path: root/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/common/layout/grid/GridLayoutPainter.java
diff options
authorBob Badour <bbadour@google.com>2020-05-06 15:09:12 +0000
committerAutomerger Merge Worker <android-build-automerger-merge-worker@system.gserviceaccount.com>2020-05-06 15:09:12 +0000
commitf1a59c98333d28b04b74772f204bcc1df6e83634 (patch)
treefd845444b59dfc72656b7781596e0b1a0662c4c7 /eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/common/layout/grid/GridLayoutPainter.java
parent14a008655dafe4ca1fc7d014a16a1c401761675c (diff)
parentd58f8ba3b1869530926bd5f167103dfa161787a1 (diff)
Merge "Revert "Remove unused project."" am: fc7cda06f5 am: d3c69fa48e am: d58f8ba3b1
Change-Id: I297730ce4f9da2bf30dde696439ab825cd642b00
Diffstat (limited to 'eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/common/layout/grid/GridLayoutPainter.java')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/common/layout/grid/GridLayoutPainter.java b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/common/layout/grid/GridLayoutPainter.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e2d3a799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/common/layout/grid/GridLayoutPainter.java
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package com.android.ide.common.layout.grid;
+import static com.android.ide.common.layout.GridLayoutRule.GRID_SIZE;
+import static com.android.ide.common.layout.GridLayoutRule.MARGIN_SIZE;
+import static com.android.ide.common.layout.grid.GridModel.UNDEFINED;
+import com.android.annotations.NonNull;
+import com.android.ide.common.api.DrawingStyle;
+import com.android.ide.common.api.DropFeedback;
+import com.android.ide.common.api.IDragElement;
+import com.android.ide.common.api.IFeedbackPainter;
+import com.android.ide.common.api.IGraphics;
+import com.android.ide.common.api.INode;
+import com.android.ide.common.api.Rect;
+import com.android.ide.common.api.SegmentType;
+import com.android.ide.common.layout.GridLayoutRule;
+import com.android.utils.Pair;
+ * Painter which paints feedback during drag, drop and resizing operations, as well as
+ * static selection feedback
+ */
+public class GridLayoutPainter {
+ /**
+ * Creates a painter for drop feedback
+ *
+ * @param rule the corresponding {@link GridLayoutRule}
+ * @param elements the dragged elements
+ * @return a {@link IFeedbackPainter} which can paint the drop feedback
+ */
+ public static IFeedbackPainter createDropFeedbackPainter(GridLayoutRule rule,
+ IDragElement[] elements) {
+ return new DropFeedbackPainter(rule, elements);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Paints the structure (the grid model) of the given GridLayout.
+ *
+ * @param style the drawing style to use to paint the structure lines
+ * @param layout the grid layout node
+ * @param gc the graphics context to paint into
+ * @param grid the grid model to be visualized
+ */
+ public static void paintStructure(DrawingStyle style, INode layout, IGraphics gc,
+ GridModel grid) {
+ Rect b = layout.getBounds();
+ gc.useStyle(style);
+ for (int row = 0; row < grid.actualRowCount; row++) {
+ int y = grid.getRowY(row);
+ gc.drawLine(b.x, y, b.x2(), y);
+ }
+ for (int column = 0; column < grid.actualColumnCount; column++) {
+ int x = grid.getColumnX(column);
+ gc.drawLine(x, b.y, x, b.y2());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Paints a regular grid according to the {@link GridLayoutRule#GRID_SIZE} and
+ * {@link GridLayoutRule#MARGIN_SIZE} dimensions. These are the same lines that
+ * snap-to-grid will align with.
+ *
+ * @param layout the GridLayout node
+ * @param gc the graphics context to paint the grid into
+ */
+ public static void paintGrid(INode layout, IGraphics gc) {
+ Rect b = layout.getBounds();
+ int oldAlpha = gc.getAlpha();
+ gc.useStyle(DrawingStyle.GUIDELINE);
+ gc.setAlpha(128);
+ int y1 = b.y + MARGIN_SIZE;
+ int y2 = b.y2() - MARGIN_SIZE;
+ for (int y = y1; y < y2; y += GRID_SIZE) {
+ int x1 = b.x + MARGIN_SIZE;
+ int x2 = b.x2() - MARGIN_SIZE;
+ for (int x = x1; x < x2; x += GRID_SIZE) {
+ gc.drawPoint(x, y);
+ }
+ }
+ gc.setAlpha(oldAlpha);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Paint resizing feedback (which currently paints the grid model faintly.)
+ *
+ * @param gc the graphics context
+ * @param layout the GridLayout
+ * @param grid the grid model
+ */
+ public static void paintResizeFeedback(IGraphics gc, INode layout, GridModel grid) {
+ paintStructure(DrawingStyle.GRID, layout, gc, grid);
+ }
+ /**
+ * A painter which can paint the drop feedback for elements being dragged into or
+ * within a GridLayout.
