path: root/src/inode2filename/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/inode2filename/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1366 deletions
diff --git a/src/inode2filename/ b/src/inode2filename/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d31671..0000000
--- a/src/inode2filename/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1366 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "common/debug.h"
-#include "inode2filename/search_directories.h"
-#include "inode2filename/system_call.h"
-#include <android-base/file.h>
-#include <android-base/logging.h>
-#include <android-base/scopeguard.h>
-#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
-#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
-#include "rxcpp/rx.hpp"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <optional>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#ifdef __ANDROID__
-#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <poll.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <unordered_map>
-namespace rx = rxcpp;
-using android::base::unique_fd; // NOLINT
-using android::base::StringPrintf; // NOLINT
-namespace iorap::inode2filename {
-#define DEBUG_INODE_SET 0
-// A multimap of 'ino_t -> List[Inode]' (where the value Inodes have the same ino_t as the key).
-// A flat list of Inodes is turned into the above map, then keys can be removed one at a time
-// until the InodeSet eventually becomes empty.
-struct InodeSet {
- InodeSet() = default;
- InodeSet(const InodeSet& other) {
- LOG(INFO) << "InodeSet-copyctor";
- set_ = other.set_;
- }
- InodeSet(InodeSet&& other) {
- LOG(INFO) << "InodeSet-movector";
- set_ = std::move(other.set_);
- }
- InodeSet& operator=(const InodeSet& other) {
- LOG(INFO) << "InodeSet-opassign-copy";
- set_ = other.set_;
- return *this;
- }
- InodeSet& operator=(InodeSet&& other) {
- LOG(INFO) << "InodeSet-opassign-move";
- set_ = std::move(other.set_);
- return *this;
- }
- InodeSet(InodeSet&& other) = default;
- InodeSet& operator=(InodeSet&& other) = default;
- // Copying InodeSet can be very expensive, refuse to even allow compiling such code.
- InodeSet(const InodeSet& other) = delete;
- InodeSet& operator=(const InodeSet& other) = delete;
- struct ValueRange {
- auto/*Iterable<Inode>*/ begin() {
- return begin_;
- }
- auto/*Iterable<Inode>*/ end() {
- return end_;
- }
- bool empty() const {
- return begin_ == end_;
- }
- explicit operator bool() const {
- return !empty();
- }
- std::unordered_multimap<ino_t, Inode>::iterator begin_, end_;
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ValueRange& s);
- };
- // Create an observable that emits the remaining inodes in the map.
- //
- // Mutation functions must not be called until this observable
- // has been finished emitting all values (e.g. with on_completed) since that
- // would cause the underlying iterators to go into an undefined state.
- auto/*observable<Inode>*/ IterateValues() const {
- return rxcpp::observable<>::iterate(set_).map( // XX: should we use identity_immediate here?
- [](const std::pair<const ino_t, Inode>& pair) {
- return pair.second;
- }
- );
- // TODO: this would be more efficient as a range-v3 view.
- }
- constexpr bool Empty() const {
- return set_.empty();
- }
- static InodeSet OfList(const std::vector<Inode>& list) {
- InodeSet new_inode_set;
- std::unordered_multimap<ino_t, Inode>* map = &new_inode_set.set_;
- for (const Inode& inode : list) {
- map->insert({inode.inode, inode});
- }
- return new_inode_set;
- }
- // Return an optional list of 'Inode' structs whose 'inode' field matches the 'inode' parameter.
- // Returns an empty range if there was nothing found.
- ValueRange FindInodeList(ino_t inode) {
- auto range = set_.equal_range(inode);
- return ValueRange{range.first, range.second};
- }
- // Match all fields of an Inode against a 'struct stat' stat_buf.
- //
- // The returned Inode (if any) is removed from the InodeSet; it will not be returned by
- // FindInodeList in future calls.
- std::optional<Inode> FindAndRemoveInodeInList(ValueRange inode_list,
- const struct stat& stat_buf) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "FindAndRemoveInodeInList " << inode_list << ", "
- << "stat_buf{st_dev=" << stat_buf.st_dev << ",st_ino=" << stat_buf.st_ino << "}";
- auto /*iterator*/ found = std::find_if(inode_list.begin(),
- inode_list.end(),
- [&](const std::pair<ino_t, Inode>& pair) {
- const Inode& inode = pair.second;
- if (inode.inode != stat_buf.st_ino) {
- return false;
- }
- dev_t inode_dev =
- makedev(static_cast<int>(inode.device_major), static_cast<int>(inode.device_minor));
- // Inodes could be the same across different devices.
