syntax = "proto2"; option java_package = ""; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; package wireless_android_play_playlog; // An entry of the map from a stack of addresses to count. // Address here is the offset of the instruction address to the load address // of the load_module. message AddressSample { // List of addresses that represents a call stack. // address[0] is the leaf of the call stack. repeated uint64 address = 1; // List of load_module_ids that represents a call stack. // load_module_id[0] is the leaf of the call stack. // This field can be set as empty if all frame share the same load_module_id // with LoadModuleSamples.load_module_id. repeated int32 load_module_id = 2; // Total count that the address/address_range is sampled. optional int64 count = 3; }; // An entry of the map from address_range to count. // [start, end] represents the range of addresses, end->to represents the // taken branch that ends the range. message RangeSample { // Start instruction address of a range. optional uint64 start = 1; // If "end" and "to" is not provided, "start" represents a single instruction. optional uint64 end = 2; optional uint64 to = 3; // Total count that the address/address_range is sampled. optional int64 count = 4; }; // A load module. message LoadModule { // Name of the load_module. optional string name = 1; // LoadModule's linker build_id. optional string build_id = 2; } // All samples for a load_module. message LoadModuleSamples { optional int32 load_module_id = 1; // Map from a stack of addresses to count. repeated AddressSample address_samples = 2; // Map from a range triplet (start, end, to) to count. repeated RangeSample range_samples = 3; } // All samples for a program. message ProgramSamples { // Name of the program. optional string name = 1; // Load module profiles. repeated LoadModuleSamples modules = 2; } // A compressed representation of a perf profile, which contains samples from // multiple binaries. message AndroidPerfProfile { // Type of the hardware event. enum EventType { CYCLE = 0; BRANCH = 1; } // Hardware event used in profiling. optional EventType event = 1; // Total number of samples in this profile. // This is the sum of counts of address_samples and range_samples in all // load_module_samples. optional int64 total_samples = 2; // Samples for all profiled programs. repeated ProgramSamples programs = 3; // List of all load modules. repeated LoadModule load_modules = 4; // is device screen on at point when profile is collected? optional bool display_on = 5; // system load at point when profile is collected; corresponds // to first value from /proc/loadavg multiplied by 100 then // converted to int32 optional int32 sys_load_average = 6; }