/** * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. */ #ifndef _APPMGMT_H_ #define _APPMGMT_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef enum _INSTALLSPECTYPE { APPNAME = 1, FILEEXT,PROGID, COMCLASS } INSTALLSPECTYPE; typedef union _INSTALLSPEC { struct { WCHAR *Name; GUID GPOId; } AppName; WCHAR *FileExt; WCHAR *ProgId; struct { GUID Clsid; DWORD ClsCtx; } COMClass; } INSTALLSPEC; typedef struct _INSTALLDATA { INSTALLSPECTYPE Type; INSTALLSPEC Spec; } INSTALLDATA,*PINSTALLDATA; typedef enum { ABSENT,ASSIGNED,PUBLISHED } APPSTATE; #define LOCALSTATE_ASSIGNED 0x1 #define LOCALSTATE_PUBLISHED 0x2 #define LOCALSTATE_UNINSTALL_UNMANAGED 0x4 #define LOCALSTATE_POLICYREMOVE_ORPHAN 0x8 #define LOCALSTATE_POLICYREMOVE_UNINSTALL 0x10 #define LOCALSTATE_ORPHANED 0x20 #define LOCALSTATE_UNINSTALLED 0x40 typedef struct _LOCALMANAGEDAPPLICATION { LPWSTR pszDeploymentName; LPWSTR pszPolicyName; LPWSTR pszProductId; DWORD dwState; } LOCALMANAGEDAPPLICATION,*PLOCALMANAGEDAPPLICATION; #define MANAGED_APPS_USERAPPLICATIONS 0x1 #define MANAGED_APPS_FROMCATEGORY 0x2 #define MANAGED_APPS_INFOLEVEL_DEFAULT 0x10000 #define MANAGED_APPTYPE_WINDOWSINSTALLER 0x1 #define MANAGED_APPTYPE_SETUPEXE 0x2 #define MANAGED_APPTYPE_UNSUPPORTED 0x3 typedef struct _MANAGEDAPPLICATION { LPWSTR pszPackageName; LPWSTR pszPublisher; DWORD dwVersionHi; DWORD dwVersionLo; DWORD dwRevision; GUID GpoId; LPWSTR pszPolicyName; GUID ProductId; LANGID Language; LPWSTR pszOwner; LPWSTR pszCompany; LPWSTR pszComments; LPWSTR pszContact; LPWSTR pszSupportUrl; DWORD dwPathType; WINBOOL bInstalled; } MANAGEDAPPLICATION,*PMANAGEDAPPLICATION; typedef struct _APPCATEGORYINFO { LCID Locale; LPWSTR pszDescription; GUID AppCategoryId; } APPCATEGORYINFO; typedef struct _APPCATEGORYINFOLIST { DWORD cCategory; APPCATEGORYINFO *pCategoryInfo; } APPCATEGORYINFOLIST; #ifndef WINAPI #define WINAPI __stdcall #endif DWORD WINAPI InstallApplication(PINSTALLDATA pInstallInfo); DWORD WINAPI UninstallApplication(WCHAR *ProductCode,DWORD dwStatus); DWORD WINAPI CommandLineFromMsiDescriptor(WCHAR *Descriptor,WCHAR *CommandLine,DWORD *CommandLineLength); DWORD WINAPI GetManagedApplications(GUID *pCategory,DWORD dwQueryFlags,DWORD dwInfoLevel,LPDWORD pdwApps,PMANAGEDAPPLICATION *prgManagedApps); DWORD WINAPI GetLocalManagedApplications(WINBOOL bUserApps,LPDWORD pdwApps,PLOCALMANAGEDAPPLICATION *prgLocalApps); void WINAPI GetLocalManagedApplicationData(WCHAR *ProductCode,LPWSTR *DisplayName,LPWSTR *SupportUrl); DWORD WINAPI GetManagedApplicationCategories(DWORD dwReserved,APPCATEGORYINFOLIST *pAppCategory); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif