
+<dt><a name="outjars"><code><b>-outjars</b></code></a>
+ <a href="#classpath"><i>class_path</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies the names of the output jars (or wars, ears, zips, or
+ directories). The processed input of the preceding <code>-injars</code>
+ options will be written to the named jars. This allows you to collect the
+ contents of groups of input jars into corresponding groups of output jars.
+ In addition, the output entries can be filtered, as explained in
+ the <a href="#filefilters">filters</a> section. Each processed class file
+ or resource file is then written to the first output entry with a matching
+ filter, within the group of output jars.
+ <p>
+ You must avoid letting the output files overwrite any input files. For
+ better readability, class path entries can be specified using multiple
+ <code>-outjars</code> options. Without any <code>-outjars</code> options,
+ no jars will be written.</dd>
+<dt><a name="libraryjars"><code><b>-libraryjars</b></code></a>
+ <a href="#classpath"><i>class_path</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies the library jars (or wars, ears, zips, or directories) of the
+ application to be processed. The files in these jars will not be included
+ in the output jars. The specified library jars should at least contain the
+ class files that are <i>extended</i> by application class files. Library
+ class files that are only <i>called</i> needn't be present, although their
+ presence can improve the results of the optimization step. The entries in
+ the class path can be filtered, as explained in the <a
+ href="#filefilters">filters</a> section. For better readability, class path
+ entries can be specified using multiple <code>-libraryjars</code> options.
+ <p>
+ Please note that the boot path and the class path set for running ProGuard
+ are not considered when looking for library classes. This means that you
+ explicitly have to specify the run-time jar that your code will use.
+ Although this may seem cumbersome, it allows you to process applications
+ targeted at different run-time environments. For example, you can process
+ <a href="examples.html#application">J2SE applications</a> as well as <a
+ href="examples.html#midlet">JME midlets</a>, just by specifying the
+ appropriate run-time jar.</dd>
+<dt><a name="skipnonpubliclibraryclasses"><code><b>-skipnonpubliclibraryclasses</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies to skip non-public classes while reading library jars, to speed
+ up processing and reduce memory usage of ProGuard. By default, ProGuard
+ reads non-public and public library classes alike. However, non-public
+ classes are often not relevant, if they don't affect the actual program
+ code in the input jars. Ignoring them then speeds up ProGuard, without
+ affecting the output. Unfortunately, some libraries, including recent JSE
+ run-time libraries, contain non-public library classes that are extended
+ by public library classes. You then can't use this option. ProGuard will
+ print out warnings if it can't find classes due to this option being
+ set.</dd>
+<dt><a name="dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses"><code><b>-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies not to ignore non-public library classes. As of version 4.5, this
+ is the default setting.</dd>
+<dt><a name="dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers"><code><b>-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies not to ignore package visible library class members (fields and
+ methods). By default, ProGuard skips these class members while parsing
+ library classes, as program classes will generally not refer to them.
+ Sometimes however, program classes reside in the same packages as library
+ classes, and they do refer to their package visible class members. In
+ those cases, it can be useful to actually read the class members, in order
+ to make sure the processed code remains consistent.</dd>
+<dt><a name="keepdirectories"><code><b>-keepdirectories</b></code></a>
+ [<i><a href="#filefilters">directory_filter</a></i>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies the directories to be kept in the output jars (or wars, ears, or
+ directories). By default, directory entries are removed. This reduces the
+ jar size, but it may be undesirable if the program code tries to find them
+ with constructs like "<code>MyClass.class.getResource("")</code>". If the
+ option is specified without a filter, all directories are kept. With a
+ filter, only matching directories are kept.</dd>
+<dt><a name="target"><code><b>-target</b></code></a> <i>version</i></dt>
+<dd>Specifies the version number to be set in the processed class files. The
+ version number can be one of <code>1.0</code>, <code>1.1</code>,
+ <code>1.2</code>, <code>1.3</code>, <code>1.4</code>, <code>1.5</code> (or
+ just <code>5</code>), <code>1.6</code> (or just <code>6</code>), or
+ <code>1.7</code> (or just <code>7</code>). By default, the version numbers
+ of the class files are left unchanged. For example, you may want to
+ <a href="examples.html#upgrade">upgrade class files to Java 6</a>, by
+ changing their version numbers and having them preverified.</dd>
+<dt><a name="forceprocessing"><code><b>-forceprocessing</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies to process the input, even if the output seems up to date. The
+ up-to-dateness test is based on a comparison of the date stamps of the
+ specified input, output, and configuration files or directories.</dd>
+<h2><a name="keepoptions">Keep Options</a></h2>
+<dt><a name="keep"><code><b>-keep</b></code></a>
+ [<a href="#keepoptionmodifiers">,<i>modifier</i></a>,...]
+ <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies classes and class members (fields and methods) to be preserved
+ as entry points to your code. For example, in order to <a
+ href="examples.html#application">keep an application</a>, you can specify
+ the main class along with its main method. In order to <a
+ href="examples.html#library">process a library</a>, you should specify all
+ publicly accessible elements.</dd>
+<dt><a name="keepclassmembers"><code><b>-keepclassmembers</b></code></a>
+ [<a href="#keepoptionmodifiers">,<i>modifier</i></a>,...]
+ <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies class members to be preserved, if their classes are preserved as
+ well. For example, you may want to <a
+ href="examples.html#serializable">keep all serialization fields and
+ methods</a> of classes that implement the <code>Serializable</code>
+ interface.</dd>
+<dt><a name="keepclasseswithmembers"><code><b>-keepclasseswithmembers</b></code></a>
+ [<a href="#keepoptionmodifiers">,<i>modifier</i></a>,...]
