/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "command.h" #include "dwarf_unwind.h" #include "environment.h" #include "event_selection_set.h" #include "event_type.h" #include "read_apk.h" #include "read_elf.h" #include "record.h" #include "record_file.h" #include "scoped_signal_handler.h" #include "thread_tree.h" #include "utils.h" #include "workload.h" static std::string default_measured_event_type = "cpu-cycles"; static std::unordered_map branch_sampling_type_map = { {"u", PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_USER}, {"k", PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_KERNEL}, {"any", PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_ANY}, {"any_call", PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_ANY_CALL}, {"any_ret", PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_ANY_RETURN}, {"ind_call", PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_IND_CALL}, }; static volatile bool signaled; static void signal_handler(int) { signaled = true; } // Used in cpu-hotplug test. bool system_wide_perf_event_open_failed = false; class RecordCommand : public Command { public: RecordCommand() : Command( "record", "record sampling info in perf.data", "Usage: simpleperf record [options] [command [command-args]]\n" " Gather sampling information when running [command].\n" " -a System-wide collection.\n" " -b Enable take branch stack sampling. Same as '-j any'\n" " -c count Set event sample period.\n" " --call-graph fp | dwarf[,]\n" " Enable call graph recording. Use frame pointer or dwarf as the\n" " method to parse call graph in stack. Default is dwarf,8192.\n" " --cpu cpu_item1,cpu_item2,...\n" " Collect samples only on the selected cpus. cpu_item can be cpu\n" " number like 1, or cpu range like 0-3.\n" " -e event1[:modifier1],event2[:modifier2],...\n" " Select the event list to sample. Use `simpleperf list` to find\n" " all possible event names. Modifiers can be added to define\n" " how the event should be monitored. Possible modifiers are:\n" " u - monitor user space events only\n" " k - monitor kernel space events only\n" " -f freq Set event sample frequency.\n" " -F freq Same as '-f freq'.\n" " -g Same as '--call-graph dwarf'.\n" " -j branch_filter1,branch_filter2,...\n" " Enable taken branch stack sampling. Each sample\n" " captures a series of consecutive taken branches.\n" " The following filters are defined:\n" " any: any type of branch\n" " any_call: any function call or system call\n" " any_ret: any function return or system call return\n" " ind_call: any indirect branch\n" " u: only when the branch target is at the user level\n" " k: only when the branch target is in the kernel\n" " This option requires at least one branch type among any,\n" " any_call, any_ret, ind_call.\n" " -m mmap_pages\n" " Set the size of the buffer used to receiving sample data from\n" " the kernel. It should be a power of 2. The default value is 16.\n" " --no-inherit\n" " Don't record created child threads/processes.\n" " --no-unwind If `--call-graph dwarf` option is used, then the user's stack will\n" " be unwound by default. Use this option to disable the unwinding of\n" " the user's stack.\n" " -o record_file_name Set record file name, default is perf.data.\n" " -p pid1,pid2,...\n" " Record events on existing processes. Mutually exclusive with -a.\n" " --post-unwind\n" " If `--call-graph dwarf` option is used, then the user's stack will\n" " be unwound while recording by default. But it may lose records as\n" " stacking unwinding can be time consuming. Use this option to unwind\n" " the user's stack after recording.\n" " -t tid1,tid2,...\n" " Record events on existing threads. Mutually exclusive with -a.