path: root/apps/SdkController/src/com/android/tools/sdkcontroller/lib/Connection.java
diff options
authorVladimir Chtchetkine <vchtchetkine@google.com>2012-04-19 09:47:30 -0700
committerVladimir Chtchetkine <vchtchetkine@google.com>2012-04-30 07:17:43 -0700
commita163f990623ef4697967c6ac34d2a7f9e324f8ff (patch)
treea31ba7e2701b4944c69e6d29bb0499e71631bac6 /apps/SdkController/src/com/android/tools/sdkcontroller/lib/Connection.java
parent169b1b34c6d359994486bf99645bcc262a568dfb (diff)
Implements new communication protocol with the emulator.
The major differences with the old protocol are: 1. All of the emulation handlers are bound to a sinlge UNIX-domain port android.sdk.controller. Note though that although there is one port to bind, each hander communicates with the emulator over its own socket connection. 2. As the result of 1) communication with the emulator is fairly simplified, and doesn't require complex binding, and state monitoring. 3. Messages and queries are no longer string based, but are packed to some binary formats. Change-Id: Icb7a535c3d10a887541ba7a8b3ec1439e0e238ce
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/SdkController/src/com/android/tools/sdkcontroller/lib/Connection.java')
1 files changed, 412 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/SdkController/src/com/android/tools/sdkcontroller/lib/Connection.java b/apps/SdkController/src/com/android/tools/sdkcontroller/lib/Connection.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb5086905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/SdkController/src/com/android/tools/sdkcontroller/lib/Connection.java
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+ * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+ * the License.
+ */
+package com.android.tools.sdkcontroller.lib;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.ByteOrder;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import android.util.Log;
+import android.net.LocalServerSocket;
+import android.net.LocalSocket;
+import com.android.tools.sdkcontroller.lib.Channel;
+import com.android.tools.sdkcontroller.service.ControllerService;
+ * Encapsulates a connection between SdkController service and the emulator. On
+ * the device side, the connection is bound to the UNIX-domain socket named
+ * 'android.sdk.controller'. On the emulator side the connection is established
+ * via TCP port that is used to forward I/O traffic on the host machine to
+ * 'android.sdk.controller' socket on the device. Typically, the port forwarding
+ * can be enabled using adb command:
+ * <p/>
+ * 'adb forward tcp:<TCP port number> localabstract:android.sdk.controller'
+ * <p/>
+ * The way communication between the emulator and SDK controller service works
+ * is as follows:
+ * <p/>
+ * 1. Both sides, emulator and the service have components that implement a particular
+ * type of emulation. For instance, AndroidSensorsPort in the emulator, and
+ * SensorChannel in the application implement sensors emulation.
+ * Emulation channels are identified by unique names. For instance, sensor emulation
+ * is done via "sensors" channel, multi-touch emulation is done via "multi-touch"
+ * channel, etc.
+ * <p/>
+ * 2. Channels are connected to emulator via separate socket instance (though all
+ * of the connections share the same socket address).
+ * <p/>
+ * 3. Connection is initiated by the emulator side, while the service provides
+ * its side (a channel) that implement functionality and exchange protocol required
+ * by the requested type of emulation.
+ * <p/>
+ * Given that, the main responsibilities of this class are:
+ * <p/>
+ * 1. Bind to "android.sdk.controller" socket, listening to emulator connections.
+ * <p/>
+ * 2. Maintain a list of service-side channels registered by the application.
+ * <p/>
+ * 3. Bind emulator connection with service-side channel via port name, provided by
+ * the emulator.
+ * <p/>
+ * 4. Monitor connection state with the emulator, and automatically restore the
+ * connection once it is lost.
+ */
+public class Connection {
+ /** UNIX-domain name reserved for SDK controller. */
+ public static final String SDK_CONTROLLER_PORT = "android.sdk.controller";
+ /** Tag for logging messages. */
+ private static final String TAG = "SdkControllerConnection";
+ /** Controls debug logging */
+ private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
+ /** Server socket used to listen to emulator connections. */
+ private LocalServerSocket mServerSocket = null;
+ /** Service that has created this object. */
+ private ControllerService mService;
+ /**
+ * List of connected emulator sockets, pending for a channel to be registered.
+ * <p/>
+ * Emulator may connect to SDK controller before the app registers a channel
+ * for that connection. In this case (when app-side channel is not registered
+ * with this class) we will keep emulator connection in this list, pending
+ * for the app-side channel to register.
+ */
+ private List<Socket> mPendingSockets = new ArrayList<Socket>();
+ /**
+ * List of registered app-side channels.
+ * <p/>
+ * Channels that are kept in this list may be disconnected from (or pending
+ * connection with) the emulator, or they may be connected with the
+ * emulator.
+ */
+ private List<Channel> mChannels = new ArrayList<Channel>();
+ /**
+ * Constructs Connection instance.
