/* ** ** Copyright 2015, The Android Open Source Project ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "perf_profile.pb.h" #include "perfprofdcore.h" #include "perf_data_converter.h" #include "cpuconfig.h" #include "configreader.h" #include "symbolizer.h" // // Perf profiling daemon -- collects system-wide profiles using // // simpleperf record -a // // and encodes them so that they can be uploaded by a separate service. // //...................................................................... // // Output file from 'perf record'. // #define PERF_OUTPUT "perf.data" // // This enum holds the results of the "should we profile" configuration check. // typedef enum { // All systems go for profile collection. DO_COLLECT_PROFILE, // The selected configuration directory doesn't exist. DONT_PROFILE_MISSING_CONFIG_DIR, // Destination directory does not contain the semaphore file that // the perf profile uploading service creates when it determines // that the user has opted "in" for usage data collection. No // semaphore -> no user approval -> no profiling. DONT_PROFILE_MISSING_SEMAPHORE, // No perf executable present DONT_PROFILE_MISSING_PERF_EXECUTABLE, // We're running in the emulator, perf won't be able to do much DONT_PROFILE_RUNNING_IN_EMULATOR } CKPROFILE_RESULT; // // Are we running in the emulator? If so, stub out profile collection // Starts as uninitialized (-1), then set to 1 or 0 at init time. // static int running_in_emulator = -1; // // Is this a debug build ('userdebug' or 'eng')? // Starts as uninitialized (-1), then set to 1 or 0 at init time. // static int is_debug_build = -1; // // Path to the perf file to convert and exit? Empty value is the default, daemon mode. // static std::string perf_file_to_convert = ""; // // Random number generator seed (set at startup time). // static unsigned short random_seed[3]; // // SIGHUP handler. Sending SIGHUP to the daemon can be used to break it // out of a sleep() call so as to trigger a new collection (debugging) // static void sig_hup(int /* signum */) { LOG(WARNING) << "SIGHUP received"; } // // Parse command line args. Currently supported flags: // * "-c PATH" sets the path of the config file to PATH. // * "-x PATH" reads PATH as a perf data file and saves it as a file in // perf_profile.proto format. ".encoded" suffix is appended to PATH to form // the output file path. // static void parse_args(int argc, char** argv) { int ac; for (ac = 1; ac < argc; ++ac) { if (!strcmp(argv[ac], "-c")) { if (ac >= argc-1) { LOG(ERROR) << "malformed command line: -c option requires argument)"; continue; } ConfigReader::setConfigFilePath(argv[ac+1]); ++ac; } else if (!strcmp(argv[ac], "-x")) { if (ac >= argc-1) { LOG(ERROR) << "malformed command line: -x option requires argument)"; continue; } perf_file_to_convert = argv[ac+1]; ++ac; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "malformed command line: unknown option or arg " << argv[ac] << ")"; continue; } } } // // Convert a CKPROFILE_RESULT to a string // const char *ckprofile_result_to_string(CKPROFILE_RESULT result) { switch (result) { case DO_COLLECT_PROFILE: return "DO_COLLECT_PROFILE"; case DONT_PROFILE_MISSING_CONFIG_DIR: return "missing config directory"; case DONT_PROFILE_MISSING_SEMAPHORE: return "missing semaphore file"; case DONT_PROFILE_MISSING_PERF_EXECUTABLE: return "missing 'perf' executable"; case DONT_PROFILE_RUNNING_IN_EMULATOR: return "running in emulator"; default: return "unknown"; } } // // Convert a PROFILE_RESULT to a string // const char *profile_result_to_string(PROFILE_RESULT result) { switch(result) { case OK_PROFILE_COLLECTION: return "profile collection succeeded"; case ERR_FORK_FAILED: return "fork() system call failed"; case ERR_PERF_RECORD_FAILED: return "perf record returned bad exit status"; case ERR_PERF_ENCODE_FAILED: return "failure encoding perf.data to protobuf"; case ERR_OPEN_ENCODED_FILE_FAILED: return "failed to open encoded perf file"; case ERR_WRITE_ENCODED_FILE_FAILED: return "write to encoded perf file failed"; default: return "unknown"; } } // // Check to see whether we should perform a profile collection // static CKPROFILE_RESULT check_profiling_enabled(const Config& config) { // // Profile collection in the emulator doesn't make sense // assert(running_in_emulator != -1); if (running_in_emulator) { return DONT_PROFILE_RUNNING_IN_EMULATOR; } if (!config.IsProfilingEnabled()) { return DONT_PROFILE_MISSING_CONFIG_DIR; } // Check for existence of simpleperf/perf executable std::string pp = config.perf_path; if (access(pp.c_str(), R_OK|X_OK) == -1) { LOG(WARNING) << "unable to access/execute " << pp; return DONT_PROFILE_MISSING_PERF_EXECUTABLE; } // // We are good to go // return DO_COLLECT_PROFILE; } bool get_booting() { return android::base::GetBoolProperty("sys.boot_completed", false) != true; } // // Constructor takes a timeout (in seconds) and a child pid; If an // alarm set for the specified number of seconds triggers, then a // SIGKILL is sent to the child. Destructor resets alarm. Example: // // pid_t child_pid = ...; // { AlarmHelper h(10, child_pid); // ... = read_from_child(child_pid, ...); // } // // NB: this helper is not re-entrant-- avoid nested use or // use by multiple threads // class AlarmHelper { public: AlarmHelper(unsigned num_seconds, pid_t child) { struct sigaction sigact; assert(child); assert(child_ == 0); memset(&sigact, 0, sizeof(sigact)); sigact.sa_sigaction = handler; sigaction(SIGALRM, &sigact, &oldsigact_); child_ = child; alarm(num_seconds); } ~AlarmHelper() { alarm(0); child_ = 0; sigaction(SIGALRM, &oldsigact_, NULL); } static void handler(int, siginfo_t *, void *); private: struct sigaction oldsigact_; static pid_t child_; }; pid_t AlarmHelper::child_; void AlarmHelper::handler(int, siginfo_t *, void *) { LOG(WARNING) << "SIGALRM timeout"; kill(child_, SIGKILL); } // // This implementation invokes "dumpsys media.camera" and inspects the // output to determine if any camera clients are active. NB: this is // currently disable (via config option) until the selinux issues can // be sorted out. Another possible implementation (not yet attempted) // would be to use the binder to call into the native camera service // via "ICameraService". // bool get_camera_active() { int pipefds[2]; if (pipe2(pipefds, O_CLOEXEC) != 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "pipe2() failed"; return false; } pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { PLOG(ERROR) << "fork() failed"; close(pipefds[0]); close(pipefds[1]); return false; } else if (pid == 0) { // child close(pipefds[0]); dup2(pipefds[1], fileno(stderr)); dup2(pipefds[1], fileno(stdout)); const char *argv[10]; unsigned slot = 0; argv[slot++] = "/system/bin/dumpsys"; argv[slot++] = "media.camera"; argv[slot++] = nullptr; execvp(argv[0], (char * const *)argv); PLOG(ERROR) << "execvp() failed"; return false; } // parent AlarmHelper helper(10, pid); close(pipefds[1]); // read output bool have_cam = false; bool have_clients = true; std::string dump_output; bool result = android::base::ReadFdToString(pipefds[0], &dump_output); close(pipefds[0]); if (result) { std::stringstream ss(dump_output); std::string line; while (std::getline(ss,line,'\n')) { if (line.find("Camera module API version:") != std::string::npos) { have_cam = true; } if (line.find("No camera module available") != std::string::npos || line.find("No active camera clients yet") != std::string::npos) { have_clients = false; } } } // reap child (no zombies please) int st = 0; TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(waitpid(pid, &st, 0)); return have_cam && have_clients; } bool get_charging() { std::string psdir("/sys/class/power_supply"); DIR* dir = opendir(psdir.c_str()); if (dir == NULL) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open dir " << psdir; return false; } struct dirent* e; bool result = false; while ((e = readdir(dir)) != 0) { if (e->d_name[0] != '.') { std::string online_path = psdir + "/" + e->d_name + "/online"; std::string contents; int value = 0; if (android::base::ReadFileToString(online_path.c_str(), &contents) && sscanf(contents.c_str(), "%d", &value) == 1) { if (value) { result = true; break; } } } } closedir(dir); return result; } bool postprocess_proc_stat_contents(const std::string &pscontents, long unsigned *idleticks, long unsigned *remainingticks) { long unsigned usertime, nicetime, systime, idletime, iowaittime; long unsigned irqtime, softirqtime; int rc = sscanf(pscontents.c_str(), "cpu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu", &usertime, &nicetime, &systime, &idletime, &iowaittime, &irqtime, &softirqtime); if (rc != 7) { return false; } *idleticks = idletime; *remainingticks = usertime + nicetime + systime + iowaittime + irqtime + softirqtime; return true; } unsigned collect_cpu_utilization() { std::string contents; long unsigned idle[2]; long unsigned busy[2]; for (unsigned iter = 0; iter < 2; ++iter) { if (!android::base::ReadFileToString("/proc/stat", &contents)) { return 0; } if (!postprocess_proc_stat_contents(contents, &idle[iter], &busy[iter])) { return 0; } if (iter == 0) { sleep(1); } } long unsigned total_delta = (idle[1] + busy[1]) - (idle[0] + busy[0]); long unsigned busy_delta = busy[1] - busy[0]; return busy_delta * 100 / total_delta; } static void annotate_encoded_perf_profile(wireless_android_play_playlog::AndroidPerfProfile *profile, const Config& config, unsigned cpu_utilization) { // // Incorporate cpu utilization (collected prior to perf run) // if (config.collect_cpu_utilization) { profile->set_cpu_utilization(cpu_utilization); } // // Load average as reported by the kernel // std::string load; double fload = 0.0; if (android::base::ReadFileToString("/proc/loadavg", &load) && sscanf(load.c_str(), "%lf", &fload) == 1) { int iload = static_cast(fload * 100.0); profile->set_sys_load_average(iload); } else { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read or scan /proc/loadavg"; } // // Device still booting? Camera in use? Plugged into charger? // bool is_booting = get_booting(); if (config.collect_booting) { profile->set_booting(is_booting); } if (config.collect_camera_active) { profile->set_camera_active(is_booting ? false : get_camera_active()); } if (config.collect_charging_state) { profile->set_on_charger(get_charging()); } // // Examine the contents of wake_unlock to determine whether the // device display is on or off. NB: is this really the only way to // determine this info? // std::string disp; if (android::base::ReadFileToString("/sys/power/wake_unlock", &disp)) { bool ison = (strstr(disp.c_str(), "PowerManagerService.Display") == 0); profile->set_display_on(ison); } else { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read /sys/power/wake_unlock"; } } using ProtoUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr; static ProtoUniquePtr encode_to_proto(const std::string &data_file_path, const Config& config, unsigned cpu_utilization, perfprofd::Symbolizer* symbolizer) { // // Open and read perf.data file // ProtoUniquePtr encodedProfile( wireless_android_logging_awp::RawPerfDataToAndroidPerfProfile(data_file_path, symbolizer)); if (encodedProfile == nullptr) { return nullptr; } // All of the info in 'encodedProfile' is derived from the perf.data file; // here we tack display status, cpu utilization, system load, etc. annotate_encoded_perf_profile(encodedProfile.get(), config, cpu_utilization); return encodedProfile; } PROFILE_RESULT SerializeProtobuf(wireless_android_play_playlog::AndroidPerfProfile* encodedProfile, const char* encoded_file_path) { // // Serialize protobuf to array // size_t size = encodedProfile->ByteSize(); std::unique_ptr data(new uint8_t[size]); encodedProfile->SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(data.get()); // // Open file and write encoded data to it // unlink(encoded_file_path); // Attempt to unlink for a clean slate. constexpr int kFlags = O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_NOFOLLOW | O_CLOEXEC; android::base::unique_fd fd(open(encoded_file_path, kFlags, 0664)); if (fd.get() == -1) { PLOG(WARNING) << "Could not open " << encoded_file_path << " for serialization"; return ERR_OPEN_ENCODED_FILE_FAILED; } if (!android::base::WriteFully(fd.get(), data.get(), size)) { PLOG(WARNING) << "Could not write to " << encoded_file_path; return ERR_WRITE_ENCODED_FILE_FAILED; } return OK_PROFILE_COLLECTION; } PROFILE_RESULT encode_to_proto(const std::string &data_file_path, const char *encoded_file_path, const Config& config, unsigned cpu_utilization, perfprofd::Symbolizer* symbolizer) { ProtoUniquePtr encodedProfile = encode_to_proto(data_file_path, config, cpu_utilization, symbolizer); // // Issue error if no samples // if (encodedProfile == nullptr || encodedProfile->programs().size() == 0) { return ERR_PERF_ENCODE_FAILED; } return SerializeProtobuf(encodedProfile.get(), encoded_file_path); } // // Invoke "perf record". Return value is OK_PROFILE_COLLECTION for // success, or some other error code if something went wrong. // static PROFILE_RESULT invoke_perf(Config& config, const std::string &perf_path, unsigned sampling_period, const char *stack_profile_opt, unsigned duration, const std::string &data_file_path, const std::string &perf_stderr_path) { pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { return ERR_FORK_FAILED; } if (pid == 0) { // child // Open file to receive stderr/stdout from perf FILE *efp = fopen(perf_stderr_path.c_str(), "w"); if (efp) { dup2(fileno(efp), STDERR_FILENO); dup2(fileno(efp), STDOUT_FILENO); } else { PLOG(WARNING) << "unable to open " << perf_stderr_path << " for writing"; } // marshall arguments constexpr unsigned max_args = 14; const char *argv[max_args]; unsigned slot = 0; argv[slot++] = perf_path.c_str(); argv[slot++] = "record"; // -o perf.data argv[slot++] = "-o"; argv[slot++] = data_file_path.c_str(); // -c N argv[slot++] = "-c"; std::string p_str = android::base::StringPrintf("%u", sampling_period); argv[slot++] = p_str.c_str(); // -g if desired if (stack_profile_opt) argv[slot++] = stack_profile_opt; std::string pid_str; if (config.process < 0) { // system wide profiling argv[slot++] = "-a"; } else { argv[slot++] = "-p"; pid_str = std::to_string(config.process); argv[slot++] = pid_str.c_str(); } // no need for kernel symbols argv[slot++] = "--no-dump-kernel-symbols"; // sleep argv[slot++] = "/system/bin/sleep"; std::string d_str = android::base::StringPrintf("%u", duration); argv[slot++] = d_str.c_str(); // terminator argv[slot++] = nullptr; assert(slot < max_args); // record the final command line in the error output file for // posterity/debugging purposes fprintf(stderr, "perf invocation (pid=%d):\n", getpid()); for (unsigned i = 0; argv[i] != nullptr; ++i) { fprintf(stderr, "%s%s", i ? " " : "", argv[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); // exec execvp(argv[0], (char * const *)argv); fprintf(stderr, "exec failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } else { // parent // Try to sleep. config.Sleep(duration); // We may have been woken up to stop profiling. if (config.ShouldStopProfiling()) { // Send SIGHUP to simpleperf to make it stop. kill(pid, SIGHUP); } // Wait for the child, so it's reaped correctly. int st = 0; pid_t reaped = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(waitpid(pid, &st, 0)); if (reaped == -1) { PLOG(WARNING) << "waitpid failed"; } else if (WIFSIGNALED(st)) { if (WTERMSIG(st) == SIGHUP && config.ShouldStopProfiling()) { // That was us... return OK_PROFILE_COLLECTION; } LOG(WARNING) << "perf killed by signal " << WTERMSIG(st); } else if (WEXITSTATUS(st) != 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "perf bad exit status " << WEXITSTATUS(st); } else { return OK_PROFILE_COLLECTION; } } return ERR_PERF_RECORD_FAILED; } // // Remove all files in the destination directory during initialization // static void cleanup_destination_dir(const std::string& dest_dir) { DIR* dir = opendir(dest_dir.c_str()); if (dir != NULL) { struct dirent* e; while ((e = readdir(dir)) != 0) { if (e->d_name[0] != '.') { std::string file_path = dest_dir + "/" + e->d_name; remove(file_path.c_str()); } } closedir(dir); } else { PLOG(WARNING) << "unable to open destination dir " << dest_dir << " for cleanup"; } } // // Post-processes after profile is collected and converted to protobuf. // * GMS core stores processed file sequence numbers in // /data/data/com.google.android.gms/files/perfprofd_processed.txt // * Update /data/misc/perfprofd/perfprofd_produced.txt to remove the sequence // numbers that have been processed and append the current seq number // Returns true if the current_seq should increment. // static bool post_process(const Config& config, int current_seq) { const std::string& dest_dir = config.destination_directory; std::string processed_file_path = config.config_directory + "/" + PROCESSED_FILENAME; std::string produced_file_path = dest_dir + "/" + PRODUCED_FILENAME; std::set processed; FILE *fp = fopen(processed_file_path.c_str(), "r"); if (fp != NULL) { int seq; while(fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &seq) > 0) { if (remove(android::base::StringPrintf( "%s/perf.data.encoded.