/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "read_elf.h" #include "read_apk.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" #include #include #include #include #pragma clang diagnostic pop #include "utils.h" #define ELF_NOTE_GNU "GNU" #define NT_GNU_BUILD_ID 3 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ElfStatus& status) { switch (status) { case ElfStatus::NO_ERROR: os << "No error"; break; case ElfStatus::FILE_NOT_FOUND: os << "File not found"; break; case ElfStatus::READ_FAILED: os << "Read failed"; break; case ElfStatus::FILE_MALFORMED: os << "Malformed file"; break; case ElfStatus::NO_SYMBOL_TABLE: os << "No symbol table"; break; case ElfStatus::NO_BUILD_ID: os << "No build id"; break; case ElfStatus::BUILD_ID_MISMATCH: os << "Build id mismatch"; break; case ElfStatus::SECTION_NOT_FOUND: os << "Section not found"; break; } return os; } ElfStatus IsValidElfFile(int fd) { static const char elf_magic[] = {0x7f, 'E', 'L', 'F'}; char buf[4]; if (!android::base::ReadFully(fd, buf, 4)) { return ElfStatus::READ_FAILED; } if (memcmp(buf, elf_magic, 4) != 0) { return ElfStatus::FILE_MALFORMED; } return ElfStatus::NO_ERROR; } ElfStatus IsValidElfPath(const std::string& filename) { if (!IsRegularFile(filename)) { return ElfStatus::FILE_NOT_FOUND; } std::string mode = std::string("rb") + CLOSE_ON_EXEC_MODE; FILE* fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), mode.c_str()); if (fp == nullptr) { return ElfStatus::READ_FAILED; } ElfStatus result = IsValidElfFile(fileno(fp)); fclose(fp); return result; } bool GetBuildIdFromNoteSection(const char* section, size_t section_size, BuildId* build_id) { const char* p = section; const char* end = p + section_size; while (p < end) { if (p + 12 >= end) { return false; } uint32_t namesz; uint32_t descsz; uint32_t type; MoveFromBinaryFormat(namesz, p); MoveFromBinaryFormat(descsz, p); MoveFromBinaryFormat(type, p); namesz = Align(namesz, 4); descsz = Align(descsz, 4); if ((type == NT_GNU_BUILD_ID) && (p < end) && (strcmp(p, ELF_NOTE_GNU) == 0)) { const char* desc_start = p + namesz; const char* desc_end = desc_start + descsz; if (desc_start > p && desc_start < desc_end && desc_end <= end) { *build_id = BuildId(p + namesz, descsz); return true; } else { return false; } } p += namesz + descsz; } return false; } ElfStatus GetBuildIdFromNoteFile(const std::string& filename, BuildId* build_id) { std::string content; if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(filename, &content)) { return ElfStatus::READ_FAILED; } if (!GetBuildIdFromNoteSection(content.c_str(), content.size(), build_id)) { return ElfStatus::NO_BUILD_ID; } return ElfStatus::NO_ERROR; } template ElfStatus GetBuildIdFromELFFile(const llvm::object::ELFObjectFile* elf, BuildId* build_id) { for (auto it = elf->section_begin(); it != elf->section_end(); ++it) { const llvm::object::ELFSectionRef& section_ref = *it; if (section_ref.getType() == llvm::ELF::SHT_NOTE) { llvm::StringRef data; if (it->getContents(data)) { return ElfStatus::READ_FAILED; } if (GetBuildIdFromNoteSection(data.data(), data.size(), build_id)) { return ElfStatus::NO_ERROR; } } } return ElfStatus::NO_BUILD_ID; } static ElfStatus GetBuildIdFromObjectFile(llvm::object::ObjectFile* obj, BuildId* build_id) { if (auto elf = llvm::dyn_cast(obj)) { return GetBuildIdFromELFFile(elf, build_id); } else if (auto elf = llvm::dyn_cast(obj)) { return GetBuildIdFromELFFile(elf, build_id); } return