/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.templates; import static com.android.SdkConstants.CURRENT_PLATFORM; import static com.android.SdkConstants.FD_TOOLS; import static com.android.SdkConstants.PLATFORM_WINDOWS; import static com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.templates.NewProjectWizard.ATTR_MIN_API; import static com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.templates.NewProjectWizard.ATTR_MIN_BUILD_API; import static com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.templates.TemplateHandler.ATTR_ID; import com.android.annotations.NonNull; import com.android.annotations.Nullable; import com.android.sdklib.SdkVersionInfo; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtUtils; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.lint.EclipseLintClient; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.preferences.AdtPrefs; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.sdk.Sdk; import com.android.ide.eclipse.tests.SdkLoadingTestCase; import com.android.sdklib.IAndroidTarget; import com.android.utils.GrabProcessOutput; import com.android.utils.GrabProcessOutput.IProcessOutput; import com.android.utils.GrabProcessOutput.Wait; import com.android.tools.lint.checks.ManifestDetector; import com.android.tools.lint.checks.SecurityDetector; import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.Configuration; import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.DefaultConfiguration; import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.JavaParser; import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.LintClient; import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.LintDriver; import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.XmlParser; import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Category; import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Context; import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Issue; import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Location; import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Project; import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Scope; import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Severity; import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.TextFormat; import com.google.common.base.Charsets; import com.google.common.base.Stopwatch; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.common.io.Files; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.Job; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.CompositeChange; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Unit tests for template instantiation. *

* Note: This test can take multiple hours to run! * *

* TODO: Test all permutations of variables (it currently just varies one at a time with the * rest of the defaults) * TODO: Test trying to change strings arguments (currently just varies enums and booleans) * TODO: Test adding multiple instances of the templates (to look for resource conflicts) */ @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public class TemplateHandlerTest extends SdkLoadingTestCase { /** * Flag used to quickly check each template once (for one version), to get * quicker feedback on whether something is broken instead of waiting for * all the versions for each template first */ private static final boolean TEST_FEWER_API_VERSIONS = true; private static final boolean TEST_JUST_ONE_MIN_SDK = false; private static final boolean TEST_JUST_ONE_BUILD_TARGET = true; private static final boolean TEST_JUST_ONE_TARGET_SDK_VERSION = true; private QualifiedName ERROR_KEY = new QualifiedName(AdtPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "JobErrorKey"); private static int sCount = 0; /** * If true, check this template with all the interesting ( * {@link #isInterestingApiLevel(int)}) api versions */ private boolean mApiSensitiveTemplate; /** * Set of templates already tested with separate unit test; remainder is * checked in {@link #testCreateRemainingProjects()} */ private static final Set sProjectTestedSeparately = Sets.newHashSet(); /** * Set of templates already tested with separate unit test; remainder is * checked in {@link #testCreateRemainingTemplates()} */ private static final Set sTemplateTestedSeparately = Sets.newHashSet(); @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); mApiSensitiveTemplate = true; } /** * Is the given api level interesting for testing purposes? This is used to * skip