\n"), use_sample_freq_(true), sample_freq_(4000), system_wide_collection_(false), branch_sampling_(0), fp_callchain_sampling_(false), dwarf_callchain_sampling_(false), dump_stack_size_in_dwarf_sampling_(8192), unwind_dwarf_callchain_(true), post_unwind_(false), child_inherit_(true), perf_mmap_pages_(16), record_filename_("perf.data"), sample_record_count_(0) { signaled = false; scoped_signal_handler_.reset( new ScopedSignalHandler({SIGCHLD, SIGINT, SIGTERM}, signal_handler)); } bool Run(const std::vector& args); static bool ReadMmapDataCallback(const char* data, size_t size); private: bool ParseOptions(const std::vector& args, std::vector* non_option_args); bool AddMeasuredEventType(const std::string& event_type_name); bool SetEventSelection(); bool CreateAndInitRecordFile(); std::unique_ptr CreateRecordFile(const std::string& filename); bool DumpKernelAndModuleMmaps(); bool DumpThreadCommAndMmaps(bool all_threads, const std::vector& selected_threads); bool CollectRecordsFromKernel(const char* data, size_t size); bool ProcessRecord(Record* record); void UpdateRecordForEmbeddedElfPath(Record* record); void UnwindRecord(Record* record); bool PostUnwind(const std::vector& args); bool DumpAdditionalFeatures(const std::vector& args); bool DumpBuildIdFeature(); void CollectHitFileInfo(Record* record); std::pair TestForEmbeddedElf(Dso *dso, uint64_t pgoff); bool use_sample_freq_; // Use sample_freq_ when true, otherwise using sample_period_. uint64_t sample_freq_; // Sample 'sample_freq_' times per second. uint64_t sample_period_; // Sample once when 'sample_period_' events occur. bool system_wide_collection_; uint64_t branch_sampling_; bool fp_callchain_sampling_; bool dwarf_callchain_sampling_; uint32_t dump_stack_size_in_dwarf_sampling_; bool unwind_dwarf_callchain_; bool post_unwind_; bool child_inherit_; std::vector monitored_threads_; std::vector cpus_; std::vector measured_event_types_; EventSelectionSet event_selection_set_; // mmap pages used by each perf event file, should be a power of 2. size_t perf_mmap_pages_; std::unique_ptr record_cache_; ThreadTree thread_tree_; std::string record_filename_; std::unique_ptr record_file_writer_; std::set hit_kernel_modules_; std::set hit_user_files_; std::unique_ptr scoped_signal_handler_; uint64_t sample_record_count_; }; bool RecordCommand::Run(const std::vector& args) { // 1. Parse options, and use default measured event type if not given. std::vector workload_args; if (!ParseOptions(args, &workload_args)) { return false; } if (measured_event_types_.empty()) { if (!AddMeasuredEventType(default_measured_event_type)) { return false; } } if (!SetEventSelection()) { return false; } // 2. Create workload. std::unique_ptr workload; if (!workload_args.empty()) { workload = Workload::CreateWorkload(workload_args); if (workload == nullptr) { return false; } } if (!system_wide_collection_ && monitored_threads_.empty()) { if (workload != nullptr) { monitored_threads_.push_back(workload->GetPid()); event_selection_set_.SetEnableOnExec(true); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "No threads to monitor. Try `simpleperf help record` for help\n"; return false; } } // 3. Open perf_event_files, create memory mapped buffers for perf_event_files, add prepare poll // for perf_event_files. if (system_wide_collection_) { if (!event_selection_set_.OpenEventFilesForCpus(cpus_)) { system_wide_perf_event_open_failed = true; return false; } } else { if (!event_selection_set_.OpenEventFilesForThreadsOnCpus(monitored_threads_, cpus_)) { return false; } } if (!event_selection_set_.MmapEventFiles(perf_mmap_pages_)) { return false; } std::vector pollfds; event_selection_set_.PreparePollForEventFiles(&pollfds); // 4. Create perf.data. if (!CreateAndInitRecordFile()) { return false; } // 5. Write records in mmap buffers of perf_event_files to output file while workload is running. if (workload != nullptr && !workload->Start()) { return false; } record_cache_.reset( new RecordCache(*event_selection_set_.FindEventAttrByType(measured_event_types_[0]))); auto callback = std::bind(&RecordCommand::CollectRecordsFromKernel, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2); while (true) { if (!event_selection_set_.ReadMmapEventData(callback)) { return false; } if (signaled) { break; } poll(&pollfds[0], pollfds.size(), -1); } std::vector> records = record_cache_->PopAll(); for (auto& r : records) { if (!ProcessRecord(r.get())) { return false; } } // 6. Dump additional features, and close record file. if (!DumpAdditionalFeatures(args)) { return false; } if (!record_file_writer_->Close()) { return false; } // 7. Unwind dwarf callchain. if (post_unwind_) { if (!PostUnwind(args)) { return false; } } LOG(VERBOSE) << "Record " << sample_record_count_ << " samples."; return true; } bool RecordCommand::ParseOptions(const