+ <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies classes and class members to be preserved, on the condition that
+ all of the specified class members are present. For example, you may want
+ to <a href="examples.html#applications">keep all applications</a> that
+ have a main method, without having to list them explicitly.</dd>
+<dt><a name="keepnames"><code><b>-keepnames</b></code></a>
+ <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Short for <a href="#keep"><code>-keep</code></a>,<a href="#allowshrinking"><code>allowshrinking</code></a>
+ <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a>
+ <p>
+ Specifies classes and class members whose names are to be preserved, if
+ they aren't removed in the shrinking phase. For example, you may want to
+ <a href="examples.html#serializable">keep all class names</a> of classes
+ that implement the <code>Serializable</code> interface, so that the
+ processed code remains compatible with any originally serialized classes.
+ Classes that aren't used at all can still be removed. Only applicable when
+ obfuscating.</dd>
+<dt><a name="keepclassmembernames"><code><b>-keepclassmembernames</b></code></a>
+ <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Short for <a href="#keepclassmembers"><code>-keepclassmembers</code></a>,<a href="#allowshrinking"><code>allowshrinking</code></a>
+ <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a>
+ <p>
+ Specifies class members whose names are to be preserved, if they aren't
+ removed in the shrinking phase. For example, you may want to preserve the
+ name of the synthetic <code>class$</code> methods
+ when <a href="examples.html#library">processing a library</a> compiled by
+ JDK 1.2 or older, so obfuscators can detect it again when processing an
+ application that uses the processed library (although ProGuard itself
+ doesn't need this). Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
+<dt><a name="keepclasseswithmembernames"><code><b>-keepclasseswithmembernames</b></code></a>
+ <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Short for <a href="#keepclasseswithmembers"><code>-keepclasseswithmembers</code></a>,<a href="#allowshrinking"><code>allowshrinking</code></a>
+ <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a>
+ <p>
+ Specifies classes and class members whose names are to be preserved, on
+ the condition that all of the specified class members are present after
+ the shrinking phase. For example, you may want to <a
+ href="examples.html#native">keep all native method names</a> and the names
+ of their classes, so that the processed code can still link with the
+ native library code. Native methods that aren't used at all can still be
+ removed. If a class file is used, but none of its native methods are, its
+ name will still be obfuscated. Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
+<dt><a name="printseeds"><code><b>-printseeds</b></code></a>
+ [<a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies to exhaustively list classes and class members matched by the
+ various <code>-keep</code> options. The list is printed to the standard
+ output or to the given file. The list can be useful to verify if the
+ intended class members are really found, especially if you're using
+ wildcards. For example, you may want to list all the <a
+ href="examples.html#applications">applications</a> or all the <a
+ href="examples.html#applets">applets</a> that you are keeping.</dd>
+<h2><a name="shrinkingoptions">Shrinking Options</a></h2>
+<dt><a name="dontshrink"><code><b>-dontshrink</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies not to shrink the input class files. By default, shrinking is
+ applied; all classes and class members are removed, except for the ones
+ listed by the various <code>-keep</code> options, and the ones on which
+ they depend, directly or indirectly. A shrinking step is also applied
+ after each optimization step, since some optimizations may open the
+ possibility to remove more classes and class members.</dd>
+<dt><a name="printusage"><code><b>-printusage</b></code></a>
+ [<a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies to list dead code of the input class files. The list is printed
+ to the standard output or to the given file. For example, you can <a
+ href="examples.html#deadcode">list the unused code of an application</a>.
+ Only applicable when shrinking.</dd>
+<dt><a name="whyareyoukeeping"><code><b>-whyareyoukeeping</b></code></a>
+ <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies to print details on why the given classes and class members are
+ being kept in the shrinking step. This can be useful if you are wondering
+ why some given element is present in the output. In general, there can be
+ many different reasons. This option prints the shortest chain of methods
+ to a specified seed or entry point, for each specified class and class
+ member. <i>In the current implementation, the shortest chain that is
+ printed out may sometimes contain circular deductions -- these do not
+ reflect the actual shrinking process.</i> If the <a
+ href="#verbose"><code>-verbose</code></a> option if specified, the traces
+ include full field and method signatures. Only applicable when
+ shrinking.</dd>
+<h2><a name="optimizationoptions">Optimization Options</a></h2>
+<dt><a name="dontoptimize"><code><b>-dontoptimize</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies not to optimize the input class files. By default, optimization
+ is enabled; all methods are optimized at a bytecode level.</dd>
+<dt><a name="optimizations"><code><b>-optimizations</b></code></a>
+ <a href="optimizations.html"><i>optimization_filter</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies the optimizations to be enabled and disabled, at a more
+ fine-grained level. Only applicable when optimizing. <i>This is an expert
+ option.</i></dd>
+<dt><a name="optimizationpasses"><code><b>-optimizationpasses</b></code></a> <i>n</i></dt>
+<dd>Specifies the number of optimization passes to be performed. By default, a
+ single pass is performed. Multiple passes may result in further
+ improvements. If no improvements are found after an optimization pass, the
+ optimization is ended. Only applicable when optimizing.</dd>
+<dt><a name="assumenosideeffects"><code><b>-assumenosideeffects</b></code></a>
+ <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies methods that don't have any side effects (other than maybe
+ returning a value). In the optimization step, ProGuard will then remove
+ calls to such methods, if it can determine that the return values aren't
+ used. Note that ProGuard will analyze your program code to find such
+ methods automatically. It will not analyze library code, for which this
+ option can thus be useful. For example, you could specify the method
+ <code>System.currentTimeMillis()</code>, so that any idle calls to it will
+ be removed. Note that ProGuard applies the option to the entire hierarchy
+ of the specified methods. Only applicable when optimizing. In general,
+ making assumptions can be dangerous; you can easily break the processed
+ code. <i>Only use this option if you know what you're doing!</i></dd>
+<dt><a name="allowaccessmodification"><code><b>-allowaccessmodification</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies that the access modifiers of classes and class members may be
+ broadened during processing. This can improve the results of the
+ optimization step. For instance, when inlining a public getter, it may be
+ necessary to make the accessed field public too. Although Java's binary
+ compatibility specifications formally do not require this (cfr. <a href=
+ ""
+ >The Java Language Specification, Second Edition</a>, <a href=
+ ""
+ >Section 13.4.6</a>), some virtual machines would have problems with the
+ processed code otherwise. Only applicable when optimizing (and when
+ obfuscating with the <a
+ href="#repackageclasses"><code>-repackageclasses</code></a> option).
