path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setoolsgui/networkx/algorithms/bipartite/
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-#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2011 by
-# Jordi Torrents <>
-# Aric Hagberg <>
-# All rights reserved.
-# BSD license.
-import networkx as nx
-__author__ = """\n""".join(['Jordi Torrents <>',
- 'Aric Hagberg ('])
- 'betweenness_centrality',
- 'closeness_centrality']
-def degree_centrality(G, nodes):
- r"""Compute the degree centrality for nodes in a bipartite network.
- The degree centrality for a node `v` is the fraction of nodes
- connected to it.
- Parameters
- ----------
- G : graph
- A bipartite network
- nodes : list or container
- Container with all nodes in one bipartite node set.
- Returns
- -------
- centrality : dictionary
- Dictionary keyed by node with bipartite degree centrality as the value.
- See Also
- --------
- betweenness_centrality,
- closeness_centrality,
- sets,
- is_bipartite
- Notes
- -----
- The nodes input parameter must conatin all nodes in one bipartite node set,
- but the dictionary returned contains all nodes from both bipartite node
- sets.
- For unipartite networks, the degree centrality values are
- normalized by dividing by the maximum possible degree (which is
- `n-1` where `n` is the number of nodes in G).
- In the bipartite case, the maximum possible degree of a node in a
- bipartite node set is the number of nodes in the opposite node set
- [1]_. The degree centrality for a node `v` in the bipartite
- sets `U` with `n` nodes and `V` with `m` nodes is
- .. math::
- d_{v} = \frac{deg(v)}{m}, \mbox{for} v \in U ,
- d_{v} = \frac{deg(v)}{n}, \mbox{for} v \in V ,
- where `deg(v)` is the degree of node `v`.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Borgatti, S.P. and Halgin, D. In press. "Analyzing Affiliation
- Networks". In Carrington, P. and Scott, J. (eds) The Sage Handbook
- of Social Network Analysis. Sage Publications.
- """
- top = set(nodes)
- bottom = set(G) - top
- s = 1.0/len(bottom)
- centrality = dict((n,d*s) for n,d in G.degree_iter(top))
- s = 1.0/len(top)
- centrality.update(dict((n,d*s) for n,d in G.degree_iter(bottom)))
- return centrality
-def betweenness_centrality(G, nodes):
- r"""Compute betweenness centrality for nodes in a bipartite network.
- Betweenness centrality of a node `v` is the sum of the
- fraction of all-pairs shortest paths that pass through `v`.
- Values of betweenness are normalized by the maximum possible
- value which for bipartite graphs is limited by the relative size
- of the two node sets [1]_.
- Let `n` be the number of nodes in the node set `U` and
- `m` be the number of nodes in the node set `V`, then
- nodes in `U` are normalized by dividing by
- .. math::
- \frac{1}{2} [m^2 (s + 1)^2 + m (s + 1)(2t - s - 1) - t (2s - t + 3)] ,
- where
- .. math::
- s = (n - 1) \div m , t = (n - 1) \mod m ,
- and nodes in `V` are normalized by dividing by
- .. math::
- \frac{1}{2} [n^2 (p + 1)^2 + n (p + 1)(2r - p - 1) - r (2p - r + 3)] ,
- where,
- .. math::
- p = (m - 1) \div n , r = (m - 1) \mod n .
- Parameters
- ----------
- G : graph
- A bipartite graph
- nodes : list or container
- Container with all nodes in one bipartite node set.
- Returns
- -------
- betweenness : dictionary
- Dictionary keyed by node with bipartite betweenness centrality
- as the value.
- See Also
- --------
- degree_centrality,
- closeness_centrality,
- sets,
- is_bipartite
- Notes
- -----
- The nodes input parameter must contain all nodes in one bipartite node set,
- but the dictionary returned contains all nodes from both node sets.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Borgatti, S.P. and Halgin, D. In press. "Analyzing Affiliation
- Networks". In Carrington, P. and Scott, J. (eds) The Sage Handbook
- of Social Network Analysis. Sage Publications.
- """
- top = set(nodes)
- bottom = set(G) - top
- n = float(len(top))
- m = float(len(bottom))
- s = (n-1) // m
- t = (n-1) % m
- bet_max_top = (((m**2)*((s+1)**2))+
- (m*(s+1)*(2*t-s-1))-
- (t*((2*s)-t+3)))/2.0
- p = (m-1) // n
- r = (m-1) % n
- bet_max_bot = (((n**2)*((p+1)**2))+
- (n*(p+1)*(2*r-p-1))-
- (r*((2*p)-r+3)))/2.0
- betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(G, normalized=False,
- weight=None)
- for node in top:
- betweenness[node]/=bet_max_top
- for node in bottom:
- betweenness[node]/=bet_max_bot
- return betweenness
-def closeness_centrality(G, nodes, normalized=True):
- r"""Compute the closeness centrality for nodes in a bipartite network.
- The closeness of a node is the distance to all other nodes in the
- graph or in the case that the graph is not connected to all other nodes
- in the connected component containing that node.
- Parameters
- ----------
- G : graph
- A bipartite network
- nodes : list or container
- Container with all nodes in one bipartite node set.
- normalized : bool, optional
- If True (default) normalize by connected component size.
- Returns
- -------
- closeness : dictionary
- Dictionary keyed by node with bipartite closeness centrality
- as the value.
- See Also
- --------
- betweenness_centrality,
- degree_centrality
- sets,
- is_bipartite
- Notes
- -----
- The nodes input parameter must conatin all nodes in one bipartite node set,
- but the dictionary returned contains all nodes from both node sets.
- Closeness centrality is normalized by the minimum distance possible.
- In the bipartite case the minimum distance for a node in one bipartite
- node set is 1 from all nodes in the other node set and 2 from all
- other nodes in its own set [1]_. Thus the closeness centrality
- for node `v` in the two bipartite sets `U` with
- `n` nodes and `V` with `m` nodes is
- .. math::
- c_{v} = \frac{m + 2(n - 1)}{d}, \mbox{for} v \in U,
- c_{v} = \frac{n + 2(m - 1)}{d}, \mbox{for} v \in V,
- where `d` is the sum of the distances from `v` to all
- other nodes.
- Higher values of closeness indicate higher centrality.
- As in the unipartite case, setting normalized=True causes the
- values to normalized further to n-1 / size(G)-1 where n is the
- number of nodes in the connected part of graph containing the
- node. If the graph is not completely connected, this algorithm
- computes the closeness centrality for each connected part
- separately.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Borgatti, S.P. and Halgin, D. In press. "Analyzing Affiliation
- Networks". In Carrington, P. and Scott, J. (eds) The Sage Handbook
- of Social Network Analysis. Sage Publications.
- """
- closeness={}
- path_length=nx.single_source_shortest_path_length
- top = set(nodes)
- bottom = set(G) - top
- n = float(len(top))
- m = float(len(bottom))
- for node in top:
- sp=path_length(G,node)
- totsp=sum(sp.values())
- if totsp > 0.0 and len(G) > 1:
- closeness[node]= (m + 2*(n-1)) / totsp
- if normalized:
- s=(len(sp)-1.0) / ( len(G) - 1 )
- closeness[node] *= s
- else:
- closeness[n]=0.0
- for node in bottom:
- sp=path_length(G,node)
- totsp=sum(sp.values())
- if totsp > 0.0 and len(G) > 1:
- closeness[node]= (n + 2*(m-1)) / totsp
- if normalized:
- s=(len(sp)-1.0) / ( len(G) - 1 )
- closeness[node] *= s
- else:
- closeness[n]=0.0
- return closeness