/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.android.tools.sdkcontroller.handlers; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import android.content.Context; import android.hardware.Sensor; import android.hardware.SensorEvent; import android.hardware.SensorEventListener; import android.hardware.SensorManager; import android.os.Message; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Log; import com.android.tools.sdkcontroller.lib.Channel; import com.android.tools.sdkcontroller.lib.ProtocolConstants; import com.android.tools.sdkcontroller.service.ControllerService; /** * Implements sensors emulation. */ public class SensorChannel extends Channel { @SuppressWarnings("hiding") private static String TAG = SensorChannel.class.getSimpleName(); @SuppressWarnings("hiding") private static boolean DEBUG = false; /** * The target update time per sensor. Ignored if 0 or negative. * Sensor updates that arrive faster than this delay are ignored. * Ideally the emulator can be updated at up to 50 fps, however * for average power devices something like 20 fps is more * reasonable. * Default value should match res/values/strings.xml > sensors_default_sample_rate. */ private long mUpdateTargetMs = 1000/20; // 20 fps in milliseconds /** Accumulates average update frequency. */ private long mGlobalAvgUpdateMs = 0; /** Array containing monitored sensors. */ private final List mSensors = new ArrayList(); /** Sensor manager. */ private SensorManager mSenMan; /* * Messages exchanged with the UI. */ /** * Sensor "enabled by emulator" state has changed. Parameter {@code obj} is * the {@link MonitoredSensor}. */ public static final int SENSOR_STATE_CHANGED = 1; /** * Sensor display value has changed. Parameter {@code obj} is the * {@link MonitoredSensor}. */ public static final int SENSOR_DISPLAY_MODIFIED = 2; /** * Constructs SensorChannel instance. * * @param service Service context. */ public SensorChannel(ControllerService service) { super(service, Channel.SENSOR_CHANNEL); mSenMan = (SensorManager) service.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE); // Iterate through the available sensors, adding them to the array. List sensors = mSenMan.getSensorList(Sensor.TYPE_ALL); int cur_index = 0; for (int n = 0; n < sensors.size(); n++) { Sensor avail_sensor = sensors.get(n); // There can be multiple sensors of the same type. We need only one. if (!isSensorTypeAlreadyMonitored(avail_sensor.getType())) { // The first sensor we've got for the given type is not // necessarily the right one. So, use the default sensor // for the given type. Sensor def_sens = mSenMan.getDefaultSensor(avail_sensor.getType()); MonitoredSensor to_add = new MonitoredSensor(def_sens); cur_index++; mSensors.add(to_add); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, String.format( "Monitoring sensor #%02d: Name = '%s', Type = 0x%x", cur_index, def_sens.getName(), def_sens.getType())); } } } /** * Returns the list of sensors found on the device. * The list is computed once by {@link #SensorChannel(ControllerService)}. * * @return A non-null possibly-empty list of sensors. */ public List getSensors() { return mSensors; } /** * Set the target update delay throttling per-sensor, in milliseconds. *

* For example setting it to 1000/50 means that updates for a given sensor * faster than 50 fps is discarded. * * @param updateTargetMs 0 to disable throttling, otherwise a > 0 millisecond minimum * between sensor updates. */ public void setUpdateTargetMs(long updateTargetMs) { mUpdateTargetMs = updateTargetMs; } /** * Returns the actual average time in milliseconds between same-sensor updates. * * @return The actual average time in milliseconds between same-sensor updates or 0. */ public long getActualUpdateMs() { return mGlobalAvgUpdateMs; } /* * Channel abstract implementation. */ /** * This method is invoked when this channel is fully connected with its * counterpart in the emulator. */ @Override public void onEmulatorConnected() { // Emulation is now possible. Note though that it will start only after // emulator tells us so with SENSORS_START command. enable(); } /** * This method is invoked when this channel loses connection with its * counterpart in the emulator. */ @Override public void onEmulatorDisconnected() { // Stop sensor event callbacks. stopSensors(); } /** * A query has been received from the emulator. * * @param query_id Identifies the query. This ID should be used when * replying to the query. * @param query_type Query type. * @param query_data