std::vector& args, std::vector* non_option_args) { std::set tid_set; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < args.size() && args[i].size() > 0 && args[i][0] == '-'; ++i) { if (args[i] == "-a") { system_wide_collection_ = true; } else if (args[i] == "-b") { branch_sampling_ = branch_sampling_type_map["any"]; } else if (args[i] == "-c") { if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) { return false; } char* endptr; sample_period_ = strtoull(args[i].c_str(), &endptr, 0); if (*endptr != '\0' || sample_period_ == 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid sample period: '" << args[i] << "'"; return false; } use_sample_freq_ = false; } else if (args[i] == "--call-graph") { if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) { return false; } std::vector strs = android::base::Split(args[i], ","); if (strs[0] == "fp") { fp_callchain_sampling_ = true; dwarf_callchain_sampling_ = false; } else if (strs[0] == "dwarf") { fp_callchain_sampling_ = false; dwarf_callchain_sampling_ = true; if (strs.size() > 1) { char* endptr; uint64_t size = strtoull(strs[1].c_str(), &endptr, 0); if (*endptr != '\0' || size > UINT_MAX) { LOG(ERROR) << "invalid dump stack size in --call-graph option: " << strs[1]; return false; } if ((size & 7) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "dump stack size " << size << " is not 8-byte aligned."; return false; } dump_stack_size_in_dwarf_sampling_ = static_cast(size); } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "unexpected argument for --call-graph option: " << args[i]; return false; } } else if (args[i] == "--cpu") { if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) { return false; } cpus_ = GetCpusFromString(args[i]); } else if (args[i] == "-e") { if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) { return false; } std::vector event_types = android::base::Split(args[i], ","); for (auto& event_type : event_types) { if (!AddMeasuredEventType(event_type)) { return false; } } } else if (args[i] == "-f" || args[i] == "-F") { if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) { return false; } char* endptr; sample_freq_ = strtoull(args[i].c_str(), &endptr, 0); if (*endptr != '\0' || sample_freq_ == 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid sample frequency: '" << args[i] << "'"; return false; } use_sample_freq_ = true; } else if (args[i] == "-g") { fp_callchain_sampling_ = false; dwarf_callchain_sampling_ = true; } else if (args[i] == "-j") { if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) { return false; } std::vector branch_sampling_types = android::base::Split(args[i], ","); for (auto& type : branch_sampling_types) { auto it = branch_sampling_type_map.find(type); if (it == branch_sampling_type_map.end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "unrecognized branch sampling filter: " << type; return false; } branch_sampling_ |= it->second; } } else if (args[i] == "-m") { if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) { return false; } char* endptr; uint64_t pages = strtoull(args[i].c_str(), &endptr, 0); if (*endptr != '\0' || !IsPowerOfTwo(pages)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid mmap_pages: '" << args[i] << "'"; return false; } perf_mmap_pages_ = pages; } else if (args[i] == "--no-inherit") { child_inherit_ = false; } else if (args[i] == "--no-unwind") { unwind_dwarf_callchain_ = false; } else if (args[i] == "-o") { if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) { return false; } record_filename_ = args[i]; } else if (args[i] == "-p") { if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) { return false; } if (!GetValidThreadsFromProcessString(args[i], &tid_set)) { return false; } } else if (args[i] == "--post-unwind") { post_unwind_ = true; } else if (args[i] == "-t") { if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) { return false; } if (!GetValidThreadsFromThreadString(args[i], &tid_set)) { return false; } } else { ReportUnknownOption(args, i); return false; } } if (!dwarf_callchain_sampling_) { if (!unwind_dwarf_callchain_) { LOG(ERROR) << "--no-unwind is only used with `--call-graph dwarf` option."; return false; } unwind_dwarf_callchain_ = false; } if (post_unwind_) { if (!dwarf_callchain_sampling_) { LOG(ERROR) << "--post-unwind is only used with `--call-graph dwarf` option."; return false; } if (!unwind_dwarf_callchain_) { LOG(ERROR) << "--post-unwind can't be used with `--no-unwind` option."; return false; } } monitored_threads_.insert(monitored_threads_.end(), tid_set.begin(), tid_set.end()); if (system_wide_collection_ && !monitored_threads_.empty()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Record system wide and existing processes/threads can't be used at the same time."; return false; } if (non_option_args != nullptr) { non_option_args->clear(); for (; i < args.size(); ++i) { non_option_args->push_back(args[i]); } } return true; } bool RecordCommand::AddMeasuredEventType(const std::string& event_type_name) { std::unique_ptr event_type_modifier = ParseEventType(event_type_name); if (event_type_modifier == nullptr) { return false; } measured_event_types_.push_back(*event_type_modifier); return true; } bool RecordCommand::SetEventSelection() { for (auto& event_type : measured_event_types_) { if (!event_selection_set_.AddEventType(event_type)) { return false; } } if (use_sample_freq_) { event_selection_set_.SetSampleFreq(sample_freq_); } else { event_selection_set_.SetSamplePeriod(sample_period_); } event_selection_set_.SampleIdAll(); if (!event_selection_set_.SetBranchSampling(branch_sampling_)) { return false; } if (fp_callchain_sampling_) { event_selection_set_.EnableFpCallChainSampling(); } else if (dwarf_callchain_sampling_) { if (!event_selection_set_.EnableDwarfCallChainSampling(dump_stack_size_in_dwarf_sampling_)) { return false; } } event_selection_set_.SetInherit(child_inherit_); return true; } bool RecordCommand::CreateAndInitRecordFile() { record_file_writer_ = CreateRecordFile(record_filename_); if (record_file_writer_ == nullptr) { return false; } if (!DumpKernelAndModuleMmaps()) { return false; } if (!DumpThreadCommAndMmaps(system_wide_collection_, monitored_threads_)) { return false; } return true; } std::unique_ptr RecordCommand::CreateRecordFile(const std::string& filename) { std::unique_ptr writer = RecordFileWriter::CreateInstance(filename); if (writer == nullptr) { return nullptr; } std::vector attr_ids; for (auto& event_type : measured_event_types_) { AttrWithId attr_id; attr_id.attr = event_selection_set_.FindEventAttrByType(event_type); CHECK(attr_id.attr != nullptr); const std::vector>* fds = event_selection_set_.FindEventFdsByType(event_type); CHECK(fds != nullptr); for (auto& fd : *fds) { attr_id.ids.push_back(fd->Id()); } attr_ids.push_back(attr_id); } if (!writer->WriteAttrSection(attr_ids)) { return nullptr; } return writer; } bool RecordCommand::DumpKernelAndModuleMmaps() { KernelMmap kernel_mmap; std::vector module_mmaps; if (!GetKernelAndModuleMmaps(&kernel_mmap, &module_mmaps)) { return false; } const perf_event_attr* attr = event_selection_set_.FindEventAttrByType(measured_event_types_[0]); CHECK(attr != nullptr); MmapRecord mmap_record = CreateMmapRecord(*attr, true, UINT_MAX, 0, kernel_mmap.start_addr, kernel_mmap.len, kernel_mmap.pgoff, kernel_mmap.name); if (!ProcessRecord(&mmap_record)) { return false; } for (auto& module_mmap : module_mmaps) { std::string filename = module_mmap.filepath; if (filename.empty()) { filename = "[" + module_mmap.name + "]"; } MmapRecord mmap_record = CreateMmapRecord(*attr, true, UINT_MAX, 0, module_mmap.start_addr, module_mmap.len, 0, filename); if (!ProcessRecord(&mmap_record)) { return false; } } return true; } bool RecordCommand::DumpThreadCommAndMmaps(bool all_threads, const std::vector& selected_threads) { std::vector thread_comms; if (!GetThreadComms(&thread_comms)) { return false; } // Decide which processes and threads to dump. std::set dump_processes; std::set dump_threads; for (auto& tid : selected_threads) { dump_threads.insert(tid); } for (auto& thread : thread_comms) { if (dump_threads.find(thread.tid) != dump_threads.end()) { dump_processes.insert(thread.pid); } } const perf_event_attr* attr = event_selection_set_.FindEventAttrByType(measured_event_types_[0]); CHECK(attr != nullptr); // Dump processes. for (auto& thread : thread_comms) { if (thread.pid != thread.tid) { continue; } if (!all_threads && dump_processes.find(thread.pid) == dump_processes.end()) { continue; } CommRecord