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-Notes on WST StructuredDocument
-Created: 2010/11/26
-References: WST 3.1.x, Eclipse 3.5 Galileo
-To manipulate XML documents in refactorings, we sometimes use the WST/SEE
-"StructuredDocument" API. There isn't exactly a lot of documentation on
-this out there, so this is a short explanation of how it works, totally
-based on _empirical_ evidence. As such, it must be taken with a grain of salt.
-Examples of usage can be found in
- sdk/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/refactorings/
-1- Get a document instance
-To get a document from an existing IFile resource:
- IModelManager modelMan = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- IStructuredDocument sdoc = modelMan.createStructuredDocumentFor(file);
-Note that the IStructuredDocument and all the associated interfaces we'll use
-below are all located in org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional,
-meaning they _might_ change later.
-Also note that this parses the content of the file on disk, not of a buffer
-with pending unsaved modifications opened in an editor.
-There is a counterpart for non-existent resources:
- IModelManager.createNewStructuredDocumentFor(IFile)
-However our goal so far has been to _parse_ existing documents, find
-the place that we wanted to modify and then generate a TextFileChange
-for a refactoring operation. Consequently this document doesn't say
-anything about using this model to modify content directly.
-2- Structured Document overview
-The IStructuredDocument is organized in "regions", which are little pieces
-of text.
-The document contains a list of region collections, each one being
-a list of regions. Each region has a type, as well as text.
-Since we use this to parse XML, let's look at this XML example:
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> \n
-<resource> \n
- <color/>
- <string name="my_string">Some Value</string> <!-- comment -->\n
-This will result in the following regions and sub-regions:
-(all the constants below are located in DOMRegionContext)
- XML_TAG_NAME:resources
- XML_CONTENT:\n + whitespace before color
- XML_TAG_NAME:color
- XML_CONTENT:\n + whitespace before string
- XML_TAG_NAME:string
- XML_CONTENT:Some Value
- XML_TAG_NAME:string
- XML_CONTENT: (2 spaces before the comment)
- XML_CONTENT: \n after comment
- XML_TAG_NAME:resources
-3- Iterating through regions
-To iterate through all regions, we need to process the list of top-level regions and then
-iterate over inner regions:
- for (IStructuredDocumentRegion regions : sdoc.getStructuredDocumentRegions()) {
- // process inner regions
- for (int i = 0; i < regions.getNumberOfRegions(); i++) {
- ITextRegion region = regions.getRegions().get(i);
- String type = region.getType();
- String text = regions.getText(region);
- }
- }
-Each "region collection" basically matches one XML tag, with sub-regions for all the tokens
-inside a tag.
-Note that an XML_CONTENT region is actually the whitespace, was is known as a TEXT in the w3c DOM.
-Also note that each outer region has a type, but the inner regions also reuse a similar type.
-So for example an outer XML_TAG_NAME region collection is a proper XML tag, and it will contain
-an opening tag, a closing tag but also an XML_TAG_NAME that is the tag name itself.
-Surprisingly, the inner regions do not have many access methods we can use on them, except their
-type and start/length/end. There are two length and end methods:
-- getLength() and getEnd() take any whitespace into account.
-- getTextLength() and getTextEnd() exclude some typical trailing whitespace.
-Note that regarding the trailing whitespace, empirical evidence shows that in the XML case
-here, the only case where it matters is in a tag such as <string name="my_string">: for the
-XML_TAG_NAME region, getLength is 7 (string + space) and getTextLength is 6 (string, no space).
-Spacing between XML element is its own collapsed region.
-If you want the text of the inner region, you actually need to query it from the outer region.
-The outer IStructuredDocumentRegion (the region collection) contains lots more useful access
-methods, some of which return details on the inner regions:
-- getText : without the whitespace.
-- getFullText : with the whitespace.
-- getStart / getLength / getEnd : type-dependent offset, including whitespace.
-- getStart / getTextLength / getTextEnd : type-dependent offset, excluding "irrelevant" whitespace.
