path: root/pkg/linux_amd64/net/http/cgi.a
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/linux_amd64/net/http/cgi.a')
1 files changed, 572 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/linux_amd64/net/http/cgi.a b/pkg/linux_amd64/net/http/cgi.a
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..332b02b88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/linux_amd64/net/http/cgi.a
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+__.PKGDEF 0 0 0 644 51511 `
+go object linux amd64 go1.4.1 X:precisestack
+package cgi
+ import log "log"
+ import net "net"
+ import ioutil "io/ioutil"
+ import exec "os/exec"
+ import runtime "runtime"
+ import tls "crypto/tls"
+ import bufio "bufio"
+ import url "net/url"
+ import errors "errors"
+ import http "net/http"
+ import io "io"
+ import filepath "path/filepath"
+ import os "os"
+ import strconv "strconv"
+ import strings "strings"
+ import fmt "fmt"
+ import regexp "regexp"
+ type @"net/url".Userinfo struct { @"net/url".username string; @"net/url".password string; @"net/url".passwordSet bool }
+ func (@"net/url".u·3 *@"net/url".Userinfo "esc:0x1") Password () (? string, ? bool) { if @"net/url".u·3.@"net/url".passwordSet { return @"net/url".u·3.@"net/url".password, true }; return "", false }
+ func (@"net/url".u·2 *@"net/url".Userinfo "esc:0x1") String () (? string)
+ func (@"net/url".u·2 *@"net/url".Userinfo "esc:0x1") Username () (? string) { return @"net/url".u·2.@"net/url".username }
+ type @"net/url".Values map[string][]string
+ func (@"net/url".v·1 @"net/url".Values "esc:0x0") Add (@"net/url".key·2 string, @"net/url".value·3 string) { @"net/url".v·1[@"net/url".key·2] = append(@"net/url".v·1[@"net/url".key·2], @"net/url".value·3) }
+ func (@"net/url".v·1 @"net/url".Values "esc:0x0") Del (@"net/url".key·2 string "esc:0x0") { delete(@"net/url".v·1, @"net/url".key·2) }
+ func (@"net/url".v·2 @"net/url".Values "esc:0x0") Encode () (? string)
+ func (@"net/url".v·2 @"net/url".Values "esc:0x0") Get (@"net/url".key·3 string "esc:0x0") (? string) { if @"net/url".v·2 == nil { return "" }; var @"net/url".vs·4 []string; ; var @"net/url".ok·5 bool; ; @"net/url".vs·4, @"net/url".ok·5 = @"net/url".v·2[@"net/url".key·3]; if !@"net/url".ok·5 || len(@"net/url".vs·4) == 0x0 { return "" }; return @"net/url".vs·4[0x0] }
+ func (@"net/url".v·1 @"net/url".Values "esc:0x0") Set (@"net/url".key·2 string, @"net/url".value·3 string) { @"net/url".v·1[@"net/url".key·2] = ([]string{ 0x0:@"net/url".value·3 }) }
+ type @"net/url".URL struct { Scheme string; Opaque string; User *@"net/url".Userinfo; Host string; Path string; RawQuery string; Fragment string }
+ func (@"net/url".u·2 *@"net/url".URL "esc:0x0") IsAbs () (? bool) { return @"net/url".u·2.Scheme != "" }
+ func (@"net/url".u·3 *@"net/url".URL "esc:0x2") Parse (@"net/url".ref·4 string) (? *@"net/url".URL, ? error)
+ func (@"net/url".u·2 *@"net/url".URL) Query () (? @"net/url".Values)
+ func (@"net/url".u·2 *@"net/url".URL "esc:0x1") RequestURI () (? string)
+ func (@"net/url".u·2 *@"net/url".URL "esc:0x2") ResolveReference (@"net/url".ref·3 *@"net/url".URL "esc:0x2") (? *@"net/url".URL)
+ func (@"net/url".u·2 *@"net/url".URL "esc:0x0") String () (? string)
+ type @"io".Writer interface { Write(@"io".p []byte) (@"io".n int, @"io".err error) }
+ type @"net/http".keyValues struct { @"net/http".key string; @"net/http".values []string }
+ type @"net/http".headerSorter struct { @"net/http".kvs []@"net/http".keyValues }
+ func (@"net/http".s·2 *@"net/http".headerSorter "esc:0x0") Len () (? int) { return len(@"net/http".s·2.@"net/http".kvs) }
+ func (@"net/http".s·2 *@"net/http".headerSorter "esc:0x0") Less (@"net/http".i·3 int, @"net/http".j·4 int) (? bool) { return @"net/http".s·2.@"net/http".kvs[@"net/http".i·3].@"net/http".key < @"net/http".s·2.@"net/http".kvs[@"net/http".j·4].@"net/http".key }
+ func (@"net/http".s·1 *@"net/http".headerSorter "esc:0x0") Swap (@"net/http".i·2 int, @"net/http".j·3 int) { @"net/http".s·1.@"net/http".kvs[@"net/http".i·2], @"net/http".s·1.@"net/http".kvs[@"net/http".j·3] = @"net/http".s·1.@"net/http".kvs[@"net/http".j·3], @"net/http".s·1.@"net/http".kvs[@"net/http".i·2] }
+ type @"net/http".Header map[string][]string
+ func (@"net/http".h·1 @"net/http".Header "esc:0x0") Add (@"net/http".key·2 string, @"net/http".value·3 string)
+ func (@"net/http".h·1 @"net/http".Header "esc:0x0") Del (@"net/http".key·2 string "esc:0x0")
+ func (@"net/http".h·2 @"net/http".Header "esc:0x0") Get (@"net/http".key·3 string "esc:0x0") (? string)
+ func (@"net/http".h·1 @"net/http".Header "esc:0x0") Set (@"net/http".key·2 string, @"net/http".value·3 string)
+ func (@"net/http".h·2 @"net/http".Header "esc:0x0") Write (@"net/http".w·3 @"io".Writer) (? error)
+ func (@"net/http".h·2 @"net/http".Header "esc:0x0") WriteSubset (@"net/http".w·3 @"io".Writer, @"net/http".exclude·4 map[string]bool "esc:0x0") (? error)
+ func (@"net/http".h·2 @"net/http".Header "esc:0x0") @"net/http".clone () (? @"net/http".Header)
+ func (@"net/http".h·2 @"net/http".Header "esc:0x0") @"net/http".get (@"net/http".key·3 string "esc:0x0") (? string) { var @"net/http".v·4 []string; ; @"net/http".v·4 = @"net/http".h·2[@"net/http".key·3]; if len(@"net/http".v·4) > 0x0 { return @"net/http".v·4[0x0] }; return "" }
+ func (@"net/http".h·3 @"net/http".Header "esc:0x0") @"net/http".sortedKeyValues (@"net/http".exclude·4 map[string]bool "esc:0x0") (@"net/http".kvs·1 []@"net/http".keyValues, @"net/http".hs·2 *@"net/http".headerSorter)
+ type @"io".ReadCloser interface { Close() (? error); Read(@"io".p []byte) (@"io".n int, @"io".err error) }
+ import multipart "mime/multipart" // indirect
+ import textproto "net/textproto" // indirect
+ type @"net/textproto".MIMEHeader map[string][]string
+ func (@"net/textproto".h·1 @"net/textproto".MIMEHeader "esc:0x0") Add (@"net/textproto".key·2 string, @"net/textproto".value·3 string)
+ func (@"net/textproto".h·1 @"net/textproto".MIMEHeader "esc:0x0") Del (@"net/textproto".key·2 string "esc:0x0")
+ func (@"net/textproto".h·2 @"net/textproto".MIMEHeader "esc:0x0") Get (@"net/textproto".key·3 string "esc:0x0") (? string)
+ func (@"net/textproto".h·1 @"net/textproto".MIMEHeader "esc:0x0") Set (@"net/textproto".key·2 string, @"net/textproto".value·3 string)
+ type @"mime/multipart".File interface { Close() (? error); Read(@"io".p []byte) (@"io".n int, @"io".err error); ReadAt(@"io".p []byte, @"io".off int64) (@"io".n int, @"io".err error); Seek(@"io".offset int64, @"io".whence int) (? int64, ? error) }
+ type @"mime/multipart".FileHeader struct { Filename string; Header @"net/textproto".MIMEHeader; @"mime/multipart".content []byte; @"mime/multipart".tmpfile string }
