/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "report_utils.h" #include #include "JITDebugReader.h" #include "utils.h" namespace simpleperf { static bool IsArtEntry(const CallChainReportEntry& entry, bool* is_jni_trampoline) { if (entry.execution_type == CallChainExecutionType::NATIVE_METHOD) { if (android::base::EndsWith(entry.dso->Path(), "/libart.so") || android::base::EndsWith(entry.dso->Path(), "/libartd.so")) { *is_jni_trampoline = false; return true; } if (strcmp(entry.symbol->Name(), "art_jni_trampoline") == 0) { // art_jni_trampoline is a trampoline used to call jni methods in art runtime. // We want to hide it when hiding art frames. *is_jni_trampoline = true; return true; } } return false; }; bool CallChainReportBuilder::AddProguardMappingFile(std::string_view mapping_file) { // The mapping file format is described in // https://www.guardsquare.com/en/products/proguard/manual/retrace. LineReader reader(mapping_file); if (!reader.Ok()) { PLOG(ERROR) << "failed to read " << mapping_file; return false; } ProguardMappingClass* cur_class = nullptr; std::string* line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != nullptr) { std::string_view s = *line; if (s.empty() || s[0] == '#') { continue; } auto arrow_pos = s.find(" -> "); if (arrow_pos == s.npos) { continue; } auto arrow_end_pos = arrow_pos + strlen(" -> "); if (s[0] != ' ') { // Match line "original_classname -> obfuscated_classname:". if (auto colon_pos = s.find(':', arrow_end_pos); colon_pos != s.npos) { std::string_view original_classname = s.substr(0, arrow_pos); std::string obfuscated_classname(s.substr(arrow_end_pos, colon_pos - arrow_end_pos)); cur_class = &proguard_class_map_[obfuscated_classname]; cur_class->original_classname = original_classname; } } else if (cur_class != nullptr) { // Match line "... [original_classname.]original_methodname(...)... -> // obfuscated_methodname". if (auto left_brace_pos = s.rfind('(', arrow_pos); left_brace_pos != s.npos) { if (auto space_pos = s.rfind(' ', left_brace_pos); space_pos != s.npos) { auto original_methodname = s.substr(space_pos + 1, left_brace_pos - space_pos - 1); if (android::base::StartsWith(original_methodname, cur_class->original_classname)) { original_methodname.remove_prefix(cur_class->original_classname.size() + 1); } std::string obfuscated_methodname(s.substr(arrow_end_pos)); cur_class->method_map[obfuscated_methodname] = original_methodname; } } } } return true; } std::vector CallChainReportBuilder::Build(const ThreadEntry* thread, const std::vector& ips, size_t kernel_ip_count) { std::vector result; result.reserve(ips.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < ips.size(); i++) { const MapEntry* map = thread_tree_.FindMap(thread, ips[i], i < kernel_ip_count); Dso* dso = map->dso; uint64_t vaddr_in_file; const Symbol* symbol = thread_tree_.FindSymbol(map, ips[i], &vaddr_in_file, &dso); CallChainExecutionType execution_type = CallChainExecutionType::NATIVE_METHOD; if (dso->IsForJavaMethod()) { if (dso->type() == DSO_DEX_FILE) { execution_type = CallChainExecutionType::INTERPRETED_JVM_METHOD; } else { execution_type = CallChainExecutionType::JIT_JVM_METHOD; } } result.resize(result.size() + 1); auto& entry = result.back(); entry.ip = ips[i]; entry.symbol = symbol; entry.dso = dso; entry.vaddr_in_file = vaddr_in_file; entry.map = map; entry.execution_type = execution_type; } MarkArtFrame(result); if (remove_art_frame_) { auto it = std::remove_if(result.begin(), result.end(), [](const CallChainReportEntry& entry) { return entry.execution_type == CallChainExecutionType::ART_METHOD; }); result.erase(it, result.end()); } if (convert_jit_frame_) { ConvertJITFrame(result); } if (!proguard_class_map_.empty()) { DeObfuscateJavaMethods(result); } return result; } void CallChainReportBuilder::MarkArtFrame(std::vector& callchain) { // Mark