record = CreateCommRecord(*attr, thread.pid, thread.tid, thread.comm); if (!ProcessRecord(&record)) { return false; } std::vector thread_mmaps; if (!GetThreadMmapsInProcess(thread.pid, &thread_mmaps)) { // The thread may exit before we get its info. continue; } for (auto& thread_mmap : thread_mmaps) { if (thread_mmap.executable == 0) { continue; // No need to dump non-executable mmap info. } MmapRecord record = CreateMmapRecord(*attr, false, thread.pid, thread.tid, thread_mmap.start_addr, thread_mmap.len, thread_mmap.pgoff, thread_mmap.name); if (!ProcessRecord(&record)) { return false; } } } // Dump threads. for (auto& thread : thread_comms) { if (thread.pid == thread.tid) { continue; } if (!all_threads && dump_threads.find(thread.tid) == dump_threads.end()) { continue; } ForkRecord fork_record = CreateForkRecord(*attr, thread.pid, thread.tid, thread.pid, thread.pid); if (!ProcessRecord(&fork_record)) { return false; } CommRecord comm_record = CreateCommRecord(*attr, thread.pid, thread.tid, thread.comm); if (!ProcessRecord(&comm_record)) { return false; } } return true; } bool RecordCommand::CollectRecordsFromKernel(const char* data, size_t size) { record_cache_->Push(data, size); while (true) { std::unique_ptr r = record_cache_->Pop(); if (r == nullptr) { break; } if (!ProcessRecord(r.get())) { return false; } } return true; } bool RecordCommand::ProcessRecord(Record* record) { UpdateRecordForEmbeddedElfPath(record); BuildThreadTree(*record, &thread_tree_); CollectHitFileInfo(record); if (unwind_dwarf_callchain_ && !post_unwind_) { UnwindRecord(record); } if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE) { sample_record_count_++; } bool result = record_file_writer_->WriteData(record->BinaryFormat()); return result; } template void UpdateMmapRecordForEmbeddedElfPath(RecordType* record) { RecordType& r = *record; bool in_kernel = ((r.header.misc & PERF_RECORD_MISC_CPUMODE_MASK) == PERF_RECORD_MISC_KERNEL); if (!in_kernel && r.data.pgoff != 0) { // For the case of a shared library "foobar.so" embedded // inside an APK, we rewrite the original MMAP from // ["path.apk" offset=X] to ["path.apk!/foobar.so" offset=W] // so as to make the library name explicit. This update is // done here (as part of the record operation) as opposed to // on the host during the report, since we want to report // the correct library name even if the the APK in question // is not present on the host. The new offset W is // calculated to be with respect to the start of foobar.so, // not to the start of path.apk. EmbeddedElf* ee = ApkInspector::FindElfInApkByOffset(r.filename, r.data.pgoff); if (ee != nullptr) { // Compute new offset relative to start of elf in APK. r.data.pgoff -= ee->entry_offset(); r.filename = GetUrlInApk(r.filename, ee->entry_name()); r.AdjustSizeBasedOnData(); } } } void RecordCommand::UpdateRecordForEmbeddedElfPath(Record* record) { if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_MMAP) { UpdateMmapRecordForEmbeddedElfPath(static_cast(record)); } else if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_MMAP2) { UpdateMmapRecordForEmbeddedElfPath(static_cast(record)); } } void RecordCommand::UnwindRecord(Record* record) { if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE) { SampleRecord& r = *static_cast(record); if ((r.sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_CALLCHAIN) && (r.sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_REGS_USER) && (r.regs_user_data.reg_mask != 0) && (r.sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_STACK_USER) && (!r.stack_user_data.data.empty())) { ThreadEntry* thread = thread_tree_.FindThreadOrNew(r.tid_data.pid, r.tid_data.tid); RegSet regs = CreateRegSet(r.regs_user_data.reg_mask, r.regs_user_data.regs); std::vector& stack = r.stack_user_data.data; std::vector unwind_ips = UnwindCallChain(*thread, regs, stack); r.callchain_data.ips.push_back(PERF_CONTEXT_USER); r.callchain_data.ips.insert(r.callchain_data.ips.end(), unwind_ips.begin(), unwind_ips.end()); r.regs_user_data.abi = 0; r.regs_user_data.reg_mask = 0; r.regs_user_data.regs.clear(); r.stack_user_data.data.clear(); r.stack_user_data.dyn_size = 0; r.AdjustSizeBasedOnData(); } } } bool RecordCommand::PostUnwind(const