/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "fscrypt/fscrypt.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std::string_literals; /* modes not supported by upstream kernel, so not in */ #define FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_HEH 126 #define FSCRYPT_MODE_PRIVATE 127 #define HEX_LOOKUP "0123456789abcdef" struct ModeLookupEntry { std::string name; int id; }; static const auto contents_modes = std::vector{ {"aes-256-xts"s, FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS}, {"software"s, FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS}, {"adiantum"s, FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM}, {"ice"s, FSCRYPT_MODE_PRIVATE}, }; static const auto filenames_modes = std::vector{ {"aes-256-cts"s, FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS}, {"aes-256-heh"s, FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_HEH}, {"adiantum"s, FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM}, }; static bool LookupModeByName(const std::vector& modes, const std::string& name, int* result) { for (const auto& e : modes) { if (e.name == name) { *result = e.id; return true; } } return false; } static bool LookupModeById(const std::vector& modes, int id, std::string* result) { for (const auto& e : modes) { if (e.id == id) { *result = e.name; return true; } } return false; } bool fscrypt_is_native() { char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("ro.crypto.type", value, "none"); return !strcmp(value, "file"); } namespace android { namespace fscrypt { static void log_ls(const char* dirname) { std::array argv = {"ls", "-laZ", dirname}; int status = 0; auto res = logwrap_fork_execvp(argv.size(), argv.data(), &status, false, LOG_ALOG, false, nullptr); if (res != 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << argv[0] << " " << argv[1] << " " << argv[2] << "failed"; return; } if (!WIFEXITED(status)) { LOG(ERROR) << argv[0] << " " << argv[1] << " " << argv[2] << " did not exit normally, status: " << status; return; } if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << argv[0] << " " << argv[1] << " " << argv[2] << " returned failure: " << WEXITSTATUS(status); return; } } void BytesToHex(const std::string& bytes, std::string* hex) { hex->clear(); for (char c : bytes) { *hex += HEX_LOOKUP[(c & 0xF0) >> 4]; *hex += HEX_LOOKUP[c & 0x0F]; } } static bool fscrypt_is_encrypted(int fd) { fscrypt_policy_v1 policy; // success => encrypted with v1 policy // EINVAL => encrypted with v2 policy // ENODATA => not encrypted return ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY, &policy) == 0 || errno == EINVAL; } unsigned int GetFirstApiLevel() { return android::base::GetUintProperty("ro.product.first_api_level", 0); } bool OptionsToString(const EncryptionOptions& options, std::string* options_string) { return OptionsToStringForApiLevel(GetFirstApiLevel(), options, options_string); } bool OptionsToStringForApiLevel(unsigned int first_api_level, const EncryptionOptions& options, std::string* options_string) { std::string contents_mode, filenames_mode; if (!LookupModeById(contents_modes, options.contents_mode, &contents_mode)) { return false; } if (!LookupModeById(filenames_modes, options.filenames_mode, &filenames_mode)) { return false; } *options_string = contents_mode + ":" + filenames_mode + ":v" + std::to_string(options.version); if ((options.flags & FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAG_IV_INO_LBLK_64)) { *options_string += "+inlinecrypt_optimized"; } if (options.use_hw_wrapped_key) { *options_string += "+wrappedkey_v0"; } EncryptionOptions options_check; if (!ParseOptionsForApiLevel(first_api_level, *options_string, &options_check)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Internal error serializing options as string: " << *options_string; return false; } if (options != options_check) { LOG(ERROR) << "Internal error serializing options as string, round trip failed: " << *options_string; return false; } return true; } bool ParseOptions(const std::string& options_string, EncryptionOptions* options) { return ParseOptionsForApiLevel(GetFirstApiLevel(), options_string, options); } bool ParseOptionsForApiLevel(unsigned int first_api_level, const std::string& options_string, EncryptionOptions* options) { auto parts = android::base::Split(options_string, ":"); if (parts.size() > 3) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid encryption options: " << options; return false; } options->contents_mode = FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_XTS; if (parts.size() > 0 && !parts[0].empty()) { if (!LookupModeByName(contents_modes, parts[0], &options->contents_mode)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid file contents encryption mode: " << parts[0]; return false; } } if (options->contents_mode == FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM) { options->filenames_mode = FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM; } else { options->filenames_mode = FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS; } if (parts.size() > 1 && !parts[1].empty()){ if (!LookupModeByName(filenames_modes, parts[1], &options->filenames_mode)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid file names encryption mode: " << parts[1]; return false; } } // Default to v2 after Q constexpr unsigned int pre_gki_level = 29; auto is_gki = first_api_level > pre_gki_level; options->version = is_gki ? 