path: root/eclipse/changes.txt
diff options
authorBob Badour <bbadour@google.com>2020-05-06 14:30:13 +0000
committerAutomerger Merge Worker <android-build-automerger-merge-worker@system.gserviceaccount.com>2020-05-06 14:30:13 +0000
commitd3c69fa48e25645a343d97ac392300583e38b30a (patch)
treefd845444b59dfc72656b7781596e0b1a0662c4c7 /eclipse/changes.txt
parent0300bcd44ebe99ec7118dab453986fefd9a0555e (diff)
parentfc7cda06f54946e3a03ea008c1ba086d90aeef84 (diff)
Merge "Revert "Remove unused project."" am: fc7cda06f5
Change-Id: I1dbd864aa8ee9e2a44b6acc173c12740abf9447f
Diffstat (limited to 'eclipse/changes.txt')
1 files changed, 868 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eclipse/changes.txt b/eclipse/changes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aeec5cccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclipse/changes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
+* Bug fixes.
+* JUnit test runner allows a test to be run on all devices
+* XML code completion can now complete (and show documentation for)
+ theme references, such as ?android:attr/dividerHeight
+* Improved flag and locale data in the configuration chooser
+* New lint checks:
+ * Find misspellings in English string files
+ * Detect certain types of wakelock mistakes leading to unnecessary
+ battery usage
+ * Find private key files placed in directories where they end up
+ getting bundled with the .apk
+ * Find usages of "dp" units with the font property textSize
+ * Find invalid selector files where a later state is fully covered
+ by an earlier state and is therefore unreachable
+ * Find incorrect use of the SecureRandom object (where it is
+ initialized with a fixed seed)
+ Various lint infrastructure improvements.
+* A lot of bug fixes, performance fixes and memory fixes.
+* Support for Eclipse 4.x.
+* Build System
+ * Automatic merging of library project manifest files into the
+ including project's manifest. Enable with the
+ manifestmerger.enabled property.
+ * Automatic ProGuard support for the aapt -G flag. This means that
+ the build system will generate a temporary ProGuard keep-rules
+ file containing classes to keep that are referenced from XML files
+ (such as custom views) and pass this to ProGuard at
+ shrink-time. This can make the resulting APK much smaller when
+ using just a small portion of a large library project (such as the
+ Android Support library), since we have also removed the catch-all
+ rules to keep all custom views from the default ProGuard
+ configuration file.
+ * Aidl files from library projects are now in the import list.
+ * Fixes in Ant:
+ * Test projects now have access to the full classpath from the
+ tested projects, including Library Projects and 3rd party jar
+ * Applications embedding tests can now be deployed and tested,
+ including with code coverage, like test applications.
+* Lint
+ * Tighter integration with the layout editor (error and warning
+ icons overlaid views with errors, lint error messages shown as
+ tooltips in the layout canvas and in the outline, error count
+ displayed in the layout actions bar.)
+ * Lint is run incrementally in Java files on save, just like XML
+ files already are.
+ * New lint rules:
+ * Detect usages of Toast.makeText() without calling show() on the
+ result, as well as passing invalid duration parameters (e.g. a
+ number instead of one of the two allowed constants.)
+ * Detect incorrect manifest registrations (where elements such as
+ <uses-library>, <activity> etc are placed under the wrong parent.)
+ * Several security checks: Look for exported content providers
+ without required permissions, look for creation of world readable
+ files and preferences, look for calls to
+ android.webkit.WebSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled.
+ * Check to make sure that Fragment classes are instantiatable. If
+ you accidentally make a fragment innerclass non-static, or forget
+ to have a default constructor, you can hit runtime errors when the
+ system attempts to reinstantiate your fragment after a
+ configuration change.
+ * Look for handler leaks: This check makes sure that a handler inner
+ class does not hold an implicit reference to its outer class.
+ * Duplicate Activity registrations in the manifest. This can lead to
+ subtle errors that can be difficult to understand.
+ * Lint check ensuring that when you edit() a SharedPreference object
+ you call commit()
+* Layout Editor
+ * New property sheet implementation, which offers:
+ * Highlighting (in bold) for important attributes.
+ * Inline preview of colors and images, as well as the
+ corresponding resource name.
+ * Displays default values, when available.
+ * Completion of resource values and enum and flag constants.
+ * Support for showing and hiding "advanced" properties.
+ * Nested properties (and collapse all and expand all) for better
+ categorization. For example, layout params are listed first as a
+ single nested property.