+ */
+ public Connection(ControllerService service) {
+ mService = service;
+ if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "SdkControllerConnection is constructed.");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Binds to the socket, and starts the listening thread.
+ */
+ public void connect() {
+ if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "SdkControllerConnection is connecting...");
+ // Start connection listener.
+ new Thread(new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ runIOLooper();
+ }
+ }, "SdkControllerConnectionIoLoop").start();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stops the listener, and closes the socket.
+ *
+ * @return true if connection has been stopped in this call, or false if it
+ * has been already stopped when this method has been called.
+ */
+ public boolean disconnect() {
+ // This is the only place in this class where we will null the
+ // socket object. Since this method can be called concurrently from
+ // different threads, lets do this under the lock.
+ LocalServerSocket socket;
+ synchronized (this) {
+ socket = mServerSocket;
+ mServerSocket = null;
+ }
+ if (socket != null) {
+ if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "SdkControllerConnection is stopping I/O looper...");
+ // Stop accepting new connections.
+ wakeIOLooper(socket);
+ try {
+ socket.close();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ }
+ // Close all the pending sockets, and clear pending socket list.
+ if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "SdkControllerConnection is closing pending sockets...");
+ for (Socket pending_socket : mPendingSockets) {
+ pending_socket.close();
+ }
+ mPendingSockets.clear();
+ // Disconnect all the emualtors.
+ if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "SdkControllerConnection is disconnecting channels...");
+ for (Channel channel : mChannels) {
+ if (channel.disconnect()) {
+ channel.onEmulatorDisconnected();
+ }
+ }
+ if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "SdkControllerConnection is disconnected.");
+ }
+ return socket != null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Registers SDK controller channel.
+ *
+ * @param channel SDK controller emulator to register.
+ * @return true if channel has been registered successfully, or false if channel
+ * with the same name is already registered.
+ */
+ public boolean registerChannel(Channel channel) {
+ for (Channel check_channel : mChannels) {
+ if (check_channel.getChannelName().equals(channel.getChannelName())) {
+ Loge("Registering a duplicate Channel " + channel.getChannelName());
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Registering Channel " + channel.getChannelName());
+ mChannels.add(channel);
+ // Lets see if there is a pending socket for this channel.
+ for (Socket pending_socket : mPendingSockets) {
+ if (pending_socket.getChannelName().equals(channel.getChannelName())) {
+ // Remove the socket from the pending list, and connect the registered channel with it.
+ if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Found pending Socket for registering Channel "
+ + channel.getChannelName());
+ mPendingSockets.remove(pending_socket);
+ channel.connect(pending_socket);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if at least one socket connection exists with channel.
+ *
+ * @return true if at least one socket connection exists with channel.
+ */
+ public boolean isEmulatorConnected() {
+ for (Channel channel : mChannels) {
+ if (channel.isConnected()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return !mPendingSockets.isEmpty();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets Channel instance for the given channel name.
+ *
+ * @param name Channel name to get Channel instance for.
+ * @return Channel instance for the given channel name, or NULL if no
+ * channel has been registered for that name.
+ */
+ public Channel getChannel(String name) {
+ for (Channel channel : mChannels) {
+ if (channel.getChannelName().equals(name)) {
+ return channel;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets connected emulator socket that is pending for service-side channel
+ * registration.
+ *
+ * @param name Channel name to lookup Socket for.
+ * @return Connected emulator socket that is pending for service-side channel
+ * registration, or null if no socket is pending for service-size
+ * channel registration.
+ */
+ private Socket getPendingSocket(String name) {
+ for (Socket socket : mPendingSockets) {
+ if (socket.getChannelName().equals(name)) {
+ return socket;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Wakes I/O looper waiting on connection with the emulator.
+ *
+ * @param socket Server socket waiting on connection.
+ */
+ private void wakeIOLooper(LocalServerSocket socket) {
+ // We wake the looper by connecting to the socket.
+ LocalSocket waker = new LocalSocket();
+ try {
+ waker.connect(socket.getLocalSocketAddress());
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Loge("Exception " + e + " in SdkControllerConnection while waking up the I/O looper.");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loops on the local socket, handling emulator connection attempts.
+ */
+ private void runIOLooper() {
+ if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "In SdkControllerConnection I/O looper.");
+ do {
+ try {
+ // Create non-blocking server socket that would listen for connections,
+ // and bind it to the given port on the local host.
+ mServerSocket = new LocalServerSocket(SDK_CONTROLLER_PORT);
+ LocalServerSocket socket = mServerSocket;
+ while (socket != null) {
+ final LocalSocket sk = socket.accept();
+ if (mServerSocket != null) {
+ onAccept(sk);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ socket = mServerSocket;
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Loge("Exception " + e + "SdkControllerConnection I/O looper.");
+ }
+ if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Exiting SdkControllerConnection I/O looper.");
+ // If we're exiting the internal loop for reasons other than an explicit
+ // disconnect request, we should reconnect again.
