path: root/simpleperf/BranchListFile.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'simpleperf/BranchListFile.cpp')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/simpleperf/BranchListFile.cpp b/simpleperf/BranchListFile.cpp
index e8f6b22c..253dcdbc 100644
--- a/simpleperf/BranchListFile.cpp
+++ b/simpleperf/BranchListFile.cpp
@@ -132,32 +132,8 @@ static UnorderedETMBranchMap BuildUnorderedETMBranchMap(const proto::ETMBinary&
bool StringToETMBinaryMap(const std::string& s, ETMBinaryMap& binary_map) {
- proto::BranchList branch_list_proto;
- if (!branch_list_proto.ParseFromString(s)) {
- PLOG(ERROR) << "failed to read ETMBranchList msg";
- return false;
- }
- if (branch_list_proto.magic() != ETM_BRANCH_LIST_PROTO_MAGIC) {
- PLOG(ERROR) << "not in etm branch list format in branch_list.proto";
- return false;
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < branch_list_proto.etm_data_size(); i++) {
- const auto& binary_proto = branch_list_proto.etm_data(i);
- BinaryKey key(binary_proto.path(), BuildId(binary_proto.build_id()));
- if (binary_proto.has_kernel_info()) {
- key.kernel_start_addr = binary_proto.kernel_info().kernel_start_addr();
- }
- ETMBinary& binary = binary_map[key];
- auto dso_type = ToDsoType(binary_proto.type());
- if (!dso_type) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "invalid binary type " << binary_proto.type();
- return false;
- }
- binary.dso_type = dso_type.value();
- binary.branch_map = BuildUnorderedETMBranchMap(binary_proto);
- }
- return true;
+ LBRData lbr_data;
+ return ParseBranchListData(s, binary_map, lbr_data);
class ETMThreadTreeWhenRecording : public ETMThreadTree {
@@ -382,4 +358,83 @@ std::unique_ptr<ETMBranchListGenerator> ETMBranchListGenerator::Create(bool dump
ETMBranchListGenerator::~ETMBranchListGenerator() {}
+bool LBRDataToString(const LBRData& data, std::string& s) {
+ proto::BranchList branch_list_proto;
+ branch_list_proto.set_magic(ETM_BRANCH_LIST_PROTO_MAGIC);
+ auto lbr_proto = branch_list_proto.mutable_lbr_data();
+ for (const LBRSample& sample : data.samples) {
+ auto sample_proto = lbr_proto->add_samples();
+ sample_proto->set_binary_id(sample.binary_id);
+ sample_proto->set_vaddr_in_file(sample.vaddr_in_file);
+ for (const LBRBranch& branch : sample.branches) {
+ auto branch_proto = sample_proto->add_branches();
+ branch_proto->set_from_binary_id(branch.from_binary_id);
+ branch_proto->set_to_binary_id(branch.to_binary_id);
+ branch_proto->set_from_vaddr_in_file(branch.from_vaddr_in_file);
+ branch_proto->set_to_vaddr_in_file(branch.to_vaddr_in_file);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const BinaryKey& binary : data.binaries) {
+ auto binary_proto = lbr_proto->add_binaries();
+ binary_proto->set_path(binary.path);
+ binary_proto->set_build_id(binary.build_id.ToString().substr(2));
+ }
+ if (!branch_list_proto.SerializeToString(&s)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "failed to serialize lbr data";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool ParseBranchListData(const std::string& s, ETMBinaryMap& etm_data, LBRData& lbr_data) {
+ proto::BranchList branch_list_proto;
+ if (!branch_list_proto.ParseFromString(s)) {
+ PLOG(ERROR) << "failed to read ETMBranchList msg";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (branch_list_proto.magic() != ETM_BRANCH_LIST_PROTO_MAGIC) {
+ PLOG(ERROR) << "not in etm branch list format in branch_list.proto";
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < branch_list_proto.etm_data_size(); i++) {
+ const auto& binary_proto = branch_list_proto.etm_data(i);
+ BinaryKey key(binary_proto.path(), BuildId(binary_proto.build_id()));
+ if (binary_proto.has_kernel_info()) {
+ key.kernel_start_addr = binary_proto.kernel_info().kernel_start_addr();
+ }
+ ETMBinary& binary = etm_data[key];
+ auto dso_type = ToDsoType(binary_proto.type());
+ if (!dso_type) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "invalid binary type " << binary_proto.type();
+ return false;
+ }
+ binary.dso_type = dso_type.value();
+ binary.branch_map = BuildUnorderedETMBranchMap(binary_proto);
+ }
+ if (branch_list_proto.has_lbr_data()) {
+ const auto& lbr_data_proto = branch_list_proto.lbr_data();
+ lbr_data.samples.resize(lbr_data_proto.samples_size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < lbr_data_proto.samples_size(); ++i) {
+ const auto& sample_proto = lbr_data_proto.samples(i);
+ LBRSample& sample = lbr_data.samples[i];
+ sample.binary_id = sample_proto.binary_id();
+ sample.vaddr_in_file = sample_proto.vaddr_in_file();
+ sample.branches.resize(sample_proto.branches_size());
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < sample_proto.branches_size(); ++j) {
+ const auto& branch_proto = sample_proto.branches(j);
+ LBRBranch& branch = sample.branches[j];
+ branch.from_binary_id = branch_proto.from_binary_id();
+ branch.to_binary_id = branch_proto.to_binary_id();
+ branch.from_vaddr_in_file = branch_proto.from_vaddr_in_file();
+ branch.to_vaddr_in_file = branch_proto.to_vaddr_in_file();
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < lbr_data_proto.binaries_size(); ++i) {
+ const auto& binary_proto = lbr_data_proto.binaries(i);
+ lbr_data.binaries.emplace_back(binary_proto.path(), BuildId(binary_proto.build_id()));
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
} // namespace simpleperf