+ * Tooltips over the attribute names, not values, so they never
+ obscure the value column.
+ * Checkbox support for boolean values.
+ * Support for switching between alphabetical and natural sort
+ orders.
+ * New window management. The propertysheet is now automatically
+ docked into the Outline view, and the outline can appear in a
+ maximized editor. The structure and palette views can be minimized
+ and appear temporarily on flyover.
+ * New configuration chooser above the layout editor, which in
+ addition to a visual refresh offers an activity chooser, a nested
+ theme chooser, a single button to flip orientation, better
+ wrapping behavior, etc.
+* SDK Manager:
+ * Cache to avoid downloading repository definitions all the time.
+ * New "Tools > Manage Add-on Sites" option that allows deactivating
+ 3rd party sites (e.g. if one or more are temporarily slow to
+ load.)
+* NDK integration (alpha):
+ * Initial support for building and debugging projects with C/C++
+ code.
+ * To enable this, install the NDK feature (depends on CDT), and then
+ set the path to NDK in Android Preferences.
+ * Add NDK nature to an Android project by right clicking on the
+ project and select "Android Tools -> Add Native Support".
+ * To debug an NDK project, just right click and select "Debug As
+ Android Native Application".
+* Execution
+ * LogCat: Allow users to set colors for different priorities
+ * LogCat: Ctrl + F now brings up a Find dialog to find items (rather
+ than filter)
+ * Allow running on multiple devices with a single launch. The target
+ tab in the launch configuration dialog adds a new option which
+ allows launching on all connected devices, and a drop down allows
+ the user to further narrow down the list to just physical devices
+ or just emulators. (This applies only to Run configurations, not
+ to Debug/JUnit tests.)
+* XML Editing
+ * Code completion support for custom attributes on custom views.
+ * Go to Declaration now works for theme references (?android:attr,
+ ?attr: etc,)
+ * Completion of the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion attributes in
+ manifest files now include version descriptions for each of the
+ API levels
+ * Support XML editor outlines for layout files. Switching back and
+ forth between the text editor and graphical editor will alternate
+ between the two outlines, and in particular the XML editor outline
+ will keep up to date with edits in the editor, and selection will
+ follow the mouse cursor etc.
+* The Asset Studio Wizard now supports padding and disabling
+ background shapes
+19.0.0 (does not exist)
+* Fix bug 27940 where exporting release package doesn't recompile libraries
+ in release mode.
+* ADT 17 requires Java 6 and Eclipse 3.6.2.
+* Improved Lint UI.
+ * Many new lint checks: See the tools changes.txt for details.
+ * New "Run Lint" toolbar action with a dropdown menu for selecting
+ specific (or all) projects, clearing results, etc.
+ * The results window is now organized as a tree rather than a flat
+ list. Each issue type has a single top level item, which makes it
+ easier to quickly scan through the reported issues and narrow
+ down to issues you are most interested in.
+ * The results window contains many new toolbar actions, including
+ expand/collapse, ignore in file, ignore in project, ignore
+ everywhere, show options, and configure columns.
+ * There are new columns available, such as category, priority,
+ project, file and line. The column selection (as well as the
+ column sizes) are persisted. You can click on columns to sort by
+ that column.
+ * The Lint Options dialog has Enable All and Disable All buttons,
+ and a search filter textbox to filter by issue id, summary and
+ severity.
+* New Quick Outline for XML editors (Ctrl-O, Command-O). This shows
+ the structure of the current file including icons and ids, and lets
+ you filter and quickly jump to specific ids.
+* The resource chooser now shows the resolved value for resources
+ (e.g. when selecting @string/hello it displays that the resolved value
+ is "Hello World"). It also allows editing the chosen value directly.
+* The layout editor no longer assigns default ids to layouts, includes
+ and merge tags. This tended to pollute the namespace with a lot of
+ unused resources since layouts aren't usually manipulated via code,
+ or referenced from XML. (The RelativeLayout editor automatically
+ assigns ids to views without ids when pointing to them.)
+* Export Screenshot from the Layout Editor
+* Layout editor fix for SlidingDrawer which on some platforms could
+ not be dragged into the layout. Also fix preview rendering for
+ SlidingDrawer and TabHost (issue 23022).
+* New default application icons, including an xhdpi version.
