path: root/lib/python2.7/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/test/')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/test/ b/lib/python2.7/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc83ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+"""Sort performance test.
+See main() for command line syntax.
+See tabulate() for output format.
+import sys
+import time
+import random
+import marshal
+import tempfile
+import os
+td = tempfile.gettempdir()
+def randfloats(n):
+ """Return a list of n random floats in [0, 1)."""
+ # Generating floats is expensive, so this writes them out to a file in
+ # a temp directory. If the file already exists, it just reads them
+ # back in and shuffles them a bit.
+ fn = os.path.join(td, "rr%06d" % n)
+ try:
+ fp = open(fn, "rb")
+ except IOError:
+ r = random.random
+ result = [r() for i in xrange(n)]
+ try:
+ try:
+ fp = open(fn, "wb")
+ marshal.dump(result, fp)
+ fp.close()
+ fp = None
+ finally:
+ if fp:
+ try:
+ os.unlink(fn)
+ except os.error:
+ pass
+ except IOError, msg:
+ print "can't write", fn, ":", msg
+ else:
+ result = marshal.load(fp)
+ fp.close()
+ # Shuffle it a bit...
+ for i in range(10):
+ i = random.randrange(n)
+ temp = result[:i]
+ del result[:i]
+ temp.reverse()
+ result.extend(temp)
+ del temp
+ assert len(result) == n
+ return result
+def flush():
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+def doit(L):
+ t0 = time.clock()
+ L.sort()
+ t1 = time.clock()
+ print "%6.2f" % (t1-t0),
+ flush()
+def tabulate(r):
+ """Tabulate sort speed for lists of various sizes.
+ The sizes are 2**i for i in r (the argument, a list).
+ The output displays i, 2**i, and the time to sort arrays of 2**i
+ floating point numbers with the following properties:
+ *sort: random data
+ \sort: descending data
+ /sort: ascending data
+ 3sort: ascending, then 3 random exchanges
+ +sort: ascending, then 10 random at the end
+ %sort: ascending, then randomly replace 1% of the elements w/ random values
+ ~sort: many duplicates
+ =sort: all equal
+ !sort: worst case scenario
+ """
+ cases = tuple([ch + "sort" for ch in r"*\/3+%~=!"])
+ fmt = ("%2s %7s" + " %6s"*len(cases))
+ print fmt % (("i", "2**i") + cases)
+ for i in r:
+ n = 1 << i
+ L = randfloats(n)
+ print "%2d %7d" % (i, n),
+ flush()
+ doit(L) # *sort
+ L.reverse()
+ doit(L) # \sort
+ doit(L) # /sort
+ # Do 3 random exchanges.
+ for dummy in range(3):
+ i1 = random.randrange(n)
+ i2 = random.randrange(n)
+ L[i1], L[i2] = L[i2], L[i1]
+ doit(L) # 3sort
+ # Replace the last 10 with random floats.
+ if n >= 10:
+ L[-10:] = [random.random() for dummy in range(10)]
+ doit(L) # +sort
+ # Replace 1% of the elements at random.
+ for dummy in xrange(n // 100):
+ L[random.randrange(n)] = random.random()
+ doit(L) # %sort
+ # Arrange for lots of duplicates.
+ if n > 4:
+ del L[4:]
+ L = L * (n // 4)
+ # Force the elements to be distinct objects, else timings can be
+ # artificially low.
+ L = map(lambda x: --x, L)
+ doit(L) # ~sort
+ del L
+ # All equal. Again, force the elements to be distinct objects.
+ L = map(abs, [-0.5] * n)
+ doit(L) # =sort
+ del L
+ # This one looks like [3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3]. It was a bad case
+ # for an older implementation of quicksort, which used the median
+ # of the first, last and middle elements as the pivot.
+ half = n // 2
+ L = range(half - 1, -1, -1)
+ L.extend(range(half))
+ # Force to float, so that the timings are comparable. This is
+ # significantly faster if we leave tham as ints.
+ L = map(float, L)
+ doit(L) # !sort
+ print
+def main():
+ """Main program when invoked as a script.
+ One argument: tabulate a single row.
+ Two arguments: tabulate a range (inclusive).
+ Extra arguments are used to seed the random generator.
+ """
+ # default range (inclusive)
+ k1 = 15
+ k2 = 20
+ if sys.argv[1:]:
+ # one argument: single point
+ k1 = k2 = int(sys.argv[1])
+ if sys.argv[2:]:
+ # two arguments: specify range
+ k2 = int(sys.argv[2])
+ if sys.argv[3:]:
+ # derive random seed from remaining arguments
+ x = 1
+ for a in sys.argv[3:]:
+ x = 69069 * x + hash(a)
+ random.seed(x)
+ r = range(k1, k2+1) # include the end point
+ tabulate(r)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()