art methods before or after a JVM method. bool near_java_method = false; bool is_jni_trampoline = false; std::vector jni_trampoline_positions; for (size_t i = 0; i < callchain.size(); ++i) { auto& entry = callchain[i]; if (entry.execution_type == CallChainExecutionType::INTERPRETED_JVM_METHOD || entry.execution_type == CallChainExecutionType::JIT_JVM_METHOD) { near_java_method = true; // Mark art frames before this entry. for (int j = static_cast(i) - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (!IsArtEntry(callchain[j], &is_jni_trampoline)) { break; } callchain[j].execution_type = CallChainExecutionType::ART_METHOD; if (is_jni_trampoline) { jni_trampoline_positions.push_back(j); } } } else if (near_java_method && IsArtEntry(entry, &is_jni_trampoline)) { entry.execution_type = CallChainExecutionType::ART_METHOD; if (is_jni_trampoline) { jni_trampoline_positions.push_back(i); } } else { near_java_method = false; } } // Functions called by art_jni_trampoline are jni methods. And we don't want to hide them. for (auto i : jni_trampoline_positions) { if (i > 0 && callchain[i - 1].execution_type == CallChainExecutionType::ART_METHOD) { callchain[i - 1].execution_type = CallChainExecutionType::NATIVE_METHOD; } } } void CallChainReportBuilder::ConvertJITFrame(std::vector& callchain) { CollectJavaMethods(); for (size_t i = 0; i < callchain.size();) { auto& entry = callchain[i]; if (entry.dso->IsForJavaMethod() && entry.dso->type() == DSO_ELF_FILE) { // This is a JIT java method, merge it with the interpreted java method having the same // name if possible. Otherwise, merge it with other JIT java methods having the same name // by assigning a common dso_name. if (auto it = java_method_map_.find(entry.symbol->Name()); it != java_method_map_.end()) { entry.dso = it->second.dso; entry.symbol = it->second.symbol; // Not enough info to map an offset in a JIT method to an offset in a dex file. So just // use the symbol_addr. entry.vaddr_in_file = entry.symbol->addr; // ART may call from an interpreted Java method into its corresponding JIT method. To // avoid showing the method calling itself, remove the JIT frame. if (i + 1 < callchain.size() && callchain[i + 1].dso == entry.dso && callchain[i + 1].symbol == entry.symbol) { callchain.erase(callchain.begin() + i); continue; } } else if (!JITDebugReader::IsPathInJITSymFile(entry.dso->Path())) { // Old JITSymFiles use names like "TemporaryFile-XXXXXX". So give them a better name. entry.dso_name = "[JIT cache]"; } } i++; } } void CallChainReportBuilder::CollectJavaMethods() { if (!java_method_initialized_) { java_method_initialized_ = true; for (Dso* dso : thread_tree_.GetAllDsos()) { if (dso->type() == DSO_DEX_FILE) { dso->LoadSymbols(); for (auto& symbol : dso->GetSymbols()) { java_method_map_.emplace(symbol.Name(), JavaMethod(dso, &symbol)); } } } } } void CallChainReportBuilder::DeObfuscateJavaMethods(std::vector& callchain) { for (auto& entry : callchain) { if (entry.execution_type != CallChainExecutionType::JIT_JVM_METHOD && entry.execution_type != CallChainExecutionType::INTERPRETED_JVM_METHOD) { continue; } std::string_view name = entry.symbol->DemangledName(); if (auto split_pos = name.rfind('.'); split_pos != name.npos) { std::string obfuscated_classname(name.substr(0, split_pos)); if (auto it = proguard_class_map_.find(obfuscated_classname); it != proguard_class_map_.end()) { const ProguardMappingClass& proguard_class = it->second; std::string obfuscated_methodname(name.substr(split_pos + 1)); if (auto method_it = proguard_class.method_map.find(obfuscated_methodname); method_it != proguard_class.method_map.end()) { std::string new_symbol_name = proguard_class.original_classname + "." + method_it->second; entry.symbol->SetDemangledName(new_symbol_name); } } } } } } // namespace simpleperf