gaps, such that we for example only check say api 8, 9, 11, 14, etc * -- versions where the templates are doing conditional changes. To * be EXTRA comprehensive, occasionally try returning true unconditionally * here to test absolutely everything. */ private boolean isInterestingApiLevel(int api) { // For templates that aren't API sensitive, only test with API = 16 if (!mApiSensitiveTemplate) { return api == 16; } switch (api) { case 1: case 8: return true; case 11: return true; case 14: return true; case 9: case 16: return !TEST_FEWER_API_VERSIONS; default: return false; } } public void testNewBlankProject() throws Exception { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted(); stopwatch.start(); checkProjectWithActivity(null); stopwatch.stop(); System.out.println("Checked blank project successfully in " + stopwatch.toString()); } public void testNewBlankActivity() throws Exception { checkCreateTemplate("activities", "BlankActivity"); } public void testBlankActivityInProject() throws Exception { checkCreateActivityInProject("BlankActivity"); } public void testNewMasterDetailFlow() throws Exception { checkCreateTemplate("activities", "MasterDetailFlow"); } public void testMasterDetailFlowInProject() throws Exception { checkCreateActivityInProject("MasterDetailFlow"); } public void testNewFullscreen() throws Exception { checkCreateTemplate("activities", "FullscreenActivity"); } public void testFullscreenInProject() throws Exception { checkCreateActivityInProject("FullscreenActivity"); } public void testNewLoginActivity() throws Exception { checkCreateTemplate("activities", "LoginActivity"); } public void testLoginActivityInProject() throws Exception { checkCreateActivityInProject("MasterDetailFlow"); } public void testNewSettingsActivity() throws Exception { checkCreateTemplate("activities", "SettingsActivity"); } public void testSettingsActivityInProject() throws Exception { checkCreateActivityInProject("SettingsActivity"); } public void testNewBroadcastReceiver() throws Exception { // No need to try this template with multiple platforms, one is adequate mApiSensitiveTemplate = false; checkCreateTemplate("other", "BroadcastReceiver"); } public void testNewContentProvider() throws Exception { mApiSensitiveTemplate = false; checkCreateTemplate("other", "ContentProvider"); } public void testNewCustomView() throws Exception { mApiSensitiveTemplate = false; checkCreateTemplate("other", "CustomView"); } public void testNewService() throws Exception { mApiSensitiveTemplate = false; checkCreateTemplate("other", "Service"); } public void testCreateRemainingTemplates() throws Exception { sCount = 0; long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); TemplateManager manager = new TemplateManager(); List other = manager.getTemplates("other"); for (File templateFile : other) { if (sTemplateTestedSeparately.contains(templateFile)) { continue; } checkTemplate(templateFile); } // Also try creating templates, not as part of creating a project List activities = manager.getTemplates("activities"); for (File templateFile : activities) { if (sTemplateTestedSeparately.contains(templateFile)) { continue; } checkTemplate(templateFile); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Successfully checked " + sCount + " template permutations in " + ((end - begin) / (1000 * 60)) + " minutes"); } public void testCreateRemainingProjects() throws Exception { sCount = 0; long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); TemplateManager manager = new TemplateManager(); List templates = manager.getTemplates("activities"); for (File activityFile : templates) { if (sTemplateTestedSeparately.contains(activityFile)) { continue; } checkProjectWithActivity(activityFile.getName()); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Successfully checked " + sCount + " project permutations in " + ((end - begin) / (1000 * 60)) + " minutes"); } // ---- Test support code below ---- private void checkCreateActivityInProject(String activityName) throws Exception { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted(); stopwatch.start(); File templateFile = findTemplate("activities", activityName); sProjectTestedSeparately.add(templateFile); checkProjectWithActivity(templateFile.getName()); stopwatch.stop(); System.out.println("Checked " + templateFile.getName() + " successfully in " + stopwatch.toString()); } private void checkCreateTemplate(String category, String name) throws Exception { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted(); stopwatch.start(); File