path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setoolsgui/networkx/algorithms/
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-Distance-regular graphs
-# Copyright (C) 2011 by
-# Dheeraj M R <>
-# Aric Hagberg <>
-# All rights reserved.
-# BSD license.
-import networkx as nx
-__author__ = """\n""".join(['Dheeraj M R <>',
- 'Aric Hagberg <>'])
-__all__ = ['is_distance_regular','intersection_array','global_parameters']
-def is_distance_regular(G):
- """Returns True if the graph is distance regular, False otherwise.
- A connected graph G is distance-regular if for any nodes x,y
- and any integers i,j=0,1,...,d (where d is the graph
- diameter), the number of vertices at distance i from x and
- distance j from y depends only on i,j and the graph distance
- between x and y, independently of the choice of x and y.
- Parameters
- ----------
- G: Networkx graph (undirected)
- Returns
- -------
- bool
- True if the graph is Distance Regular, False otherwise
- Examples
- --------
- >>> G=nx.hypercube_graph(6)
- >>> nx.is_distance_regular(G)
- True
- See Also
- --------
- intersection_array, global_parameters
- Notes
- -----
- For undirected and simple graphs only
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Brouwer, A. E.; Cohen, A. M.; and Neumaier, A.
- Distance-Regular Graphs. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1989.
- .. [2] Weisstein, Eric W. "Distance-Regular Graph."
- """
- try:
- a=intersection_array(G)
- return True
- except nx.NetworkXError:
- return False
-def global_parameters(b,c):
- """Return global parameters for a given intersection array.
- Given a distance-regular graph G with integers b_i, c_i,i = 0,....,d
- such that for any 2 vertices x,y in G at a distance i=d(x,y), there
- are exactly c_i neighbors of y at a distance of i-1 from x and b_i
- neighbors of y at a distance of i+1 from x.
- Thus, a distance regular graph has the global parameters,
- [[c_0,a_0,b_0],[c_1,a_1,b_1],......,[c_d,a_d,b_d]] for the
- intersection array [b_0,b_1,.....b_{d-1};c_1,c_2,.....c_d]
- where a_i+b_i+c_i=k , k= degree of every vertex.
- Parameters
- ----------
- b,c: tuple of lists
- Returns
- -------
- p : list of three-tuples
- Examples
- --------
- >>> G=nx.dodecahedral_graph()
- >>> b,c=nx.intersection_array(G)
- >>> list(nx.global_parameters(b,c))
- [(0, 0, 3), (1, 0, 2), (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1), (2, 0, 1), (3, 0, 0)]
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Weisstein, Eric W. "Global Parameters."
- From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.
- See Also
- --------
- intersection_array
- """
- d=len(b)
- ba=b[:]
- ca=c[:]
- ba.append(0)
- ca.insert(0,0)
- k = ba[0]
- aa = [k-x-y for x,y in zip(ba,ca)]
- return zip(*[ca,aa,ba])
-def intersection_array(G):
- """Returns the intersection array of a distance-regular graph.
- Given a distance-regular graph G with integers b_i, c_i,i = 0,....,d
- such that for any 2 vertices x,y in G at a distance i=d(x,y), there
- are exactly c_i neighbors of y at a distance of i-1 from x and b_i
- neighbors of y at a distance of i+1 from x.
- A distance regular graph'sintersection array is given by,
- [b_0,b_1,.....b_{d-1};c_1,c_2,.....c_d]
- Parameters
- ----------
- G: Networkx graph (undirected)
- Returns
- -------
- b,c: tuple of lists
- Examples
- --------
- >>> G=nx.icosahedral_graph()
- >>> nx.intersection_array(G)
- ([5, 2, 1], [1, 2, 5])
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Weisstein, Eric W. "Intersection Array."
- From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.
- See Also
- --------
- global_parameters
- """
- if G.is_multigraph() or G.is_directed():
- raise nx.NetworkxException('Not implemented for directed ',
- 'or multiedge graphs.')
- # test for regular graph (all degrees must be equal)
- degree = G.degree_iter()
- (_,k) = next(degree)
- for _,knext in degree:
- if knext != k:
- raise nx.NetworkXError('Graph is not distance regular.')
- k = knext
- path_length = nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(G)
- diameter = max([max(path_length[n].values()) for n in path_length])
- bint = {} # 'b' intersection array
- cint = {} # 'c' intersection array
- for u in G:
- for v in G:
- try:
- i = path_length[u][v]
- except KeyError: # graph must be connected
- raise nx.NetworkXError('Graph is not distance regular.')
- # number of neighbors of v at a distance of i-1 from u
- c = len([n for n in G[v] if path_length[n][u]==i-1])
- # number of neighbors of v at a distance of i+1 from u
- b = len([n for n in G[v] if path_length[n][u]==i+1])
- # b,c are independent of u and v
- if cint.get(i,c) != c or bint.get(i,b) != b:
- raise nx.NetworkXError('Graph is not distance regular')
- bint[i] = b
- cint[i] = c
- return ([bint.get(i,0) for i in range(diameter)],
- [cint.get(i+1,0) for i in range(diameter)])