path: root/lib/python2.7/lib2to3/fixes/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/lib2to3/fixes/ b/lib/python2.7/lib2to3/fixes/
deleted file mode 100644
index e324718..0000000
--- a/lib/python2.7/lib2to3/fixes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-"""Fixer for except statements with named exceptions.
-The following cases will be converted:
-- "except E, T:" where T is a name:
- except E as T:
-- "except E, T:" where T is not a name, tuple or list:
- except E as t:
- T = t
- This is done because the target of an "except" clause must be a
- name.
-- "except E, T:" where T is a tuple or list literal:
- except E as t:
- T = t.args
-# Author: Collin Winter
-# Local imports
-from .. import pytree
-from ..pgen2 import token
-from .. import fixer_base
-from ..fixer_util import Assign, Attr, Name, is_tuple, is_list, syms
-def find_excepts(nodes):
- for i, n in enumerate(nodes):
- if n.type == syms.except_clause:
- if n.children[0].value == u'except':
- yield (n, nodes[i+2])
-class FixExcept(fixer_base.BaseFix):
- BM_compatible = True
- PATTERN = """
- try_stmt< 'try' ':' (simple_stmt | suite)
- cleanup=(except_clause ':' (simple_stmt | suite))+
- tail=(['except' ':' (simple_stmt | suite)]
- ['else' ':' (simple_stmt | suite)]
- ['finally' ':' (simple_stmt | suite)]) >
- """
- def transform(self, node, results):
- syms = self.syms
- tail = [n.clone() for n in results["tail"]]
- try_cleanup = [ch.clone() for ch in results["cleanup"]]
- for except_clause, e_suite in find_excepts(try_cleanup):
- if len(except_clause.children) == 4:
- (E, comma, N) = except_clause.children[1:4]
- comma.replace(Name(u"as", prefix=u" "))
- if N.type != token.NAME:
- # Generate a new N for the except clause
- new_N = Name(self.new_name(), prefix=u" ")
- target = N.clone()
- target.prefix = u""
- N.replace(new_N)
- new_N = new_N.clone()
- # Insert "old_N = new_N" as the first statement in
- # the except body. This loop skips leading whitespace
- # and indents
- #TODO(cwinter) suite-cleanup
- suite_stmts = e_suite.children
- for i, stmt in enumerate(suite_stmts):
- if isinstance(stmt, pytree.Node):
- break
- # The assignment is different if old_N is a tuple or list
- # In that case, the assignment is old_N = new_N.args
- if is_tuple(N) or is_list(N):
- assign = Assign(target, Attr(new_N, Name(u'args')))
- else:
- assign = Assign(target, new_N)
- #TODO(cwinter) stopgap until children becomes a smart list
- for child in reversed(suite_stmts[:i]):
- e_suite.insert_child(0, child)
- e_suite.insert_child(i, assign)
- elif N.prefix == u"":
- # No space after a comma is legal; no space after "as",
- # not so much.
- N.prefix = u" "
- #TODO(cwinter) fix this when children becomes a smart list
- children = [c.clone() for c in node.children[:3]] + try_cleanup + tail
- return pytree.Node(node.type, children)