path: root/lib/python2.7/distutils/command/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/distutils/command/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 477 deletions
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-Implements the Distutils 'sdist' command (create a source distribution)."""
-__revision__ = "$Id$"
-import os
-import string
-import sys
-from glob import glob
-from warnings import warn
-from distutils.core import Command
-from distutils import dir_util, dep_util, file_util, archive_util
-from distutils.text_file import TextFile
-from distutils.errors import (DistutilsPlatformError, DistutilsOptionError,
- DistutilsTemplateError)
-from distutils.filelist import FileList
-from distutils import log
-from distutils.util import convert_path
-def show_formats():
- """Print all possible values for the 'formats' option (used by
- the "--help-formats" command-line option).
- """
- from distutils.fancy_getopt import FancyGetopt
- from distutils.archive_util import ARCHIVE_FORMATS
- formats = []
- for format in ARCHIVE_FORMATS.keys():
- formats.append(("formats=" + format, None,
- ARCHIVE_FORMATS[format][2]))
- formats.sort()
- FancyGetopt(formats).print_help(
- "List of available source distribution formats:")
-class sdist(Command):
- description = "create a source distribution (tarball, zip file, etc.)"
- def checking_metadata(self):
- """Callable used for the check sub-command.
- Placed here so user_options can view it"""
- return self.metadata_check
- user_options = [
- ('template=', 't',
- "name of manifest template file [default:]"),
- ('manifest=', 'm',
- "name of manifest file [default: MANIFEST]"),
- ('use-defaults', None,
- "include the default file set in the manifest "
- "[default; disable with --no-defaults]"),
- ('no-defaults', None,
- "don't include the default file set"),
- ('prune', None,
- "specifically exclude files/directories that should not be "
- "distributed (build tree, RCS/CVS dirs, etc.) "
- "[default; disable with --no-prune]"),
- ('no-prune', None,
- "don't automatically exclude anything"),
- ('manifest-only', 'o',
- "just regenerate the manifest and then stop "
- "(implies --force-manifest)"),
- ('force-manifest', 'f',
- "forcibly regenerate the manifest and carry on as usual. "
- "Deprecated: now the manifest is always regenerated."),
- ('formats=', None,
- "formats for source distribution (comma-separated list)"),
- ('keep-temp', 'k',
- "keep the distribution tree around after creating " +
- "archive file(s)"),
- ('dist-dir=', 'd',
- "directory to put the source distribution archive(s) in "
- "[default: dist]"),
- ('metadata-check', None,
- "Ensure that all required elements of meta-data "
- "are supplied. Warn if any missing. [default]"),
- ('owner=', 'u',
- "Owner name used when creating a tar file [default: current user]"),
- ('group=', 'g',
- "Group name used when creating a tar file [default: current group]"),
- ]
- boolean_options = ['use-defaults', 'prune',
- 'manifest-only', 'force-manifest',
- 'keep-temp', 'metadata-check']
- help_options = [
- ('help-formats', None,
- "list available distribution formats", show_formats),
- ]
- negative_opt = {'no-defaults': 'use-defaults',
- 'no-prune': 'prune' }
- default_format = {'posix': 'gztar',
- 'nt': 'zip' }
- sub_commands = [('check', checking_metadata)]
- def initialize_options(self):
- # 'template' and 'manifest' are, respectively, the names of
- # the manifest template and manifest file.
- self.template = None
- self.manifest = None
- # 'use_defaults': if true, we will include the default file set
- # in the manifest
- self.use_defaults = 1
- self.prune = 1
- self.manifest_only = 0
- self.force_manifest = 0
- self.formats = None
- self.keep_temp = 0
- self.dist_dir = None
- self.archive_files = None
- self.metadata_check = 1
- self.owner = None
- = None
- def finalize_options(self):
- if self.manifest is None:
- self.manifest = "MANIFEST"
- if self.template is None:
- self.template = ""
- self.ensure_string_list('formats')
- if self.formats is None:
- try:
- self.formats = [self.default_format[]]
- except KeyError:
- raise DistutilsPlatformError, \
- "don't know how to create source distributions " + \
- "on platform %s" %
- bad_format = archive_util.check_archive_formats(self.formats)
- if bad_format:
- raise DistutilsOptionError, \
- "unknown archive format '%s'" % bad_format
- if self.dist_dir is None:
- self.dist_dir = "dist"
- def run(self):
- # 'filelist' contains the list of files that will make up the
- # manifest
- self.filelist = FileList()
- # Run sub commands
- for cmd_name in self.get_sub_commands():
- self.run_command(cmd_name)
- # Do whatever it takes to get the list of files to process
- # (process the manifest template, read an existing manifest,
- # whatever). File list is accumulated in 'self.filelist'.
- self.get_file_list()
- # If user just wanted us to regenerate the manifest, stop now.
- if self.manifest_only:
- return
- # Otherwise, go ahead and create the source distribution tarball,
- # or zipfile, or whatever.