- // Also match the device id.
- if (inode_dev != stat_buf.st_dev) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "InodeSet:FindAndRemoveInodeInList matched ino: " << inode.inode
- << " but not device"
- << ", expected dev: " << stat_buf.st_dev
- << ", actual dev: " << inode_dev;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- });
- if (found != inode_list.end()) {
- Inode inode = found->second;
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "InodeSet:FindAndRemoveInodeInList *success* inode+device " << inode;
- DCHECK(found->second.inode == stat_buf.st_ino);
- // Erase the inode from the list. This is important.
- set_.erase(found);
- return inode;
- }
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- // Match all fields of an Inode against another Inode.
- //
- // The returned Inode (if any) is removed from the InodeSet; it will not be returned by
- // FindInodeList in future calls.
- std::optional<Inode> FindAndRemoveInodeInList(ValueRange inode_list,
- const Inode& inode) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "FindAndRemoveInodeInList " << inode_list << ", "
- << inode << "}";
- auto /*iterator*/ found = std::find_if(inode_list.begin(),
- inode_list.end(),
- [&](const std::pair<ino_t, Inode>& pair) {
- return inode == pair.second;
- });
- if (found != inode_list.end()) {
- Inode inode = found->second;
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "InodeSet:FindAndRemoveInodeInList *success* inode+device " << inode;
- DCHECK_EQ(found->second, inode);
- // Erase the inode from the list. This is important.
- set_.erase(found);
- return inode;
- }
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- // TODO: equality and string operators for testing/logging.
- private:
- // Explanation: readdir returns a 'file' -> 'ino_t inode' mapping.
- //
- // However inodes can be reused on different partitions (but they have a different device number).
- // To handle this edge case, and to avoid calling stat whenever the inode definitely doesn't match
- // store the inodes into a single-key,multi-value container.
- //
- // This enables fast scanning of readdir results by matching just the 'inode' portion,
- // then calling stat only when the inode portion definitely matches to confirm the device.
- // There are no single-key multi-value containers in standard C++, so pretend
- // we have one by writing this simple facade around an unordered set.
- //
- // We expect that the vector size is usually size=1 (or 2 or 3) since the # of devices
- // is fixed by however many partitions there are on the system, AND the same inode #
- // would have to be reused across a different file.
- std::unordered_multimap<ino_t, Inode> set_; // TODO: Rename to map_.
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const InodeSet& s);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const InodeSet& s) {
- os << "InodeSet{";
- for (const auto& kv : s.set_) {
- // e.g. "123=>(1:2:123)" ... its expected for the 'ino_t' portion to be repeated.
- os << "" << kv.first << "=>(" << kv.second << "),";
- }
- os << "}";
- return os;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const InodeSet::ValueRange& v) {
- // Don't want to make a const and non const version of ValueRange.
- InodeSet::ValueRange& s = const_cast<InodeSet::ValueRange&>(v);
- os << "InodeSet::ValueRange{";
- for (const auto& kv : s) {
- // e.g. "123=>(1:2:123)" ... its expected for the 'ino_t' portion to be repeated.
- os << "" << kv.first << "=>(" << kv.second << "),";
- }
- os << "}";
- return os;
-void search_for_inodes_in(std::vector<Inode>& inode_list, const std::string& dirpath);
-enum DirectoryEntryErrorCode {
- kInvalid, // not a real error code. to detect bad initialization.
- kOpenDir, // opendir failed.
- kReadDir, // readdir failed.
- kDtUnknown, // d_type was DT_UNKNOWN error.
-struct DirectoryEntryError {
- DirectoryEntryErrorCode code;
- int err_no;
- std::string filename;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DirectoryEntryError& e) {
- os << "DirectoryEntryError{"
- << static_cast<int>(e.code) << "," << e.err_no << "," << e.filename << "}";
- return os;
- // TODO: pretty-print code and err-no
-static common::DebugCounter gDebugDirectoryEntryCounter{};
-static constexpr bool kDebugDirectoryEntry = false;
- DCHECK_EQ(other.moved_from_, false) << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "CNT:" << other.debug_counter_;
- if (kDebugDirectoryEntry) LOG(VERBOSE) << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "@CNT:" << debug_counter_
-struct DirectoryEntry {
- using ResultT = iorap::expected<DirectoryEntry, DirectoryEntryError>;
- using ObservableT = rx::observable<ResultT>;
- static constexpr ino_t kInvalidIno = std::numeric_limits<ino_t>::max();
- static constexpr auto kInvalidFileName = "";
- // Path to file, the prefix is one of the root directories.