+* Important bug fixes:
+ * Fix bug in resource chooser which made some types of framework
+ resources impossible to select (issue 20589)
+ * Fix a bug in the formatter where a certain whitespace pattern
+ could result in a non-space character getting deleted (issue
+ 23940)
+ * Fix locale bug affecting Turkish locales in particular (issue
+ 23747)
+* New "lint" feature which scans the Android projects for potential
+ problems such as missing translations, duplicate ids between layouts
+ that include each other, using px instead of dp units, hardcoded
+ strings, missing contentDescriptions, obsolete Proguard
+ configuration files, etc. Lint can be run on the command line, but
+ it is also integrated into the Problems view in Eclipse, and there
+ are also quickfixes available for many of the reported errors.
+Critical bug fixes only.
+- Build system:
+ - (TODO: More info) Improved library projects
+ - Improved incremental builds
+ - Resource compilation is run much less frequently. It is no
+ longer run when strings are edited, or when layouts are edited
+ (unless a new id is introduced), and it is no longer run once
+ per library project (!)
+ - Resource compilation is no longer done for normal save
+ operations, only when running or debugging (option added in ADT
+ 12 now on by default.)
+ - There is a new "PNG crunch cache", which means image crunching
+ is only done once, not once per build which is significant for
+ projects with many resources
+ - Incremental ant builds
+ - ADT now uses bin/classes to output the java compilation
+ and bin/ for Android specific classes. This will make bin show up
+ in the package explorer.
+ - Brand new logcat view. Fixes bugs, displays and filters by
+ application names instead of just pids, fronts when application
+ runs.
+- XML Editing
+ - New XML formatter which formats all XML files according to the
+ standard Android coding style. The formatter can also reorder
+ attributes to follow the recommended order.
+ - Improved "smart indent": automatic indentation and un-indentation
+ when pressing Return in XML editors
+ - Go to Matching (Ctrl-Shift-P) in XML files can now jump between
+ opening and closing tags
+ - Changes made by the layout editor are automatically run through
+ the new XML formatter.
+ - Select Enclosing Element should now work on the Mac as well.
+- Java Editing
+ - Quickfix for extracting Strings when the caret is inside a String
+- Layout Editor
+ - New GridLayout support
+ - Tooltip feedback for resizing and dragging operations. For
+ example, when dragging in a relative layout, the proposed
+ constraints are shown, and when resizing the new dimensions are
+ shown.
+ - New "Remove Container" visual refactoring which removes the
+ children of a container up to the top level and transfers
+ namespace and layout attributes if necessary.
+ - Improved access to properties in the context menu: The most
+ frequently set attributes for each view are listed at the top of
+ the menu, and the properties menu offers access to the most
+ recently set attributes, attributes organized by their defining
+ view, and layout attributes only or all attributes alphabetically.
+ - The context menu now also contains pull-right menus for accessing
+ properties of the parents, which is useful when the children fully
+ cover the parent making it hard to select on its own.
+ - Ability to suppress rendering fidelity warnings.
+- Asset Studio integration: Wizard creation of launcher icons, menu
+ icons, tab icons, etc.
+- New Welcome Wizard to help installing and configuring the SDK
+ platforms.
+- The New Project and the New XML File wizards have been reworked into
+ multiple pages. Sample Projects are now copied into the workspace
+ such that they can be modified and deleted without affecting the
+ master copy.
+- The dependency on Eclipse GEF was removed.
+- Many bug fixes, and in particular some critical bug fixes on Linux
+- Tools release only (command line tools)
+12.0.0 (July 6th, 2011)
+- Many bug fixes!
+- Visual Layout Editor:
+ - New RelativeLayout drop support with guideline suggestions for
+ attachments and cycle prevention.
+ - Resize support in most layouts. In LinearLayout, sizes are mapped
+ to weights. Guideline snapping to wrap_content and match_parent.
+ - Previews of drawables and colors in the resource chooser dialogs.
+ - Improved error messages and links for rendering errors, including
+ detection of misspellings of class names.
+- Build system: Delay post compiler phase until actual export or debug
+ to speed up interactive file saves. (This is off by default but can
+ be enabled in the ADT options panel.)
+11.0.0 (June 6th, 2011)
+- Visual Refactoring:
+ - The new "Extract Style" refactoring pulls out style constants and
+ defines them as style rules instead.
+ - The new "Wrap in Container" refactoring surrounds the selected
+ views with a new layout, and transfers namespace and layout
+ parameters to the new parent
+ - The new "Change Widget Type" refactoring changes the type of the
+ selected views to a new type. (Also, a new selection context menu
+ in the visual layout editor makes it easy to select siblings as
+ well as views anywhere in the layout that have the same type).