+ func (@"mime/multipart".fh·3 *@"mime/multipart".FileHeader) Open () (? @"mime/multipart".File, ? error)
+ type @"mime/multipart".Form struct { Value map[string][]string; File map[string][]*@"mime/multipart".FileHeader }
+ func (@"mime/multipart".f·2 *@"mime/multipart".Form "esc:0x0") RemoveAll () (? error)
+ import x509 "crypto/x509" // indirect
+ type @"crypto/x509".SignatureAlgorithm int
+ type @"crypto/x509".PublicKeyAlgorithm int
+ import big "math/big" // indirect
+ type @"math/big".Word uintptr
+ type @"math/big".divisor struct { @"math/big".bbb @"math/big".nat; @"math/big".nbits int; @"math/big".ndigits int }
+ import rand "math/rand" // indirect
+ type @"math/rand".Source interface { Int63() (? int64); Seed(@"math/rand".seed int64) }
+ type @"math/rand".Rand struct { @"math/rand".src @"math/rand".Source }
+ func (@"math/rand".r·2 *@"math/rand".Rand) ExpFloat64 () (? float64)
+ func (@"math/rand".r·2 *@"math/rand".Rand) Float32 () (? float32)
+ func (@"math/rand".r·2 *@"math/rand".Rand) Float64 () (? float64)
+ func (@"math/rand".r·2 *@"math/rand".Rand) Int () (? int)
+ func (@"math/rand".r·2 *@"math/rand".Rand) Int31 () (? int32)
+ func (@"math/rand".r·2 *@"math/rand".Rand) Int31n (@"math/rand".n·3 int32) (? int32)
+ func (@"math/rand".r·2 *@"math/rand".Rand) Int63 () (? int64)
+ func (@"math/rand".r·2 *@"math/rand".Rand) Int63n (@"math/rand".n·3 int64) (? int64)
+ func (@"math/rand".r·2 *@"math/rand".Rand) Intn (@"math/rand".n·3 int) (? int)
+ func (@"math/rand".r·2 *@"math/rand".Rand) NormFloat64 () (? float64)
+ func (@"math/rand".r·2 *@"math/rand".Rand) Perm (@"math/rand".n·3 int) (? []int)
+ func (@"math/rand".r·1 *@"math/rand".Rand) Seed (@"math/rand".seed·2 int64)
+ func (@"math/rand".r·2 *@"math/rand".Rand) Uint32 () (? uint32)
+ type @"io".RuneScanner interface { ReadRune() (@"io".r rune, @"io".size int, @"io".err error); UnreadRune() (? error) }
+ type @"math/big".nat []@"math/big".Word
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".add (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".y·4 @"math/big".nat) (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x2") @"math/big".and (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0", @"math/big".y·4 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0") (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x2") @"math/big".andNot (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0", @"math/big".y·4 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0") (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0") @"math/big".bit (@"math/big".i·3 uint) (? uint) { var @"math/big".j·4 int; ; @"math/big".j·4 = int(@"math/big".i·3 / 0x40); if @"math/big".j·4 >= len(@"math/big".z·2) { return 0x0 }; return uint(@"math/big".z·2[@"math/big".j·4] >> (@"math/big".i·3 % 0x40) & @"math/big".Word(0x1)) }
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0") @"math/big".bitLen () (? int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0") @"math/big".bytes (@"math/big".buf·3 []byte "esc:0x0") (@"math/big".i·1 int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·1 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0") @"math/big".clear ()
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0") @"math/big".cmp (@"math/big".y·3 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0") (@"math/big".r·1 int)
+ func (@"math/big".q·1 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".convertWords (@"math/big".s·2 []byte "esc:0x0", @"math/big".charset·3 string "esc:0x0", @"math/big".b·4 @"math/big".Word, @"math/big".ndigits·5 int, @"math/big".bb·6 @"math/big".Word, @"math/big".table·7 []@"math/big".divisor "esc:0x0")
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0") @"math/big".decimalString () (? string)
+ func (@"math/big".z·3 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".div (@"math/big".z2·4 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".u·5 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".v·6 @"math/big".nat) (@"math/big".q·1 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".r·2 @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·3 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x2") @"math/big".divLarge (@"math/big".u·4 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".uIn·5 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".v·6 @"math/big".nat) (@"math/big".q·1 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".r·2 @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·3 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".divW (@"math/big".x·4 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".y·5 @"math/big".Word) (@"math/big".q·1 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".r·2 @"math/big".Word)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".expNN (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".y·4 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0", @"math/big".m·5 @"math/big".nat) (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".expNNWindowed (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".y·4 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0", @"math/big".m·5 @"math/big".nat) (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".expWW (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".Word, @"math/big".y·4 @"math/big".Word) (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x2") @"math/big".make (@"math/big".n·3 int) (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".modW (@"math/big".d·3 @"math/big".Word) (@"math/big".r·1 @"math/big".Word)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".mul (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".y·4 @"math/big".nat) (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".mulAddWW (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".y·4 @"math/big".Word, @"math/big".r·5 @"math/big".Word) (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".mulRange (@"math/big".a·3 uint64, @"math/big".b·4 uint64) (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x2") @"math/big".norm () (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x2") @"math/big".or (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0", @"math/big".y·4 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0") (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".n·2 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".probablyPrime (@"math/big".reps·3 int) (? bool)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x2") @"math/big".random (@"math/big".rand·3 *@"math/rand".Rand, @"math/big".limit·4 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0", @"math/big".n·5 