-- getStartOffset / getEndOffset / getTextEndOffset : relative to document.
-Empirical evidence shows that there is no discernible difference between the getStart/getEnd
-values and those returned by getStartOffset/getEndOffset. Please abide by the javadoc.
-All offsets start at zero.
-Given a region collection, you can also browse regions either using a getRegions() list, or
-using getFirst/getLastRegion, or using getRegionAtCharacterOffset(). Iterating the region
-list seems the most useful scenario. There's no actual iterator provided for inner regions.
-There are a few other methods available in the regions classes. This was not an exhaustive list.
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-Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-Subject: How to get the android source code using Cygwin and Git
-Date: 2009/04/27
-Updated: 2009/05/21
-Updated: 2010/03/30
-Table of content:
- 1- Goals and Requirements
- 2- Getting the code, the simple way
- 3- SSH issues
- 4- Advanced Tricks
-1- Goals and Requirements
-This document explains how to checkout the Android source from the git
-repositories under Windows.
-As stated in development/docs/howto_build_SDK.txt, one can't build the whole
-Android source code under Windows. You can only build the SDK tools for
-There are a number of caveats in checking out the code from Git under Windows.
-This document tries to explain them.
-First you will need to meet the following requirements:
-- You must have Cygwin installed. But wait! You CANNOT use the latest Cygwin 1.7.
- Instead you MUST use the "legacy Cygwin 1.5" that you can find at this page:
- http://cygwin.org/win-9x.html
- Don't mind the page title, just grab setup-legacy.exe and it will works just fine
- under XP or Vista.
-- You must install Cyginw using the "Unix / Binary" mode.
- If you don't do that, git will fail to properly compute some SHA1 keys.
-- You need the "git" and "curl" packages to checkout the code.
- If you plan to contribute, you might want to get "gitk" also.
- Note: if you want to build the SDK, check the howto_build_SDK.txt file
- for a list of extra required packages.
- The short summary is that you need at least these:
- autoconf, bison, curl, flex, gcc, g++, git, gnupg, make, mingw-zlib, python, unzip, zip
- and you must avoid the "readline" package.
-2- Getting the code, the simple way
-Out of the box, "repo" and "git" will work just fine under Cygwin:
- $ repo init -u git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/manifest.git
- $ repo sync
-And you're done. You can build as explained in howto_build_SDK.txt and ignore
-the rest of this document.
-3- SSH issues
-If you maintain your own private repository using an SSH server, you might get
-some "mux/ssh" errors. In this case try this:
- $ repo init -u ssh://my.private.ssh.repo/platform/manifest.git
- $ export GIT_SSH=ssh
- $ repo sync
-4- Advanced Tricks
-There is one remaining issue with the default repo/git options:
-If you plan on contributing, you will notice that even after a fresh "repo
-sync" some projects are marked as having modified files. This happens on the
-"bionic" and the "external/iptables" project. The issue is that they have files
-which have the same name yet differ only by their case-sensitivity. Since the
-Windows filesystem is not case-sensitive, this confuses Git.
-Solution: we can simply ignore these projects as they are not needed to build
-the Windows SDK.
-To do this you just need to create a file .repo/local_manifest.xml that
-provides a list of projects to ignore:
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <remove-project name="platform/external/iptables" />
-The other thing we can do is tell git not to track the files that cause
- cd bionic
- git update-index --assume-unchanged \
- libc/kernel/common/linux/netfilter/xt_CONNMARK.h \
- libc/kernel/common/linux/netfilter/xt_MARK.h \
- libc/kernel/common/linux/netfilter_ipv6/ip6t_HL.h
- cd external/tcpdump;
- git update-index --assume-unchanged \
- tests/print-X.new \
- tests/print-XX.new
-Here's a script that takes care of all these details. It performs the repo
-init, creates the appropriate local_manifest.xml, does a repo sync as
-needed and tell git to ignore the offending files:
-set -e # fail on errors
-if [ "$1" == "-b" ]; then shift; BRANCH=$1; shift; fi
-# repo init if there's no .repo directory
-if [[ ! -d .repo ]]; then
- repo init -u $URL -b $BRANCH
-# create a local_manifest to exclude projects that cause problems under Windows
-# due to the case-insenstivines of the file system.