2 : 1; options->flags = 0; options->use_hw_wrapped_key = false; if (parts.size() > 2 && !parts[2].empty()) { auto flags = android::base::Split(parts[2], "+"); for (const auto& flag : flags) { if (flag == "v1") { options->version = 1; } else if (flag == "v2") { options->version = 2; } else if (flag == "inlinecrypt_optimized") { options->flags |= FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAG_IV_INO_LBLK_64; } else if (flag == "wrappedkey_v0") { options->use_hw_wrapped_key = true; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown flag: " << flag; return false; } } } // In the original setting of v1 policies and AES-256-CTS we used 4-byte // padding of filenames, so retain that on old first_api_levels. // // For everything else, use 16-byte padding. This is more secure (it helps // hide the length of filenames), and it makes the inputs evenly divisible // into cipher blocks which is more efficient for encryption and decryption. if (!is_gki && options->version == 1 && options->filenames_mode == FSCRYPT_MODE_AES_256_CTS) { options->flags |= FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4; } else { options->flags |= FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_16; } // Use DIRECT_KEY for Adiantum, since it's much more efficient but just as // secure since Android doesn't reuse the same master key for multiple // encryption modes. if (options->contents_mode == FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM) { if (options->filenames_mode != FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM) { LOG(ERROR) << "Adiantum must be both contents and filenames mode or neither, invalid options: " << options_string; return false; } options->flags |= FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAG_DIRECT_KEY; } else if (options->filenames_mode == FSCRYPT_MODE_ADIANTUM) { LOG(ERROR) << "Adiantum must be both contents and filenames mode or neither, invalid options: " << options_string; return false; } return true; } static std::string PolicyDebugString(const EncryptionPolicy& policy) { std::stringstream ss; std::string ref_hex; BytesToHex(policy.key_raw_ref, &ref_hex); ss << ref_hex; ss << " v" << policy.options.version; ss << " modes " << policy.options.contents_mode << "/" << policy.options.filenames_mode; ss << std::hex << " flags 0x" << policy.options.flags; return ss.str(); } bool EnsurePolicy(const EncryptionPolicy& policy, const std::string& directory) { union { fscrypt_policy_v1 v1; fscrypt_policy_v2 v2; } kern_policy; memset(&kern_policy, 0, sizeof(kern_policy)); switch (policy.options.version) { case 1: if (policy.key_raw_ref.size() != FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid key descriptor length for v1 policy: " << policy.key_raw_ref.size(); return false; } // Careful: FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1 is actually 0 in the API, so make sure // to use it here instead of a literal 1. kern_policy.v1.version = FSCRYPT_POLICY_V1; kern_policy.v1.contents_encryption_mode = policy.options.contents_mode; kern_policy.v1.filenames_encryption_mode = policy.options.filenames_mode; kern_policy.v1.flags = policy.options.flags; policy.key_raw_ref.copy(reinterpret_cast(kern_policy.v1.master_key_descriptor), FSCRYPT_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE); break; case 2: if (policy.key_raw_ref.size() != FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid key identifier length for v2 policy: " << policy.key_raw_ref.size(); return false; } kern_policy.v2.version = FSCRYPT_POLICY_V2; kern_policy.v2.contents_encryption_mode = policy.options.contents_mode; kern_policy.v2.filenames_encryption_mode = policy.options.filenames_mode; kern_policy.v2.flags = policy.options.flags; policy.key_raw_ref.copy(reinterpret_cast(kern_policy.v2.master_key_identifier), FSCRYPT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_SIZE); break; default: LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid encryption policy version: " << policy.options.version; return false; } android::base::unique_fd fd(open(directory.c_str(), O_DIRECTORY | O_NOFOLLOW | O_CLOEXEC)); if (fd == -1) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open directory " << directory; return false; } bool already_encrypted = fscrypt_is_encrypted(fd); // FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY will set the policy if the directory is // unencrypted; otherwise it will verify that the existing policy matches. // Setting the policy will fail if the directory is already nonempty. if (ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY, &kern_policy) != 0) { std::string reason; switch (errno) { case EEXIST: reason = "The directory already has a different encryption policy."; break; default: reason = strerror(errno); break; } LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set encryption policy of " << directory << " to " << PolicyDebugString(policy) << ": " << reason; if (errno == ENOTEMPTY) { log_ls(directory.c_str()); } return false; } if (already_encrypted) { LOG(INFO) << "Verified that " << directory << " has the encryption policy " << PolicyDebugString(policy); } else { LOG(INFO) << "Encryption policy of " << directory << " set to " << PolicyDebugString(policy); } return true; } } // namespace fscrypt } // namespace android