int) (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·4 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".scan (@"math/big".r·5 @"io".RuneScanner, @"math/big".base·6 int) (? @"math/big".nat, ? int, ? error)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x2") @"math/big".set (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0") (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x2") @"math/big".setBit (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0", @"math/big".i·4 uint, @"math/big".b·5 uint) (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x2") @"math/big".setBytes (@"math/big".buf·3 []byte "esc:0x0") (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x2") @"math/big".setUint64 (@"math/big".x·3 uint64) (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x2") @"math/big".setWord (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".Word) (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".shl (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".s·4 uint) (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".shr (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".s·4 uint) (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0") @"math/big".string (@"math/big".charset·3 string "esc:0x0") (? string)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat) @"math/big".sub (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".nat, @"math/big".y·4 @"math/big".nat) (? @"math/big".nat)
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0") @"math/big".trailingZeroBits () (? uint)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x2") @"math/big".xor (@"math/big".x·3 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0", @"math/big".y·4 @"math/big".nat "esc:0x0") (? @"math/big".nat)
+ type @"fmt".State interface { Flag(@"fmt".c int) (? bool); Precision() (@"fmt".prec int, @"fmt".ok bool); Width() (@"fmt".wid int, @"fmt".ok bool); Write(@"fmt".b []byte) (@"fmt".ret int, @"fmt".err error) }
+ type @"fmt".ScanState interface { Read(@"fmt".buf []byte) (@"fmt".n int, @"fmt".err error); ReadRune() (@"fmt".r rune, @"fmt".size int, @"fmt".err error); SkipSpace(); Token(@"fmt".skipSpace bool, @"fmt".f func(? rune) (? bool)) (@"fmt".token []byte, @"fmt".err error); UnreadRune() (? error); Width() (@"fmt".wid int, @"fmt".ok bool) }
+ type @"math/big".Int struct { @"math/big".neg bool; @"math/big".abs @"math/big".nat }
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Abs (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Add (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".y·4 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) And (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".y·4 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) AndNot (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".y·4 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Binomial (@"math/big".n·3 int64, @"math/big".k·4 int64) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 *@"math/big".Int) Bit (@"math/big".i·3 int) (? uint)
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") BitLen () (? int)
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x1") Bits () (? []@"math/big".Word) { return @"math/big".x·2.@"math/big".abs }
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") Bytes () (? []byte)
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") Cmp (@"math/big".y·3 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") (@"math/big".r·1 int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Div (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".y·4 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·3 *@"math/big".Int) DivMod (@"math/big".x·4 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".y·5 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".m·6 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int, ? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Exp (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".y·4 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0", @"math/big".m·5 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".x·1 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") Format (@"math/big".s·2 @"fmt".State, @"math/big".ch·3 rune)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) GCD (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".y·4 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".a·5 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".b·6 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) GobDecode (@"math/big".buf·3 []byte "esc:0x0") (? error)
+ func (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") GobEncode () (? []byte, ? error)
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") Int64 () (? int64)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Lsh (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".n·4 uint) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·3 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") MarshalJSON () (? []byte, ? error)
+ func (@"math/big".z·3 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") MarshalText () (@"math/big".text·1 []byte, @"math/big".err·2 error)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Mod (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".y·4 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) ModInverse (@"math/big".g·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".n·4 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Mul (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".y·4 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) MulRange (@"math/big".a·3 int64, @"math/big".b·4 int64) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Neg (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Not (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Or (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".y·4 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 *@"math/big".Int) ProbablyPrime (@"math/big".n·3 int) (? bool)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Quo (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".y·4 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·3 *@"math/big".Int) QuoRem (@"math/big".x·4 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".y·5 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".r·6 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int, ? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Rand (@"math/big".rnd·3 *@"math/rand".Rand, @"math/big".n·4 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Rem (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".y·4 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Rsh (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".n·4 uint) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Scan (@"math/big".s·3 @"fmt".ScanState, @"math/big".ch·4 rune) (? error)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Set (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) SetBit (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".i·4 int, @"math/big".b·5 uint) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x2") SetBits (@"math/big".abs·3 []@"math/big".Word) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) SetBytes (@"math/big".buf·3 []byte "esc:0x0") (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) SetInt64 (@"math/big".x·3 int64) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·3 *@"math/big".Int) SetString (@"math/big".s·4 string, @"math/big".base·5 int) (? *@"math/big".Int, ? bool)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) SetUint64 (@"math/big".x·3 uint64) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") Sign () (? int) { if len(@"math/big".x·2.@"math/big".abs) == 0x0 { return 0x0 }; if @"math/big".x·2.@"math/big".neg { return -0x1 }; return 0x1 }
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") String () (? string)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Sub (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".y·4 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".x·2 *@"math/big".Int "esc:0x0") Uint64 () (? uint64)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) UnmarshalJSON (@"math/big".text·3 []byte) (? error)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) UnmarshalText (@"math/big".text·3 []byte) (? error)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) Xor (@"math/big".x·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".y·4 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·2 *@"math/big".Int) @"math/big".binaryGCD (@"math/big".a·3 *@"math/big".Int, @"math/big".b·4 *@"math/big".Int) (? *@"math/big".Int)
+ func (@"math/big".z·4 *@"math/big".Int) @"math/big".scan (@"math/big".r·5 @"io".RuneScanner, @"math/big".base·6 int) (? *@"math/big".Int, ? int, ? error)
+ import pkix "crypto/x509/pkix" // indirect
+ import asn1 "encoding/asn1" // indirect
+ type @"encoding/asn1".ObjectIdentifier []int
+ func (@"encoding/asn1".oi·2 @"encoding/asn1".ObjectIdentifier "esc:0x0") Equal (@"encoding/asn1".other·3 @"encoding/asn1".ObjectIdentifier "esc:0x0") (? bool)
+ func (@"encoding/asn1".oi·2 @"encoding/asn1".ObjectIdentifier "esc:0x0") String () (? string)
+ type @"crypto/x509/pkix".AttributeTypeAndValue struct { Type @"encoding/asn1".ObjectIdentifier; Value interface {} }
+ type @"crypto/x509/pkix".RelativeDistinguishedNameSET []@"crypto/x509/pkix".AttributeTypeAndValue
+ type @"crypto/x509/pkix".RDNSequence []@"crypto/x509/pkix".RelativeDistinguishedNameSET
+ type @"crypto/x509/pkix".Name struct { Country []string; Organization []string; OrganizationalUnit []string; Locality []string; Province []string; StreetAddress []string; PostalCode []string; SerialNumber string; CommonName string; Names []@"crypto/x509/pkix".AttributeTypeAndValue }
+ func (@"crypto/x509/pkix".n·1 *@"crypto/x509/pkix".Name) FillFromRDNSequence (@"crypto/x509/pkix".rdns·2 *@"crypto/x509/pkix".RDNSequence "esc:0x0")
+ func (@"crypto/x509/pkix".n·2 @"crypto/x509/pkix".Name) ToRDNSequence () (@"crypto/x509/pkix".ret·1 @"crypto/x509/pkix".RDNSequence)
+ import time "time" // indirect
+ type @"time".zone struct { @"time".name string; @"time".offset int; @"time".isDST bool }
+ type @"time".zoneTrans struct { @"time".when int64; @"time".index uint8; @"time".isstd bool; @"time".isutc bool }
+ type @"time".Location struct { @"time".name string; @"time".zone []@"time".zone; @"time".tx []@"time".zoneTrans; @"time".cacheStart int64; @"time".cacheEnd int64; @"time".cacheZone *@"time".zone }
+ func (@"time".l·2 *@"time".Location "esc:0x0") String () (? string)
+ func (@"time".l·2 *@"time".Location "esc:0x0") @"time".firstZoneUsed () (? bool)
+ func (@"time".l·2 *@"time".Location "esc:0x2") @"time".get () (? *@"time".Location)
+ func (@"time".l·6 *@"time".Location "esc:0x1") @"time".lookup (@"time".sec·7 int64) (@"time".name·1 string, @"time".offset·2 int, @"time".isDST·3 bool, @"time".start·4 int64, @"time".end·5 int64)
+ func (@"time".l·2 *@"time".Location "esc:0x0") @"time".lookupFirstZone () (? int)
+ func (@"time".l·4 *@"time".Location "esc:0x0") @"time".lookupName (@"time".name·5 string "esc:0x0", @"time".unix·6 int64) (@"time".offset·1 int, @"time".isDST·2 bool, @"time".ok·3 bool)
+ type @"time".Duration int64
+ func (@"time".d·2 @"time".Duration) Hours () (? float64) { var @"time".hour·3 @"time".Duration; ; @"time".hour·3 = @"time".d·2 / @"time".Duration(0x34630B8A000); var @"time".nsec·4 @"time".Duration; ; @"time".nsec·4 = @"time".d·2 % @"time".Duration(0x34630B8A000); return float64(@"time".hour·3) + float64(@"time".nsec·4) * 0x9C5FFF26ED75Fp-93 }
+ func (@"time".d·2 @"time".Duration) Minutes () (? float64) { var @"time".min·3 @"time".Duration; ; @"time".min·3 = @"time".d·2 / @"time".Duration(0xDF8475800); var @"time".nsec·4 @"time".Duration; ; @"time".nsec·4 = @"time".d·2 % @"time".Duration(0xDF8475800); return float64(@"time".min·3) + float64(@"time".nsec·4) * 0x9299FF347E9E9p-87 }
+ func (@"time".d·2 @"time".Duration) Nanoseconds () (? int64) { return int64(@"time".d·2) }
+ func (@"time".d·2 @"time".Duration) Seconds () (? float64) { var @"time".sec·3 @"time".Duration; ; @"time".sec·3 = @"time".d·2 / @"time".Duration(0x3B9ACA00); var @"time".nsec·4 @"time".Duration; ; @"time".nsec·4 = @"time".d·2 % @"time".Duration(0x3B9ACA00); return float64(@"time".sec·3) + float64(@"time".nsec·4) * 0x112E0BE826D695p-82 }
+ func (@"time".d·2 @"time".Duration) String () (? string)
+ type @"time".Month int
+ func (@"time".m·2 @"time".Month) String () (? string) { return @"time".months[@"time".m·2 - @"time".Month(0x1)] }
+ type @"time".Weekday int
+ func (@"time".d·2 @"time".Weekday) String () (? string) { return @"time".days[@"time".d·2] }
+ type @"time".Time struct { @"time".sec int64; @"time".nsec int32; @"time".loc *@"time".Location }
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x2") Add (@"time".d·3 @"time".Duration) (? @"time".Time)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x2") AddDate (@"time".years·3 int, @"time".months·4 int, @"time".days·5 int) (? @"time".Time)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") After (@"time".u·3 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") (? bool) { return @"time".t·2.@"time".sec > @"time".u·3.@"time".sec || @"time".t·2.@"time".sec == @"time".u·3.@"time".sec && @"time".t·2.@"time".nsec > @"time".u·3.@"time".nsec }
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Before (@"time".u·3 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") (? bool) { return @"time".t·2.@"time".sec < @"time".u·3.@"time".sec || @"time".t·2.@"time".sec == @"time".u·3.@"time".sec && @"time".t·2.@"time".nsec < @"time".u·3.@"time".nsec }
+ func (@"time".t·4 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Clock () (@"time".hour·1 int, @"time".min·2 int, @"time".sec·3 int)
+ func (@"time".t·4 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Date () (@"time".year·1 int, @"time".month·2 @"time".Month, @"time".day·3 int)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Day () (? int)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Equal (@"time".u·3 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") (? bool) { return @"time".t·2.@"time".sec == @"time".u·3.@"time".sec && @"time".t·2.@"time".nsec == @"time".u·3.@"time".nsec }
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Format (@"time".layout·3 string "esc:0x0") (? string)
+ func (@"time".t·2 *@"time".Time "esc:0x0") GobDecode (@"time".data·3 []byte "esc:0x0") (? error)
+ func (@"time".t·3 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") GobEncode () (? []byte, ? error)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Hour () (? int)
+ func (@"time".t·3 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") ISOWeek () (@"time".year·1 int, @"time".week·2 int)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x2") In (@"time".loc·3 *@"time".Location "esc:0x2") (? @"time".Time)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") IsZero () (? bool) { return @"time".t·2.@"time".sec == 0x0 && @"time".t·2.@"time".nsec == 0x0 }
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x2") Local () (? @"time".Time) { @"time".t·2.@"time".loc = @"time".Local; return @"time".t·2 }
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x2") Location () (? *@"time".Location) { var @"time".l·3 *@"time".Location; ; @"time".l·3 = @"time".t·2.@"time".loc; if @"time".l·3 == nil { @"time".l·3 = @"time".UTC }; return @"time".l·3 }
+ func (@"time".t·3 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") MarshalBinary () (? []byte, ? error)
+ func (@"time".t·3 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") MarshalJSON () (? []byte, ? error)
+ func (@"time".t·3 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") MarshalText () (? []byte, ? error)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Minute () (? int)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Month () (? @"time".Month)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Nanosecond () (? int) { return int(@"time".t·2.@"time".nsec) }
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x2") Round (@"time".d·3 @"time".Duration) (? @"time".Time)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Second () (? int)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") String () (? string)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Sub (@"time".u·3 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") (? @"time".Duration)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x2") Truncate (@"time".d·3 @"time".Duration) (? @"time".Time)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x2") UTC () (? @"time".Time) { @"time".t·2.@"time".loc = @"time".UTC; return @"time".t·2 }
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Unix () (? int64) { return @"time".t·2.@"time".sec + -0xE7791F700 }
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") UnixNano () (? int64) { return (@"time".t·2.@"time".sec + -0xE7791F700) * 0x3B9ACA00 + int64(@"time".t·2.@"time".nsec) }
+ func (@"time".t·2 *@"time".Time "esc:0x0") UnmarshalBinary (@"time".data·3 []byte "esc:0x0") (? error)
+ func (@"time".t·2 *@"time".Time "esc:0x0") UnmarshalJSON (@"time".data·3 []byte "esc:0x0") (@"time".err·1 error)
+ func (@"time".t·2 *@"time".Time "esc:0x0") UnmarshalText (@"time".data·3 []byte "esc:0x0") (@"time".err·1 error)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Weekday () (? @"time".Weekday)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Year () (? int)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") YearDay () (? int)
+ func (@"time".t·3 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") Zone () (@"time".name·1 string, @"time".offset·2 int)
+ func (@"time".t·2 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") @"time".abs () (? uint64)
+ func (@"time".t·5 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") @"time".date (@"time".full·6 bool) (@"time".year·1 int, @"time".month·2 @"time".Month, @"time".day·3 int, @"time".yday·4 int)
+ func (@"time".t·4 @"time".Time "esc:0x1") @"time".locabs () (@"time".name·1 string, @"time".offset·2 int, @"time".abs·3 uint64)
+ type @"crypto/x509".KeyUsage int
+ type @"crypto/x509/pkix".Extension struct { Id @"encoding/asn1".ObjectIdentifier; Critical bool "asn1:\"optional\""; Value []byte }
+ type @"crypto/x509".ExtKeyUsage int
+ type @"net".IPMask []byte
+ func (@"net".m·3 @"net".IPMask "esc:0x0") Size () (@"net".ones·1 int, @"net".bits·2 int)
+ func (@"net".m·2 @"net".IPMask "esc:0x0") String () (? string)
+ type @"net".IP []byte
+ func (@"net".ip·2 @"net".IP "esc:0x0") DefaultMask () (? @"net".IPMask)
+ func (@"net".ip·2 @"net".IP "esc:0x0") Equal (@"net".x·3 @"net".IP "esc:0x0") (? bool)
+ func (@"net".ip·2 @"net".IP "esc:0x0") IsGlobalUnicast () (? bool)
+ func (@"net".ip·2 @"net".IP "esc:0x0") IsInterfaceLocalMulticast () (? bool) { return len(@"net".ip·2) == 0x10 && @"net".ip·2[0x0] == byte(0xFF) && @"net".ip·2[0x1] & byte(0xF) == byte(0x1) }
+ func (@"net".ip·2 @"net".IP "esc:0x0") IsLinkLocalMulticast () (? bool)
+ func (@"net".ip·2 @"net".IP "esc:0x0") IsLinkLocalUnicast () (? bool)
+ func (@"net".ip·2 @"net".IP "esc:0x0") IsLoopback () (? bool)
+ func (@"net".ip·2 @"net".IP "esc:0x0") IsMulticast () (? bool)
+ func (@"net".ip·2 @"net".IP "esc:0x0") IsUnspecified () (? bool)
+ func (@"net".ip·3 @"net".IP "esc:0x0") MarshalText () (? []byte, ? error)
+ func (@"net".ip·2 @"net".IP "esc:0x0") Mask (@"net".mask·3 @"net".IPMask "esc:0x0") (? @"net".IP)
+ func (@"net".ip·2 @"net".IP "esc:0x0") String () (? string)
+ func (@"net".ip·2 @"net".IP "esc:0x2") To16 () (? @"net".IP)
+ func (@"net".ip·2 @"net".IP "esc:0x2") To4 () (? @"net".IP)
+ func (@"net".ip·2 *@"net".IP "esc:0x0") UnmarshalText (@"net".text·3 []byte "esc:0x0") (? error)
+ type @"encoding/asn1".RawContent []byte
+ type @"encoding/asn1".RawValue struct { Class int; Tag int; IsCompound bool; Bytes []byte; FullBytes []byte }
+ type @"crypto/x509/pkix".AlgorithmIdentifier struct { Algorithm @"encoding/asn1".ObjectIdentifier; Parameters @"encoding/asn1".RawValue "asn1:\"optional\"" }
+ type @"crypto/x509/pkix".RevokedCertificate struct { SerialNumber *@"math/big".Int; RevocationTime @"time".Time; Extensions []@"crypto/x509/pkix".Extension "asn1:\"optional\"" }
+ type @"crypto/x509/pkix".TBSCertificateList struct { Raw @"encoding/asn1".RawContent; Version int "asn1:\"optional,default:2\""; Signature @"crypto/x509/pkix".AlgorithmIdentifier; Issuer @"crypto/x509/pkix".RDNSequence; ThisUpdate @"time".Time; NextUpdate @"time".Time "asn1:\"optional\""; RevokedCertificates []@"crypto/x509/pkix".RevokedCertificate "asn1:\"optional\""; Extensions []@"crypto/x509/pkix".Extension "asn1:\"tag:0,optional,explicit\"" }
+ type @"encoding/asn1".BitString struct { Bytes []byte; BitLength int }
+ func (@"encoding/asn1".b·2 @"encoding/asn1".BitString "esc:0x0") At (@"encoding/asn1".i·3 int) (? int) { if @"encoding/asn1".i·3 < 0x0 || @"encoding/asn1".i·3 >= @"encoding/asn1".b·2.BitLength { return 0x0 }; var @"encoding/asn1".x·4 int; ; @"encoding/asn1".x·4 = @"encoding/asn1".i·3 / 0x8; var @"encoding/asn1".y·5 uint; ; @"encoding/asn1".y·5 = 0x7 - uint(@"encoding/asn1".i·3 % 0x8); return int(@"encoding/asn1".b·2.Bytes[@"encoding/asn1".x·4] >> @"encoding/asn1".y·5) & 0x1 }
+ func (@"encoding/asn1".b·2 @"encoding/asn1".BitString "esc:0x2") RightAlign () (? []byte)
+ type @"crypto/x509/pkix".CertificateList struct { TBSCertList @"crypto/x509/pkix".TBSCertificateList; SignatureAlgorithm @"crypto/x509/pkix".AlgorithmIdentifier; SignatureValue @"encoding/asn1".BitString }
+ func (@"crypto/x509/pkix".certList·2 *@"crypto/x509/pkix".CertificateList "esc:0x0") HasExpired (@"crypto/x509/pkix".now·3 @"time".Time "esc:0x0") (? bool)
+ type @"io".Reader interface { Read(@"io".p []byte) (@"io".n int, @"io".err error) }
+ type @"crypto/x509".CertPool struct { @"crypto/x509".bySubjectKeyId map[string][]int; @"crypto/x509".byName map[string][]int; @"crypto/x509".certs []*@"crypto/x509".Certificate }
+ func (@"crypto/x509".s·1 *@"crypto/x509".CertPool) AddCert (@"crypto/x509".cert·2 *@"crypto/x509".Certificate)
+ func (@"crypto/x509".s·2 *@"crypto/x509".CertPool) AppendCertsFromPEM (@"crypto/x509".pemCerts·3 []byte) (@"crypto/x509".ok·1 bool)
+ func (@"crypto/x509".s·2 *@"crypto/x509".CertPool "esc:0x0") Subjects () (@"crypto/x509".res·1 [][]byte)
+ func (@"crypto/x509".s·4 *@"crypto/x509".CertPool "esc:0x0") @"crypto/x509".findVerifiedParents (@"crypto/x509".cert·5 *@"crypto/x509".Certificate) (@"crypto/x509".parents·1 []int, @"crypto/x509".errCert·2 *@"crypto/x509".Certificate, @"crypto/x509".err·3 error)
+ type @"crypto/x509".VerifyOptions struct { DNSName string; Intermediates *@"crypto/x509".CertPool; Roots *@"crypto/x509".CertPool; CurrentTime @"time".Time; KeyUsages []@"crypto/x509".ExtKeyUsage }
+ type @"crypto/x509".Certificate struct { Raw []byte; RawTBSCertificate []byte; RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo []byte; RawSubject []byte; RawIssuer []byte; Signature []byte; SignatureAlgorithm @"crypto/x509".SignatureAlgorithm; PublicKeyAlgorithm @"crypto/x509".PublicKeyAlgorithm; PublicKey interface {}; Version int; SerialNumber *@"math/big".Int; Issuer @"crypto/x509/pkix".Name; Subject @"crypto/x509/pkix".Name; NotBefore @"time".Time; NotAfter @"time".Time; KeyUsage @"crypto/x509".KeyUsage; Extensions []@"crypto/x509/pkix".Extension; ExtraExtensions []@"crypto/x509/pkix".Extension; ExtKeyUsage []@"crypto/x509".ExtKeyUsage; UnknownExtKeyUsage []@"encoding/asn1".ObjectIdentifier; BasicConstraintsValid bool; IsCA bool; MaxPathLen int; MaxPathLenZero bool; SubjectKeyId []byte; AuthorityKeyId []byte; OCSPServer []string; IssuingCertificateURL []string; DNSNames []string; EmailAddresses []string; IPAddresses []@"net".IP; PermittedDNSDomainsCritical bool; PermittedDNSDomains []string; CRLDistributionPoints []string; PolicyIdentifiers []@"encoding/asn1".ObjectIdentifier }
+ func (@"crypto/x509".c·2 *@"crypto/x509".Certificate) CheckCRLSignature (@"crypto/x509".crl·3 *@"crypto/x509/pkix".CertificateList) (@"crypto/x509".err·1 error)
+ func (@"crypto/x509".c·2 *@"crypto/x509".Certificate) CheckSignature (@"crypto/x509".algo·3 @"crypto/x509".SignatureAlgorithm, @"crypto/x509".signed·4 []byte, @"crypto/x509".signature·5 []byte) (@"crypto/x509".err·1 error)
+ func (@"crypto/x509".c·2 *@"crypto/x509".Certificate) CheckSignatureFrom (@"crypto/x509".parent·3 *@"crypto/x509".Certificate) (@"crypto/x509".err·1 error)
+ func (@"crypto/x509".c·3 *@"crypto/x509".Certificate) CreateCRL (@"crypto/x509".rand·4 @"io".Reader, @"crypto/x509".priv·5 interface {}, @"crypto/x509".revokedCerts·6 []@"crypto/x509/pkix".RevokedCertificate, @"crypto/x509".now·7 @"time".Time, @"crypto/x509".expiry·8 @"time".Time) (@"crypto/x509".crlBytes·1 []byte, @"crypto/x509".err·2 error)
+ func (@"crypto/x509".c·2 *@"crypto/x509".Certificate "esc:0x0") Equal (@"crypto/x509".other·3 *@"crypto/x509".Certificate "esc:0x0") (? bool)
+ func (@"crypto/x509".c·3 *@"crypto/x509".Certificate) Verify (@"crypto/x509".opts·4 @"crypto/x509".VerifyOptions "esc:0x4") (@"crypto/x509".chains·1 [][]*@"crypto/x509".Certificate, @"crypto/x509".err·2 error)
+ func (@"crypto/x509".c·2 *@"crypto/x509".Certificate "esc:0x2") VerifyHostname (@"crypto/x509".h·3 string "esc:0x2") (? error)
+ func (@"crypto/x509".c·3 *@"crypto/x509".Certificate) @"crypto/x509".buildChains (@"crypto/x509".cache·4 map[int][][]*@"crypto/x509".Certificate "esc:0x0", @"crypto/x509".currentChain·5 []*@"crypto/x509".Certificate "esc:0x0", @"crypto/x509".opts·6 *@"crypto/x509".VerifyOptions "esc:0x0") (@"crypto/x509".chains·1 [][]*@"crypto/x509".Certificate, @"crypto/x509".err·2 error)
+ func (@"crypto/x509".c·2 *@"crypto/x509".Certificate "esc:0x2") @"crypto/x509".isValid (@"crypto/x509".certType·3 int, @"crypto/x509".currentChain·4 []*@"crypto/x509".Certificate "esc:0x0", @"crypto/x509".opts·5 *@"crypto/x509".VerifyOptions "esc:0x0") (? error)
+ func (@"crypto/x509".c·3 *@"crypto/x509".Certificate "esc:0x0") @"crypto/x509".systemVerify (@"crypto/x509".opts·4 *@"crypto/x509".VerifyOptions "esc:0x0") (@"crypto/x509".chains·1 [][]*@"crypto/x509".Certificate, @"crypto/x509".err·2 error) { return nil, nil }
+ type @"crypto/tls".ConnectionState struct { Version uint16; HandshakeComplete bool; DidResume bool; CipherSuite uint16; NegotiatedProtocol string; NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual bool; ServerName string; PeerCertificates []*@"crypto/x509".Certificate; VerifiedChains [][]*@"crypto/x509".Certificate; TLSUnique []byte }