-if [[ ! -f $L ]]; then
- cat > $L <<EOF
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<remove-project name="platform/external/iptables" />
-# sync using the native ssh client if necessary
-[[ $URL != ${URL/ssh/} ]] && export GIT_SSH=ssh
-repo sync $@
-# These files cause trouble too, we need to ignore them
-(cd bionic;
-git update-index --assume-unchanged \
- libc/kernel/common/linux/netfilter/xt_CONNMARK.h \
- libc/kernel/common/linux/netfilter/xt_MARK.h \
- libc/kernel/common/linux/netfilter_ipv6/ip6t_HL.h
-(cd external/tcpdump;
-git update-index --assume-unchanged \
- tests/print-X.new \
- tests/print-XX.new
-Simply extract this to a "my_sync.sh" file and try the following:
- $ mkdir android_src
- $ cd android_src
- $ chmod +x mysync.sh
- $ ./mysync.sh
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-Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-Subject: How to build an Android SDK & ADT Eclipse plugin.
-Date: 2009/03/27
-Updated: 2015/09/09
-Table of content:
- 0- License
- 1- Foreword
- 2- Building an SDK for MacOS and Linux
- 3- Building an SDK for Windows
- 4- Building an ADT plugin for Eclipse
- 5- Conclusion
-0- License
- Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-1- Foreword
-This document explains how to build the Android SDK and the ADT Eclipse plugin.
-It is designed for advanced users which are proficient with command-line
-operations and know how to setup the pre-required software.
-Basically it's not trivial yet when done right it's not that complicated.
-2- Building an SDK for MacOS and Linux
-First, setup your development environment and get the Android source code from
-git as explained here:
- http://source.android.com/source/download.html
-For example for the cupcake branch:
- $ mkdir ~/my-android-git
- $ cd ~/my-android-git
- $ repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b master -g all,-notdefault,tools
- $ repo sync
-Then once you have all the source, simply build the SDK using:
- $ cd ~/my-android-git
- $ . build/envsetup.sh
- $ lunch sdk-eng
- $ make sdk
-This will take a while, maybe between 20 minutes and several hours depending on
-your machine. After a while you'll see this in the output:
- Package SDK: out/host/darwin-x86/sdk/android-sdk_eng.<build-id>_mac-x86.zip
-Some options:
-- Depending on your machine you can tell 'make' to build more things in
- parallel, e.g. if you have a dual core, use "make -j4 sdk" to build faster.
-- You can define "BUILD_NUMBER" to control the build identifier that gets
- incorporated in the resulting archive. The default is to use your username.
- One suggestion is to include the date, e.g.:
- $ export BUILD_NUMBER=${USER}-`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`
- There are certain characters you should avoid in the build number, typically
- everything that might confuse 'make' or your shell. So for example avoid
- punctuation and characters like $ & : / \ < > , and .
-3- Building an SDK for Windows
-Full Windows SDK builds are now only supported on Linux -- most of the
-framework is not designed to be built on Windows so technically the Windows
-SDK is build on top of a Linux SDK where a few binaries are replaced. So it
-cannot be built on Windows, and it cannot be built on Mac, only on Linux.
-I'll repeat this again because it's important:
- To build the Android SDK for Windows, you need to use a *Linux* box.
-A- Pre-requisites
-Before you can even think of building the Android SDK for Windows, you need to
-perform the steps from section "2- Building an SDK for MacOS and Linux" above:
-setup and build a regular Linux SDK. Once this working, please continue here.