- std::string filename{kInvalidFileName};
- // Inode number of the file. Not unique across different devices.
- ino_t d_ino{kInvalidIno};
- // File type (DT_LNK, DT_REG, DT_DIR, or DT_UNKNOWN)
- unsigned char d_type{DT_UNKNOWN}; // Note: not seen outside of sentinel roots.
- // TODO: Consider invariant checks for valid combinations of above fields?
- // Debug-only flags.
- bool moved_from_{false};
- size_t debug_counter_{0};
- private:
- // TODO: remove default constructor?
- //
- // SEEMS TO BE USED by std::vector etc. FIX DAT.
- DirectoryEntry() noexcept {
- debug_counter_ = gDebugDirectoryEntryCounter++;
- }
- public:
- DirectoryEntry(std::string filename, ino_t d_ino, unsigned char d_type) noexcept
- : filename{std::move(filename)},
- d_ino{d_ino},
- d_type{d_type} {
- debug_counter_ = gDebugDirectoryEntryCounter++;
- }
- DirectoryEntry(const DirectoryEntry& other) noexcept {
- // Do not use member-initialization syntax so that this DCHECK can execute first.
- filename = other.filename;
- d_ino = other.d_ino;
- d_type = other.d_type;
- children_paths_ = other.children_paths_;
- children_initialized_ = other.children_initialized_;
- debug_counter_ = other.debug_counter_;
- }
- DirectoryEntry& operator=(const DirectoryEntry& other) noexcept {
- if (this == &other) {
- return *this;
- }
- filename = other.filename;
- d_ino = other.d_ino;
- d_type = other.d_type;
- children_paths_ = other.children_paths_;
- children_initialized_ = other.children_initialized_;
- debug_counter_ = other.debug_counter_;
- return *this;
- }
- DirectoryEntry& operator=(DirectoryEntry&& other) noexcept {
- if (this == &other) {
- return *this;
- }
- filename = std::move(other.filename);
- d_ino = other.d_ino;
- d_type = other.d_type;
- children_paths_ = std::move(other.children_paths_);
- children_initialized_ = other.children_initialized_;
- debug_counter_ = other.debug_counter_;
- return *this;
- }
- DirectoryEntry(DirectoryEntry&& other) noexcept {
- other.moved_from_ = true;
- filename = std::move(other.filename);
- d_ino = other.d_ino;
- d_type = other.d_type;
- children_paths_ = std::move(other.children_paths_);
- children_initialized_ = other.children_initialized_;
- debug_counter_ = other.debug_counter_;
- }
- // Create a sentinel (root of roots) whose children entries are those specified by
- // children_paths.
- static DirectoryEntry CreateSentinel(std::vector<std::string> children_paths) {
- DirectoryEntry e;
- e.d_type = DT_DIR;
- ++gDebugDirectoryEntryCounter;
- for (std::string& child_path : children_paths) {
- // TODO: Should we call Stat on the child path here to reconstitute the ino_t for a root dir?
- // Otherwise it can look a little strange (i.e. the root dir itself will never match
- // the searched inode).
- //
- // Probably not too big of a problem in practice.
- DirectoryEntry child_entry{std::move(child_path), kInvalidIno, DT_DIR};
- ResultT child_entry_as_result{std::move(child_entry)};
- e.children_paths_.push_back(std::move(child_entry_as_result));
- }
- e.children_initialized_ = true;
- return e;
- }
- // Return an observable which emits the direct children only.
- // The children entries are now read from disk (with readdir) if they weren't read previously.
- std::vector<ResultT> GetChildrenEntries(borrowed<SystemCall*> system_call) const& {
- BuildChildrenPaths(system_call);
- return children_paths_;
- }
- // Return an observable which emits the direct children only.
- // The children entries are now read from disk (with readdir) if they weren't read previously.
- // Movable overload.
- std::vector<ResultT> GetChildrenEntries(borrowed<SystemCall*> system_call) && {
- BuildChildrenPaths(system_call);
- return std::move(children_paths_);
- }
- // Returns a (lazy) observable that emits every single node, in pre-order,
- // rooted at this tree.
