/** * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package. */ #ifndef BDAIFACE_ENUMS_H #define BDAIFACE_ENUMS_H #include #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION (WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) typedef #ifdef __WIDL__ [v1_enum] #endif enum SmartCardStatusType { CardInserted = 0, CardRemoved, CardError, CardDataChanged, CardFirmwareUpgrade } SmartCardStatusType; typedef #ifdef __WIDL__ [v1_enum] #endif enum SmartCardAssociationType { NotAssociated = 0, Associated, AssociationUnknown } SmartCardAssociationType; typedef #ifdef __WIDL__ [v1_enum] #endif enum LocationCodeSchemeType { SCTE_18 = 0 } LocationCodeSchemeType; typedef #ifdef __WIDL__ [v1_enum] #endif enum EntitlementType { Entitled = 0, NotEntitled, TechnicalFailure } EntitlementType; typedef #ifdef __WIDL__ [v1_enum] #endif enum UICloseReasonType { NotReady = 0, UserClosed, SystemClosed, DeviceClosed, ErrorClosed } UICloseReasonType; typedef #ifdef __WIDL__ [v1_enum] #endif enum BDA_DrmPairingError { BDA_DrmPairing_Succeeded = 0, BDA_DrmPairing_HardwareFailure, BDA_DrmPairing_NeedRevocationData, BDA_DrmPairing_NeedIndiv, BDA_DrmPairing_Other, BDA_DrmPairing_DrmInitFailed, BDA_DrmPairing_DrmNotPaired, BDA_DrmPairing_DrmRePairSoon, BDA_DrmPairing_Aborted, BDA_DrmPairing_NeedSDKUpdate } BDA_DrmPairingError; typedef struct EALocationCodeType { LocationCodeSchemeType LocationCodeScheme; BYTE state_code; BYTE county_subdivision; WORD county_code; } EALocationCodeType; typedef struct SmartCardApplication { ApplicationTypeType ApplicationType; USHORT ApplicationVersion; BSTR pbstrApplicationName; BSTR pbstrApplicationURL; } SmartCardApplication; #endif #endif