# Simpleperf This file is documentation for simpleperf maintainers. There is also [user documentation](doc/README.md). ## Building new prebuilts To snap the aosp-simpleperf-release branch to ToT AOSP main and kick off a build, use [this coastguard page](https://android-build.googleplex.com/coastguard/dashboard/5938649007521792/#/request/create) and choose "aosp-simpleperf-release" from the "Branch" dropdown. Then click "Submit build requests". You'll get emails keeping you up to date with the progress of the snap and the build. ## Updating the prebuilts Once you have the build id (a 7-digit number) and the build is complete, run the update script from within the `system/extras/simpleperf` directory: ``` ./scripts/update.py --bid 1234567 -vv ``` This will create a new change that you can `repo upload`, then approve and submit as normal.