-Under Ubuntu, you will need the following extra packages:
-$ sudo apt-get install tofrodos
-tofrodos adds a unix2dos command
-B- Building
-To build, perform the following steps:
-$ . build/envsetup.sh
-$ lunch sdk-eng
-$ make win_sdk
-Note that this will build both a Linux SDK then a Windows SDK.
-The result is located at
- out/host/windows/sdk/android-sdk_eng.${USER}_windows/
-C- Building just the tools
-You can also build isolated windows tools directly on Linux without building
-the full SDK.
-To build, perform the following steps:
- $ cd ~/my-android-git
- $ . build/envsetup.sh
- $ lunch sdk-eng
- $ make winsdk-tools
-A specific tool can be built using:
- $ make host_cross_adb
-Then the binaries are located at
- out/host/windows-x86/bin/adb.exe
-4- Building an ADT plugin for Eclipse
-We've simplified the steps here.
-It used to be that you'd have to download a specific version of
-Eclipse and install it at a special location. That's not needed
-Instead you just change directories to your git repository and invoke the
-build script by giving it a destination directory and an optional build number:
- $ mkdir ~/mysdk
- $ cd ~/my-android-git # <-- this is where you did your "repo sync"
- $ sdk/eclipse/scripts/build_server.sh ~/mysdk $USER
-The first argument is the destination directory. It must be absolute. Do not
-give a relative destination directory such as "../mysdk" -- this would make the
-Eclipse build fail with a cryptic message:
- Total time: 1 minute 5 seconds
- **** Package in ../mysdk
- Error: Build failed to produce ../mysdk/android-eclipse
- Aborting
-The second argument is the build "number". The example used "$USER" but it
-really is a free identifier of your choice. It cannot contain spaces nor
-periods (dashes are ok.) If the build number is missing, a build timestamp will
-be used instead in the filename.
-The build should take something like 5-10 minutes.
-When the build succeeds, you'll see something like this at the end of the
- ZIP of Update site available at ~/mysdk/android-eclipse-v200903272328.zip
- ZIP of Update site available at ~/mysdk/android-eclipse-<buildnumber>.zip
-When you load the plugin in Eclipse, its feature and plugin name will look like
-"com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_0.9.0.v200903272328-<buildnumber>.jar". The
-internal plugin ID is always composed of the package, the build timestamp and
-then your own build identifier (a.k.a. the "build number"), if provided. This
-means successive builds with the same build identifier are incremental and
-Eclipse will know how to update to more recent ones.
-5- Conclusion
-This completes the howto guide on building your own SDK and ADT plugin.
-Feedback is welcome on the public Android Open Source forums:
- http://source.android.com/discuss
-If you are upgrading from a pre-cupcake to a cupcake or later SDK please read
-the accompanying document "howto_use_cupcake_sdk.txt".
diff --git a/docs/howto_use_cupcake_sdk.txt b/docs/howto_use_cupcake_sdk.txt
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-Subject: How to build use a Cupcake Android SDK & ADT Eclipse plugin.
-Date: 2009/03/27
-Table of content:
- 0- License
- 1- Foreword
- 2- Installation steps
- 3- For Eclipse users
- 4- For Ant users
- 5- Targets, AVDs, Emulator changes
- 6- Conclusion
-0- License
- Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-1- Foreword
-This explains how to use the "new" SDK provided starting with cupcake.
-The new SDK has as a different structure than the pre-cupcake ones.
-This means:
-- The new SDK does not work with older Eclipse plugins (ADT 0.8)
-- The old SDKs (1.0 and 1.1) do NOT work with this Eclipse plugin (ADT 0.9)
-2- Installation steps
-First you will need to grab the zip of the SDK for your platform or build it
-yourself. Please refer to the accompanying document "howto_build_SDK.txt" if
-Unzip the SDK somewhere. We'll call that directory "SDK" in command-line
-Grab the new ADT Eclipse plugin zip file or build it yourself. Keep it
-somewhere (no need to unzip).
-3- For Eclipse users
-Below we'll explain how you can upgrade your Eclipse install to the new plugin.
-If you already have a working Eclipse installation with a pre-0.9 ADT,
-another suggestion is to simply install a new copy of Eclipse and create a
-new empty workspace. This is just a precaution. The update process should
-be otherwise harmless.
-A- Setting up Eclipse
-- You must have Eclipse 3.3 or 3.4. Eclipse 3.2 is not longer supported.
- There are many flavors, or "editions", of Eclipse. To develop, we'd recommend
- the "Java" edition. The "RCP" one is totally suitable too. The J2EE one is
- probably overkill.
-- If updating an existing Eclipse, use Help > Software Update and please
- uninstall the two features of the previous ADT: the "editors" feature and the
- ADT feature itself.
- => If you don't you will get a conflict on editors when installing
- the new one.
-- Using Help > Software Update, add a new "archived site", point it to the new
- adt.zip (e.g. android-eclipse-<some-id>.zip), select the "Install" button at
- the top right and restart eclipse as needed.
-- After it restarts, please use Window > Preferences > Android and select
- the new SDK folder that you unzipped in paragraph 2.
-B- Updating older projects
-If you have pre-0.9 projects in your Eclipse workspace, or if you import them
-from your code repository, these projects will fail to build at first.
-First right-click on the project and select "Properties":
-- In the properties, open the Android panel and select the platform to use.
- The SDK comes with a 1.5 platform. Select it and close the properties panel.
-- Do a clean build.
-The new plugin creates a "gen" folder in your project where it puts the R.java
-and all automatically generated AIDL java files. If you get an error such as:
- "The type R is already defined"
-that means you must check to see if your old R.java or your old auto-generated
-AIDL Java files are still present in the "src" folder. If yes, remove them.
-Note: this does not apply to your own hand-crafted parcelable AIDL java files.
-Note: if you want to reuse the project with an older Eclipse ADT install,
- simply remove the "gen" folder from the build path of the project.
-C- New Wizards
-The "New Android Project" wizard has been expanded to use the multi-platform
-capabilities of the new SDK.
-There is now a "New XML File" wizard that lets you create skeleton XML resource
-files for your Android projects. This makes it easier to create a new layout, a
-new strings file, etc.
-Both wizard are available via File > New... as well as new icons in the main
-icon bar. If you do not see the new icons, you may need to use Window > Reset
-Perspective on your Java perspective.
-Please see step 5 "Emulator changes" below for important details on how to run
-the emulator.
-4- For Ant users
-A- build.xml has changed
-You must re-create your build.xml file.
-First if you had customized your build.xml, make a copy of it:
- $ cd my-project
- $ cp build.xml build.xml.old
-Then use the new "android" tool to create a new build.xml:
- $ SDK/tools/android update project --path /path/to/my-project
- $ cd my-project
- $ SDK/tools/android update project --path .
-A "gen" folder will be created the first time you build and your R.java and
-your AIDL Java files will be generated in this "gen" folder. You MUST remove
-the old R.java and old auto-generated AIDL java files manually. (Note: this
-does not apply to your own hand-crafted parcelabe AIDL java files.)
-B- Where is activitycreator?
-Note that the "activitycreator" tool has been replaced by the new "android"
-tool too. Example of how to create a new Ant project:
- $ SDK/tools/android create project --path /path/to/my/project --name ProjectName
- --package com.mycompany.myapp --activity MyActivityClass
- --target 1 --mode activity
-Please see paragraph 5 below for important details on how to run the emulator
-and the meaning of that "--target 1" parameter.
-5- Targets, AVDs, Emulator changes
-This applies to BOTH Eclipse and Ant users.
-One major change with the emulator is that now you must pre-create an "Android
-Virtual Device" (a.k.a "AVD") before you run the emulator.
-A- What is an AVD and why do I need one?
-What is an "AVD"? If you forget, just run:
- $ SDK/tools/emulator -help-virtual-device
- An Android Virtual Device (AVD) models a single virtual device running the
- Android platform that has, at least, its own kernel, system image and data
- partition.