+ <p>
+ <i>Counter-indication:</i> you probably shouldn't use this option when
+ processing code that is to be used as a library, since classes and class
+ members that weren't designed to be public in the API may become
+ public.</dd>
+<dt><a name="mergeinterfacesaggressively"><code><b>-mergeinterfacesaggressively</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies that interfaces may be merged, even if their implementing
+ classes don't implement all interface methods. This can reduce the size of
+ the output by reducing the total number of classes. Note that Java's
+ binary compatibility specifications allow such constructs (cfr. <a href=
+ ""
+ >The Java Language Specification, Second Edition</a>, <a href=
+ ""
+ >Section 13.5.3</a>), even if they are not allowed in the Java language
+ (cfr. <a href=
+ ""
+ >The Java Language Specification, Second Edition</a>, <a href=
+ ""
+ >Section 8.1.4</a>). Only applicable when optimizing.
+ <p>
+ <i>Counter-indication:</i> setting this option can reduce the performance
+ of the processed code on some JVMs, since advanced just-in-time
+ compilation tends to favor more interfaces with fewer implementing
+ classes. Worse, some JVMs may not be able to handle the resulting code.
+ Notably:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Sun's JRE 1.3 may throw an <code>InternalError</code> when
+ encountering more than 256 <i>Miranda</i> methods (interface methods
+ without implementations) in a class.</li>
+ </ul></dd>
+<h2><a name="obfuscationoptions">Obfuscation Options</a></h2>
+<dt><a name="dontobfuscate"><code><b>-dontobfuscate</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies not to obfuscate the input class files. By default, obfuscation
+ is applied; classes and class members receive new short random names,
+ except for the ones listed by the various <code>-keep</code> options.
+ Internal attributes that are useful for debugging, such as source files
+ names, variable names, and line numbers are removed.</dd>
+<dt><a name="printmapping"><code><b>-printmapping</b></code></a>
+ [<a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies to print the mapping from old names to new names for classes and
+ class members that have been renamed. The mapping is printed to the
+ standard output or to the given file. For example, it is required for
+ subsequent <a href="examples.html#incremental">incremental
+ obfuscation</a>, or if you ever want to make sense again of <a
+ href="examples.html#stacktrace">obfuscated stack traces</a>. Only
+ applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
+<dt><a name="applymapping"><code><b>-applymapping</b></code></a>
+ <a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies to reuse the given name mapping that was printed out in a
+ previous obfuscation run of ProGuard. Classes and class members that are
+ listed in the mapping file receive the names specified along with them.
+ Classes and class members that are not mentioned receive new names. The
+ mapping may refer to input classes as well as library classes. This option
+ can be useful for <a href="examples.html#incremental">incremental
+ obfuscation</a>, i.e. processing add-ons or small patches to an existing
+ piece of code. In such cases, you should consider whether you also need
+ the option <a
+ href="#useuniqueclassmembernames"><code>-useuniqueclassmembernames</code></a>.
+ Only a single mapping file is allowed. Only applicable when
+ obfuscating.</dd>
+<dt><a name="obfuscationdictionary"><code><b>-obfuscationdictionary</b></code></a>
+ <a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies a text file from which all valid words are used as obfuscated
+ field and method names. By default, short names like 'a', 'b', etc. are
+ used as obfuscated names. With an obfuscation dictionary, you can specify
+ a list of reserved key words, or identifiers with foreign characters, for
+ instance. White space, punctuation characters, duplicate words, and
+ comments after a <code><b>#</b></code> sign are ignored. Note that an
+ obfuscation dictionary hardly improves the obfuscation. Decent compilers
+ can automatically replace them, and the effect can fairly simply be undone
+ by obfuscating again with simpler names. The most useful application is
+ specifying strings that are typically already present in class files (such
+ as 'Code'), thus reducing the class file sizes just a little bit more.
+ Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
+<dt><a name="classobfuscationdictionary"><code><b>-classobfuscationdictionary</b></code></a>
+ <a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies a text file from which all valid words are used as obfuscated
+ class names. The obfuscation dictionary is similar to the one of the
+ option <a
+ href="#obfuscationdictionary"><code>-obfuscationdictionary</code></a>.
+ Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
+<dt><a name="packageobfuscationdictionary"><code><b>-packageobfuscationdictionary</b></code></a>
+ <a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies a text file from which all valid words are used as obfuscated
+ package names. The obfuscation dictionary is similar to the one of the
+ option <a
+ href="#obfuscationdictionary"><code>-obfuscationdictionary</code></a>.
+ Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
+<dt><a name="overloadaggressively"><code><b>-overloadaggressively</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies to apply aggressive overloading while obfuscating. Multiple
+ fields and methods can then get the same names, as long as their arguments
+ and return types are different (not just their arguments). This option can
+ make the processed code even smaller (and less comprehensible). Only
+ applicable when obfuscating.
+ <p>
+ <i>Counter-indication:</i> the resulting class files fall within the Java
+ bytecode specification (cfr. <a href=
+ ""
+ >The Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition</a>, first
+ paragraphs of <a href=
+ ""
+ >Section 4.5</a> and <a href=
+ ""
+ >Section 4.6</a>), even though this kind of overloading is not allowed in
+ the Java language (cfr. <a href=
+ ""
+ >The Java Language Specification, Second Edition</a>, <a href=
+ ""
+ >Section 8.3</a> and <a href=
+ ""
+ >Section 8.4.7</a>). Still, some tools have problems with it. Notably:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Sun's JDK 1.2.2 <code>javac</code> compiler produces an exception when
+ compiling with such a library (cfr. <a href=
+ "">Bug #4216736</a>).