+ */
+ private static class DropFeedbackPainter implements IFeedbackPainter {
+ private final GridLayoutRule mRule;
+ private final IDragElement[] mElements;
+ /** Constructs a new {@link GridLayoutPainter} bound to the given {@link GridLayoutRule}
+ * @param rule the corresponding rule
+ * @param elements the elements to draw */
+ public DropFeedbackPainter(GridLayoutRule rule, IDragElement[] elements) {
+ mRule = rule;
+ mElements = elements;
+ }
+ // Implements IFeedbackPainter
+ @Override
+ public void paint(@NonNull IGraphics gc, @NonNull INode node,
+ @NonNull DropFeedback feedback) {
+ Rect b = node.getBounds();
+ if (!b.isValid()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Highlight the receiver
+ gc.useStyle(DrawingStyle.DROP_RECIPIENT);
+ gc.drawRect(b);
+ GridDropHandler data = (GridDropHandler) feedback.userData;
+ if (!GridLayoutRule.sGridMode) {
+ paintFreeFormDropFeedback(gc, node, feedback, b, data);
+ } else {
+ paintGridModeDropFeedback(gc, b, data);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Paints the drag feedback for a free-form mode drag
+ */
+ private void paintFreeFormDropFeedback(IGraphics gc, INode node, DropFeedback feedback,
+ Rect b, GridDropHandler data) {
+ GridModel grid = data.getGrid();
+ if (GridLayoutRule.sSnapToGrid) {
+ GridLayoutPainter.paintGrid(node, gc);
+ }
+ GridLayoutPainter.paintStructure(DrawingStyle.GRID, node, gc, grid);
+ GridMatch rowMatch = data.getRowMatch();
+ GridMatch columnMatch = data.getColumnMatch();
+ if (rowMatch == null || columnMatch == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ IDragElement first = mElements[0];
+ Rect dragBounds = first.getBounds();
+ int offsetX = 0;
+ int offsetY = 0;
+ if (rowMatch.type == SegmentType.BOTTOM) {
+ offsetY -= dragBounds.h;
+ } else if (rowMatch.type == SegmentType.BASELINE) {
+ offsetY -= feedback.dragBaseline;
+ }
+ if (columnMatch.type == SegmentType.RIGHT) {
+ offsetX -= dragBounds.w;
+ } else if (columnMatch.type == SegmentType.CENTER_HORIZONTAL) {
+ offsetX -= dragBounds.w / 2;
+ }
+ // Draw guidelines for matches
+ int y = rowMatch.matchedLine;
+ int x = columnMatch.matchedLine;
+ Rect bounds = first.getBounds();
+ // Draw margin
+ if (rowMatch.margin != UNDEFINED && rowMatch.margin > 0) {
+ gc.useStyle(DrawingStyle.DISTANCE);
+ int centerX = bounds.w / 2 + offsetX + x;
+ int y1;
+ int y2;
+ if (rowMatch.type == SegmentType.TOP) {
+ y1 = offsetY + y - 1;
+ y2 = rowMatch.matchedLine - rowMatch.margin;
+ } else {
+ assert rowMatch.type == SegmentType.BOTTOM;
+ y1 = bounds.h + offsetY + y - 1;
+ y2 = rowMatch.matchedLine + rowMatch.margin;
+ }
+ gc.drawLine(b.x, y1, b.x2(), y1);
+ gc.drawLine(b.x, y2, b.x2(), y2);
+ gc.drawString(Integer.toString(rowMatch.margin),
+ centerX - 3, y1 + (y2 - y1 - 16) / 2);
+ } else {
+ gc.useStyle(rowMatch.margin == 0 ? DrawingStyle.DISTANCE
+ : rowMatch.createCell ? DrawingStyle.GUIDELINE_DASHED
+ : DrawingStyle.GUIDELINE);
+ gc.drawLine(b.x, y, b.x2(), y );
+ }
+ if (columnMatch.margin != UNDEFINED && columnMatch.margin > 0) {
+ gc.useStyle(DrawingStyle.DISTANCE);
+ int centerY = bounds.h / 2 + offsetY + y;
+ int x1;
+ int x2;
+ if (columnMatch.type == SegmentType.LEFT) {
+ x1 = offsetX + x - 1;
+ x2 = columnMatch.matchedLine - columnMatch.margin;
+ } else {
+ assert columnMatch.type == SegmentType.RIGHT;
+ x1 = bounds.w + offsetX + x - 1;
+ x2 = columnMatch.matchedLine + columnMatch.margin;
+ }
+ gc.drawLine(x1, b.y, x1, b.y2());
+ gc.drawLine(x2, b.y, x2, b.y2());
+ gc.drawString(Integer.toString(columnMatch.margin),
+ x1 + (x2 - x1 - 16) / 2, centerY - 3);
+ } else {
+ gc.useStyle(columnMatch.margin == 0 ? DrawingStyle.DISTANCE
+ : columnMatch.createCell ? DrawingStyle.GUIDELINE_DASHED
+ : DrawingStyle.GUIDELINE);
+ gc.drawLine(x, b.y, x, b.y2());
+ }
+ // Draw preview rectangles for all the dragged elements
+ gc.useStyle(DrawingStyle.DROP_PREVIEW);
+ offsetX += x - bounds.x;
+ offsetY += y - bounds.y;
+ for (IDragElement element : mElements) {
+ if (element == first) {
+ mRule.drawElement(gc, first, offsetX, offsetY);
+ // Preview baseline as well
+ if (feedback.dragBaseline != -1) {
+ int x1 = dragBounds.x + offsetX;
+ int y1 = dragBounds.y + offsetY + feedback.dragBaseline;
+ gc.drawLine(x1, y1, x1 + dragBounds.w, y1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ b = element.getBounds();
+ if (b.isValid()) {
+ gc.drawRect(b.x + offsetX, b.y + offsetY,
+ b.x + offsetX + b.w, b.y + offsetY + b.h);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Paints the drag feedback for a grid-mode drag
+ */
+ private void paintGridModeDropFeedback(IGraphics gc, Rect b, GridDropHandler data) {
+ int radius = mRule.getNewCellSize();
+ GridModel grid = data.getGrid();
+ gc.useStyle(DrawingStyle.GUIDELINE);
+ // Paint grid
+ for (int row = 1; row < grid.actualRowCount; row++) {
+ int y = grid.getRowY(row);
+ gc.drawLine(b.x, y - radius, b.x2(), y - radius);
+ gc.drawLine(b.x, y + radius, b.x2(), y + radius);
+ }
+ for (int column = 1; column < grid.actualColumnCount; column++) {
+ int x = grid.getColumnX(column);
+ gc.drawLine(x - radius, b.y, x - radius, b.y2());
+ gc.drawLine(x + radius, b.y, x + radius, b.y2());
+ }
+ gc.drawRect(b.x, b.y, b.x2(), b.y2());
+ gc.drawRect(b.x + 2 * radius, b.y + 2 * radius,
+ b.x2() - 2 * radius, b.y2() - 2 * radius);
+ GridMatch columnMatch = data.getColumnMatch();
+ GridMatch rowMatch = data.getRowMatch();
+ int column = columnMatch.cellIndex;
+ int row = rowMatch.cellIndex;
+ boolean createColumn = columnMatch.createCell;
+ boolean createRow = rowMatch.createCell;
+ Rect cellBounds = grid.getCellBounds(row, column, 1, 1);
+ IDragElement first = mElements[0];
+ Rect dragBounds = first.getBounds();
+ int offsetX = cellBounds.x - dragBounds.x;
+ int offsetY = cellBounds.y - dragBounds.y;
+ gc.useStyle(DrawingStyle.DROP_ZONE_ACTIVE);
+ if (createColumn) {
+ gc.fillRect(new Rect(cellBounds.x - radius,
+ cellBounds.y + (createRow ? -radius : radius),
+ 2 * radius + 1, cellBounds.h - (createRow ? 0 : 2 * radius)));
+ offsetX -= radius + dragBounds.w / 2;
+ }
+ if (createRow) {
+ gc.fillRect(new Rect(cellBounds.x + radius, cellBounds.y - radius,
+ cellBounds.w - 2 * radius, 2 * radius + 1));
+ offsetY -= radius + dragBounds.h / 2;
+ } else if (!createColumn) {
+ // Choose this cell
+ gc.fillRect(new Rect(cellBounds.x + radius, cellBounds.y + radius,
+ cellBounds.w - 2 * radius, cellBounds.h - 2 * radius));
+ }
+ gc.useStyle(DrawingStyle.DROP_PREVIEW);
+ Rect bounds = first.getBounds();
+ int x = offsetX;
+ int y = offsetY;
+ if (columnMatch.type == SegmentType.RIGHT) {
+ x += cellBounds.w - bounds.w;
+ } else if (columnMatch.type == SegmentType.CENTER_HORIZONTAL) {
+ x += cellBounds.w / 2 - bounds.w / 2;
+ }
+ if (rowMatch.type == SegmentType.BOTTOM) {
+ y += cellBounds.h - bounds.h;
+ } else if (rowMatch.type == SegmentType.CENTER_VERTICAL) {
+ y += cellBounds.h / 2 - bounds.h / 2;
+ }
+ mRule.drawElement(gc, first, x, y);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Paints the structure (the row and column boundaries) of the given
+ * GridLayout
+ *
+ * @param view the instance of the GridLayout whose structure should be
+ * painted
+ * @param style the drawing style to use for the cell boundaries
+ * @param layout the layout element
+ * @param gc the graphics context
+ * @return true if the structure was successfully inferred from the view and
+ * painted
+ */
+ public static boolean paintStructure(Object view, DrawingStyle style, INode layout,
+ IGraphics gc) {
+ Pair<int[],int[]> cellBounds = GridModel.getAxisBounds(view);
+ if (cellBounds != null) {
+ int[] xs = cellBounds.getFirst();
+ int[] ys = cellBounds.getSecond();
+ Rect b = layout.getBounds();
+ gc.useStyle(style);
+ for (int row = 0; row < ys.length; row++) {
+ int y = ys[row] + b.y;
+ gc.drawLine(b.x, y, b.x2(), y);
+ }
+ for (int column = 0; column < xs.length; column++) {
+ int x = xs[column] + b.x;
+ gc.drawLine(x, b.y, x, b.y2());
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }