#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Partial Python implementation of sock_diag functionality.""" # pylint: disable=g-bad-todo import errno from socket import * # pylint: disable=wildcard-import import struct import cstruct import net_test import netlink ### Base netlink constants. See include/uapi/linux/netlink.h. NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG = 4 ### sock_diag constants. See include/uapi/linux/sock_diag.h. # Message types. SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY = 20 SOCK_DESTROY = 21 ### inet_diag_constants. See include/uapi/linux/inet_diag.h # Message types. TCPDIAG_GETSOCK = 18 # Request attributes. INET_DIAG_REQ_BYTECODE = 1 # Extensions. INET_DIAG_NONE = 0 INET_DIAG_MEMINFO = 1 INET_DIAG_INFO = 2 INET_DIAG_VEGASINFO = 3 INET_DIAG_CONG = 4 INET_DIAG_TOS = 5 INET_DIAG_TCLASS = 6 INET_DIAG_SKMEMINFO = 7 INET_DIAG_SHUTDOWN = 8 INET_DIAG_DCTCPINFO = 9 # Bytecode operations. INET_DIAG_BC_NOP = 0 INET_DIAG_BC_JMP = 1 INET_DIAG_BC_S_GE = 2 INET_DIAG_BC_S_LE = 3 INET_DIAG_BC_D_GE = 4 INET_DIAG_BC_D_LE = 5 INET_DIAG_BC_AUTO = 6 INET_DIAG_BC_S_COND = 7 INET_DIAG_BC_D_COND = 8 # Data structure formats. # These aren't constants, they're classes. So, pylint: disable=invalid-name InetDiagSockId = cstruct.Struct( "InetDiagSockId", "!HH16s16sI8s", "sport dport src dst iface cookie") InetDiagReqV2 = cstruct.Struct( "InetDiagReqV2", "=BBBxIS", "family protocol ext states id", [InetDiagSockId]) InetDiagMsg = cstruct.Struct( "InetDiagMsg", "=BBBBSLLLLL", "family state timer retrans id expires rqueue wqueue uid inode", [InetDiagSockId]) InetDiagMeminfo = cstruct.Struct( "InetDiagMeminfo", "=IIII", "rmem wmem fmem tmem") InetDiagBcOp = cstruct.Struct("InetDiagBcOp", "BBH", "code yes no") InetDiagHostcond = cstruct.Struct("InetDiagHostcond", "=BBxxi", "family prefix_len port") SkMeminfo = cstruct.Struct( "SkMeminfo", "=IIIIIIII", "rmem_alloc rcvbuf wmem_alloc sndbuf fwd_alloc wmem_queued optmem backlog") TcpInfo = cstruct.Struct( "TcpInfo", "=BBBBBBBxIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII", "state ca_state retransmits probes backoff options wscale " "rto ato snd_mss rcv_mss " "unacked sacked lost retrans fackets " "last_data_sent last_ack_sent last_data_recv last_ack_recv " "pmtu rcv_ssthresh rtt rttvar snd_ssthresh snd_cwnd advmss reordering " "rcv_rtt rcv_space " "total_retrans") # As of linux 3.13, at least. # TCP states. See include/net/tcp_states.h. TCP_ESTABLISHED = 1 TCP_SYN_SENT = 2 TCP_SYN_RECV = 3 TCP_FIN_WAIT1 = 4 TCP_FIN_WAIT2 = 5 TCP_TIME_WAIT = 6 TCP_CLOSE = 7 TCP_CLOSE_WAIT = 8 TCP_LAST_ACK = 9 TCP_LISTEN = 10 TCP_CLOSING = 11 TCP_NEW_SYN_RECV = 12 ALL_NON_TIME_WAIT = 0xffffffff & ~(1 << TCP_TIME_WAIT) class SockDiag(netlink.NetlinkSocket): FAMILY = NETLINK_SOCK_DIAG NL_DEBUG = [] def _Decode(self, command, msg, nla_type, nla_data): """Decodes netlink attributes to Python types.""" if msg.family == AF_INET or msg.family == AF_INET6: name = self._GetConstantName(__name__, nla_type, "INET_DIAG") else: # Don't know what this is. Leave it as an integer. name = nla_type if name in ["INET_DIAG_SHUTDOWN", "INET_DIAG_TOS", "INET_DIAG_TCLASS"]: data = ord(nla_data) elif name == "INET_DIAG_CONG": data = nla_data.strip("\x00") elif name == "INET_DIAG_MEMINFO": data = InetDiagMeminfo(nla_data) elif name == "INET_DIAG_INFO": # TODO: Catch the exception and try something else if it's not TCP. data = TcpInfo(nla_data) elif name == "INET_DIAG_SKMEMINFO": data = SkMeminfo(nla_data) else: data = nla_data return name, data def MaybeDebugCommand(self, command, data): name = self._GetConstantName(__name__, command, "SOCK_") if "ALL" not in self.NL_DEBUG and "SOCK" not in self.NL_DEBUG: return parsed = self._ParseNLMsg(data, InetDiagReqV2) print "%s %s" % (name, str(parsed)) @staticmethod def _EmptyInetDiagSockId(): return InetDiagSockId(("\x00" * len(InetDiagSockId))) def PackBytecode(self, instructions): """Compiles instructions to inet_diag bytecode. The input is a list of (INET_DIAG_BC_xxx, yes, no, arg) tuples, where yes and no are relative jump offsets measured in instructions. The yes branch is taken if the instruction matches. To accept, jump 1 past the last instruction. To reject, jump 2 past the last instruction. The target of a no jump is only valid if it is reachable by following only yes jumps from the first instruction - see inet_diag_bc_audit and valid_cc. This means that if cond1 and cond2 are two mutually exclusive filter terms, it is not possible to implement cond1 OR cond2 using: ... cond1 2 1 arg cond2 1 2 arg accept reject but only using: ... cond1 1 2 arg jmp 1 2 cond2 1 2 arg accept reject The jmp instruction ignores yes and always jumps to no, but yes must be 1 or the bytecode won't validate. It doesn't have to be jmp - any instruction that is guaranteed not to match on real data will do. Args: instructions: list of instruction tuples Returns: A string, the raw bytecode. """ args = [] positions = [0] for op, yes, no, arg in instructions: if yes <= 0 or no <= 0: raise ValueError("Jumps must be > 0") if op in [INET_DIAG_BC_NOP, INET_DIAG_BC_JMP, INET_DIAG_BC_AUTO]: arg = "" elif op in [INET_DIAG_BC_S_GE, INET_DIAG_BC_S_LE, INET_DIAG_BC_D_GE, INET_DIAG_BC_D_LE]: arg = "\x00\x00" + struct.pack("=H", arg) elif op in [INET_DIAG_BC_S_COND, INET_DIAG_BC_D_COND]: addr, prefixlen, port = arg family = AF_INET6 if ":" in addr else AF_INET addr = inet_pton(family, addr) arg = InetDiagHostcond((family, prefixlen, port)).Pack() + addr else: raise ValueError("Unsupported opcode %d" % op) args.append(arg) length = len(InetDiagBcOp) + len(arg) positions.append(positions[-1] + length) # Reject label. positions.append(positions[-1] + 4) # Why 4? Because the kernel uses 4. assert len(args) == len(instructions) == len(positions) - 2 # print positions packed = "" for i, (op, yes, no, arg) in enumerate(instructions): yes = positions[i + yes] - positions[i] no = positions[i + no] - positions[i] instruction = InetDiagBcOp((op, yes, no)).Pack() + args[i] #print "%3d: %d %3d %3d %s %s" % (positions[i], op, yes, no, # arg, instruction.encode("hex")) packed += instruction #print return packed def Dump(self, diag_req, bytecode=""): out = self._Dump(SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY, diag_req, InetDiagMsg, bytecode) return out def DumpAllInetSockets(self, protocol, bytecode, sock_id=None, ext=0, states=ALL_NON_TIME_WAIT): """Dumps IPv4 or IPv6 sockets matching the specified parameters.""" # DumpSockets(AF_UNSPEC) does not result in dumping all inet sockets, it # results in ENOENT. if sock_id is None: sock_id = self._EmptyInetDiagSockId() if bytecode: bytecode = self._NlAttr(INET_DIAG_REQ_BYTECODE, bytecode) sockets = [] for family in [AF_INET, AF_INET6]: diag_req = InetDiagReqV2((family, protocol, ext, states, sock_id)) sockets += self.Dump(diag_req, bytecode) return sockets @staticmethod def GetRawAddress(family, addr): """Fetches the source address from an InetDiagMsg.""" addrlen = {AF_INET:4, AF_INET6: 16}[family] return inet_ntop(family, addr[:addrlen]) @staticmethod def GetSourceAddress(diag_msg): """Fetches the source address from an InetDiagMsg.""" return SockDiag.GetRawAddress(diag_msg.family, diag_msg.id.src) @staticmethod def GetDestinationAddress(diag_msg): """Fetches the source address from an InetDiagMsg.""" return SockDiag.GetRawAddress(diag_msg.family, diag_msg.id.dst) @staticmethod def RawAddress(addr): """Converts an IP address string to binary format.""" family = AF_INET6 if ":" in addr else AF_INET return