- self.make_distribution()
- def check_metadata(self):
- """Deprecated API."""
- warn("distutils.command.sdist.check_metadata is deprecated, \
- use the check command instead", PendingDeprecationWarning)
- check = self.distribution.get_command_obj('check')
- check.ensure_finalized()
- def get_file_list(self):
- """Figure out the list of files to include in the source
- distribution, and put it in 'self.filelist'. This might involve
- reading the manifest template (and writing the manifest), or just
- reading the manifest, or just using the default file set -- it all
- depends on the user's options.
- """
- # new behavior when using a template:
- # the file list is recalculated everytime because
- # even if or are not changed
- # the user might have added some files in the tree that
- # need to be included.
- #
- # This makes --force the default and only behavior with templates.
- template_exists = os.path.isfile(self.template)
- if not template_exists and self._manifest_is_not_generated():
- self.read_manifest()
- self.filelist.sort()
- self.filelist.remove_duplicates()
- return
- if not template_exists:
- self.warn(("manifest template '%s' does not exist " +
- "(using default file list)") %
- self.template)
- self.filelist.findall()
- if self.use_defaults:
- self.add_defaults()
- if template_exists:
- self.read_template()
- if self.prune:
- self.prune_file_list()
- self.filelist.sort()
- self.filelist.remove_duplicates()
- self.write_manifest()
- def add_defaults(self):
- """Add all the default files to self.filelist:
- - README or README.txt
- -
- - test/test*.py
- - all pure Python modules mentioned in setup script
- - all files pointed by package_data (build_py)
- - all files defined in data_files.
- - all files defined as scripts.
- - all C sources listed as part of extensions or C libraries
- in the setup script (doesn't catch C headers!)
- Warns if (README or README.txt) or are missing; everything
- else is optional.
- """
- standards = [('README', 'README.txt'), self.distribution.script_name]
- for fn in standards:
- if isinstance(fn, tuple):
- alts = fn
- got_it = 0
- for fn in alts:
- if os.path.exists(fn):
- got_it = 1
- self.filelist.append(fn)
- break
- if not got_it:
- self.warn("standard file not found: should have one of " +
- string.join(alts, ', '))
- else:
- if os.path.exists(fn):
- self.filelist.append(fn)
- else:
- self.warn("standard file '%s' not found" % fn)
- optional = ['test/test*.py', 'setup.cfg']
- for pattern in optional:
- files = filter(os.path.isfile, glob(pattern))
- if files:
- self.filelist.extend(files)
- # build_py is used to get:
- # - python modules
- # - files defined in package_data
- build_py = self.get_finalized_command('build_py')
- # getting python files
- if self.distribution.has_pure_modules():
- self.filelist.extend(build_py.get_source_files())
- # getting package_data files
- # (computed in build_py.data_files by build_py.finalize_options)
- for pkg, src_dir, build_dir, filenames in build_py.data_files:
- for filename in filenames:
- self.filelist.append(os.path.join(src_dir, filename))
- # getting distribution.data_files
- if self.distribution.has_data_files():
- for item in self.distribution.data_files:
- if isinstance(item, str): # plain file
- item = convert_path(item)
- if os.path.isfile(item):
- self.filelist.append(item)
- else: # a (dirname, filenames) tuple
- dirname, filenames = item
- for f in filenames:
- f = convert_path(f)
- if os.path.isfile(f):
- self.filelist.append(f)
- if self.distribution.has_ext_modules():
- build_ext = self.get_finalized_command('build_ext')
- self.filelist.extend(build_ext.get_source_files())
- if self.distribution.has_c_libraries():
- build_clib = self.get_finalized_command('build_clib')
- self.filelist.extend(build_clib.get_source_files())
- if self.distribution.has_scripts():
- build_scripts = self.get_finalized_command('build_scripts')
- self.filelist.extend(build_scripts.get_source_files())
- def read_template(self):
- """Read and parse manifest template file named by self.template.
- (usually "") The parsing and processing is done by
- 'self.filelist', which updates itself accordingly.