ElfStatus::FILE_MALFORMED; } struct BinaryWrapper { llvm::object::OwningBinary binary; llvm::object::ObjectFile* obj; BinaryWrapper() : obj(nullptr) { } }; static ElfStatus OpenObjectFile(const std::string& filename, uint64_t file_offset, uint64_t file_size, BinaryWrapper* wrapper) { FileHelper fhelper = FileHelper::OpenReadOnly(filename); if (!fhelper) { return ElfStatus::READ_FAILED; } if (file_size == 0) { file_size = GetFileSize(filename); if (file_size == 0) { return ElfStatus::READ_FAILED; } } auto buffer_or_err = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getOpenFileSlice(fhelper.fd(), filename, file_size, file_offset); if (!buffer_or_err) { return ElfStatus::READ_FAILED; } auto binary_or_err = llvm::object::createBinary(buffer_or_err.get()->getMemBufferRef()); if (!binary_or_err) { return ElfStatus::READ_FAILED; } wrapper->binary = llvm::object::OwningBinary(std::move(binary_or_err.get()), std::move(buffer_or_err.get())); wrapper->obj = llvm::dyn_cast(wrapper->binary.getBinary()); if (wrapper->obj == nullptr) { return ElfStatus::FILE_MALFORMED; } return ElfStatus::NO_ERROR; } static ElfStatus OpenObjectFileFromString(const std::string& s, BinaryWrapper* wrapper) { auto buffer = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(s); auto binary_or_err = llvm::object::createBinary(buffer->getMemBufferRef()); if (!binary_or_err) { return ElfStatus::FILE_MALFORMED; } wrapper->binary = llvm::object::OwningBinary(std::move(binary_or_err.get()), std::move(buffer)); wrapper->obj = llvm::dyn_cast(wrapper->binary.getBinary()); if (wrapper->obj == nullptr) { return ElfStatus::FILE_MALFORMED; } return ElfStatus::NO_ERROR; } ElfStatus GetBuildIdFromElfFile(const std::string& filename, BuildId* build_id) { ElfStatus result = IsValidElfPath(filename); if (result != ElfStatus::NO_ERROR) { return result; } return GetBuildIdFromEmbeddedElfFile(filename, 0, 0, build_id); } ElfStatus GetBuildIdFromEmbeddedElfFile(const std::string& filename, uint64_t file_offset, uint32_t file_size, BuildId* build_id) { BinaryWrapper wrapper; ElfStatus result = OpenObjectFile(filename, file_offset, file_size, &wrapper); if (result != ElfStatus::NO_ERROR) { return result; } return GetBuildIdFromObjectFile(wrapper.obj, build_id); } template ElfStatus ReadSectionFromELFFile(const llvm::object::ELFObjectFile* elf, const std::string& section_name, std::string* content) { for (llvm::object::section_iterator it = elf->section_begin(); it != elf->section_end(); ++it) { llvm::StringRef name; if (it->getName(name) || name != section_name) { continue; } llvm::StringRef data; std::error_code err = it->getContents(data); if (err) { return ElfStatus::READ_FAILED; } *content = data; return ElfStatus::NO_ERROR; } return ElfStatus::SECTION_NOT_FOUND; } bool IsArmMappingSymbol(const char* name) { // Mapping symbols in arm, which are described in "ELF for ARM Architecture" and // "ELF for ARM 64-bit Architecture". The regular expression to match mapping symbol // is ^\$(a|d|t|x)(\..*)?