- //
- // New entries are only read from disk (with e.g. readdir) when more values are pulled
- // from the observable. Only the direct children of any entry are read at any time.
- //
- // The emission can be stopped prematurely by unsubscribing from the observable.
- // This means the maximum amount of 'redundant' IO reads is bounded by the children count
- // of all entries emitted thus far minus entries actually emitted.
- ObservableT GetSubTreePreOrderEntries(borrowed<SystemCall*> system_call) const;
- private:
- // Out-of-line definition to avoid circular type dependency.
- void BuildChildrenPaths(borrowed<SystemCall*> system_call) const;
- // We need to lazily initialize children_paths_ only when we try to read them.
- //
- // Assuming the underlying file system doesn't change (which isn't strictly true),
- // the directory children are referentially transparent.
- //
- // In practice we do not need to distinguish between the file contents changing out
- // from under us in this code, so we don't need the more strict requirements.
- mutable std::vector<ResultT> children_paths_;
- mutable bool children_initialized_{false};
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DirectoryEntry& d);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DirectoryEntry& d) {
- os << "DirectoryEntry{" << d.filename << ",ino:" << d.d_ino << ",type:" << d.d_type << "}";
- return os;
-using DirectoryEntryResult = DirectoryEntry::ResultT;
-// Read all directory entries and return it as a vector. This must be an eager operation,
-// as readdir is not re-entrant.
-// This could be considered as a limitation from the 'observable' perspective since
-// one can end up reading unnecessary extra directory entries that are then never consumed.
-// The following entries are skipped:
-// - '.' self
-// - ".." parent
-// All DT types except the following are removed:
-// * DT_LNK - symbolic link (empty children)
-// * DT_REG - regular file (empty children)
-// * DT_DIR - directory (has children)
-static std::vector<DirectoryEntryResult>
- ReadDirectoryEntriesFromDirectoryPath(std::string dirpath, borrowed<SystemCall*> system_call) {
- DIR *dirp;
- struct dirent *dp;
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "ReadDirectoryEntriesFromDirectoryPath(" << dirpath << ")";
- if ((dirp = system_call->opendir(dirpath.c_str())) == nullptr) {
- PLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't open directory: " << dirpath;
- return {DirectoryEntryError{kOpenDir, errno, dirpath}};
- }
- // Read all the results up front because readdir is not re-entrant.
- std::vector<DirectoryEntryResult> results;
- // Get full path + the directory entry path.
- auto child_path = [&] { return dirpath + "/" + dp->d_name; };
- do {
- errno = 0;
- if ((dp = system_call->readdir(dirp)) != nullptr) {
- if (dp->d_type == DT_DIR) {
- if (strcmp(".", dp->d_name) == 0 || strcmp("..", dp->d_name) == 0) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "Skip self/parent: " << dp->d_name;
- continue;
- }
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "Find entry " << child_path()
- << ", ino: " << dp->d_ino << ", type: " << dp->d_type;
- results.push_back(DirectoryEntry{child_path(),
- static_cast<ino_t>(dp->d_ino),
- dp->d_type});
- } else if (dp->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN) {
- // This seems bad if it happens. We should probably do something about this.
- LOG(WARNING) << "Found unknown DT entry: " << child_path();
- results.push_back(DirectoryEntryError{kDtUnknown, /*errno*/0, child_path()});
- } else if (dp->d_type == DT_LNK || dp->d_type == DT_REG) {
- // Regular non-directory file entry.
- results.push_back(DirectoryEntry{child_path(),
- static_cast<ino_t>(dp->d_ino),
- dp->d_type});
- } else {
- // Block device, character device, socket, etc...
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "Skip DT entry of type: " << dp->d_type << " " << child_path();
- }
- } else if (errno != 0) {
- PLOG(ERROR) << "Error reading directory entry in " << dirpath;
- results.push_back(DirectoryEntryError{kReadDir, errno, dirpath});
- }
- } while (dp != nullptr);
- if (system_call->closedir(dirp) < 0) {
- PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to close directory " << dirpath;
- }
- return results;
-void DirectoryEntry::BuildChildrenPaths(borrowed<SystemCall*> system_call) const {
- if (children_initialized_) {
- return;
- }
- if (d_type == DT_DIR) {
- children_paths_ = ReadDirectoryEntriesFromDirectoryPath(filename, system_call);
- // TODO: consider using dependency injection here to substitute this function during testing?