- """
-"reading manifest template '%s'", self.template)
- template = TextFile(self.template,
- strip_comments=1,
- skip_blanks=1,
- join_lines=1,
- lstrip_ws=1,
- rstrip_ws=1,
- collapse_join=1)
- try:
- while 1:
- line = template.readline()
- if line is None: # end of file
- break
- try:
- self.filelist.process_template_line(line)
- # the call above can raise a DistutilsTemplateError for
- # malformed lines, or a ValueError from the lower-level
- # convert_path function
- except (DistutilsTemplateError, ValueError) as msg:
- self.warn("%s, line %d: %s" % (template.filename,
- template.current_line,
- msg))
- finally:
- template.close()
- def prune_file_list(self):
- """Prune off branches that might slip into the file list as created
- by 'read_template()', but really don't belong there:
- * the build tree (typically "build")
- * the release tree itself (only an issue if we ran "sdist"
- previously with --keep-temp, or it aborted)
- * any RCS, CVS, .svn, .hg, .git, .bzr, _darcs directories
- """
- build = self.get_finalized_command('build')
- base_dir = self.distribution.get_fullname()
- self.filelist.exclude_pattern(None, prefix=build.build_base)
- self.filelist.exclude_pattern(None, prefix=base_dir)
- # pruning out vcs directories
- # both separators are used under win32
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- seps = r'/|\\'
- else:
- seps = '/'
- vcs_dirs = ['RCS', 'CVS', r'\.svn', r'\.hg', r'\.git', r'\.bzr',
- '_darcs']
- vcs_ptrn = r'(^|%s)(%s)(%s).*' % (seps, '|'.join(vcs_dirs), seps)
- self.filelist.exclude_pattern(vcs_ptrn, is_regex=1)
- def write_manifest(self):
- """Write the file list in 'self.filelist' (presumably as filled in
- by 'add_defaults()' and 'read_template()') to the manifest file
- named by 'self.manifest'.
- """
- if self._manifest_is_not_generated():
-"not writing to manually maintained "
- "manifest file '%s'" % self.manifest)
- return
- content = self.filelist.files[:]
- content.insert(0, '# file GENERATED by distutils, do NOT edit')
- self.execute(file_util.write_file, (self.manifest, content),
- "writing manifest file '%s'" % self.manifest)
- def _manifest_is_not_generated(self):
- # check for special comment used in 2.7.1 and higher
- if not os.path.isfile(self.manifest):
- return False
- fp = open(self.manifest, 'rU')
- try:
- first_line = fp.readline()
- finally:
- fp.close()
- return first_line != '# file GENERATED by distutils, do NOT edit\n'
- def read_manifest(self):
- """Read the manifest file (named by 'self.manifest') and use it to
- fill in 'self.filelist', the list of files to include in the source
- distribution.
- """
-"reading manifest file '%s'", self.manifest)
- manifest = open(self.manifest)
- for line in manifest:
- # ignore comments and blank lines
- line = line.strip()
- if line.startswith('#') or not line:
- continue
- self.filelist.append(line)
- manifest.close()
- def make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files):
- """Create the directory tree that will become the source
- distribution archive. All directories implied by the filenames in
- 'files' are created under 'base_dir', and then we hard link or copy
- (if hard linking is unavailable) those files into place.
- Essentially, this duplicates the developer's source tree, but in a
- directory named after the distribution, containing only the files
- to be distributed.
- """
- # Create all the directories under 'base_dir' necessary to
- # put 'files' there; the 'mkpath()' is just so we don't die
- # if the manifest happens to be empty.
- self.mkpath(base_dir)
- dir_util.create_tree(base_dir, files, dry_run=self.dry_run)
- # And walk over the list of files, either making a hard link (if
- # exists) to each one that doesn't already exist in its
- # corresponding location under 'base_dir', or copying each file
- # that's out-of-date in 'base_dir'. (Usually, all files will be
- # out-of-date, because by default we blow away 'base_dir' when
- # we're done making the distribution archives.)
- if hasattr(os, 'link'): # can make hard links on this system
- link = 'hard'
- msg = "making hard links in %s..." % base_dir
- else: # nope, have to copy
- link = None
- msg = "copying files to %s..." % base_dir
- if not files:
- log.warn("no files to distribute -- empty manifest?")
- else:
- for file in files:
- if not os.path.isfile(file):
- log.warn("'%s' not a regular file -- skipping" % file)
- else:
- dest = os.path.join(base_dir, file)
- self.copy_file(file, dest, link=link)
- self.distribution.metadata.write_pkg_info(base_dir)
- def make_distribution(self):
- """Create the source distribution(s). First, we create the release
- tree with 'make_release_tree()'; then, we create all required
- archive files (according to 'self.formats') from the release tree.
- Finally, we clean up by blowing away the release tree (unless
- 'self.keep_temp' is true). The list of archive files created is
- stored so it can be retrieved later by 'get_archive_files()'.
- """
- # Don't warn about missing meta-data here -- should be (and is!)
- # done elsewhere.
- base_dir = self.distribution.get_fullname()
- base_name = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, base_dir)
- self.make_release_tree(base_dir, self.filelist.files)
- archive_files = [] # remember names of files we create
- # tar archive must be created last to avoid overwrite and remove
- if 'tar' in self.formats:
- self.formats.append(self.formats.pop(self.formats.index('tar')))
- for fmt in self.formats:
- file = self.make_archive(base_name, fmt, base_dir=base_dir,
- owner=self.owner,
- archive_files.append(file)
- self.distribution.dist_files.append(('sdist', '', file))
- self.archive_files = archive_files
- if not self.keep_temp:
- dir_util.remove_tree(base_dir, dry_run=self.dry_run)
- def get_archive_files(self):
- """Return the list of archive files created when the command
- was run, or None if the command hasn't run yet.
- """
- return self.archive_files