path: root/lib/python2.7/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/ b/lib/python2.7/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26750f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+"""Conversion pipeline templates.
+The problem:
+Suppose you have some data that you want to convert to another format,
+such as from GIF image format to PPM image format. Maybe the
+conversion involves several steps (e.g. piping it through compress or
+uuencode). Some of the conversion steps may require that their input
+is a disk file, others may be able to read standard input; similar for
+their output. The input to the entire conversion may also be read
+from a disk file or from an open file, and similar for its output.
+The module lets you construct a pipeline template by sticking one or
+more conversion steps together. It will take care of creating and
+removing temporary files if they are necessary to hold intermediate
+data. You can then use the template to do conversions from many
+different sources to many different destinations. The temporary
+file names used are different each time the template is used.
+The templates are objects so you can create templates for many
+different conversion steps and store them in a dictionary, for
+To create a template:
+ t = Template()
+To add a conversion step to a template:
+ t.append(command, kind)
+where kind is a string of two characters: the first is '-' if the
+command reads its standard input or 'f' if it requires a file; the
+second likewise for the output. The command must be valid /bin/sh
+syntax. If input or output files are required, they are passed as
+$IN and $OUT; otherwise, it must be possible to use the command in
+a pipeline.
+To add a conversion step at the beginning:
+ t.prepend(command, kind)
+To convert a file to another file using a template:
+ sts = t.copy(infile, outfile)
+If infile or outfile are the empty string, standard input is read or
+standard output is written, respectively. The return value is the
+exit status of the conversion pipeline.
+To open a file for reading or writing through a conversion pipeline:
+ fp =, mode)
+where mode is 'r' to read the file, or 'w' to write it -- just like
+for the built-in function open() or for os.popen().
+To create a new template object initialized to a given one:
+ t2 = t.clone()
+""" # '
+import re
+import os
+import tempfile
+import string
+__all__ = ["Template"]
+# Conversion step kinds
+FILEIN_FILEOUT = 'ff' # Must read & write real files
+STDIN_FILEOUT = '-f' # Must write a real file
+FILEIN_STDOUT = 'f-' # Must read a real file
+STDIN_STDOUT = '--' # Normal pipeline element
+SOURCE = '.-' # Must be first, writes stdout
+SINK = '-.' # Must be last, reads stdin
+class Template:
+ """Class representing a pipeline template."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Template() returns a fresh pipeline template."""
+ self.debugging = 0
+ self.reset()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """t.__repr__() implements repr(t)."""
+ return '<Template instance, steps=%r>' % (self.steps,)
+ def reset(self):
+ """t.reset() restores a pipeline template to its initial state."""
+ self.steps = []
+ def clone(self):
+ """t.clone() returns a new pipeline template with identical
+ initial state as the current one."""
+ t = Template()
+ t.steps = self.steps[:]
+ t.debugging = self.debugging
+ return t
+ def debug(self, flag):
+ """t.debug(flag) turns debugging on or off."""
+ self.debugging = flag
+ def append(self, cmd, kind):
+ """t.append(cmd, kind) adds a new step at the end."""
+ if type(cmd) is not type(''):
+ raise TypeError, \
+ 'Template.append: cmd must be a string'
+ if kind not in stepkinds:
+ raise ValueError, \
+ 'Template.append: bad kind %r' % (kind,)
+ if kind == SOURCE:
+ raise ValueError, \
+ 'Template.append: SOURCE can only be prepended'
+ if self.steps and self.steps[-1][1] == SINK:
+ raise ValueError, \
+ 'Template.append: already ends with SINK'
+ if kind[0] == 'f' and not'\$IN\b', cmd):
+ raise ValueError, \
+ 'Template.append: missing $IN in cmd'
+ if kind[1] == 'f' and not'\$OUT\b', cmd):
+ raise ValueError, \
+ 'Template.append: missing $OUT in cmd'
+ self.steps.append((cmd, kind))
+ def prepend(self, cmd, kind):
+ """t.prepend(cmd, kind) adds a new step at the front."""
+ if type(cmd) is not type(''):
+ raise TypeError, \
+ 'Template.prepend: cmd must be a string'
+ if kind not in stepkinds:
+ raise ValueError, \
+ 'Template.prepend: bad kind %r' % (kind,)
+ if kind == SINK:
+ raise ValueError, \
+ 'Template.prepend: SINK can only be appended'
+ if self.steps and self.steps[0][1] == SOURCE:
+ raise ValueError, \
+ 'Template.prepend: already begins with SOURCE'
+ if kind[0] == 'f' and not'\$IN\b', cmd):
+ raise ValueError, \
+ 'Template.prepend: missing $IN in cmd'
+ if kind[1] == 'f' and not'\$OUT\b', cmd):
+ raise ValueError, \
+ 'Template.prepend: missing $OUT in cmd'
+ self.steps.insert(0, (cmd, kind))
+ def open(self, file, rw):
+ """, rw) returns a pipe or file object open for
+ reading or writing; the file is the other end of the pipeline."""
