/** * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package. */ #ifndef _NDKINFO_H_ #define _NDKINFO_H_ #include #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION (WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) #define NDK_ADAPTER_FLAG_IN_ORDER_DMA_SUPPORTED 0x1 #define NDK_ADAPTER_FLAG_RDMA_READ_SINK_NOT_REQUIRED 0x2 #define NDK_ADAPTER_FLAG_CQ_INTERRUPT_MODERATION_SUPPORTED 0x4 #define NDK_ADAPTER_FLAG_MULTI_ENGINE_SUPPORTED 0x8 #define NDK_ADAPTER_FLAG_CQ_RESIZE_SUPPORTED 0x100 #define NDK_ADAPTER_FLAG_LOOPBACK_CONNECTIONS_SUPPORTED 0x10000 typedef struct { USHORT Major; USHORT Minor; } NDK_VERSION; typedef struct _NDK_ADAPTER_INFO { NDK_VERSION Version; UINT32 VendorId; UINT32 DeviceId; SIZE_T MaxRegistrationSize; SIZE_T MaxWindowSize; ULONG FRMRPageCount; ULONG MaxInitiatorRequestSge; ULONG MaxReceiveRequestSge; ULONG MaxReadRequestSge; ULONG MaxTransferLength; ULONG MaxInlineDataSize; ULONG MaxInboundReadLimit; ULONG MaxOutboundReadLimit; ULONG MaxReceiveQueueDepth; ULONG MaxInitiatorQueueDepth; ULONG MaxSrqDepth; ULONG MaxCqDepth; ULONG LargeRequestThreshold; ULONG MaxCallerData; ULONG MaxCalleeData; ULONG AdapterFlags; } NDK_ADAPTER_INFO; #endif #endif