-There is a lot more explanation given by the emulator. Please run the help
-command given above to read the rest.
-The bottom line is that you can create many emulator configurations, or "AVDs",
-each with their own system image and most important each with their own user
-data and SD card data. Then you tell Eclipse or the emulator which one to use
-to debug or run your applications.
-Note for Eclipse users: eventually there will be a user interface to do all of
-these operations. For right now, please use the command line interface.
-B- Listing targets and AVDs
-There is a new tool called "android" in the SDK that lets you know which
-"target" and AVDs you can use.
-A target is a specific version of Android that you can use. By default the SDK
-comes with an "Android 1.5" target, codenamed "cupcake". In the future there
-will be more versions of Android to use, e.g. "Android 2.0" or specific add-ons
-provided by hardware manufacturers. When you want to run an emulator, you need
-to specify a given flavor of Android: this is the "target".
-To learn about available targets in your SDK, use this command:
- $ SDK/tools/android list targets
-This will give you an output such as:
- Available Android targets:
- [1] Android 1.5
- API level: 3
- Skins: HVGA (default), HVGA-L, HVGA-P, QVGA-L, QVGA-P
-Note the "[1]". Later you will need to reference this as "--target 1" on the
-command line.
-Similarly you can list the available AVDs:
- $ SDK/tools/android list avds
-Which might output something as:
- Available Android Virtual Devices:
- Name: my_avd
- Path: C:\Users\<username>\.android\avd\my_avd.avd
- Target: Android 1.5 (API level 3)
- Skin: 320x480
- Sdcard: 16M
-C- Creating an AVD
-To create a configuration:
- $ SDK/tools/android create avd --name my_avd_name --target 1
-where "target 1" is the index of a target listed by "android list targets".
-The AVD name is purely an identifier used to refer to the AVD later.
-Since it is used as directory name, please avoid using shell or path specific
-To learn the various options available when creating an AVD, simply type:
- $ SDK/tools/android create avd
-The android tool will automatically print an explanation of required arguments.
-D- Invoking an AVD from the command-line
-To use this AVD in the emulator from the command-line, type:
- $ SDK/tools/emulator @my_avd_name
-For more options, please consult the emulator help:
- $ SDK/tools/emulator -help-virtual-device
-E- Invoking an AVD from Eclipse
-By default Android projects in Eclipse have an "automatic target" mode.
-In this mode, when a project is deployed in debug or run, it checks:
-- If there's one running device or emulator, this is used for deployment.
-- If there's more than one running device or emulator, a "device chooser" is
- shown to let the user select which one to use.
-- If there are no running devices or emulators, ADT looks at available AVDs.
- If one matches the project configuration (e.g. same API level), it is
- automatically used.
-Alternatively you can edit the "launch configuration" on your Android project
-in Eclipse by selecting the menu Run > Run Configurations. In the "target" tab
-of the configuration, you can choose:
-- Manual or automatic targetting mode.
- - Manual means to always present the device chooser.
- - Automatic is the behavior explained above.
-- In automatic mode, which AVD is preferred. If none is selected, the first
- suitable is used.
-F- AVD concurrency
-You can no longer run several emulators at the same time on the same
-Before this used to put the second or more emulators in a transient read-only
-mode that would not save user data.
-Now you just need to create as many AVDs as you want to run emulators.
-For example if you are working on a client/server application for Android, you
-could create a "client" AVD and a "server" AVD then run them both at once. The
-emulator window will show you the AVD name so that you know which one is which.
- $ SDK/tools/android create avd --name client --target 1 --sdcard 16M --skin HVGA
- $ SDK/tools/android create avd --name server --target 1 --sdcard 32M --skin HVGA-P
- $ SDK/tools/emulator @server &
- $ SDK/tools/emulator @client &
-6- Conclusion
-This completes the howto guide on how to use the new Cupcake SDK.
-Feedback is welcome on the public Android Open Source forums:
- http://source.android.com/community