+ You probably shouldn't use this option for processing libraries.</li>
+ <li>Sun's JRE 1.4 and later fail to serialize objects with overloaded
+ primitive fields.</li>
+ <li>Sun's JRE 1.5 <code>pack200</code> tool reportedly has problems with
+ overloaded class members.</li>
+ <li>Google's Dalvik VM can't handle overloaded static fields.</li>
+ </ul></dd>
+<dt><a name="useuniqueclassmembernames"><code><b>-useuniqueclassmembernames</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies to assign the same obfuscated names to class members that have
+ the same names, and different obfuscated names to class members that have
+ different names (for each given class member signature). Without the
+ option, more class members can be mapped to the same short names like 'a',
+ 'b', etc. The option therefore increases the size of the resulting code
+ slightly, but it ensures that the saved obfuscation name mapping can
+ always be respected in subsequent incremental obfuscation steps.
+ <p>
+ For instance, consider two distinct interfaces containing methods with the
+ same name and signature. Without this option, these methods may get
+ different obfuscated names in a first obfuscation step. If a patch is then
+ added containing a class that implements both interfaces, ProGuard will
+ have to enforce the same method name for both methods in an incremental
+ obfuscation step. The original obfuscated code is changed, in order to
+ keep the resulting code consistent. With this option <i>in the initial
+ obfuscation step</i>, such renaming will never be necessary.
+ <p>
+ This option is only applicable when obfuscating. In fact, if you are
+ planning on performing incremental obfuscation, you probably want to avoid
+ shrinking and optimization altogether, since these steps could remove or
+ modify parts of your code that are essential for later additions.</dd>
+<dt><a name="dontusemixedcaseclassnames"><code><b>-dontusemixedcaseclassnames</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies not to generate mixed-case class names while obfuscating. By
+ default, obfuscated class names can contain a mix of upper-case characters
+ and lower-case characters. This creates perfectly acceptable and usable
+ jars. Only if a jar is unpacked on a platform with a case-insensitive
+ filing system (say, Windows), the unpacking tool may let similarly named
+ class files overwrite each other. Code that self-destructs when it's
+ unpacked! Developers who really want to unpack their jars on Windows can
+ use this option to switch off this behavior. Note that the obfuscated jars
+ will become larger as a result. Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
+<dt><a name="keeppackagenames"><code><b>-keeppackagenames</b></code></a>
+ [<i><a href="#filters">package_filter</a></i>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies not obfuscate the given package names. The optional filter is a
+ comma-separated list of package names. Package names can contain <b>?</b>,
+ <b>*</b>, and <b>**</b> wildcards, and they can be preceded by the
+ <b>!</b> negator. Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
+<dt><a name="flattenpackagehierarchy"><code><b>-flattenpackagehierarchy</b></code></a>
+ [<i>package_name</i>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies to repackage all packages that are renamed, by moving them into
+ the single given parent package. Without argument or with an empty string
+ (''), the packages are moved into the root package. This option is one
+ example of further <a href="examples.html#repackaging">obfuscating package
+ names</a>. It can make the processed code smaller and less comprehensible.
+ Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
+<dt><a name="repackageclasses"><code><b>-repackageclasses</b></code></a>
+ [<i>package_name</i>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies to repackage all class files that are renamed, by moving them
+ into the single given package. Without argument or with an empty string
+ (''), the package is removed completely. This option option overrides the
+ <a
+ href="#flattenpackagehierarchy"><code>-flattenpackagehierarchy</code></a>
+ option. It is another example of further <a
+ href="examples.html#repackaging">obfuscating package names</a>. It can
+ make the processed code even smaller and less comprehensible. Its
+ deprecated name is <code>-defaultpackage</code>. Only applicable when
+ obfuscating.
+ <p>
+ <i>Counter-indication:</i> classes that look for resource files in their
+ package directories will no longer work properly if they are moved
+ elsewhere. When in doubt, just leave the packaging untouched by not using
+ this option.</dd>
+<dt><a name="keepattributes"><code><b>-keepattributes</b></code></a>
+ [<i><a href="#filters">attribute_filter</a></i>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies any optional attributes to be preserved. The attributes can be
+ specified with one or more <code>-keepattributes</code> directives. The
+ optional filter is a comma-separated list of attribute names. Attribute
+ names can contain <b>?</b>, <b>*</b>, and <b>**</b> wildcards, and they
+ can be preceded by the <b>!</b> negator. Typical optional attributes are
+ <code>Exceptions</code>, <code>Signature</code>, <code>Deprecated</code>,
+ <code>SourceFile</code>, <code>SourceDir</code>,
+ <code>LineNumberTable</code>, <code>LocalVariableTable</code>,
+ <code>LocalVariableTypeTable</code>, <code>Synthetic</code>,
+ <code>EnclosingMethod</code>, <code>RuntimeVisibleAnnotations</code>,
+ <code>RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations</code>,
+ <code>RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations</code>,
+ <code>RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations</code>, and
+ <code>AnnotationDefault</code>. The <code>InnerClasses</code> attribute
+ name can be specified as well, referring to the source name part of this
+ attribute. For example, you should at least keep the
+ <code>Exceptions</code>, <code>InnerClasses</code>, and
+ <code>Signature</code> attributes
+ when <a href="examples.html#library">processing a library</a>. You should
+ also keep the <code>SourceFile</code> and
+ <code>LineNumberTable</code> attributes
+ for <a href="examples.html#stacktrace">producing useful obfuscated stack
+ traces</a>. Finally, you may want
+ to <a href="examples.html#annotations">keep annotations</a> if your code
+ depends on them. Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
+<dt><a name="keepparameternames"><code><b>-keepparameternames</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies to keep the parameter names and types of methods that are kept.
+ This option actually keeps trimmed versions of the debugging attributes
+ <code>LocalVariableTable</code> and
+ <code>LocalVariableTypeTable</code>. It can be useful when
+ <a href="examples.html#library">processing a library</a>. Some IDEs can
+ use the information to assist developers who use the library, for example
+ with tool tips or autocompletion. Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
+<dt><a name="renamesourcefileattribute"><code><b>-renamesourcefileattribute</b></code></a>
+ [<i>string</i>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies a constant string to be put in the <code>SourceFile</code>
+ attributes (and <code>SourceDir</code> attributes) of the class files.
+ Note that the attribute has to be present to start with, so it also has to
+ be preserved explicitly using the <code>-keepattributes</code> directive.
+ For example, you may want to have your processed libraries and
+ applications produce <a href="examples.html#stacktrace">useful obfuscated
+ stack traces</a>. Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
+<dt><a name="adaptclassstrings"><code><b>-adaptclassstrings</b></code></a>
+ [<i><a href="#filters">class_filter</a></i>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies that string constants that correspond to class names should be
+ obfuscated as well. Without a filter, all string constants that correspond
+ to class names are adapted. With a filter, only string constants in
+ classes that match the filter are adapted. For example, if your code
+ contains a large number of hard-coded strings that refer to classes, and
+ you prefer not to keep their names, you may want to use this option.
+ Primarily applicable when obfuscating, although corresponding classes are
+ automatically kept in the shrinking step too.</dd>
+<dt><a name="adaptresourcefilenames"><code><b>-adaptresourcefilenames</b></code></a>
+ [<i><a href="#filefilters">file_filter</a></i>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies the resource files to be renamed, based on the obfuscated names
+ of the corresponding class files (if any). Without a filter, all resource
+ files that correspond to class files are renamed. With a filter, only
+ matching files are renamed. For example, see <a
+ href="examples.html#resourcefiles">processing resource files</a>. Only
+ applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
+<dt><a name="adaptresourcefilecontents"><code><b>-adaptresourcefilecontents</b></code></a>
+ [<i><a href="#filefilters">file_filter</a></i>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies the resource files whose contents are to be updated. Any class
+ names mentioned in the resource files are renamed, based on the obfuscated
+ names of the corresponding classes (if any). Without a filter, the
+ contents of all resource files updated. With a filter, only matching files
+ are updated. The resource files are parsed and written using the
+ platform's default character set. You can change this default character set
+ by setting the environment variable <code>LANG</code> or the Java system
+ property <code>file.encoding</code>. For an example,
+ see <a href="examples.html#resourcefiles">processing resource files</a>.
+ Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
+<h2><a name="preverificationoptions">Preverification Options</a></h2>
+<dt><a name="dontpreverify"><code><b>-dontpreverify</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies not to preverify the processed class files. By default, class
+ files are preverified if they are targeted at Java Micro Edition or at
+ Java 6 or higher. For Java Micro Edition, preverification is required, so
+ you will need to run an external preverifier on the processed code if you
+ specify this option. For Java 6, preverification is not required (yet),
+ but it improves the efficiency of the class loading in the Java Virtual
+ Machine.</dd>
+<dt><a name="microedition"><code><b>-microedition</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies that the processed class files are targeted at Java Micro
+ Edition. The preverifier will then add the appropriate StackMap
+ attributes, which are different from the default StackMapTable attributes
+ for Java Standard Edition. For example, you will need this option if you
+ are <a href="examples.html#midlets">processing midlets</a>.</dd>
+<h2><a name="generaloptions">General Options</a></h2>
+<dt><a name="verbose"><code><b>-verbose</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies to write out some more information during processing. If the
+ program terminates with an exception, this option will print out the entire
+ stack trace, instead of just the exception message.</dd>
+<dt><a name="dontnote"><code><b>-dontnote</b></code></a>
+ [<i><a href="#filters">class_filter</a></i>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies not to print notes about potential mistakes or omissions in the
+ configuration, like typos in class names, or like missing options that
+ might be useful. The optional filter is a regular expression; ProGuard
+ doesn't print notes about classes with matching names.</dd>
+<dt><a name="dontwarn"><code><b>-dontwarn</b></code></a>
+ [<i><a href="#filters">class_filter</a></i>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies not to warn about unresolved references and other important
+ problems at all. The optional filter is a regular expression; ProGuard
+ doesn't print warnings about classes with matching names. Ignoring
+ warnings can be dangerous. For instance, if the unresolved classes or
+ class members are indeed required for processing, the processed code will
+ not function properly. <i>Only use this option if you know what you're
+ doing!</i></dd>
+<dt><a name="ignorewarnings"><code><b>-ignorewarnings</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies to print any warnings about unresolved references and other
+ important problems, but to continue processing in any case. Ignoring
+ warnings can be dangerous. For instance, if the unresolved classes or
+ class members are indeed required for processing, the processed code will
+ not function properly. <i>Only use this option if you know what you're
+ doing!</i></dd>
+<dt><a name="printconfiguration"><code><b>-printconfiguration</b></code></a>
+ [<a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies to write out the entire configuration that has been parsed, with
+ included files and replaced variables. The structure is printed to the
+ standard output or to the given file. This can sometimes be useful for
+ debugging configurations, or for converting XML configurations into a more
+ readable format.</dd>
+<dt><a name="dump"><code><b>-dump</b></code></a>
+ [<a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a>]</dt>
+<dd>Specifies to write out the internal structure of the class files, after
+ any processing. The structure is printed to the standard output or to the
+ given file. For example, you may want to <a
+ href="examples.html#structure">write out the contents of a given jar
+ file</a>, without processing it at all.</dd>
+<h2><a name="classpath">Class Paths</a></h2>
+ProGuard accepts a generalization of class paths to specify input files and
+output files. A class path consists of entries, separated by the traditional
+path separator (e.g. '<b>:</b>' on Unix, or '<b>;</b>' on Windows platforms).
+The order of the entries determines their priorities, in case of duplicates.
+Each input entry can be:
+<li>A class file or resource file,</li>
+<li>A jar file, containing any of the above,</li>
+<li>A war file, containing any of the above,</li>
+<li>An ear file, containing any of the above,</li>
+<li>A zip file, containing any of the above,</li>
+<li>A directory (structure), containing any of the above.</li>
+The paths of directly specified class files and resource files is ignored, so
+class files should generally be part of a jar file, a war file, an ear file, a
+zip file, or a directory. In addition, the paths of class files should not have
+any additional directory prefixes inside the archives or directories.
+Each output entry can be:
+<li>A jar file, in which all processed class files and resource files will be
+ collected.</li>
+<li>A war file, in which any and all of the above will be collected,</li>
+<li>An ear file, in which any and all of the above will be collected,</li>
+<li>A zip file, in which any and all of the above will be collected,</li>
+<li>A directory, in which any and all of the above will be collected.</li>
+When writing output entries, ProGuard will generally package the results in a
+sensible way, reconstructing the input entries as much as required. Writing
+everything to an output directory is the most straightforward option: the
+output directory will contain a complete reconstruction of the input entries.
+The packaging can be almost arbitrarily complex though: you could process an
+entire application, packaged in a zip file along with its documentation,
+writing it out as a zip file again. The Examples section shows a few ways
+to <a href="examples.html#restructuring">restructure output archives</a>.
+Files and directories can be specified as discussed in the section on <a
+href="#filename">file names</a> below.
+In addition, ProGuard provides the possibility to filter the class path
+entries and their contents, based on their full relative file names. Each
+class path entry can be followed by up to 5 types of <a
+href="#filefilters">file filters</a> between parentheses, separated by
+<li>A filter for all zip names that are encountered,</li>
+<li>A filter for all ear names that are encountered,</li>
+<li>A filter for all war names that are encountered,</li>
+<li>A filter for all jar names that are encountered,</li>
+<li>A filter for all class file names and resource file names that are
+ encountered.</li>
+If fewer than 5 filters are specified, they are assumed to be the latter
+filters. Any empty filters are ignored. More formally, a filtered class path
+entry looks like this:
+Square brackets "[]" mean that their contents are optional.
+For example, "<code>rt.jar(java/**.class,javax/**.class)</code>" matches all
+class files in the <code>java</code> and <code>javax</code> directories inside
+the <code>rt</code> jar.
+For example, "<code>input.jar(!**.gif,images/**)</code>" matches all files in
+the <code>images</code> directory inside the <code>input</code> jar, except
+gif files.
+Note that the different filters are applied to all corresponding file types,
+irrespective of their nesting levels in the input; they are orthogonal.
+For example,
+"<code>input.war(lib/**.jar,support/**.jar;**.class,**.gif)</code>" only
+considers jar files in the <code>lib</code> and <code>support</code>
+directories in the <code>input</code> war, not any other jar files. It then
+matches all class files and gif files that are encountered.
+The filters allow for an almost infinite number of packaging and repackaging
+possibilities. The Examples section provides a few more examples
+for <a href="examples.html#filtering">filtering input and output</a>.
+<h2><a name="filename">File Names</a></h2>
+ProGuard accepts absolute paths and relative paths for the various file names
+and directory names. A relative path is interpreted as follows:
+<li>relative to the base directory, if set, or otherwise</li>
+<li>relative to the configuration file in which it is specified, if any, or
+ otherwise</li>
+<li>relative to the working directory.</li>
+The names can contain Java system properties delimited by '<b>&lt;</b>' and
+'<b>&gt;</b>'. The system properties
+are automatically replaced by their respective values.
+For example, <code>&lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar</code> will automatically be
+expanded to something like <code>/usr/local/java/jdk/jre/lib/rt.jar</code>.
+Similarly, <code>&lt;user.home&gt;</code> will be expanded to the user's home
+directory, and <code>&lt;user.dir&gt;</code> will be expanded to the current
+working directory.
+Names with special characters like spaces and parentheses must be quoted with
+single or double quotes. Note that each file name in a list of names has to be
+quoted individually. Also note that the quotes themselves may need to be
+escaped when used on the command line, to avoid them being gobbled by the
+For example, on the command line, you could use an option like <code>'-injars
+"my program.jar":"/your directory/your program.jar"'</code>.
+<h2><a name="filefilters">File Filters</a></h2>
+Like general <a href="#filters">filters</a>, a file filter is a
+comma-separated list of file names that can contain wildcards. Only files with
+matching file names are read (in the case of input jars), or written (in the
+case of output jars). The following wildcards are supported:
+<table cellspacing="10">
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>?</b></code></td>
+ <td>matches any single character in a file name.</td></tr>
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>*</b></code></td>
+ <td>matches any part of a filename not containing the directory
+ separator.</td></tr>
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>**</b></code></td>
+ <td>matches any part of a filename, possibly containing any number of
+ directory separators.</td></tr>
+For example, "<code>java/**.class,javax/**.class</code>" matches all
+class files in the <code>java</code> and <code>javax</code>.
+Furthermore, a file name can be preceded by an exclamation mark '<b>!</b>' to
+<i>exclude</i> the file name from further attempts to match with
+<i>subsequent</i> file names.
+For example, "<code>!**.gif,images/**</code>" matches all files in the
+<code>images</code> directory, except gif files.
+The Examples section provides a few more examples for <a
+href="examples.html#filtering">filtering input and output</a>.
+<h2><a name="filters">Filters</a></h2>
+ProGuard offers options with filters for many different aspects of the
+configuration: names of files, directories, classes, packages, attributes,
+optimizations, etc.
+A filter is a list of comma-separated names that can contain wildcards. Only
+names that match an item on the list pass the filter. The supported wildcards
+depend on the type of names for which the filter is being used, but the
+following wildcards are typical:
+<table cellspacing="10">
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>?</b></code></td>
+ <td>matches any single character in a name.</td></tr>
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>*</b></code></td>
+ <td>matches any part of a name not containing the package separator or
+ directory separator.</td></tr>
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>**</b></code></td>
+ <td>matches any part of a name, possibly containing any number of
+ package separators or directory separators.</td></tr>
+For example, "<code>foo,*bar</code>" matches the name <code>foo</code> and
+all names ending with <code>bar</code>.
+Furthermore, a name can be preceded by a negating exclamation mark '<b>!</b>'
+to <i>exclude</i> the name from further attempts to match
+with <i>subsequent</i> names. So, if a name matches an item in the filter, it
+is accepted or rejected right away, depending on whether the item has a
+negator. If the name doesn't match the item, it is tested against the next
+item, and so on. It if doesn't match any items, it is accepted or rejected,
+depending on the whether the last item has a negator or not.
+For example, "<code>!foobar,*bar</code>" matches all names ending with
+<code>bar</code>, except <code>foobar</code>.
+<h2><a name="keepoverview">Overview of <code>Keep</code> Options</a></h2>
+The various <code>-keep</code> options for shrinking and obfuscation may seem
+a bit confusing at first, but there's actually a pattern behind them. The
+following table summarizes how they are related:
+<table cellpadding="5">
+<td>From being removed or renamed</td>
+<td>From being renamed</td>
+<td>Classes and class members</td>
+<td bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><a href="#keep"><code>-keep</code></a></td>
+<td bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><a href="#keepnames"><code>-keepnames</code></a></td>
+<td>Class members only</td>
+<td bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><a href="#keepclassmembers"><code>-keepclassmembers</code></a></td>
+<td bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><a href="#keepclassmembernames"><code>-keepclassmembernames</code></a></td>
+<td>Classes and class members, if class members present</td>
+<td bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><a href="#keepclasseswithmembers"><code>-keepclasseswithmembers</code></a></td>
+<td bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><a href="#keepclasseswithmembernames"><code>-keepclasseswithmembernames</code></a></td>
+Each of these <code>-keep</code> options is of course followed by a
+<a href="#classspecification">specification</a> of the classes and class
+members (fields and methods) to which it should be applied.
+If you're not sure which option you need, you should probably simply use
+<code>-keep</code>. It will make sure the specified classes and class members
+are not removed in the shrinking step, and not renamed in the obfuscation step.
+<tr><td valign="top">
+<img src="attention.gif" width="64" height="64"alt="attention" />
+Always remember:
+<li>Specifying a class without class members only preserves the class as an
+ entry point &mdash; any class members may then still be removed, optimized,
+ or obfuscated.</li>
+<li>Specifying a class member only preserves the class member as an entry
+ point &mdash; any associated code may still be optimized and adapted.</li>
+<h2><a name="keepoptionmodifiers">Keep Option Modifiers</a></h2>
+<dt><a name="allowshrinking"><code><b>allowshrinking</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies that the entry points specified in the <a href="#keep">-keep</a>
+ option may be shrunk, even if they have to be preserved otherwise. That
+ is, the entry points may be removed in the shrinking step, but if they are
+ necessary after all, they may not be optimized or obfuscated.</dd>
+<dt><a name="allowoptimization"><code><b>allowoptimization</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies that the entry points specified in the <a href="#keep">-keep</a>
+ option may be optimized, even if they have to be preserved otherwise. That
+ is, the entry points may be altered in the optimization step, but they may
+ not be removed or obfuscated. This modifier is only useful for achieving
+ unusual requirements.</dd>
+<dt><a name="allowobfuscation"><code><b>allowobfuscation</b></code></a></dt>
+<dd>Specifies that the entry points specified in the <a href="#keep">-keep</a>
+ option may be obfuscated, even if they have to be preserved otherwise. That
+ is, the entry points may be renamed in the obfuscation step, but they may
+ not be removed or optimized. This modifier is only useful for achieving
+ unusual requirements.</dd>
+<h2><a name="classspecification">Class Specifications</a></h2>
+A class specification is a template of classes and class members (fields and
+methods). It is used in the various <code>-keep</code> options and in the
+<code>-assumenosideeffects</code> option. The corresponding option is only
+applied to classes and class members that match the template.
+The template was designed to look very Java-like, with some extensions for
+wildcards. To get a feel for the syntax, you should probably look at the <a
+href="examples.html">examples</a>, but this is an attempt at a complete formal
+[<b>@</b><i>annotationtype</i>] [[<b>!</b>]<b>public</b>|<b>final</b>|<b>abstract</b>|<b>@</b> ...] [<b>!</b>]<b>interface</b>|<b>class</b>|<b>enum</b> <i>classname</i>
+ [<b>extends</b>|<b>implements</b> [<b>@</b><i>annotationtype</i>] <i>classname</i>]
+ [<b>@</b><i>annotationtype</i>] [[<b>!</b>]<b>public</b>|<b>private</b>|<b>protected</b>|<b>static</b>|<b>volatile</b>|<b>transient</b> ...] <b>&lt;fields&gt;</b> |
+ (<i>fieldtype fieldname</i>)<b>;</b>
+ [<b>@</b><i>annotationtype</i>] [[<b>!</b>]<b>public</b>|<b>private</b>|<b>protected</b>|<b>static</b>|<b>synchronized</b>|<b>native</b>|<b>abstract</b>|<b>strictfp</b> ...] <b>&lt;methods&gt;</b> |
+ <b>&lt;init&gt;(</b><i>argumenttype,...</i><b>)</b> |
+ <i>classname</i><b>(</b><i>argumenttype,...</i><b>)</b> |
+ (<i>returntype methodname</i><b>(</b><i>argumenttype,...</i><b>)</b>)<b>;</b>
+ [<b>@</b><i>annotationtype</i>] [[<b>!</b>]<b>public</b>|<b>private</b>|<b>protected</b>|<b>static</b> ... ] <b>*;</b>
+ ...
+Square brackets "[]" mean that their contents are optional. Ellipsis dots
+"..." mean that any number of the preceding items may be specified. A vertical
+bar "|" delimits two alternatives. Non-bold parentheses "()" just group parts
+of the specification that belong together. The indentation tries to clarify
+the intended meaning, but white-space is irrelevant in actual configuration
+<ul class="spacious">
+<li>The <code><b>class</b></code> keyword refers to any interface or class.