+ - The new "Change Layout" refactoring changes layouts from one type
+ to another, and can also flatten a layout hierarchy.
+ - The "Extract as Include" refactoring now finds identical fragments
+ in other layouts and offers to combine all into a single include.
+ - There is a new Refactoring Quick Assistant which can be invoked
+ from the XML editor (with Ctrl-1) to apply any of the above
+ refactorings (and Extract String) to the current selection.
+- Visual Layout Editor:
+ - Improved "rendering fidelity": The layout preview has been
+ improved and should more closely match the rendering on actual
+ devices.
+ - The visual editor now previews ListViews at designtime. By
+ default, a two-line list item is shown, but with a context menu
+ you can pick any arbitrary layout to be used for the list items,
+ and you can also pick the header and footer layouts.
+ - The palette now supports "configurations" where a single view is
+ presented in various different configurations. For example, there
+ is a whole "Textfields" palette category where the EditText view
+ can be dragged in as a password field, an e-mail field, a phone
+ field, and so on. Similarly, TextViews are offered preconfigured
+ with large, normal and small theme sizes, and LinearLayouts are
+ offered both in horizontal and vertical configurations.
+ - The palette supports custom views, picking up any custom
+ implementations of the View class in your project source folders
+ or in included libraries, and these can be dragged into layouts.
+ - Fragments support: Fragments are available in the palette, and in
+ the tool you can choose which layout to show rendered for a given
+ fragment tag. Go to declaration works for fragment classes.
+ - The layout editor automatically applies a "zoom to fit" for newly
+ opened files as well as on device size and orientation changes to
+ ensure that large layouts are always fully visible unless you
+ manually zoom in.
+ - You can drop an "include" tag from the palette, which will pop up
+ a layout chooser, and the chosen layout is added as an include.
+ Similarly, dropping images or image buttons will pop up image
+ resource choosers to initialize the new image with.
+ - The configuration chooser now applies the "Render Target" and
+ "Locale" settings project wide, making it trivial to check the
+ layouts for different languages or render targets without having
+ to configure these individually for each layout.
+ - The layout editor is smarter about picking a default theme to
+ render a layout with, consulting factors like theme registrations
+ in the manifest, the SDK version, etc.
+ - The layout editor is also smarter about picking a default
+ configuration to render a layout with, defaulting to the currently
+ visible configuration in the previous file. It also considers the
+ SDK target to determine whether to default to a tablet or phone
+ screen size.
+ - Basic focus support: The first text field dropped in a layout is
+ assigned focus, and there are "Request Focus" and "Clear Focus"
+ context menu items on text fields to change the focus.
+- XML editors:
+ - Code completion has been significantly improved. It now works
+ within <style> elements, it completes dimensional units,
+ it sorts resource paths in values based on the attribute name,
+ etc. There are also many fixes to handle text replacement.
+ - AAPT errors are handled better. They are now underlined for the
+ relevant range in the editor, and a new quickfix makes it trivial
+ to create missing resources.
+ - Code completion for drawable, animation and color XML files.
+- DDMS:
+ - "New Folder" action in the File Explorer
+ - The screenshot dialog will add timestamps to the filenames, and
+ preserve the orientation on snapshot refresh
+- TraceView: Mouse-wheel zoom support in the timeline
+- The New Android Project wizard now supports Eclipse working sets
+- Most of the tools have improved integration with the Mac OSX
+ system menu bar.
+- Most of the tools have new launcher icons.
+10.0.1 (March, 2011)
+- Temporary work-around to resolve the rare cases in which the layout
+ editor will not open.
+- Fix issue in which ADT 10.0.0 would install on Eclipse 3.4 and
+ lower, even though ADT requires Eclipse 3.5 or higher (as of
+ 10.0.0).
+10.0.0 (February 22nd, 2011)
+- The tools now automatically generate Java Programming Language
+ source files (in the gen/ directory) and bytecode (in the res/raw/
+ directory) from your .rs files.
+- A Binary XML editor has been added.
+- Traceview is now integrated into the Eclipse UI.
+- The "Go To Declaration" feature for XML and .java files quickly show
+ all the matches in the project and allows you jump to specific items
+ such as string translations or onClick handlers.
+- The Resource Chooser can create items such as dimensions, integers,
+ ids, and booleans.