+ } while (disconnect());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Accepts new connection from the emulator.
+ *
+ * @param sock Connecting socket.
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ private void onAccept(LocalSocket sock) throws IOException {
+ final ByteBuffer handshake = ByteBuffer.allocate(ProtocolConstants.QUERY_HEADER_SIZE);
+ // By protocol, first byte received from newly connected emulator socket
+ // indicates host endianness.
+ Socket.receive(sock, handshake.array(), 1);
+ final ByteOrder endian = (handshake.getChar() == 0) ? ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN :
+ ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN;
+ handshake.order(endian);
+ // Right after that follows the handshake query header.
+ handshake.position(0);
+ Socket.receive(sock, handshake.array(), handshake.array().length);
+ // First int - signature
+ final int signature = handshake.getInt();
+ assert signature == ProtocolConstants.PACKET_SIGNATURE;
+ // Second int - total query size (including fixed query header)
+ final int remains = handshake.getInt() - ProtocolConstants.QUERY_HEADER_SIZE;
+ // After that - header type (which must be SDKCTL_PACKET_TYPE_QUERY)
+ final int msg_type = handshake.getInt();
+ assert msg_type == ProtocolConstants.PACKET_TYPE_QUERY;
+ // After that - query ID.
+ final int query_id = handshake.getInt();
+ // And finally, query type (which must be ProtocolConstants.QUERY_HANDSHAKE for
+ // handshake query)
+ final int query_type = handshake.getInt();
+ assert query_type == ProtocolConstants.QUERY_HANDSHAKE;
+ // Verify that received is a query.
+ if (msg_type != ProtocolConstants.PACKET_TYPE_QUERY) {
+ // Message type is not a query. Lets read and discard the remainder
+ // of the message.
+ if (remains > 0) {
+ Loge("Unexpected handshake message type: " + msg_type);
+ byte[] discard = new byte[remains];
+ Socket.receive(sock, discard, discard.length);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Receive query data.
+ final byte[] name_array = new byte[remains];
+ Socket.receive(sock, name_array, name_array.length);
+ // Prepare response header.
+ handshake.position(0);
+ handshake.putInt(ProtocolConstants.PACKET_SIGNATURE);
+ // Handshake reply is just one int.
+ handshake.putInt(ProtocolConstants.QUERY_RESP_HEADER_SIZE + 4);
+ handshake.putInt(ProtocolConstants.PACKET_TYPE_QUERY_RESPONSE);
+ handshake.putInt(query_id);
+ // Verify that received query is in deed a handshake query.
+ if (query_type != ProtocolConstants.QUERY_HANDSHAKE) {
+ // Query is not a handshake. Reply with failure.
+ Loge("Unexpected handshake query type: " + query_type);
+ handshake.putInt(ProtocolConstants.HANDSHAKE_RESP_QUERY_UNKNOWN);
+ sock.getOutputStream().write(handshake.array());
+ return;
+ }
+ // Handshake query data consist of SDK controller channel name.
+ final String channel_name = new String(name_array);
+ if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Handshake received for channel " + channel_name);
+ // Respond to query depending on service-side channel availability
+ final Channel channel = getChannel(channel_name);
+ Socket sk = null;
+ if (channel != null) {
+ if (channel.isConnected()) {
+ // This is a duplicate connection.
+ Loge("Duplicate connection to a connected Channel " + channel_name);
+ handshake.putInt(ProtocolConstants.HANDSHAKE_RESP_DUP);
+ } else {
+ // Connecting to a registered channel.
+ if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Emulator is connected to a registered Channel " + channel_name);
+ handshake.putInt(ProtocolConstants.HANDSHAKE_RESP_CONNECTED);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Make sure that there are no other channel connections for this
+ // channel name.
+ if (getPendingSocket(channel_name) != null) {
+ // This is a duplicate.
+ Loge("Duplicate connection to a pending Socket " + channel_name);
+ handshake.putInt(ProtocolConstants.HANDSHAKE_RESP_DUP);
+ } else {
+ // Connecting to a channel that has not been registered yet.
+ if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Emulator is connected to a pending Socket " + channel_name);
+ handshake.putInt(ProtocolConstants.HANDSHAKE_RESP_NOPORT);
+ sk = new Socket(sock, channel_name, endian);
+ mPendingSockets.add(sk);
+ }
+ }
+ // Send handshake reply.
+ sock.getOutputStream().write(handshake.array());
+ // If a disconnected channel for emulator connection has been found,
+ // connect it.
+ if (channel != null && !channel.isConnected()) {
+ if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Connecting Channel " + channel_name + " with emulator.");
+ sk = new Socket(sock, channel_name, endian);
+ channel.connect(sk);
+ }
+ mService.notifyStatusChanged();
+ }
+ /***************************************************************************
+ * Logging wrappers
+ **************************************************************************/
+ private void Loge(String log) {
+ mService.addError(log);
+ Log.e(TAG, log);
+ }