+ The <code><b>interface</b></code> keyword restricts matches to interface
+ classes. The <code><b>enum</b></code> keyword restricts matches to
+ enumeration classes. Preceding the <code><b>interface</b></code> or
+ <code><b>enum</b></code> keywords by a <code><b>!</b></code> restricts
+ matches to classes that are not interfaces or enumerations,
+ respectively.</li>
+<li>Every <i>classname</i> must be fully qualified, e.g.
+ <code>java.lang.String</code>. Class names may be specified as regular
+ expressions containing the following wildcards:
+<table cellspacing="10">
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>?</b></code></td>
+<td>matches any single character in a class name, but not the package
+ separator. For example, "<code>mypackage.Test?</code>" matches
+ "<code>mypackage.Test1</code>" and "<code>mypackage.Test2</code>", but not
+ "<code>mypackage.Test12</code>".</td></tr>
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>*</b></code></td>
+<td>matches any part of a class name not containing the package separator. For
+ example, "<code>mypackage.*Test*</code>" matches
+ "<code>mypackage.Test</code>" and
+ "<code>mypackage.YourTestApplication</code>", but not
+ "<code>mypackage.mysubpackage.MyTest</code>". Or, more generally,
+ "<code>mypackage.*</code>" matches all classes in
+ "<code>mypackage</code>", but not in its subpackages.</td></tr>
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>**</b></code></td>
+<td>matches any part of a class name, possibly containing any number of
+ package separators. For example, "<code>**.Test</code>" matches all
+ <code>Test</code> classes in all packages except the root package. Or,
+ "<code>mypackage.**</code>" matches all classes in
+ "<code>mypackage</code>" and in its subpackages.</td></tr>
+ For additional flexibility, class names can actually be comma-separated
+ lists of class names, with optional <code><b>!</b></code> negators, just
+ like file name filters. This notation doesn't look very Java-like, so it
+ should be used with moderation.
+ <p>
+ For convenience and for backward compatibility, the class name
+ <code><b>*</b></code> refers to any class, irrespective of its package.</li>
+<li>The <code><b>extends</b></code> and <code><b>implements</b></code>
+ specifications are typically used to restrict classes with wildcards. They
+ are currently equivalent, specifying that only classes extending or
+ implementing the given class qualify. Note that the given class itself is
+ not included in this set. If required, it should be specified in a
+ separate option.</li>
+<li>The <code><b>@</b></code> specifications can be used to restrict classes
+ and class members to the ones that are annotated with the specified
+ annotation types. An <i>annotationtype</i> is specified just like a
+ <i>classname</i>.</li>
+<li>Fields and methods are specified much like in Java, except that method
+ argument lists don't contain argument names (just like in other tools
+ like <code>javadoc</code> and <code>javap</code>). The specifications can
+ also contain the following catch-all wildcards:
+<table cellspacing="10">
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>&lt;init&gt;</b></code></td>
+<td>matches any constructor.</td></tr>
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>&lt;fields&gt;</b></code></td>
+<td>matches any field.</td></tr>
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>&lt;methods&gt;</b></code></td>
+<td>matches any method.</td></tr>
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>*</b></code></td>
+<td>matches any field or method.</td></tr>
+ Note that the above wildcards don't have return types. Only the
+ <code><b>&lt;init&gt;</b></code> wildcard has an argument list.
+ <p>
+ Fields and methods may also be specified using regular expressions. Names
+ can contain the following wildcards:
+<table cellspacing="10">
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>?</b></code></td>
+ <td>matches any single character in a method name.</td></tr>
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>*</b></code></td>
+ <td>matches any part of a method name.</td></tr>
+ Types in descriptors can contain the following wildcards:
+<table cellspacing="10">
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>%</b></code></td>
+ <td>matches any primitive type ("<code>boolean</code>", "<code>int</code>",
+ etc, but not "<code>void</code>").</td></tr>
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>?</b></code></td>
+ <td>matches any single character in a class name.</td></tr>
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>*</b></code></td>
+ <td>matches any part of a class name not containing the package separator.</td></tr>
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>**</b></code></td>
+ <td>matches any part of a class name, possibly containing any number of
+ package separators.</td></tr>
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>***</b></code></td>
+ <td>matches any type (primitive or non-primitive, array or
+ non-array).</td></tr>
+<tr><td valign="top"><code><b>...</b></code></td>
+ <td>matches any number of arguments of any type.</td></tr>
+ Note that the <code>?</code>, <code>*</code>, and <code>**</code>
+ wildcards will never match primitive types. Furthermore, only the
+ <code>***</code> wildcards will match array types of any dimension. For
+ example, "<code>** get*()</code>" matches "<code>java.lang.Object
+ getObject()</code>", but not "<code>float getFloat()</code>", nor
+ "<code>java.lang.Object[] getObjects()</code>".</li>
+<li>Constructors can also be specified using their short class names (without
+ package) or using their full class names. As in the Java language, the
+ constructor specification has an argument list, but no return type.</li>
+<li>The class access modifiers and class member access modifiers are typically
+ used to restrict wildcarded classes and class members. They specify that
+ the corresponding access flags have to be set for the member to match. A
+ preceding <code><b>!</b></code> specifies that the corresponding access
+ flag should be unset.
+ <p>
+ Combining multiple flags is allowed (e.g. <code>public static</code>). It
+ means that both access flags have to be set (e.g. <code>public</code>
+ <i>and</i> <code>static</code>), except when they are conflicting, in
+ which case at least one of them has to be set (e.g. at least
+ <code>public</code>
+ <i>or</i> <code>protected</code>).
+ <p>
+ ProGuard supports the additional modifiers <code><b>synthetic</b></code>,
+ <code><b>bridge</b></code>, and <code><b>varargs</b></code>, which may be
+ set by compilers.</li>
+<hr />
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+Copyright &copy; 2002-2011
+<a target="other" href="">Eric Lafortune</a>.