+- Improvements to the Visual Layout Editor:
+ - A new Palette with categories and rendering previews.
+ - A Layout Actions bar that provides quick access to common layout
+ operations.
+ - When the Android 3.0 rendering library is selected, layouts render
+ more like they do on devices. This includes rendering of status
+ and title bars to more accurately reflect the actual screen space
+ available to applications.
+ - Zoom improvements such as fit to view, persistent scale, and
+ keyboard access..
+ - Further improvements to <merge> layouts, as well as layouts with
+ gesture overlays.
+ - Improved rendering error diagnostics.
+9.0.0 (January 26, 2011)
+- Visual Layout Editor
+ - Empty layouts with 0,0 size are now automatically expanded when
+ selected and during drag and drop
+ - Rendering target can now be changed from the default (project
+ target)
+ - When choosing resources for rendering, the API level is properly
+ handled
+ - Improved support for rendering <include> and <merge> views
+ - "Extract as Include" refactoring to extract selected views into
+ a separate included layout.
+ - String and reference properties can be edited from the layout
+ editor's context menu
+ - Rewritten outline drag & drop handling, improved label colors
+ and content
+ - The generated XML will be better formatted. Full XML formatter
+ can be enabled in the preferences (under Android > Editors), but
+ will touch part of the XML that isn't modified.
+ - Automatic configuration of many widgets on drop, such as
+ automatically filling a TextView in a vertical LinearLayout,
+ adding rows to new tables, etc.
+ - Double click views to jump to the corresponding XML declaration,
+ or for included views, to the included layout file
+ - Improved support for various views (such as TabHosts and
+ SlidingDrawers) when rendered using Honeycomb
+- Go to Declaration hyperlinks for navigating from @resource
+ references to their XML declarations, from the manifest file to
+ activity and service classes, from Java access of resource R fields
+ to the XML declarations, etc.
+- Logcat view in DDMS now properly displays UTF-8 characters.
+8.0.1 (October 2010)
+- Fix compilation issue in Android projects referencing standard Java
+ projects.
+- Better error reporting when exporting applications for release.
+8.0.0 (October 2010)
+- New version number scheme following the SDK Tools revision number.
+- Support for true debug build. No need to change the value of
+ debuggable in the Android Manifest. Incremental build will
+ automatically insert debuggable==true while using the "export
+ signed/unsigned application package" will not. If debuggable=true
+ is set, then release builds will actually do a debug build.
+- Automatic Proguard support in release builds. Only need to have a
+ proguard.config property in default.properties that points to a
+ proguard config file.
+- Completely rewritten Visual Layout Editor. This is very much a work
+ in progress.
+ - full drag and drop from palette to layout for all Layout
+ classes.
+ - Move widgets inside a Layout view, from one Layout view to
+ another and from one layout file to another.
+ - Contextual menu with enum/flag type properties.
+ - New zoom controls.
+- New HierarchyViewer plug-in integrated in Eclipse.
+- Android launch configurations don't recompile the whole workspace on
+ launch anymore.
+- android.jar source and javadoc location can now be configured.
+- Fix bug where ADT would delete the source folder of projects
+ imported from version control.
+- New Action "Rename Application Package" (under the "Android Tools"
+ contextual menu) will do a full application package refatoring.
+- Fixed issue with library project names containing characters that
+ aren't compatible with Eclipse path variable. The link between the
+ main project and the library would fail to create.
+- Added support for library projects that don't have a source folder
+ called "src". There is now support for any number of source folder,
+ with no name restriction. They can even be in sub folder such as
+ "src/java".
+- Added support for libraries with library dependencies.
+- added support for new resource qualifiers: car/desk, night/notnight
+ and navexposed/navhidden
+- Added more device screen types for the layout editor. All screen
+ resolution/density combinations from
+ http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html#range
+ is now available.
+- Support for library projects
+- Updated Property panel for Android project to edit library
+ dependencies.
+- Editing default.properties outside of eclipse will automatically
+ update the project
+- Fix issue when launching ADT the first time with the SDK Usage panel
+ that could create a deadlock between modal dialogs
+- Launched applications from ADT now behave as if they were clicked
+ from the Home screen of the emulator.
+- AVD creation dialog now enforce sd card of 9MB or higher
+- Fixed issue where add-on with no optional library would not show up
+ as valid targets for application launches.
+- Loads the SDK content only when a project requires it. This will
+ make Eclipse use less resources when the SDK contains many versions
+ of Android.