- }
-struct InodeSearchParameters {
- std::vector<Inode> inode_list;
- std::vector<std::string> root_dirs;
-// [IN]
-// observable: expected<Value, Error>, ...
-// [OUT]
-// observable: Value, ...
-// Any encountered 'Error' items are dropped after logging.
-template <typename T>
-auto MapExpectedOrLog(T&& observable,
- ::android::base::LogSeverity log_level) {
- return observable.filter([log_level](const auto& result) {
- if (result) {
- return true;
- } else {
- LOG(log_level) << result.error();
- return false;
- }
- }).map([](auto&& result) {
- return IORAP_FORWARD_LAMBDA(result).value();
- });
-template <typename T>
-auto MapExpectedOrLogError(T&& observable) {
- return MapExpectedOrLog(std::forward<T>(observable), ::android::base::ERROR);
-template <typename T>
-auto MapOptionalOrDrop(T&& observable) {
- return observable.filter([](const auto& result) {
- return result.has_value();
- }).map([](auto&& result) {
- return IORAP_FORWARD_LAMBDA(result).value();
- });
- // TODO: static_assert this isn't used with an unexpected.
-template <typename T, typename F>
-auto VisitValueOrLogError(T&& expected, F&& visit_func, const char* error_prefix = "") {
- if (!expected) {
- LOG(ERROR) << error_prefix << " " << expected.error();
- } else {
- visit_func(std::forward<T>(expected).value());
- }
- // TODO: Could be good to make this more monadic by returning an optional.
-template <typename TSimple, typename T, typename F>
-void TreeTraversalPreOrderObservableImpl(rx::subscriber<TSimple> dest, T&& node, F&& fn) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "TreeTraversalPreOrderObservableImpl (begin) " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
- if (!dest.is_subscribed()) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "TreeTraversalPreOrderObservableImpl (unsubscribed)";
- return;
- } else {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "TreeTraversalPreOrderObservableImpl (on_next node)";
- // Copy the node here. This is less bad than it seems since we haven't yet
- // calculated its children (except in the root), so its just doing a shallow memcpy (sizeof(T)).
- //
- // This assumes the children are calculated lazily, otherwise we'd need to have a separate
- // NodeBody class which only holds the non-children elements.
- TSimple copy = std::forward<T>(node);
- dest.on_next(std::move(copy));
- if (!node.has_value()) {
- return;
- }
- // Whenever we call 'on_next' also check if we end up unsubscribing.
- // This avoids the expensive call into the children.
- if (!dest.is_subscribed()) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "TreeTraversalPreOrderObservableImpl (post-self unsubscribe)";
- return;
- }
- // Eagerly get the childrem, moving them instead of copying them.
- auto&& children = fn(std::forward<T>(node));
- for (auto&& child : children) {
- TreeTraversalPreOrderObservableImpl(dest, IORAP_FORWARD_LAMBDA(child), fn);
- // TODO: double check this is doing the std::move properly for rvalues.
- if (!dest.is_subscribed()) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "TreeTraversalPreOrderObservableImpl (unsubscribed in children)";
- break;
- }
- };
- }
-// Creates an observable over all the nodes in the tree rooted at node.
-// fn is a function that returns the children of that node.
-// The items are emitted left-to-right pre-order, and stop early if the
-// observable is unsubscribed from.
-// Implementation requirement:
-// typeof(node) -> expected<V, E> or optional<V> or similar.
-// fn(node) -> iterable<typeof(node)>
-// preorder(self):
-// visit(self)
-// for child in fn(self):
-// preorder(child)
-template <typename T, typename F>
-auto/*observable<T>*/ TreeTraversalPreOrderObservable(T&& node, F&& fn) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "TreeTraversalPreOrderObservable: " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
- using T_simple = std::decay_t<T>;
- return rx::observable<>::create<T_simple>(
- // Copy node to avoid lifetime issues.
- [node=node,fn=std::forward<F>(fn)](rx::subscriber<T_simple> dest) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "TreeTraversalPreOrderObservable (lambda)";
- TreeTraversalPreOrderObservableImpl<T_simple>(dest,
- std::move(node),
- std::move(fn));
- dest.on_completed();
- }
- );
- DirectoryEntry::GetSubTreePreOrderEntries(borrowed<SystemCall*> system_call) const {
- return TreeTraversalPreOrderObservable(
- DirectoryEntryResult{*this},
- [system_call=system_call](auto/*DirectoryEntryResult*/&& result)
- -> std::vector<DirectoryEntryResult> {
- if (!result) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "GetSubTreePreOrderEntries (no value return)";
- // Cannot have children when it was an error.