$ return name[0] == '$' && strchr("adtx", name[1]) != nullptr && (name[2] == '\0' || name[2] == '.'); } void ReadSymbolTable(llvm::object::symbol_iterator sym_begin, llvm::object::symbol_iterator sym_end, const std::function& callback, bool is_arm) { for (; sym_begin != sym_end; ++sym_begin) { ElfFileSymbol symbol; auto symbol_ref = static_cast(&*sym_begin); llvm::Expected section_it_or_err = symbol_ref->getSection(); if (!section_it_or_err) { continue; } llvm::StringRef section_name; if (section_it_or_err.get()->getName(section_name) || section_name.empty()) { continue; } if (section_name == ".text") { symbol.is_in_text_section = true; } llvm::Expected symbol_name_or_err = symbol_ref->getName(); if (!symbol_name_or_err || symbol_name_or_err.get().empty()) { continue; } symbol.name = symbol_name_or_err.get(); symbol.vaddr = symbol_ref->getValue(); if ((symbol.vaddr & 1) != 0 && is_arm) { // Arm sets bit 0 to mark it as thumb code, remove the flag. symbol.vaddr &= ~1; } symbol.len = symbol_ref->getSize(); llvm::object::SymbolRef::Type symbol_type = *symbol_ref->getType(); if (symbol_type == llvm::object::SymbolRef::ST_Function) { symbol.is_func = true; } else if (symbol_type == llvm::object::SymbolRef::ST_Unknown) { if (symbol.is_in_text_section) { symbol.is_label = true; if (is_arm) { // Remove mapping symbols in arm. const char* p = (symbol.name.compare(0, linker_prefix.size(), linker_prefix) == 0) ? symbol.name.c_str() + linker_prefix.size() : symbol.name.c_str(); if (IsArmMappingSymbol(p)) { symbol.is_label = false; } } } } callback(symbol); } } template void AddSymbolForPltSection(const llvm::object::ELFObjectFile* elf, const std::function& callback) { // We may sample instructions in .plt section if the program // calls functions from shared libraries. Different architectures use // different formats to store .plt section, so it needs a lot of work to match // instructions in .plt section to symbols. As samples in .plt section rarely // happen, and .plt section can hardly be a performance bottleneck, we can // just use a symbol @plt to represent instructions in .plt section. for (auto it = elf->section_begin(); it != elf->section_end(); ++it) { const llvm::object::ELFSectionRef& section_ref = *it; llvm::StringRef section_name; std::error_code err = section_ref.getName(section_name); if (err || section_name != ".plt") { continue; } const auto* shdr = elf->getSection(section_ref.getRawDataRefImpl()); if (shdr == nullptr) { return; } ElfFileSymbol symbol; symbol.vaddr = shdr->sh_addr; symbol.len = shdr->sh_size; symbol.is_func = true; symbol.is_label = true; symbol.is_in_text_section = true; symbol.name = "@plt"; callback(symbol); return; } } template ElfStatus ParseSymbolsFromELFFile(const llvm::object::ELFObjectFile* elf, const std::function& callback) { auto machine = elf->getELFFile()->getHeader()->e_machine; bool is_arm = (machine == llvm::ELF::EM_ARM || machine == llvm::ELF::EM_AARCH64); AddSymbolForPltSection(elf, callback); if (elf->symbol_begin() != elf->symbol_end()) { ReadSymbolTable(elf->symbol_begin(), elf->symbol_end(), callback, is_arm); return ElfStatus::NO_ERROR; } else if (elf->dynamic_symbol_begin()->getRawDataRefImpl() != llvm::object::DataRefImpl()) { ReadSymbolTable(elf->dynamic_symbol_begin(), elf->dynamic_symbol_end(), callback, is_arm); } std::string debugdata; ElfStatus result = ReadSectionFromELFFile(elf, ".gnu_debugdata", &debugdata); if (result == ElfStatus::SECTION_NOT_FOUND) { return ElfStatus::NO_SYMBOL_TABLE; } else if (result == ElfStatus::NO_ERROR) { std::string decompressed_data; if (XzDecompress(debugdata, &decompressed_data)) { BinaryWrapper wrapper; result = OpenObjectFileFromString(decompressed_data, &wrapper); if (result == ElfStatus::NO_ERROR) { if (auto elf = llvm::dyn_cast(wrapper.obj)) { return ParseSymbolsFromELFFile(elf, callback); } else if (auto elf = llvm::dyn_cast(wrapper.obj)) { return ParseSymbolsFromELFFile(elf, callback); } else { return ElfStatus::FILE_MALFORMED; } } } } return result; } ElfStatus MatchBuildId(llvm::object::ObjectFile* obj, const BuildId& expected_build_id) { if (expected_build_id.IsEmpty()) { return ElfStatus::NO_ERROR; } BuildId real_build_id; ElfStatus result = GetBuildIdFromObjectFile(obj, &real_build_id); if (result != ElfStatus::NO_ERROR) { return result; } if (expected_build_id != real_build_id) { return ElfStatus::BUILD_ID_MISMATCH; } return ElfStatus::NO_ERROR; } ElfStatus ParseSymbolsFromElfFile(const std::string& filename, const BuildId& expected_build_id, const std::function& callback) { ElfStatus result = IsValidElfPath(filename); if (result != ElfStatus::NO_ERROR) { return result; } return ParseSymbolsFromEmbeddedElfFile(filename, 0, 0, expected_build_id, callback); } ElfStatus ParseSymbolsFromEmbeddedElfFile(const std::string& filename, uint64_t file_offset, uint32_t file_size, const BuildId& expected_build_id, const std::function& callback) { BinaryWrapper wrapper; ElfStatus result = OpenObjectFile(filename, file_offset, file_size, &wrapper); if (result != ElfStatus::NO_ERROR) { return result; } result = MatchBuildId(wrapper.obj, expected_build_id); if (result != ElfStatus::NO_ERROR) { return result; } if (auto elf = llvm::dyn_cast(wrapper.obj)) { return ParseSymbolsFromELFFile(elf, callback); } else if (auto elf = llvm::dyn_cast(wrapper.obj)) { return ParseSymbolsFromELFFile(elf, callback); } return ElfStatus::FILE_MALFORMED; } template ElfStatus ReadMinExecutableVirtualAddress(const llvm::object::ELFFile* elf, uint64_t* p_vaddr) { bool has_vaddr = false; uint64_t min_addr = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (auto it = elf->program_header_begin(); it != elf->program_header_end(); ++it) { if ((it->p_type == llvm::ELF::PT_LOAD) && (it->p_flags & llvm::ELF::PF_X)) { if (it->p_vaddr < min_addr) { min_addr = it->p_vaddr; has_vaddr = true; } } } if (!has_vaddr) { return ElfStatus::FILE_MALFORMED; } *p_vaddr = min_addr; return ElfStatus::NO_ERROR; } ElfStatus ReadMinExecutableVirtualAddressFromElfFile(const std::string& filename, const BuildId& expected_build_id, uint64_t* min_vaddr) { ElfStatus result = IsValidElfPath(filename); if (result != ElfStatus::NO_ERROR) { return result; } BinaryWrapper wrapper; result = OpenObjectFile(filename, 0, 0, &wrapper); if (result != ElfStatus::NO_ERROR) { return result; } result = MatchBuildId(wrapper.obj, expected_build_id); if (result != ElfStatus::NO_ERROR) { return result; } if (auto elf = llvm::dyn_cast(wrapper.obj)) { return ReadMinExecutableVirtualAddress(elf->getELFFile(), min_vaddr); } else if (auto elf = llvm::dyn_cast(wrapper.obj)) { return ReadMinExecutableVirtualAddress(elf->getELFFile(), min_vaddr); } else { return ElfStatus::FILE_MALFORMED; } } ElfStatus ReadSectionFromElfFile(const std::string& filename, const std::string& section_name, std::string* content) { ElfStatus result = IsValidElfPath(filename); if (result != ElfStatus::NO_ERROR) { return result; } BinaryWrapper wrapper; result = OpenObjectFile(filename, 0, 0, &wrapper); if (result != ElfStatus::NO_ERROR) { return result; } if (auto elf = llvm::dyn_cast(wrapper.obj)) { return ReadSectionFromELFFile(elf, section_name, content); } else if (auto elf = llvm::dyn_cast(wrapper.obj)) { return ReadSectionFromELFFile(elf, section_name, content); } else { return ElfStatus::FILE_MALFORMED; } }