+- DDMS plug-in now contains the Allocation Tracker view.
+- Lots of fixes in the configuration selector of the Visual Layout
+ Editor.
+- Explode mode in the Visual Layout Editor adds a margin to all layout
+ objects so that it's easier to see embedded layouts
+- Outline mode in the Visual Layout Editor draws layout outline to
+ make it easier to see layout objects.
+- Fixed issues with the New Project Wizard when selecting samples.
+- Fixed possible crash when launching applications
+- New action in the Logcat view: "Go to problem" lets you go directly
+ from an exception trace output to the code.
+- Misc fixes in the SDK Updater
+- New "Create project from sample" choice in the New Project Wizard.
+- Improvements to the SDK Updater.
+- improvements to the AVD Manager (creation and launch dialogs)
+- new configuration selector in the Graphical Layout Editor
+- New wizard to create Android JUnit Test Projects.
+- New AVD wizard.
+- SDK Updater
+- zipalign support
+- Added an AVD creation wizard to ADT. It is automatically displayed
+ during a launch if no compatible AVDs are found.
+- Fixed issue with libs/ folder where files with no extension would
+ prevent the build from finishing.
+- Improved error handling during the final steps of the build to mark
+ the project if an unexpected error prevent the build from finishing.
+- Fixed issue when launching ADT on a clean install would trigger
+ org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: Not implemented [multiple displays].
+- Projects now store generated Java files (R.java/Manifest.java and
+ output from aidl) in a 'gen' source folder.
+- Support for the new Android SDK with support for multiple versions
+ of the Android platform and for vendor supplied add-ons.
+ * New Project Wizard lets you choose which platform/add-on to
+ target.
+ * Project properties (right click project in Package Explorer,
+ then "Properties"), lets you edit project target.
+ * New Launch configuration option to choose debug deployment
+ target.
+- Ability to export multiple apk from one project, using resource
+ filters. See the 'android' property for Android projects.
+- Support for running JUnit tests on a device/emulator from a new
+ "Android JUnit tests" launch configuration.
+- Alternate Layout wizard. In the layout editor, the "create" button
+ is now enabled to easily create alternate versions of the current
+ layout.
+- Fixed issue with custom themes/styles in the layout editor.
+- Export Wizard: To export an application for release, and sign it
+ with a non debug key. Accessible from the export menu, from the
+ Android Tools contextual menu, or from the overview page of the
+ manifest editor.
+- New XML File Wizard: To easily create new XML resources file in the
+ /res directory.
+- New checks on launch when attempting to debug on a device.
+- Basic support for drag'n'drop in Graphical layout editor. You can
+ add new items by drag'n'drop from the palette. There is no support
+ for moving/resizing yet.
+- Undo/redo support in all XML form editors and Graphical layout
+ editor.
+- Fixed issue with using custom classes implementing Parcelable in
+ aidl files. Right click the project and choose Android Tools >
+ Create aidl preprocess file for Parcelable Classes.
+- Added Custom Themes to theme drop down in the layout editor.
+- Customizable debug signing keystore path in preferences
+- Customizable HOME package name.
+- Layout Editor.
+- Fixed install issue when project name contains spaces (requires new
+ emulator image)
+- Fixed setup of the New class wizard in the manifest (when clicking
+ on "name" for a class attribute) in the cases where the class and
+ some of its parent packages were missing.
+- Properly kill the application that is about to be reinstalled.
+- Create missing android folder automatically when building
+ application (caused a signing error)
+- Manifest editor: support for uses-library node
+- Fixed NPE in editors.xml.descriptors.XmlDescriptors.createPreference
+- Fixed assert in MultiEditorPart.setActivePage
+- Fixed "connect to debugger" button in DeviceView. Also fixed support
+ for custom process names.
+- New launch option for activity. Can choose to launch default
+ activity (finds an activity configured to show up in the home
+ screen), or specific activity, or none.
+- Normal java resources (non java files placed in package folders) are
+ now properly packaged in the final package, and can be accessed
+ through normal java API such as ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream()
+- Launch configuration now has an option to wipe emulator data on
+ launch. This always asks for confirmation.
+- Launch configuration now has an option to disable the boot
+ animation. This will let the emulator start faster on older
+ computers.
+- Applications are now signed with a debug key (stored in
+ debug.keystore in ~/.android).