inet_pton(family, addr) @staticmethod def PaddedAddress(addr): """Converts an IP address string to binary format for InetDiagSockId.""" padded = SockDiag.RawAddress(addr) if len(padded) < 16: padded += "\x00" * (16 - len(padded)) return padded # For IPv4 addresses, the kernel seems only to fill in the first 4 bytes of # src and dst, leaving the others unspecified. This seems like a bug because # it might leak kernel memory contents, but regardless, work around it. @staticmethod def FixupDiagMsg(d): if d.family == AF_INET: d.id.src = d.id.src[:4] + "\x00" * 12 d.id.dst = d.id.dst[:4] + "\x00" * 12 @staticmethod def DiagReqFromSocket(s): """Creates an InetDiagReqV2 that matches the specified socket.""" family = s.getsockopt(net_test.SOL_SOCKET, net_test.SO_DOMAIN) protocol = s.getsockopt(net_test.SOL_SOCKET, net_test.SO_PROTOCOL) if net_test.LINUX_VERSION >= (3, 8): iface = s.getsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, net_test.SO_BINDTODEVICE, net_test.IFNAMSIZ) iface = GetInterfaceIndex(iface) if iface else 0 else: iface = 0 src, sport = s.getsockname()[:2] try: dst, dport = s.getpeername()[:2] except error, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOTCONN: dport = 0 dst = "::" if family == AF_INET6 else "" else: raise e src = SockDiag.PaddedAddress(src) dst = SockDiag.PaddedAddress(dst) sock_id = InetDiagSockId((sport, dport, src, dst, iface, "\x00" * 8)) return InetDiagReqV2((family, protocol, 0, 0xffffffff, sock_id)) def FindSockDiagFromReq(self, req): for diag_msg, attrs in self.Dump(req): return diag_msg raise ValueError("Dump of %s returned no sockets" % req) def FindSockDiagFromFd(self, s): """Gets an InetDiagMsg from the kernel for the specified socket.""" req = self.DiagReqFromSocket(s) return self.FindSockDiagFromReq(req) def GetSockDiag(self, req): """Gets an InetDiagMsg from the kernel for the specified request.""" self._SendNlRequest(SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY, req.Pack(), netlink.NLM_F_REQUEST) return self._GetMsg(InetDiagMsg)[0] @staticmethod def DiagReqFromDiagMsg(d, protocol): """Constructs a diag_req from a diag_msg the kernel has given us.""" # For a dual-stack socket connected to a mapped address, the diag_msg # returned by the kernel has family AF_INET6 and mapped addresses. But if # we ask the kernel to find a socket based on that data, we'll get ENOENT. # This is because inet_diag_find_one_icsk sees diag_req.family == AF_INET6 # and looks in the IPv6 TCP hash table, but mapped sockets are in the IPv4 # hash tables. So fix up the diag_req to specify AF_INET. # # TODO: Should the kernel do this for us in inet_diag_find_one_icsk? mapped_prefix = inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::ffff:")[:12] if (d.family == AF_INET6 and (d.id.src.startswith(mapped_prefix) or d.id.dst.startswith(mapped_prefix))): family = AF_INET sock_id = InetDiagSockId((d.id.sport, d.id.dport, d.id.src[12:16] + "\x00" * 12, d.id.dst[12:16] + "\x00" * 12, d.id.iface, d.id.cookie)) else: family = d.family sock_id = d.id return InetDiagReqV2((family, protocol, 0, 1 << d.state, sock_id)) def CloseSocket(self, req): self._SendNlRequest(SOCK_DESTROY, req.Pack(), netlink.NLM_F_REQUEST | netlink.NLM_F_ACK) def CloseSocketFromFd(self, s): diag_msg = self.FindSockDiagFromFd(s) protocol = s.getsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, net_test.SO_PROTOCOL) req = self.DiagReqFromDiagMsg(diag_msg, protocol) return self.CloseSocket(req) if __name__ == "__main__": n = SockDiag() n.DEBUG = True bytecode = "" sock_id = n._EmptyInetDiagSockId() sock_id.dport = 443 ext = 1 << (INET_DIAG_TOS - 1) | 1 << (INET_DIAG_TCLASS - 1) states = 0xffffffff diag_msgs = n.DumpAllInetSockets(IPPROTO_TCP, "", sock_id=sock_id, ext=ext, states=states) print diag_msgs