GDB pretty printers for STLport =============================== This python module provides GDB pretty printers for the containers from STLport. It is based on a similar python module for libstdc++ [1]. It has been tested with GDB 7.0.1/7.2 and STLport 4.6.2/5.0.3/5.1.7/5.2.1. [1] svn:// Installation ------------ To install the python module copy the "stlport" subdirectory to some place. To enable the pretty printer add the following code to $HOME/.gdbinit: python import sys sys.path.insert (0, '/path/to/dir/containing/the/stlport/dir') import stlport.printers stlport.printers.register_stlport_printers (None) # see the python module for a description of these options # stlport.printers.stlport_version = 5.2 # stlport.printers.print_vector_with_indices = False end Testing ------- To test the pretty printers, go to the test directory and set up the STLport directory in the Makefile. Calling make should then compile two executables (with and without -D_STLP_DEBUG) and invoke GDB with the supplied script. If the pretty printers work the variables from test.cpp should be displayed in a convenient way. Note that GDB prefers python modules from $HOME/.gdbinit over those from .gdbinit in the current working directory. If you adapted $HOME/.gdbinit as described above the location there will be used. Otherwise, test/.gdbinit will load stlport/