+- Installation of application is now more robust and will notify of
+ installation failure. Also installation is blocking, removing issues
+ where ADT tried to launch the activity before the app was installed.
+- Tree-based resource editor + content assist in XML editor for
+ layout, menu, preferences, values xml files. Work in progress...
+0.4.0 (adt 0.4.0, ddms 0.3.0, editors 0.2.0, common 0.1.0)
+- New AndroidManifest editor.
+- True multiple device support allowing debugging apps on several
+ device at the same time
+- New launch modes for device selection: automatic will launch an
+ emulator if no device are present, automatically target the device
+ if only one exists, and prompt the user if 2+ are connected. Manual
+ mode always prompt the user.
+- New classpath container remove the dependencies on the location of
+ android.jar making it easier to share a project through dsvn, cvs,
+ etc... You should fix your project (right click project, choose
+ Android > Fix Project properties)
+- Fixed a case where pm would fail and would up end outputting the
+ "usage" text, which would in turn confuse the plugin during parsing.
+- Fixed an issue with compiling aidl file when they import project
+ local files.
+0.3.4 (adt 0.3.4, ddms 0.2.3, editors 0.1.0)
+Internal release only.
+- Enabled device support.
+0.3.3 (adt 0.3.3, ddms 0.2.3, editors 0.1.0)
+- Support for referenced projects.
+- During launch, display if a package conflict occurs when the new
+ application is pushed onto the device.
+- You can now change the font of the logcat view. Also indentation is
+ now properly displayed.
+- Plugin generated files are now properly marked as derived. This will
+ make Team plugins ignore them.
+- XML Highlighting for AndroidManifest.xml (requires WebTools WST plugin)
+- Custom java editor for R.java/Manifest.java to make those files non
+ editable. This is to replace the current locking mechanism which
+ causes issues on Mac OS.
+- Fixed some issue in the "Restart adb" feature in the device view of
+ ddms.
+- Better handling of aidl files and the java files generated from
+ them.
+- Plugin now retries to launch the app on the emulator if it fails due
+ to timing issues.
+- Skin dropdown in the Emulator/Target tabs is now build from the
+ content of the skin directory, to support developer made skins.
+- Emulator control panel. This is a UI on top of the emulator
+ console. it allows you to change the state of the network and gsm
+ connection, and to initiate incoming voice call.
+- Fixed issue on winXP/Eclipse 3.2 where errors in the New Project
+ Wizard would not display.
+- Added missing intent definition in the AndroidManifest.xml file
+ created by the New Project Wizard.
+- Fixed possible NPE in the debug action from the Process View
+- Support for Eclipse 3.4
+0.2.6 / 0.3.0
+- New Project Wizard now makes it easy to open Android sample code
+- Plugin will output a warning if the build id of the device/emulator
+ does not match the sdk build id.
+- Java/Debug/ddms perspective now contains direct menus to open some
+ of the ddms views, and to create a new android project. This will
+ require you to reset your perspectives.
+- Error during builds now put an error marker on the project instead
+ of displaying an (annoying) dialog box.
+- Custom builders now remember their build state when restarting
+ eclipse.
+- Properly parse some aapt warnings and don't abort the build when
+ they happen.
+- Abort launch and prompt the user if the project contains errors.
+- New silent/normal/verbose build output.
+- Check compiler compliance level before compilation and abort if
+ different from 1.5
+- Fix Project Properties will fix the project compiler compliance if
+ needed.
+- Fixed an issue with multiple source folders.
+- Added support for new Manifest.java class (it is automatically
+ generated with R.java if the content of the AndroidManifest.xml
+ requires it)
+- Fixed an issue that could result in not packaging code changes.
+- Automatic fix of the Launch Configurations when the java package in
+ the manifest is changed. Also improved Launch Config dialog and
+ error alert for erroneous activity names in the Launch
+ Configuration.
+- Support for external jars that are not under the project root
+ directory.
+- New projects have a default layout.
+- Misc fixes for Windows support.
+- Fixed large resource corruption issue.
+- Fixed issue related to the integration of dx.
+- Fixed issue related to the package generation that was modified for
+ windows support.
+- Changing the SDK location in the Preferences does not require to
+ restart Eclipse anymore.
+- New SDK-Project sync mode in Android preference pane. Default value
+ set to true. If true, all android projects are automatically sync'ed
+ to the SDK defined in the preferences.
+- Cases where no emulator is running but a dialog still says "An
+ emulator is running..." should be less frequent.