- return {};
- }
- return
- .value()
- .GetChildrenEntries(system_call);
- });
-struct StatError {
- int err_no;
- std::string path_name;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StatError& e) {
- os << "StatError{" << e.err_no << "," << e.path_name
- << ": " << strerror(e.err_no) << "}";
- return os;
-template <typename U = void> // suppress unused warning.
-static iorap::expected<struct stat, StatError> Stat(const std::string& path_name,
- borrowed<SystemCall*> system_call) {
- struct stat statbuf{};
- // Call stat(2) in live code. Overridden in test code.
- if (system_call->stat(path_name.c_str(), /*out*/&statbuf) == 0) {
- return statbuf;
- } else {
- return iorap::unexpected(StatError{errno, path_name});
- }
-using StatResult = iorap::expected<struct stat, StatError>;
-// An inode's corresponding filename on the system.
-struct SearchMatch {
- Inode inode;
- // Relative path joined with a root directory.
- //
- // Use absolute path root dirs to get back absolute path filenames.
- // If relative, this is relative to the current working directory.
- std::string filename;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SearchMatch& s) {
- os << "SearchMatch{" << s.inode << ", " << s.filename << "}";
- return os;
-struct SearchState {
- // Emit 'match' Inodes corresponding to the ones here.
- InodeSet inode_set;
- // An inode matching one of the ones in inode_set was discovered in the most-recently
- // emitted SearchState.
- //
- // The InodeSet removes any matching 'Inode'.
- std::optional<SearchMatch> match;
- SearchState() = default;
- SearchState(SearchState&& other) = default;
- // Do not copy this because copying InodeSet is excruciatingly slow.
- SearchState(const SearchState& other) = delete;
- // TODO: make sure this doesn't copy [inodes], as that would be unnecessarily expensive.
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SearchState& s) {
- os << "SearchState{match:";
- // Print the 'match' first. The InodeSet could be very large so it could be truncated in logs.
- if (s.match) {
- os << s.match.value();
- } else {
- os << "(none)";
- }
- os << ", inode_set:" << s.inode_set << "}";
- return os;
-// TODO: write operator<< etc.
-// Return a lazy observable that will search for all filenames whose inodes
-// match the inodes in inode_search_list.
-// Every unmatched inode will be emitted as an unexpected at the end of the stream.
-auto/*[observable<InodeResult>, connectable]*/ SearchDirectoriesForMatchingInodes(
- std::vector<std::string> root_dirs,
- std::vector<Inode> inode_search_list,
- borrowed<SystemCall*> system_call) {
- // Create a (lazy) observable that will emit each DirectoryEntry that is a recursive subchild
- // of root_dirs. Emission will be stopped when its unsubscribed from.
- //
- // This is done by calling readdir(3) lazily.
- auto/*obs<DirectoryEntry>*/ find_all_subdir_entries = ([&]() {
- DirectoryEntry sentinel = DirectoryEntry::CreateSentinel(std::move(root_dirs));
- auto/*obs<DirectoryEntryResult*/ results = sentinel.GetSubTreePreOrderEntries(system_call);
- // Drop any errors by logging them to logcat. "Unwrap" the expected into the underlying data.
- auto/*obs<DirectoryEntry*>*/ expected_drop_errors = MapExpectedOrLogError(std::move(results));
- return expected_drop_errors;
- })();
- // DirectoryEntry is missing the dev_t portion, so we may need to call scan(2) again
- // to confirm the dev_t. We skip calling scan(2) when the ino_t does not match.
- // InodeSet lets us optimally avoid calling scan(2).
- std::shared_ptr<SearchState> initial = std::make_shared<SearchState>();
- initial->inode_set = InodeSet::OfList(inode_search_list);
- auto/*[observable<SearchState>,Connectable]*/ search_state_results = find_all_subdir_entries.scan(
- std::move(initial),
- [system_call=system_call](std::shared_ptr<SearchState> search_state,
- const DirectoryEntry& dir_entry) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "SearchDirectoriesForMatchingInodes#Scan "
- << dir_entry << ", state: " << *search_state;
- search_state->match = std::nullopt;
- InodeSet* inodes = &search_state->inode_set;
- // Find all the possible inodes across different devices.