%d", dest_dir.c_str(),seq).c_str()) == 0) { processed.insert(seq); } } fclose(fp); } std::set produced; fp = fopen(produced_file_path.c_str(), "r"); if (fp != NULL) { int seq; while(fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &seq) > 0) { if (processed.find(seq) == processed.end()) { produced.insert(seq); } } fclose(fp); } uint32_t maxLive = config.max_unprocessed_profiles; if (produced.size() >= maxLive) { return false; } produced.insert(current_seq); fp = fopen(produced_file_path.c_str(), "w"); if (fp == NULL) { PLOG(WARNING) << "Cannot write " << produced_file_path; return false; } for (std::set::const_iterator iter = produced.begin(); iter != produced.end(); ++iter) { fprintf(fp, "%d\n", *iter); } fclose(fp); chmod(produced_file_path.c_str(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH); return true; } // // Collect a perf profile. Steps for this operation are: // - kick off 'perf record' // - read perf.data, convert to protocol buf // static ProtoUniquePtr collect_profile(Config& config) { // // Collect cpu utilization if enabled // unsigned cpu_utilization = 0; if (config.collect_cpu_utilization) { cpu_utilization = collect_cpu_utilization(); } // // Form perf.data file name, perf error output file name // const std::string& destdir = config.destination_directory; std::string data_file_path(destdir); data_file_path += "/"; data_file_path += PERF_OUTPUT; std::string perf_stderr_path(destdir); perf_stderr_path += "/perferr.txt"; // // Remove any existing perf.data file -- if we don't do this, perf // will rename the old file and we'll have extra cruft lying around. // struct stat statb; if (stat(data_file_path.c_str(), &statb) == 0) { // if file exists... if (unlink(data_file_path.c_str())) { // then try to remove PLOG(WARNING) << "unable to unlink previous perf.data file"; } } // // The "mpdecision" daemon can cause problems for profile // collection: if it decides to online a CPU partway through the // 'perf record' run, the activity on that CPU will be invisible to // perf, and if it offlines a CPU during the recording this can // sometimes leave the PMU in an unusable state (dmesg errors of the // form "perfevents: unable to request IRQXXX for ..."). To avoid // these issues, if "mpdecision" is running the helper below will // stop the service and then online all available CPUs. The object // destructor (invoked when this routine terminates) will then // restart the service again when needed. // uint32_t duration = config.sample_duration_in_s; bool hardwire = config.hardwire_cpus; uint32_t max_duration = config.hardwire_cpus_max_duration_in_s; bool take_action = (hardwire && duration <= max_duration); HardwireCpuHelper helper(take_action); // // Invoke perf // const char *stack_profile_opt = (config.stack_profile ? "-g" : nullptr); const std::string& perf_path = config.perf_path; uint32_t period = config.sampling_period; PROFILE_RESULT ret = invoke_perf(config, perf_path.c_str(), period, stack_profile_opt, duration, data_file_path, perf_stderr_path); if (ret != OK_PROFILE_COLLECTION) { return nullptr; } // // Read the resulting perf.data file, encode into protocol buffer, then write // the result to the file perf.data.encoded // std::unique_ptr symbolizer; if (config.use_elf_symbolizer) { symbolizer = perfprofd::CreateELFSymbolizer(); } return encode_to_proto(data_file_path, config, cpu_utilization, symbolizer.get()); } // // Assuming that we want to collect a profile every N seconds, // randomly partition N into two sub-intervals. // static void determine_before_after(unsigned &sleep_before_collect, unsigned &sleep_after_collect, unsigned collection_interval) { double frac = erand48(random_seed); sleep_before_collect = (unsigned) (((double)collection_interval) * frac); assert(sleep_before_collect <= collection_interval); sleep_after_collect = collection_interval - sleep_before_collect; } // // Set random number generator seed // static void set_seed(uint32_t use_fixed_seed) { unsigned seed = 0; if (use_fixed_seed) { // // Use fixed user-specified seed // seed = use_fixed_seed; } else { // // Randomized seed // seed = arc4random(); } LOG(INFO) << "random seed set to " << seed; // Distribute the 32-bit seed into the three 16-bit array // elements. The specific values being written do not especially // matter as long as we are setting them to something based on the seed. random_seed[0] = seed & 0xffff; random_seed[1] = (seed >> 16); random_seed[2] = (random_seed[0] ^ random_seed[1]); } static void CommonInit(uint32_t use_fixed_seed, const char* dest_dir) { // Children of init inherit an artificially low OOM score -- this is not // desirable