templateFile = findTemplate(category, name); assertNotNull(templateFile); sTemplateTestedSeparately.add(templateFile); checkTemplate(templateFile); stopwatch.stop(); System.out.println("Checked " + templateFile.getName() + " successfully in " + stopwatch.toString()); } private static File findTemplate(String category, String name) { File templateRootFolder = TemplateManager.getTemplateRootFolder(); assertNotNull(templateRootFolder); File file = new File(templateRootFolder, category + File.separator + name); assertTrue(file.getPath(), file.exists()); return file; } private void checkTemplate(File templateFile) throws Exception { NewProjectWizardState values = new NewProjectWizardState(); values.applicationName = "My Application"; values.packageName = "my.pkg2"; values.isLibrary = false; values.createIcon = false; values.useDefaultLocation = true; values.createActivity = false; String projectNameBase = "MyTemplateProject_" + templateFile.getName(); values.projectName = projectNameBase; values.createActivity = false; // Create the new template NewTemplateWizardState state = new NewTemplateWizardState(); state.setTemplateLocation(templateFile); state.minSdkLevel = values.minSdkLevel; // Iterate over all (valid) combinations of build target, minSdk and targetSdk IAndroidTarget[] targets = Sdk.getCurrent().getTargets(); for (int i = targets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { IAndroidTarget target = targets[i]; if (!target.isPlatform()) { continue; } if (!isInterestingApiLevel(target.getVersion().getApiLevel())) { continue; } for (int minSdk = 1; minSdk <= SdkVersionInfo.HIGHEST_KNOWN_API; minSdk++) { // Don't bother checking *every* single minSdk, just pick some interesting ones if (!isInterestingApiLevel(minSdk)) { continue; } for (int targetSdk = minSdk; targetSdk <= SdkVersionInfo.HIGHEST_KNOWN_API; targetSdk++) { if (!isInterestingApiLevel(targetSdk)) { continue; } // Make sure this template is supported with these versions IStatus status = values.template.validateTemplate( minSdk, target.getVersion().getApiLevel()); if (status != null && !status.isOK()) { continue; } // Also make sure activity is enabled for these versions status = state.getTemplateHandler().validateTemplate( minSdk, target.getVersion().getApiLevel()); if (status != null && !status.isOK()) { continue; } // Iterate over all new new project templates // should I try all options of theme with all platforms? // or just try all platforms, with one setting for each? // doesn't seem like I need to multiply // just pick the best setting that applies instead for each platform List parameters = values.template.getTemplate().getParameters(); projectParameters: for (Parameter parameter : parameters) { List options = parameter.getOptions(); if (parameter.type == Parameter.Type.ENUM) { for (Element element : options) { Option option = Option.get(element); String optionId = option.id; int optionMinSdk = option.minSdk; int optionMinBuildApi = option.minBuild; if (optionMinSdk <= minSdk && optionMinBuildApi <= target.getVersion().getApiLevel()) { values.parameters.put(parameter.id, optionId); if (parameter.id.equals("baseTheme")) { String base = projectNameBase + "_min_" + minSdk + "_target_" + targetSdk + "_build_" + target.getVersion().getApiLevel() + "_theme_" + optionId; System.out.println("checking base " + base); checkApiTarget(minSdk, targetSdk, target, values, base, state); break projectParameters; } } } } } if (TEST_JUST_ONE_TARGET_SDK_VERSION) { break; } } if (TEST_JUST_ONE_MIN_SDK) { break; } } if (TEST_JUST_ONE_BUILD_TARGET) { break; } } } private void checkProjectWithActivity(String activity) throws Exception { NewProjectWizardState values = new NewProjectWizardState(); values.applicationName = "My Application"; values.packageName = "my.pkg"; values.isLibrary = false; values.createIcon = false; values.useDefaultLocation = true; // These are basically unused; passed as defaults values.activityName = activity == null ? "Blank" : activity; values.activityTitle = "My Activity Title"; String projectNameBase = "MyProject_" + values.activityName; values.projectName = projectNameBase; values.createActivity = activity != null; NewTemplateWizardState activityValues = values.activityValues; assertNotNull(activityValues); activityValues.minSdkLevel = values.minSdkLevel; // Iterate over all (valid) combinations of build target, minSdk and targetSdk IAndroidTarget[] targets = Sdk.getCurrent().getTargets(); for (int i = targets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { IAndroidTarget target = targets[i]; if (!target.isPlatform()) { continue; } if (!isInterestingApiLevel(target.getVersion().getApiLevel())) { continue; } for (int minSdk = 1; minSdk <= SdkVersionInfo.HIGHEST_KNOWN_API; minSdk++) { // Don't bother checking *every* single minSdk, just pick some interesting ones if (!isInterestingApiLevel(minSdk)) { continue; } for (int targetSdk = minSdk; targetSdk <= SdkVersionInfo.HIGHEST_KNOWN_API; targetSdk++) { if (!isInterestingApiLevel(targetSdk)) { continue; } // Make sure this template is supported with these versions IStatus status = values.template.validateTemplate( values.minSdkLevel, values.getBuildApi()); if (status != null && !status.isOK()) { continue; } // Also make sure activity is enabled for these versions status = values.activityValues.getTemplateHandler().validateTemplate( values.minSdkLevel, values.getBuildApi()); if (status != null && !status.isOK()) { continue; } // Iterate over all new new project templates // should I try all options of theme with all platforms? // or just try all platforms, with one setting for each? // doesn't seem like I need to multiply // just pick the best setting that applies instead for each platform List parameters = values.template.getTemplate().getParameters(); for (Parameter parameter : parameters) { List options = parameter.getOptions(); if (parameter.type == Parameter.Type.ENUM) { for (Element element : options) { Option option = Option.get(element); String optionId = option.id; int optionMinSdk = option.minSdk; int optionMinBuildApi = option.minBuild; if (optionMinSdk <= minSdk && optionMinBuildApi <= target.getVersion().getApiLevel()) { values.parameters.put(parameter.id, optionId); if (parameter.id.equals("baseTheme")) { String base = projectNameBase + "_min_" + minSdk + "_target_" + targetSdk + "_build_" + target.getVersion().getApiLevel() + "_theme_" + optionId; System.out.println("checking base " + base); checkApiTarget(minSdk, targetSdk, target, values, base, null); } } } } } if (TEST_JUST_ONE_TARGET_SDK_VERSION) { break; } } if (TEST_JUST_ONE_MIN_SDK) { break; } } if (TEST_JUST_ONE_BUILD_TARGET) { break; } } } private void checkApiTarget( int minSdk, int targetSdk, @NonNull IAndroidTarget target, @NonNull NewProjectWizardState projectValues, @NonNull String projectNameBase, @Nullable NewTemplateWizardState templateValues) throws Exception { NewTemplateWizardState values = projectValues.createActivity ? projectValues.activityValues : templateValues; projectValues.minSdk = Integer.toString(minSdk); projectValues.minSdkLevel = minSdk; projectValues.targetSdkLevel = targetSdk; projectValues.target = target; if (values == null) { checkProject(projectValues, templateValues); return; } // Next check all other parameters, cycling through booleans and enums. TemplateHandler templateHandler = values.getTemplateHandler(); TemplateMetadata template = templateHandler.getTemplate(); assertNotNull(template); List parameters = template.getParameters(); if (!projectValues.createActivity) { for (Parameter parameter : parameters) { values.parameters.put(parameter.id, parameter.value); } } for (Parameter parameter : parameters) { if (parameter.type == Parameter.Type.SEPARATOR || parameter.type == Parameter.Type.STRING) { // TODO: Consider whether we should attempt some strings here continue; } // The initial (default value); revert to this one after cycling, Object initial = values.parameters.get(parameter.id); if (parameter.type == Parameter.Type.ENUM) { List options = parameter.getOptions(); for (Element element : options) { Option option = Option.get(element); String optionId = option.id; int optionMinSdk = option.minSdk; int optionMinBuildApi = option.minBuild; if (projectValues.minSdkLevel >= optionMinSdk && projectValues.getBuildApi() >= optionMinBuildApi) { values.parameters.put(parameter.id, optionId); projectValues.projectName = projectNameBase + "_" + parameter.id + "_" + optionId; checkProject(projectValues, templateValues); } } } else { assert parameter.type == Parameter.Type.BOOLEAN; if (parameter.id.equals("isLauncher") && projectValues.createActivity) { // Skipping this one: always true when launched from new project continue; } boolean value = false; values.parameters.put(parameter.id, value); projectValues.projectName = projectNameBase + "_" + parameter.id + "_" + value; checkProject(projectValues, templateValues); value = true; values.parameters.put(parameter.id, value); projectValues.projectName = projectNameBase + "_" + parameter.id + "_" + value; checkProject(projectValues, templateValues); } values.parameters.put(parameter.id, initial); } } private final class OutputGrabber implements IProcessOutput { private final List output = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List error = Lists.newArrayList(); @Override public void out(@Nullable String line) { if (line != null) { output.add(line); } } @Override public void err(@Nullable String line) { if (line != null) { error.add(line); } } @NonNull private List getOutput() { return output; } @NonNull private List getError() { return error; } } private static class Option { private String id; private int minSdk; private int minBuild; public Option(String id, int minSdk, int minBuild) { this.id = id; this.minSdk = minSdk; this.minBuild = minBuild; } private static Option get(Element option) { String optionId = option.getAttribute(ATTR_ID); String minApiString = option.getAttribute(ATTR_MIN_API); int optionMinSdk = 1; if (minApiString != null && !minApiString.isEmpty()) { try { optionMinSdk = Integer.parseInt(minApiString); } catch (NumberFormatException nufe) { // Templates aren't allowed to contain codenames, should // always be an integer AdtPlugin.log(nufe, null); optionMinSdk = 1; } } String minBuildApiString = option.getAttribute(ATTR_MIN_BUILD_API); int optionMinBuildApi = 1; if (minBuildApiString != null && !minBuildApiString.isEmpty()) { try { optionMinBuildApi = Integer.parseInt(minBuildApiString); } catch (NumberFormatException nufe) { // Templates aren't allowed to contain codenames, should // always be an integer AdtPlugin.log(nufe, null); optionMinBuildApi = 1; } } return new Option(optionId, optionMinSdk, optionMinBuildApi); } } private void checkProject( @NonNull NewProjectWizardState projectValues, @Nullable NewTemplateWizardState templateValues) throws Exception { NewTemplateWizardState values = projectValues.createActivity ? projectValues.activityValues : templateValues; if (values != null) { // if not, creating blank project // Validate that a template is only being used in a context it is compatible with! IStatus status = values.getTemplateHandler().validateTemplate( projectValues.minSdkLevel, projectValues.getBuildApi()); if (status != null && !status.isOK()) { fail(status.toString()); } } assertNotNull(projectValues.projectName); projectValues.projectName = AdtUtils.getUniqueProjectName(projectValues.projectName, ""); IPath workspace = Platform.getLocation(); String projectLocation = workspace.append(projectValues.projectName).toOSString(); projectValues.projectLocation = projectLocation; // Create project with the given parameter map final IProject project = createProject(projectValues); assertNotNull(project); if (templateValues != null) { templateValues.project = project; List changes = templateValues.computeChanges(); if (!changes.isEmpty()) { try { CompositeChange composite = new CompositeChange("", changes.toArray(new Change[changes.size()])); composite.perform(new NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (CoreException e) { fail(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } // Project creation has some async hooks so don't attempt to build it *right* away Job job = new Job("Validate project") { @Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { ensureValidProject(this, project); return Status.OK_STATUS; } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.toString()); } return null; } }; job.schedule(1000); job.join(); Object property = job.getProperty(ERROR_KEY); assertNull(property); } private IProject createProject(NewProjectWizardState values) throws InvocationTargetException { NewProjectWizard wizard = new NewProjectWizard(); wizard.setValues(values); wizard.performFinish(new NullProgressMonitor()); if (TemplateHandler.sMostRecentException != null) { fail(values.projectName + ": " + TemplateHandler.sMostRecentException.toString()); } IProject project = wizard.getProject(); assertNotNull(project); assertTrue(project.exists()); System.out.println("Created project " + project + " : " + AdtUtils.getAbsolutePath(project)); return project; } private void ensureValidProject(@NonNull Job job, @NonNull IProject project) throws Exception { System.out.println("Begin build error check"); ensureNoBuildErrors(job, project); System.out.println("Finished build error check"); System.out.println("Begin lint check"); ensureNoLintWarnings(job, project); System.out.println("Finished