- InodeSet::ValueRange inode_list = inodes->FindInodeList(dir_entry.d_ino);
- // This directory doesn't correspond to any inodes we are searching for.
- if (!inode_list) {
- return search_state;
- }
- StatResult maybe_stat = Stat(dir_entry.filename, system_call);
- VisitValueOrLogError(maybe_stat, [&](const struct stat& stat_buf) {
- // Try to match the specific inode. Usually this will not result in a match (nullopt).
- std::optional<Inode> inode = inodes->FindAndRemoveInodeInList(inode_list, stat_buf);
- if (inode) {
- search_state->match = SearchMatch{inode.value(), dir_entry.filename};
- }
- });
- return search_state;
- }
- // Avoid exhausting a potentially 'infinite' stream of files by terminating as soon
- // as we find every single inode we care about.
- ).take_while([](std::shared_ptr<SearchState> state) {
- // Also emit the last item that caused the search set to go empty.
- bool cond = !state->inode_set.Empty() || state->match;
- static int kCounter = 0;
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "SearchDirectoriesForMatchingInodes#take_while (" << kCounter++ <<
- ",is_empty:"
- << state->inode_set.Empty() << ", match:" << state->match.has_value();
- }
- // Minor O(1) implementation inefficiency:
- // (Too minor to fix but it can be strange if looking at the logs or readdir traces).
- //
- // Note, because we return 'true' after the search set went empty,
- // the overall stream graph still pulls from search_state_results exactly once more:
- //
- // This means that for cond to go to false, we would've read one extra item and then discarded
- // it. If that item was the first child of a directory, that means we essentially did
- // one redundant pass of doing a readdir.
- // In other words if the search set goes to empty while the current item is a directory,
- //
- // it will definitely readdir on it at least once as we try to get the first child in
- // OnTreeTraversal.
- //
- // This could be fixed with a 'take_until(Predicate)' operator which doesn't discard
- // the last item when the condition becomes false. However rxcpp seems to lack this operator,
- // whereas RxJava has it.
- if (!cond) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "SearchDirectoriesForMatchingInodes#take_while "
- << "should now terminate for " << *state;
- }
- return cond;
- }).publish();
- // The publish here is mandatory. The stream is consumed twice (once by matched and once by
- // unmatched streams). Without the publish, once all items from 'matched' were consumed it would
- // start another instance of 'search_state_results' (i.e. it appears as if the search
- // is restarted).
- //
- // By using 'publish', the search_state_results is effectively shared by both downstream nodes.
- // Note that this also requires the subscriber to additionally call #connect on the above stream,
- // otherwise no work will happen.
- // Lifetime notes:
- //
- // The the 'SearchState' is emitted into both below streams simultaneously.
- // The 'unmatched_inode_values' only touches the inode_set.
- // The 'matched_inode_values' only touches the match.
- // Either stream can 'std::move' from those fields because they don't move each other's fields.
- auto/*observable<InodeResult>*/ matched_inode_values = search_state_results
- .filter([](std::shared_ptr<SearchState> search_state) {
- return search_state->match.has_value(); })
- .map([](std::shared_ptr<SearchState> search_state) {
- return std::move(search_state->match.value()); })
- // observable<SearchMatch>
- .map([](SearchMatch search_match) {
- return InodeResult::makeSuccess(search_match.inode, std::move(search_match.filename));
- }); // observable<InodeResult>
- auto/*observable<?>*/ unmatched_inode_values = search_state_results
- // The 'last' SearchState is the one that contains all the remaining inodes.
- .take_last(1) // observable<SearchState>
- .flat_map([](std::shared_ptr<SearchState> search_state) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "SearchDirectoriesForMatchingInodes#unmatched -- flat_map";
- // Aside: Could've used a move here if the inodes weren't so lightweight already.
- return search_state->inode_set.IterateValues(); })
- // observable<Inode>
- .map([](const Inode& inode) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "SearchDirectoriesForMatchingInodes#unmatched -- map";
- return InodeResult::makeFailure(inode, InodeResult::kCouldNotFindFilename);
- });
- // observable<InodeResult>
- // The matched and unmatched InodeResults are emitted together.
- // Use merge, not concat, because we need both observables to be subscribed to simultaneously.