+- Projects do not reference the standard desktop JRE anymore, as
+ android.zip contains the core java library. This will solve the case
+ where using a core class non present on the platform would not
+ generate a compilation error.
+- Changing the package defined in the manifest now deletes the R.java
+ class from its previous location. This will require 1 build after
+ upgrading the plugin, before it works.
+- Project selection in the Launch Config Dialog now only shows Android
+ projects.
+- Launching a debug/run session now checks that the project uses the
+ SDK set in the preferences (This is for the non automatic sync
+ mode).
+- Removed obsolete wallpaper mode in the New Project Creation Wizard.
+- dx (dalvik code conversion tool) now embedded instead of calling the
+ external version.
+- Improvements in the parsing of the aapt errors.
+- Some fixes for windows support.
+- Fixed bug in logcat search where invalid regexp would cause a crash
+- Minor improvements to the build/launch process.
+- Logcat view.
+- File Explorer view.
+- Custom options for emulator. In the Launch configuration dialog you
+ can specify custom command line emulator options. See
+ "emulator -help" for available options.
+- Android Tools > Export Application Package is now implemented.
+- Misc incremental builder fixes.
+- Including static .jar files as library in your project will
+ automatically include them in the final APK. Warning: only the
+ .class content is included.
+- The res and assets folders now fully refresh before the build,
+ ensuring R.java and packaged resources are always up to date. This
+ can be disabled in the preferences under "Android" if this becomes
+ slow due to too many files.
+- New Action in the "Processes" view to debug an application that is
+ already running. The source project for this application MUST be
+ opened in the current workspace.
+- Building the project now force refreshes the res folder. This should
+ help rebuilding the resources when only binary files were changed
+ from outside eclipse.
+- Clean/full builds now compile all aidl files found in the build path
+ (previously only incremental builds would compile them). Also, misc
+ improvements to the incremental builders.
+- Starting a run/debug session now asks to save the files and forces a
+ new build to ensure that the latest package is pushed on the device.
+- Plugin should be less aggressive when waiting for the emulator to be
+ ready. This should translate in fewer failed launches.
+- Fixed Debugger issue introduced in 0.1.6
+- Added Log level preferences for DDMS. Look under Android > DDMS >
+ Advanced. Default error level is Error.
+- Fixed issue where java warnings wouldn't trigger a new package. Now
+ only errors stop the packaging like it should be.
+- Added more error output in the console during launch.
+- New "Android" Console. It receives the error output from external
+ tools such and aidl, dx, and aapt (only when they can't be
+ parsed). Any error force the console to be displayed.
+- The Activity Manager on the device/emulator now outputs some
+ messages in the "Android" console when asked to start an
+ activity. This should help you figure out what is wrong if the
+ application doesn't start.
+- Fixed a case where the .apk file would be updated with broken
+ code. Now if there are java compile error, the .apk is not touched.
+- Added support for manifest with non fully qualified activity java
+ name, yet not starting with a dot.
+- Fixed creation of manifest files (through New Project wizard) to use
+ proper namespace for attributes.
+- Better error reporting for namespace issue in the manifest.
+- "Reset Adb" action from the device view. Use this is the plugin
+ tells you an emulator is running when there are none.
+- New "ddms" Console which receives the standard output of ddms.
+- Support for new activity declaration inside AndroidManifest.xml
+- fixed issue that prevented bin/ to be removed from the buildpath
+ when converting project.
+- Changes in the Manifest, now properly trigger a new package of the
+ resources.
+- Fixed the "fix project properties" action to remove old framework
+ libraries, just not add new ones.
+- aidl builder. The Android Resources PreBuilder now also converts
+ aidl files into java files.
+- New Project wizard now allows to make Wallpaper activities instead
+ of gadgets (which are obsolete.)
+- Launch shortcuts. Right click in the package explorer allow you to
+ launch the application in debug or run mode directly without
+ creating launch configurations.
+- New project wizard and Project conversion now sets up the java doc
+ path for android.zip
+- Package builder now supports custom application assets placed in
+ assets/ (which is now created automatically by the New Project
+ Wizard).
+- New action: Android Tools > Fix Project Properties, in the package
+ explorer contextual menu. This allows you to fix the framework path
+ (and its javadoc path) in case you change the sdk location.
+- Fixed project convertor to add the framework library if missing.
+- New project wizard.
+- Python script-generated project convertor.
+- Incremental builders.
+- XML validation for resource files.
+- Android Launch Configuration.