std::vector& args) { thread_tree_.Clear(); std::unique_ptr reader = RecordFileReader::CreateInstance(record_filename_); if (reader == nullptr) { return false; } std::string tmp_filename = record_filename_ + ".tmp"; record_file_writer_ = CreateRecordFile(tmp_filename); if (record_file_writer_ == nullptr) { return false; } bool result = reader->ReadDataSection( [this](std::unique_ptr record) { BuildThreadTree(*record, &thread_tree_); UnwindRecord(record.get()); return record_file_writer_->WriteData(record->BinaryFormat()); }, false); if (!result) { return false; } if (!DumpAdditionalFeatures(args)) { return false; } if (!record_file_writer_->Close()) { return false; } if (unlink(record_filename_.c_str()) != 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "failed to remove " << record_filename_; return false; } if (rename(tmp_filename.c_str(), record_filename_.c_str()) != 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "failed to rename " << tmp_filename << " to " << record_filename_; return false; } return true; } bool RecordCommand::DumpAdditionalFeatures(const std::vector& args) { size_t feature_count = (branch_sampling_ != 0 ? 5 : 4); if (!record_file_writer_->WriteFeatureHeader(feature_count)) { return false; } if (!DumpBuildIdFeature()) { return false; } utsname uname_buf; if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(uname(&uname_buf)) != 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "uname() failed"; return false; } if (!record_file_writer_->WriteFeatureString(PerfFileFormat::FEAT_OSRELEASE, uname_buf.release)) { return false; } if (!record_file_writer_->WriteFeatureString(PerfFileFormat::FEAT_ARCH, uname_buf.machine)) { return false; } std::string exec_path = "simpleperf"; GetExecPath(&exec_path); std::vector cmdline; cmdline.push_back(exec_path); cmdline.push_back("record"); cmdline.insert(cmdline.end(), args.begin(), args.end()); if (!record_file_writer_->WriteCmdlineFeature(cmdline)) { return false; } if (branch_sampling_ != 0 && !record_file_writer_->WriteBranchStackFeature()) { return false; } return true; } bool RecordCommand::DumpBuildIdFeature() { std::vector build_id_records; BuildId build_id; // Add build_ids for kernel/modules. for (const auto& filename : hit_kernel_modules_) { if (filename == DEFAULT_KERNEL_FILENAME_FOR_BUILD_ID) { if (!GetKernelBuildId(&build_id)) { LOG(DEBUG) << "can't read build_id for kernel"; continue; } build_id_records.push_back( CreateBuildIdRecord(true, UINT_MAX, build_id, DEFAULT_KERNEL_FILENAME_FOR_BUILD_ID)); } else { std::string path = filename; std::string module_name = basename(&path[0]); if (android::base::EndsWith(module_name, ".ko")) { module_name = module_name.substr(0, module_name.size() - 3); } if (!GetModuleBuildId(module_name, &build_id)) { LOG(DEBUG) << "can't read build_id for module " << module_name; continue; } build_id_records.push_back(CreateBuildIdRecord(true, UINT_MAX, build_id, filename)); } } // Add build_ids for user elf files. for (const auto& filename : hit_user_files_) { if (filename == DEFAULT_EXECNAME_FOR_THREAD_MMAP) { continue; } auto tuple = SplitUrlInApk(filename); if (std::get<0>(tuple)) { if (!GetBuildIdFromApkFile(std::get<1>(tuple), std::get<2>(tuple), &build_id)) { LOG(DEBUG) << "can't read build_id from file " << filename; continue; } } else { if (!GetBuildIdFromElfFile(filename, &build_id)) { LOG(DEBUG) << "can't read build_id from file " << filename; continue; } } build_id_records.push_back(CreateBuildIdRecord(false, UINT_MAX, build_id, filename)); } if (!record_file_writer_->WriteBuildIdFeature(build_id_records)) { return false; } return true; } void RecordCommand::CollectHitFileInfo(Record* record) { if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE) { auto r = *static_cast(record); bool in_kernel = ((r.header.misc & PERF_RECORD_MISC_CPUMODE_MASK) == PERF_RECORD_MISC_KERNEL); const ThreadEntry* thread = thread_tree_.FindThreadOrNew(r.tid_data.pid, r.tid_data.tid); const MapEntry* map = thread_tree_.FindMap(thread, r.ip_data.ip, in_kernel); if (in_kernel) { hit_kernel_modules_.insert(map->dso->Path()); } else { hit_user_files_.insert(map->dso->Path()); } } } void RegisterRecordCommand() { RegisterCommand("record", [] { return std::unique_ptr(new RecordCommand()); }); }