+ type @"net/http".Cookie struct { Name string; Value string; Path string; Domain string; Expires @"time".Time; RawExpires string; MaxAge int; Secure bool; HttpOnly bool; Raw string; Unparsed []string }
+ func (@"net/http".c·2 *@"net/http".Cookie) String () (? string)
+ type @"bufio".Reader struct { @"bufio".buf []byte; @"bufio".rd @"io".Reader; @"bufio".r int; @"bufio".w int; @"bufio".err error; @"bufio".lastByte int; @"bufio".lastRuneSize int }
+ func (@"bufio".b·2 *@"bufio".Reader "esc:0x0") Buffered () (? int) { return @"bufio".b·2.@"bufio".w - @"bufio".b·2.@"bufio".r }
+ func (@"bufio".b·3 *@"bufio".Reader) Peek (@"bufio".n·4 int) (? []byte, ? error)
+ func (@"bufio".b·3 *@"bufio".Reader) Read (@"bufio".p·4 []byte) (@"bufio".n·1 int, @"bufio".err·2 error)
+ func (@"bufio".b·3 *@"bufio".Reader) ReadByte () (@"bufio".c·1 byte, @"bufio".err·2 error)
+ func (@"bufio".b·3 *@"bufio".Reader) ReadBytes (@"bufio".delim·4 byte) (@"bufio".line·1 []byte, @"bufio".err·2 error)
+ func (@"bufio".b·4 *@"bufio".Reader) ReadLine () (@"bufio".line·1 []byte, @"bufio".isPrefix·2 bool, @"bufio".err·3 error)
+ func (@"bufio".b·4 *@"bufio".Reader) ReadRune () (@"bufio".r·1 rune, @"bufio".size·2 int, @"bufio".err·3 error)
+ func (@"bufio".b·3 *@"bufio".Reader) ReadSlice (@"bufio".delim·4 byte) (@"bufio".line·1 []byte, @"bufio".err·2 error)
+ func (@"bufio".b·3 *@"bufio".Reader) ReadString (@"bufio".delim·4 byte) (@"bufio".line·1 string, @"bufio".err·2 error)
+ func (@"bufio".b·1 *@"bufio".Reader) Reset (@"bufio".r·2 @"io".Reader)
+ func (@"bufio".b·2 *@"bufio".Reader "esc:0x0") UnreadByte () (? error)
+ func (@"bufio".b·2 *@"bufio".Reader "esc:0x0") UnreadRune () (? error) { if @"bufio".b·2.@"bufio".lastRuneSize < 0x0 || @"bufio".b·2.@"bufio".r < @"bufio".b·2.@"bufio".lastRuneSize { return @"bufio".ErrInvalidUnreadRune }; @"bufio".b·2.@"bufio".r -= @"bufio".b·2.@"bufio".lastRuneSize; @"bufio".b·2.@"bufio".lastByte = -0x1; @"bufio".b·2.@"bufio".lastRuneSize = -0x1; return nil }
+ func (@"bufio".b·3 *@"bufio".Reader) WriteTo (@"bufio".w·4 @"io".Writer) (@"bufio".n·1 int64, @"bufio".err·2 error)
+ func (@"bufio".b·1 *@"bufio".Reader) @"bufio".fill ()
+ func (@"bufio".b·2 *@"bufio".Reader "esc:0x1") @"bufio".readErr () (? error) { var @"bufio".err·3 error; ; @"bufio".err·3 = @"bufio".b·2.@"bufio".err; @"bufio".b·2.@"bufio".err = nil; return @"bufio".err·3 }
+ func (@"bufio".b·1 *@"bufio".Reader "esc:0x0") @"bufio".reset (@"bufio".buf·2 []byte, @"bufio".r·3 @"io".Reader) { *@"bufio".b·1 = (@"bufio".Reader{ @"bufio".buf:@"bufio".buf·2, @"bufio".rd:@"bufio".r·3, @"bufio".lastByte:-0x1, @"bufio".lastRuneSize:-0x1 }) }
+ func (@"bufio".b·3 *@"bufio".Reader) @"bufio".writeBuf (@"bufio".w·4 @"io".Writer) (? int64, ? error)
+ import bytes "bytes" // indirect
+ type @"bytes".readOp int
+ type @"bytes".Buffer struct { @"bytes".buf []byte; @"bytes".off int; @"bytes".runeBytes [4]byte; @"bytes".bootstrap [64]byte; @"bytes".lastRead @"bytes".readOp }
+ func (@"bytes".b·2 *@"bytes".Buffer "esc:0x1") Bytes () (? []byte) { return @"bytes".b·2.@"bytes".buf[@"bytes".b·2.@"bytes".off:] }
+ func (@"bytes".b·1 *@"bytes".Buffer) Grow (@"bytes".n·2 int)
+ func (@"bytes".b·2 *@"bytes".Buffer "esc:0x0") Len () (? int) { return len(@"bytes".b·2.@"bytes".buf) - @"bytes".b·2.@"bytes".off }
+ func (@"bytes".b·2 *@"bytes".Buffer "esc:0x1") Next (@"bytes".n·3 int) (? []byte)
+ func (@"bytes".b·3 *@"bytes".Buffer) Read (@"bytes".p·4 []byte "esc:0x0") (@"bytes".n·1 int, @"bytes".err·2 error)
+ func (@"bytes".b·3 *@"bytes".Buffer) ReadByte () (@"bytes".c·1 byte, @"bytes".err·2 error)
+ func (@"bytes".b·3 *@"bytes".Buffer "esc:0x0") ReadBytes (@"bytes".delim·4 byte) (@"bytes".line·1 []byte, @"bytes".err·2 error)
+ func (@"bytes".b·3 *@"bytes".Buffer) ReadFrom (@"bytes".r·4 @"io".Reader) (@"bytes".n·1 int64, @"bytes".err·2 error)
+ func (@"bytes".b·4 *@"bytes".Buffer) ReadRune () (@"bytes".r·1 rune, @"bytes".size·2 int, @"bytes".err·3 error)
+ func (@"bytes".b·3 *@"bytes".Buffer "esc:0x0") ReadString (@"bytes".delim·4 byte) (@"bytes".line·1 string, @"bytes".err·2 error)
+ func (@"bytes".b·1 *@"bytes".Buffer) Reset ()
+ func (@"bytes".b·2 *@"bytes".Buffer "esc:0x0") String () (? string) { if @"bytes".b·2 == nil { return "<nil>" }; return string(@"bytes".b·2.@"bytes".buf[@"bytes".b·2.@"bytes".off:]) }
+ func (@"bytes".b·1 *@"bytes".Buffer) Truncate (@"bytes".n·2 int)
+ func (@"bytes".b·2 *@"bytes".Buffer "esc:0x0") UnreadByte () (? error)
+ func (@"bytes".b·2 *@"bytes".Buffer "esc:0x0") UnreadRune () (? error)
+ func (@"bytes".b·3 *@"bytes".Buffer) Write (@"bytes".p·4 []byte "esc:0x0") (@"bytes".n·1 int, @"bytes".err·2 error)
+ func (@"bytes".b·2 *@"bytes".Buffer) WriteByte (@"bytes".c·3 byte) (? error)
+ func (@"bytes".b·3 *@"bytes".Buffer) WriteRune (@"bytes".r·4 rune) (@"bytes".n·1 int, @"bytes".err·2 error)
+ func (@"bytes".b·3 *@"bytes".Buffer) WriteString (@"bytes".s·4 string "esc:0x0") (@"bytes".n·1 int, @"bytes".err·2 error)
+ func (@"bytes".b·3 *@"bytes".Buffer) WriteTo (@"bytes".w·4 @"io".Writer) (@"bytes".n·1 int64, @"bytes".err·2 error)
+ func (@"bytes".b·2 *@"bytes".Buffer) @"bytes".grow (@"bytes".n·3 int) (? int)
+ func (@"bytes".b·3 *@"bytes".Buffer "esc:0x1") @"bytes".readSlice (@"bytes".delim·4 byte) (@"bytes".line·1 []byte, @"bytes".err·2 error)
+ type @"mime/multipart".Part struct { Header @"net/textproto".MIMEHeader; @"mime/multipart".buffer *@"bytes".Buffer; @"mime/multipart".mr *@"mime/multipart".Reader; @"mime/multipart".bytesRead int; @"mime/multipart".disposition string; @"mime/multipart".dispositionParams map[string]string; @"mime/multipart".r @"io".Reader }
+ func (@"mime/multipart".p·2 *@"mime/multipart".Part) Close () (? error)
+ func (@"mime/multipart".p·2 *@"mime/multipart".Part "esc:0x0") FileName () (? string)
+ func (@"mime/multipart".p·2 *@"mime/multipart".Part "esc:0x0") FormName () (? string)
+ func (@"mime/multipart".p·3 *@"mime/multipart".Part) Read (@"mime/multipart".d·4 []byte) (@"mime/multipart".n·1 int, @"mime/multipart".err·2 error)
+ func (@"mime/multipart".p·1 *@"mime/multipart".Part "esc:0x0") @"mime/multipart".parseContentDisposition ()
+ func (@"mime/multipart".bp·2 *@"mime/multipart".Part) @"mime/multipart".populateHeaders () (? error)
+ type @"mime/multipart".Reader struct { @"mime/multipart".bufReader *@"bufio".Reader; @"mime/multipart".currentPart *@"mime/multipart".Part; @"mime/multipart".partsRead int; @"mime/multipart".nl []byte; @"mime/multipart".nlDashBoundary []byte; @"mime/multipart".dashBoundaryDash []byte; @"mime/multipart".dashBoundary []byte }
+ func (@"mime/multipart".r·3 *@"mime/multipart".Reader) NextPart () (? *@"mime/multipart".Part, ? error)
