Code completion in color1.xml for : android:state_focused : State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view has input focus. [boolean] android:state_window_focused : State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view's window has input focus. [boolean] android:state_enabled : State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view is enabled. [boolean] android:state_checkable : State identifier indicating that the object may display a check mark. [boolean] android:state_checked : State identifier indicating that the object is currently checked. [boolean] android:state_selected : State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view (or one of its parents) is currently selected. [boolean] android:state_pressed : State value for StateListDrawable, set when the user is pressing down in a view. [boolean] android:state_activated : State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view or its parent has been "activated" meaning the user has currently marked it as being of interest. [boolean] android:state_active : State value for StateListDrawable. [boolean] android:state_single : State value for StateListDrawable. [boolean] android:state_first : State value for StateListDrawable. [boolean] android:state_middle : State value for StateListDrawable. [boolean] android:state_last : State value for StateListDrawable. [boolean] android:state_accelerated : State value for StateListDrawable, indicating that the Drawable is in a view that is hardware accelerated. [boolean] android:state_hovered : State value for StateListDrawable, set when a pointer is hovering over the view. [boolean] android:state_drag_can_accept : State for StateListDrawable indicating that the Drawable is in a view that is capable of accepting a drop of the content currently being manipulated in a drag-and-drop operation. [boolean] android:state_drag_hovered : State for StateListDrawable indicating that a drag operation (for which the Drawable's view is a valid recipient) is currently positioned over the Drawable. [boolean] android:state_accessibility_focused : State for StateListDrawable indicating that a View has accessibility focus. [boolean] android:color : Hexadeximal color. Required. The color is specified with an RGB value and optional alpha channel. The value always begins with a pound (#) character and then followed by the Alpha-Red-Green-Blue information in one of the following formats: * RGB * ARGB * RRGGBB * AARRGGBB