lint check"); sCount++; } private void ensureNoLintWarnings(final Job job, IProject project) { System.setProperty("com.android.tools.lint.bindir", AdtPrefs.getPrefs().getOsSdkFolder() + File.separator + FD_TOOLS); LintDriver driver = new LintDriver(EclipseLintClient.getRegistry(), new LintClient() { @Override public void report(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Issue issue, @NonNull Severity severity, @Nullable Location location, @NonNull String message, @NonNull TextFormat format) { String s = "Found lint error: " + issue.getId() + ": " + message + " at " + location; job.setProperty(ERROR_KEY, s); fail(s); } @Override public Configuration getConfiguration(@NonNull Project p) { return new DefaultConfiguration(this, p, null, new File("dummy.xml")) { @Override public boolean isEnabled(@NonNull Issue issue) { // Doesn't work: hangs in unit test context, something about // loading native libs. if (issue.getCategory() == Category.ICONS){ return false; } if (issue == ManifestDetector.TARGET_NEWER) { // Don't complain about targetSdk < latest: we're deliberately // testing that (to make sure templates compile etc in compat // mode) return false; } if (issue == SecurityDetector.EXPORTED_SERVICE || issue == SecurityDetector.EXPORTED_PROVIDER || issue == SecurityDetector.EXPORTED_RECEIVER) { // Don't complain about missing permissions when exporting: the // unit test is deliberately turning on exported return false; } return true; } }; } @Override @NonNull public String readFile(@NonNull File file) { try { return Files.toString(file, Charsets.UTF_8); } catch (IOException e) { fail(e.toString() + " for " + file.getPath()); return ""; } } @Override public void log(@NonNull Severity severity, @Nullable Throwable exception, @Nullable String format, @Nullable Object... args) { if (exception != null) { exception.printStackTrace(); } if (format != null) { if (args != null) { System.err.println("Log: " + String.format(format, args)); } else { System.err.println("Unexpected log message " + format); } } } @Override @Nullable public JavaParser getJavaParser(@Nullable Project project) { return new EclipseLintClient(null, null, null, false).getJavaParser(project); } @Override public XmlParser getXmlParser() { return new EclipseLintClient(null, null, null, false).getXmlParser(); } }); File projectDir = AdtUtils.getAbsolutePath(project).toFile(); assertNotNull(projectDir); assertTrue(projectDir.getPath(), projectDir.isDirectory()); driver.analyze(Collections.singletonList(projectDir), Scope.ALL); } // Wait for test build support. // This is copied from {@link SampleProjectTest} private void ensureNoBuildErrors(final Job job, final IProject project) throws Exception { File projectDir = AdtUtils.getAbsolutePath(project).toFile(); // Checking the build in Eclipse doesn't work well, because of asynchronous issues // (it looks like not all necessary changes are applied, and even adding waits works // unpredictably.) // // So instead we do it via the command line. // First add ant support: // $ android update project -p . // Then we run ant and look at the exit code to make sure it worked. List command = new ArrayList(); command.add(AdtPlugin.getOsSdkToolsFolder() + "android" + (CURRENT_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WINDOWS ? ".bat" : "")); command.add("update"); command.add("project"); command.add("-p"); command.add(projectDir.getPath()); // launch the command line process Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command.toArray(new String[command.size()])); OutputGrabber processOutput = new OutputGrabber(); int status = GrabProcessOutput.grabProcessOutput( process, Wait.WAIT_FOR_READERS, // we really want to make sure we get all the output! processOutput); if (status != 0) { fail(processOutput.getOutput().toString() + processOutput.getError().toString()); } assertEquals(0, status); // Run ant String antCmd = "ant" + (CURRENT_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WINDOWS ? ".bat" : ""); String antTarget = "debug"; process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(antCmd + " " + antTarget, null, projectDir); processOutput = new OutputGrabber(); status = GrabProcessOutput.grabProcessOutput( process, Wait.WAIT_FOR_READERS, // we really want to make sure we get all the output! processOutput); if (status != 0) { fail(processOutput.getOutput().toString() + processOutput.getError().toString()); } assertEquals(0, status); System.out.println("Ant succeeded (code=" + status + ")"); } }