+ func (@"mime/multipart".r·3 *@"mime/multipart".Reader) ReadForm (@"mime/multipart".maxMemory·4 int64) (@"mime/multipart".f·1 *@"mime/multipart".Form, @"mime/multipart".err·2 error)
+ func (@"mime/multipart".mr·2 *@"mime/multipart".Reader) @"mime/multipart".isBoundaryDelimiterLine (@"mime/multipart".line·3 []byte "esc:0x0") (@"mime/multipart".ret·1 bool)
+ func (@"mime/multipart".mr·2 *@"mime/multipart".Reader "esc:0x0") @"mime/multipart".isFinalBoundary (@"mime/multipart".line·3 []byte "esc:0x0") (? bool)
+ func (@"mime/multipart".mr·2 *@"mime/multipart".Reader "esc:0x0") @"mime/multipart".peekBufferIsEmptyPart (@"mime/multipart".peek·3 []byte "esc:0x0") (? bool)
+ type @"net/http".Request struct { Method string; URL *@"net/url".URL; Proto string; ProtoMajor int; ProtoMinor int; Header @"net/http".Header; Body @"io".ReadCloser; ContentLength int64; TransferEncoding []string; Close bool; Host string; Form @"net/url".Values; PostForm @"net/url".Values; MultipartForm *@"mime/multipart".Form; Trailer @"net/http".Header; RemoteAddr string; RequestURI string; TLS *@"crypto/tls".ConnectionState }
+ func (@"net/http".r·1 *@"net/http".Request "esc:0x0") AddCookie (@"net/http".c·2 *@"net/http".Cookie)
+ func (@"net/http".r·4 *@"net/http".Request "esc:0x0") BasicAuth () (@"net/http".username·1 string, @"net/http".password·2 string, @"net/http".ok·3 bool)
+ func (@"net/http".r·3 *@"net/http".Request "esc:0x0") Cookie (@"net/http".name·4 string "esc:0x0") (? *@"net/http".Cookie, ? error)
+ func (@"net/http".r·2 *@"net/http".Request "esc:0x0") Cookies () (? []*@"net/http".Cookie)
+ func (@"net/http".r·4 *@"net/http".Request) FormFile (@"net/http".key·5 string "esc:0x0") (? @"mime/multipart".File, ? *@"mime/multipart".FileHeader, ? error)
+ func (@"net/http".r·2 *@"net/http".Request) FormValue (@"net/http".key·3 string "esc:0x0") (? string)
+ func (@"net/http".r·3 *@"net/http".Request) MultipartReader () (? *@"mime/multipart".Reader, ? error)
+ func (@"net/http".r·2 *@"net/http".Request) ParseForm () (? error)
+ func (@"net/http".r·2 *@"net/http".Request) ParseMultipartForm (@"net/http".maxMemory·3 int64) (? error)
+ func (@"net/http".r·2 *@"net/http".Request) PostFormValue (@"net/http".key·3 string "esc:0x0") (? string)
+ func (@"net/http".r·2 *@"net/http".Request "esc:0x0") ProtoAtLeast (@"net/http".major·3 int, @"net/http".minor·4 int) (? bool) { return @"net/http".r·2.ProtoMajor > @"net/http".major·3 || @"net/http".r·2.ProtoMajor == @"net/http".major·3 && @"net/http".r·2.ProtoMinor >= @"net/http".minor·4 }
+ func (@"net/http".r·2 *@"net/http".Request "esc:0x0") Referer () (? string)
+ func (@"net/http".r·1 *@"net/http".Request "esc:0x0") SetBasicAuth (@"net/http".username·2 string "esc:0x0", @"net/http".password·3 string "esc:0x0")
+ func (@"net/http".r·2 *@"net/http".Request "esc:0x0") UserAgent () (? string)
+ func (@"net/http".r·2 *@"net/http".Request) Write (@"net/http".w·3 @"io".Writer) (? error)
+ func (@"net/http".r·2 *@"net/http".Request) WriteProxy (@"net/http".w·3 @"io".Writer) (? error)
+ func (@"net/http".r·1 *@"net/http".Request) @"net/http".closeBody ()
+ func (@"net/http".r·2 *@"net/http".Request "esc:0x0") @"net/http".expectsContinue () (? bool)
+ func (@"net/http".r·3 *@"net/http".Request) @"net/http".multipartReader () (? *@"mime/multipart".Reader, ? error)
+ func (@"net/http".r·2 *@"net/http".Request "esc:0x0") @"net/http".wantsClose () (? bool)
+ func (@"net/http".r·2 *@"net/http".Request "esc:0x0") @"net/http".wantsHttp10KeepAlive () (? bool)
+ func (@"net/http".req·2 *@"net/http".Request) @"net/http".write (@"net/http".w·3 @"io".Writer, @"net/http".usingProxy·4 bool, @"net/http".extraHeaders·5 @"net/http".Header "esc:0x0") (? error)
+ func @"".Request () (? *@"net/http".Request, ? error)
+ func @"".RequestFromMap (@"".params·3 map[string]string "esc:0x0") (? *@"net/http".Request, ? error)
+ type @"net/http".ResponseWriter interface { Header() (? @"net/http".Header); Write(? []byte) (? int, ? error); WriteHeader(? int) }
+ type @"net/http".Handler interface { ServeHTTP(? @"net/http".ResponseWriter, ? *@"net/http".Request) }
+ func @"".Serve (@"".handler·2 @"net/http".Handler) (? error)
+ import sync "sync" // indirect
+ type @"sync".Mutex struct { @"sync".state int32; @"sync".sema uint32 }
+ func (@"sync".m·1 *@"sync".Mutex) Lock ()
+ func (@"sync".m·1 *@"sync".Mutex) Unlock ()
+ type @"log".Logger struct { @"log".mu @"sync".Mutex; @"log".prefix string; @"log".flag int; @"log".out @"io".Writer; @"log".buf []byte }
+ func (@"log".l·1 *@"log".Logger) Fatal (@"log".v·2 ...interface {} "esc:0x0")
+ func (@"log".l·1 *@"log".Logger) Fatalf (@"log".format·2 string "esc:0x0", @"log".v·3 ...interface {} "esc:0x0")
+ func (@"log".l·1 *@"log".Logger) Fatalln (@"log".v·2 ...interface {} "esc:0x0")
+ func (@"log".l·2 *@"log".Logger) Flags () (? int)
+ func (@"log".l·2 *@"log".Logger) Output (@"log".calldepth·3 int, @"log".s·4 string "esc:0x0") (? error)
+ func (@"log".l·1 *@"log".Logger) Panic (@"log".v·2 ...interface {} "esc:0x0")
+ func (@"log".l·1 *@"log".Logger) Panicf (@"log".format·2 string "esc:0x0", @"log".v·3 ...interface {} "esc:0x0")
+ func (@"log".l·1 *@"log".Logger) Panicln (@"log".v·2 ...interface {} "esc:0x0")
+ func (@"log".l·2 *@"log".Logger) Prefix () (? string)
+ func (@"log".l·1 *@"log".Logger) Print (@"log".v·2 ...interface {} "esc:0x0")
+ func (@"log".l·1 *@"log".Logger) Printf (@"log".format·2 string "esc:0x0", @"log".v·3 ...interface {} "esc:0x0")
+ func (@"log".l·1 *@"log".Logger) Println (@"log".v·2 ...interface {} "esc:0x0")
+ func (@"log".l·1 *@"log".Logger) SetFlags (@"log".flag·2 int)
+ func (@"log".l·1 *@"log".Logger) SetPrefix (@"log".prefix·2 string)
+ func (@"log".l·1 *@"log".Logger "esc:0x0") @"log".formatHeader (@"log".buf·2 *[]byte, @"log".t·3 @"time".Time "esc:0x0", @"log".file·4 string "esc:0x0", @"log".line·5 int)
+ type @"".Handler struct { Path string; Root string; Dir string; Env []string; InheritEnv []string; Logger *@"log".Logger; Args []string; PathLocationHandler @"net/http".Handler }
+ func (@"".h·1 *@"".Handler) ServeHTTP (@"".rw·2 @"net/http".ResponseWriter, @"".req·3 *@"net/http".Request)
+ func (@"".h·1 *@"".Handler) @"".handleInternalRedirect (@"".rw·2 @"net/http".ResponseWriter, @"".req·3 *@"net/http".Request, @"".path·4 string)
+ func (@"".h·1 *@"".Handler) @"".printf (@"".format·2 string "esc:0x0", @"".v·3 ...interface {} "esc:0x0")
+ func @"".init ()
+ var @"time".months [12]string
+ var @"time".days [7]string
+ var @"time".Local *@"time".Location
+ var @"time".UTC *@"time".Location
+ var @"bufio".ErrInvalidUnreadRune error
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