Query data. */ @Override public void onEmulatorQuery(int query_id, int query_type, ByteBuffer query_data) { switch (query_type) { case ProtocolConstants.SENSORS_QUERY_LIST: // Preallocate large response buffer. ByteBuffer resp = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); resp.order(getEndian()); // Iterate through the list of monitored sensors, dumping them // into the response buffer. for (MonitoredSensor sensor : mSensors) { // Entry for each sensor must contain: // - an integer for its ID // - a zero-terminated emulator-friendly name. final byte[] name = sensor.getEmulatorFriendlyName().getBytes(); final int required_size = 4 + name.length + 1; resp = ExpandIf(resp, required_size); resp.putInt(sensor.getType()); resp.put(name); resp.put((byte) 0); } // Terminating entry contains single -1 integer. resp = ExpandIf(resp, 4); resp.putInt(-1); sendQueryResponse(query_id, resp); return; default: Loge("Unknown query " + query_type); return; } } /** * A message has been received from the emulator. * * @param msg_type Message type. * @param msg_data Packet received from the emulator. */ @Override public void onEmulatorMessage(int msg_type, ByteBuffer msg_data) { switch (msg_type) { case ProtocolConstants.SENSORS_START: Log.v(TAG, "Starting sensors emulation."); startSensors(); break; case ProtocolConstants.SENSORS_STOP: Log.v(TAG, "Stopping sensors emulation."); stopSensors(); break; case ProtocolConstants.SENSORS_ENABLE: String enable_name = new String(msg_data.array()); Log.v(TAG, "Enabling sensor: " + enable_name); onEnableSensor(enable_name); break; case ProtocolConstants.SENSORS_DISABLE: String disable_name = new String(msg_data.array()); Log.v(TAG, "Disabling sensor: " + disable_name); onDisableSensor(disable_name); break; default: Loge("Unknown message type " + msg_type); break; } } /** * Handles 'enable' message. * * @param name Emulator-friendly name of a sensor to enable, or "all" to * enable all sensors. */ private void onEnableSensor(String name) { if (name.contentEquals("all")) { // Enable all sensors. for (MonitoredSensor sensor : mSensors) { sensor.enableSensor(); } } else { // Lookup sensor by emulator-friendly name. final MonitoredSensor sensor = getSensorByEFN(name); if (sensor != null) { sensor.enableSensor(); } } } /** * Handles 'disable' message. * * @param name Emulator-friendly name of a sensor to disable, or "all" to * disable all sensors. */ private void onDisableSensor(String name) { if (name.contentEquals("all")) { // Disable all sensors. for (MonitoredSensor sensor : mSensors) { sensor.disableSensor(); } } else { // Lookup sensor by emulator-friendly name. MonitoredSensor sensor = getSensorByEFN(name); if (sensor != null) { sensor.disableSensor(); } } } /** * Start listening to all monitored sensors. */ private void startSensors() { for (MonitoredSensor sensor : mSensors) { sensor.startListening(); } } /** * Stop listening to all monitored sensors. */ private void stopSensors() { for (MonitoredSensor sensor : mSensors) { sensor.stopListening(); } } /*************************************************************************** * Internals **************************************************************************/ /** * Checks if a sensor for the given type is already monitored. * * @param type Sensor type (one of the Sensor.TYPE_XXX constants) * @return true if a sensor for the given type is already monitored, or * false if the sensor is not monitored. */ private boolean isSensorTypeAlreadyMonitored(int type) { for (MonitoredSensor sensor : mSensors) { if (sensor.getType() == type) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Looks up a monitored sensor by its emulator-friendly name. * * @param name Emulator-friendly name to look up the monitored sensor for. * @return Monitored sensor for the fiven name, or null if sensor was not * found. */ private MonitoredSensor getSensorByEFN(String name) { for (MonitoredSensor sensor : mSensors) { if (sensor.mEmulatorFriendlyName.contentEquals(name)) { return sensor; } } return null; } /** * Encapsulates a sensor that is being monitored. To monitor sensor changes * each monitored sensor registers with sensor manager as a sensor listener. * To control sensor monitoring from the UI, each monitored sensor has two * UI controls associated with it: - A check box (named after sensor) that * can be used to enable, or disable listening to the sensor changes. - A * text view where current sensor value is displayed. */ public class MonitoredSensor { /** Sensor to monitor. */ private final Sensor mSensor; /** The sensor name to display in the UI. */ private String mUiName = ""; /** Text view displaying the value of the sensor. */ private String mValue = null; /** Emulator-friendly name for the sensor. */ private String mEmulatorFriendlyName; /** Formats string to show in the TextView. */ private String mTextFmt; /** Sensor values. */ private float[] mValues = new float[3]; /** * Enabled state. This state is controlled by the emulator, that * maintains its own list of sensors. So, if a sensor is missing, or is * disabled in the emulator, it should be disabled in this application. */ private boolean mEnabledByEmulator = false; /** User-controlled enabled state. */ private boolean mEnabledByUser = true; /** Sensor event listener for this sensor. */ private final OurSensorEventListener mListener = new OurSensorEventListener(); /** * Constructs MonitoredSensor instance, and register the listeners. * * @param sensor Sensor to monitor. */ MonitoredSensor(Sensor sensor) { mSensor = sensor; mEnabledByUser = true; // Set appropriate sensor name depending on the type. Unfortunately, // we can't really use sensor.getName() here, since the value it // returns (although resembles the purpose) is a bit vaguer than it // should be. Also choose an appropriate format for the strings that // display sensor's value. switch (sensor.getType()) { case Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER: mUiName = "Accelerometer"; mTextFmt = "%+.2f %+.2f %+.2f"; mEmulatorFriendlyName = "acceleration"; break; case 9: // Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY is missing in API 7 mUiName = "Gravity"; mTextFmt = "%+.2f %+.2f %+.2f"; mEmulatorFriendlyName = "gravity"; break; case Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE: mUiName = "Gyroscope"; mTextFmt = "%+.2f %+.2f %+.2f"; mEmulatorFriendlyName = "gyroscope"; break; case Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT: mUiName = "Light"; mTextFmt = "%.0f"; mEmulatorFriendlyName = "light"; break; case 10: // Sensor.TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION is missing in API 7 mUiName = "Linear acceleration"; mTextFmt = "%+.2f %+.2f %+.2f"; mEmulatorFriendlyName = "linear-acceleration"; break; case Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD: mUiName = "Magnetic field"; mTextFmt = "%+.2f %+.2f %+.2f"; mEmulatorFriendlyName = "magnetic-field"; break; case Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION: mUiName = "Orientation"; mTextFmt = "%+03.0f %+03.0f %+03.0f"; mEmulatorFriendlyName = "orientation"; break; case Sensor.TYPE_PRESSURE: mUiName = "Pressure"; mTextFmt = "%.0f"; mEmulatorFriendlyName = "pressure"; break; case Sensor.TYPE_PROXIMITY: mUiName = "Proximity"; mTextFmt = "%.0f"; mEmulatorFriendlyName = "proximity"; break; case 11: // Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR is missing in API 7 mUiName = "Rotation"; mTextFmt = "%+.2f %+.2f %+.2f"; mEmulatorFriendlyName = "rotation"; break; case Sensor.TYPE_TEMPERATURE: mUiName = "Temperature"; mTextFmt = "%.0f"; mEmulatorFriendlyName = "temperature"; break; default: mUiName = ""; mTextFmt = "N/A"; mEmulatorFriendlyName = "unknown"; if (DEBUG) Loge("Unknown sensor type " + mSensor.getType() + " for sensor " + mSensor.getName()); break; } } /** * Get name for this sensor to display. * * @return Name for this sensor to display. */ public String getUiName() { return mUiName; } /** * Gets current sensor value to display. * * @return Current sensor value to display. */ public String getValue() { if (mValue == null) { float[] values = mValues; mValue = String.format(mTextFmt, values[0], values[1], values[2]); } return mValue == null ? "??" : mValue; } /** * Checks if monitoring of this this sensor has been enabled by * emulator. * * @return true if monitoring of this this sensor has been enabled by * emulator, or false if emulator didn't enable this sensor. */ public boolean isEnabledByEmulator() { return mEnabledByEmulator; } /** * Checks if monitoring of this this sensor has been enabled by user. * * @return true if monitoring of this this sensor has been enabled by * user, or false if user didn't enable this sensor. */ public boolean isEnabledByUser() { return mEnabledByUser; } /** * Handles checked state change for the associated CheckBox. If check * box is checked we will register sensor change listener. If it is * unchecked, we will unregister sensor change listener. */ public void onCheckedChanged(boolean isChecked) { mEnabledByUser = isChecked; if (isChecked) { startListening(); } else { stopListening(); } } /** * Gets sensor type. * * @return Sensor type as one of the Sensor.TYPE_XXX constants. */ private int getType() { return mSensor.getType(); } /** * Gets sensor's emulator-friendly name. * * @return Sensor's emulator-friendly name. */ private String getEmulatorFriendlyName() { return mEmulatorFriendlyName; } /** * Starts monitoring the sensor. * NOTE: This method is called from outside of the UI thread. */ private void startListening() { if (mEnabledByEmulator && mEnabledByUser) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "+++ Sensor " + getEmulatorFriendlyName() + " is started."); mSenMan.registerListener(mListener, mSensor, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST); } } /** * Stops monitoring the sensor. * NOTE: This method is called from outside of the UI thread. */ private void stopListening() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "--- Sensor " + getEmulatorFriendlyName() + " is stopped."); mSenMan.unregisterListener(mListener); } /** * Enables sensor events. * NOTE: This method is called from outside of the UI thread. */ private void enableSensor() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, ">>> Sensor " + getEmulatorFriendlyName() + " is enabled."); mEnabledByEmulator = true; mValue = null; Message msg = Message.obtain(); msg.what = SENSOR_STATE_CHANGED; msg.obj = MonitoredSensor.this; notifyUiHandlers(msg); } /** * Disables sensor events. * NOTE: This method is called from outside of the UI thread. */ private void disableSensor() { if (DEBUG) Log.w(TAG, "<<< Sensor " + getEmulatorFriendlyName() + " is disabled."); mEnabledByEmulator = false; mValue = "Disabled by emulator"; Message msg = Message.obtain(); msg.what = SENSOR_STATE_CHANGED; msg.obj = MonitoredSensor.this; notifyUiHandlers(msg); } private class OurSensorEventListener implements SensorEventListener { /** Last update's time-stamp in local thread millisecond time. */ private long mLastUpdateTS = 0; /** Last display update time-stamp. */ private long mLastDisplayTS = 0; /** Preallocated buffer for change notification message. */ private final ByteBuffer mChangeMsg = ByteBuffer.allocate(64); /** * Handles "sensor changed" event. * This is an implementation of the SensorEventListener interface. */ @Override public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) { long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); long deltaMs = 0; if (mLastUpdateTS != 0) { deltaMs = now - mLastUpdateTS; if (mUpdateTargetMs > 0 && deltaMs < mUpdateTargetMs) { // New sample is arriving too fast. Discard it. return; } } // Format and post message for the emulator. float[] values = event.values; final int len = values.length; mChangeMsg.order(getEndian()); mChangeMsg.position(0); mChangeMsg.putInt(getType()); mChangeMsg.putFloat(values[0]); if (len > 1) { mChangeMsg.putFloat(values[1]); if (len > 2) { mChangeMsg.putFloat(values[2]); } } postMessage(ProtocolConstants.SENSORS_SENSOR_EVENT, mChangeMsg); // Computes average update time for this sensor and average globally. if (mLastUpdateTS != 0) { if (mGlobalAvgUpdateMs != 0) { mGlobalAvgUpdateMs = (mGlobalAvgUpdateMs + deltaMs) / 2; } else { mGlobalAvgUpdateMs = deltaMs; } } mLastUpdateTS = now; // Update the UI for the sensor, with a static throttling of 10 fps max. if (hasUiHandler()) { if (mLastDisplayTS != 0) { long uiDeltaMs = now - mLastDisplayTS; if (uiDeltaMs < 1000 / 4 /* 4fps in ms */) { // Skip this UI update return; } } mLastDisplayTS = now; mValues[0] = values[0]; if (len > 1) { mValues[1] = values[1]; if (len > 2) { mValues[2] = values[2]; } } mValue = null; Message msg = Message.obtain(); msg.what = SENSOR_DISPLAY_MODIFIED; msg.obj = MonitoredSensor.this; notifyUiHandlers(msg); } if (DEBUG) { long now2 = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); long processingTimeMs = now2 - now; Log.d(TAG, String.format("glob %d - local %d > target %d - processing %d -- %s", mGlobalAvgUpdateMs, deltaMs, mUpdateTargetMs, processingTimeMs, mSensor.getName())); } } /** * Handles "sensor accuracy changed" event. * This is an implementation of the SensorEventListener interface. */ @Override public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) { } } } // MonitoredSensor /*************************************************************************** * Logging wrappers **************************************************************************/ private void Loge(String log) { mService.addError(log); Log.e(TAG, log); } }