Code completion in manifest.xml for <^application android:i: application : The "application" tag describes application-level components contained in the package, as well as general application attributes. compatible-screens instrumentation : Attributes that can be supplied in an AndroidManifest.xml "instrumentation" tag, a child of the root manifest tag. original-package : Private tag to declare the original package name that this package is based on. package-verifier : Attributes relating to a package verifier. permission : The "permission" tag declares a security permission that can be used to control access from other packages to specific components or features in your package (or other packages). permission-group : The "permission-group" tag declares a logical grouping of related permissions. permission-tree : The "permission-tree" tag declares the base of a tree of permission values: it declares that this package has ownership of the given permission name, as well as all names underneath it (separated by '.'). protected-broadcast : Private tag to declare system protected broadcast actions. supports-screens : The "supports-screens" specifies the screen dimensions an application supports. uses-configuration : The "uses-configuration" tag specifies a specific hardware configuration value used by the application. uses-feature : The "uses-feature" tag specifies a specific feature used by the application. uses-permission : The "uses-permission" tag requests a "permission" that the containing package must be granted in order for it to operate correctly. uses-sdk : The "uses-sdk" tag describes the SDK features that the containing package must be running on to operate correctly.