for perfprofd (its OOM score should be on par with // other user processes). std::stringstream oomscore_path; oomscore_path << "/proc/" << getpid() << "/oom_score_adj"; if (!android::base::WriteStringToFile("0", oomscore_path.str())) { LOG(ERROR) << "unable to write to " << oomscore_path.str(); } set_seed(use_fixed_seed); if (dest_dir != nullptr) { cleanup_destination_dir(dest_dir); } running_in_emulator = android::base::GetBoolProperty("ro.kernel.qemu", false); is_debug_build = android::base::GetBoolProperty("ro.debuggable", false); } // // Initialization // static void init(const Config& config) { // TODO: Consider whether we want to clean things or just overwrite. CommonInit(config.use_fixed_seed, nullptr); } static void init(ConfigReader &config) { if (!config.readFile()) { LOG(ERROR) << "unable to open configuration file " << config.getConfigFilePath(); } CommonInit(static_cast(config.getUnsignedValue("use_fixed_seed")), config.getStringValue("destination_directory").c_str()); signal(SIGHUP, sig_hup); } template static void ProfilingLoopImpl(ConfigFn config, UpdateFn update, HandlerFn handler) { unsigned iterations = 0; while(config()->main_loop_iterations == 0 || iterations < config()->main_loop_iterations) { if (config()->ShouldStopProfiling()) { return; } // Figure out where in the collection interval we're going to actually // run perf unsigned sleep_before_collect = 0; unsigned sleep_after_collect = 0; determine_before_after(sleep_before_collect, sleep_after_collect, config()->collection_interval_in_s); config()->Sleep(sleep_before_collect); if (config()->ShouldStopProfiling()) { return; } // Run any necessary updates. update(); // Check for profiling enabled... CKPROFILE_RESULT ckresult = check_profiling_enabled(*config()); if (ckresult != DO_COLLECT_PROFILE) { LOG(INFO) << "profile collection skipped (" << ckprofile_result_to_string(ckresult) << ")"; } else { // Kick off the profiling run... LOG(INFO) << "initiating profile collection"; ProtoUniquePtr proto = collect_profile(*config()); if (proto == nullptr) { LOG(WARNING) << "profile collection failed"; } // Always report, even a null result. bool handle_result = handler(proto.get(), config()); if (handle_result) { LOG(INFO) << "profile collection complete"; } else if (proto != nullptr) { LOG(WARNING) << "profile handling failed"; } } if (config()->ShouldStopProfiling()) { return; } config()->Sleep(sleep_after_collect); iterations += 1; } } void ProfilingLoop(Config& config, HandlerFn handler) { init(config); auto config_fn = [&config]() { return &config;; }; auto do_nothing = []() { }; ProfilingLoopImpl(config_fn, do_nothing, handler); } // // Main routine: // 1. parse cmd line args // 2. read config file // 3. loop: { // sleep for a while // perform a profile collection // } // int perfprofd_main(int argc, char** argv, Config* config) { ConfigReader config_reader; LOG(INFO) << "starting Android Wide Profiling daemon"; parse_args(argc, argv); init(config_reader); config_reader.FillConfig(config); if (!perf_file_to_convert.empty()) { std::string encoded_path = perf_file_to_convert + ".encoded"; encode_to_proto(perf_file_to_convert, encoded_path.c_str(), *config, 0, nullptr); return 0; } // Early exit if we're not supposed to run on this build flavor if (is_debug_build != 1 && config->only_debug_build) { LOG(INFO) << "early exit due to inappropriate build type"; return 0; } auto config_fn = [config]() { return config; }; auto reread_config = [&config_reader, config]() { // Reread config file -- the uploader may have rewritten it as a result // of a gservices change config_reader.readFile(); config_reader.FillConfig(config); }; int seq = 0; auto handler = [&seq](wireless_android_play_playlog::AndroidPerfProfile* proto, Config* handler_config) { if (proto == nullptr) { return false; } std::string data_file_path(handler_config->destination_directory); data_file_path += "/"; data_file_path += PERF_OUTPUT; std::string path = android::base::StringPrintf("%s.encoded.%d", data_file_path.c_str(), seq); PROFILE_RESULT result = SerializeProtobuf(proto, path.c_str()); if (result != PROFILE_RESULT::OK_PROFILE_COLLECTION) { return false; } if (!post_process(*handler_config, seq)) { return false; } seq++; return true; }; ProfilingLoopImpl(config_fn, reread_config, handler); LOG(INFO) << "finishing Android Wide Profiling daemon"; return 0; }