+ if rw == 'r':
+ return self.open_r(file)
+ if rw == 'w':
+ return self.open_w(file)
+ raise ValueError, \
+ ' rw must be \'r\' or \'w\', not %r' % (rw,)
+ def open_r(self, file):
+ """t.open_r(file) and t.open_w(file) implement
+, 'r') and, 'w') respectively."""
+ if not self.steps:
+ return open(file, 'r')
+ if self.steps[-1][1] == SINK:
+ raise ValueError, \
+ 'Template.open_r: pipeline ends width SINK'
+ cmd = self.makepipeline(file, '')
+ return os.popen(cmd, 'r')
+ def open_w(self, file):
+ if not self.steps:
+ return open(file, 'w')
+ if self.steps[0][1] == SOURCE:
+ raise ValueError, \
+ 'Template.open_w: pipeline begins with SOURCE'
+ cmd = self.makepipeline('', file)
+ return os.popen(cmd, 'w')
+ def copy(self, infile, outfile):
+ return os.system(self.makepipeline(infile, outfile))
+ def makepipeline(self, infile, outfile):
+ cmd = makepipeline(infile, self.steps, outfile)
+ if self.debugging:
+ print cmd
+ cmd = 'set -x; ' + cmd
+ return cmd
+def makepipeline(infile, steps, outfile):
+ # Build a list with for each command:
+ # [input filename or '', command string, kind, output filename or '']
+ list = []
+ for cmd, kind in steps:
+ list.append(['', cmd, kind, ''])
+ #
+ # Make sure there is at least one step
+ #
+ if not list:
+ list.append(['', 'cat', '--', ''])
+ #
+ # Take care of the input and output ends
+ #
+ [cmd, kind] = list[0][1:3]
+ if kind[0] == 'f' and not infile:
+ list.insert(0, ['', 'cat', '--', ''])
+ list[0][0] = infile
+ #
+ [cmd, kind] = list[-1][1:3]
+ if kind[1] == 'f' and not outfile:
+ list.append(['', 'cat', '--', ''])
+ list[-1][-1] = outfile
+ #
+ # Invent temporary files to connect stages that need files
+ #
+ garbage = []
+ for i in range(1, len(list)):
+ lkind = list[i-1][2]
+ rkind = list[i][2]
+ if lkind[1] == 'f' or rkind[0] == 'f':
+ (fd, temp) = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ os.close(fd)
+ garbage.append(temp)
+ list[i-1][-1] = list[i][0] = temp
+ #
+ for item in list:
+ [inf, cmd, kind, outf] = item
+ if kind[1] == 'f':
+ cmd = 'OUT=' + quote(outf) + '; ' + cmd
+ if kind[0] == 'f':
+ cmd = 'IN=' + quote(inf) + '; ' + cmd
+ if kind[0] == '-' and inf:
+ cmd = cmd + ' <' + quote(inf)
+ if kind[1] == '-' and outf:
+ cmd = cmd + ' >' + quote(outf)
+ item[1] = cmd
+ #
+ cmdlist = list[0][1]
+ for item in list[1:]:
+ [cmd, kind] = item[1:3]
+ if item[0] == '':
+ if 'f' in kind:
+ cmd = '{ ' + cmd + '; }'
+ cmdlist = cmdlist + ' |\n' + cmd
+ else:
+ cmdlist = cmdlist + '\n' + cmd
+ #
+ if garbage:
+ rmcmd = 'rm -f'
+ for file in garbage:
+ rmcmd = rmcmd + ' ' + quote(file)
+ trapcmd = 'trap ' + quote(rmcmd + '; exit') + ' 1 2 3 13 14 15'
+ cmdlist = trapcmd + '\n' + cmdlist + '\n' + rmcmd
+ #
+ return cmdlist
+# Reliably quote a string as a single argument for /bin/sh
+# Safe unquoted
+_safechars = frozenset(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '@%_-+=:,./')
+def quote(file):
+ """Return a shell-escaped version of the file string."""
+ for c in file:
+ if c not in _safechars:
+ break
+ else:
+ if not file:
+ return "''"
+ return file
+ # use single quotes, and put single quotes into double quotes
+ # the string $'b is then quoted as '$'"'"'b'
+ return "'" + file.replace("'", "'\"'\"'") + "'"