- auto/*observable<InodeResult*/ all_inode_results =
- matched_inode_values.merge(unmatched_inode_values);
- // Now that all mid-stream observables have been connected, turn the Connectable observable
- // into a regular observable.
- // The caller has to call 'connect' on the search_state_results after subscribing
- // and before any work can actually start.
- return std::make_pair(all_inode_results, search_state_results);
-rxcpp::observable<InodeResult> SearchDirectories::FindFilenamesFromInodes(
- std::vector<std::string> root_directories,
- std::vector<Inode> inode_list,
- SearchMode mode) const {
- DCHECK(mode == SearchMode::kInProcessDirect) << " other modes not implemented yet";
- auto/*observable[2]*/ [inode_results, connectable] = SearchDirectoriesForMatchingInodes(
- std::move(root_directories),
- std::move(inode_list),
- system_call_);
- return inode_results.ref_count(connectable);
-// I think we could avoid this with auto_connect, which rxcpp doesn't seem to have.
-// I can't figure out any other way to avoid this, or at least to allow connecting
-// on the primary observable (instead of a secondary side-observable).
-// If using the obvious publish+ref_count then the unmerged stream gets no items emitted into it.
-// If tried to ref_count later, everything turns into no-op.
-// If trying to call connect too early, the subscribe is missed.
-template <typename T>
-struct RxAnyConnectableFromObservable : public SearchDirectories::RxAnyConnectable {
- virtual void connect() override {
- observable.connect();
- }
- virtual ~RxAnyConnectableFromObservable() {}
- RxAnyConnectableFromObservable(rxcpp::connectable_observable<T> observable)
- : observable(observable) {
- }
- rxcpp::connectable_observable<T> observable;
-// Type deduction helper.
-template <typename T>
- MakeRxAnyConnectableFromObservable(rxcpp::connectable_observable<T> observable) {
- SearchDirectories::RxAnyConnectable* ptr = new RxAnyConnectableFromObservable<T>{observable};
- return std::unique_ptr<SearchDirectories::RxAnyConnectable>{ptr};
-std::pair<rxcpp::observable<InodeResult>, std::unique_ptr<SearchDirectories::RxAnyConnectable>>
- SearchDirectories::FindFilenamesFromInodesPair(
- std::vector<std::string> root_directories,
- std::vector<Inode> inode_list,
- SearchMode mode) const {
- DCHECK(mode == SearchMode::kInProcessDirect) << " other modes not implemented yet";
- auto/*observable[2]*/ [inode_results, connectable] = SearchDirectoriesForMatchingInodes(
- std::move(root_directories),
- std::move(inode_list),
- system_call_);
- std::unique_ptr<SearchDirectories::RxAnyConnectable> connectable_ptr =
- MakeRxAnyConnectableFromObservable(connectable.as_dynamic());
- return {inode_results, std::move(connectable_ptr)};
- SearchDirectories::FindFilenamesFromInodes(std::vector<std::string> root_directories,
- rxcpp::observable<Inode> inodes,
- SearchMode mode) const {
- // It's inefficient to search for inodes until the full search list is available,
- // so first reduce to a vector so we can access all the inodes simultaneously.
- return inodes.reduce(std::vector<Inode>{},
- [](std::vector<Inode> vec, Inode inode) {
- vec.push_back(inode);
- return vec;
- },
- [](std::vector<Inode> v){
- return v; // TODO: use an identity function
- })
- .flat_map([root_directories=std::move(root_directories), mode, self=*this]
- (std::vector<Inode> vec) {
- // All borrowed values (e.g. SystemCall) must outlive the observable.
- return self.FindFilenamesFromInodes(root_directories, vec, mode);
- }
- );
-auto/*[observable<InodeResult>]*/ EmitAllInodesFromDirectories(
- std::vector<std::string> root_dirs,
- borrowed<SystemCall*> system_call) {
- // Create a (lazy) observable that will emit each DirectoryEntry that is a recursive subchild
- // of root_dirs. Emission will be stopped when its unsubscribed from.
- //
- // This is done by calling readdir(3) lazily.
- auto/*obs<DirectoryEntry>*/ find_all_subdir_entries = ([&]() {
- DirectoryEntry sentinel = DirectoryEntry::CreateSentinel(std::move(root_dirs));
- auto/*obs<DirectoryEntryResult*/ results = sentinel.GetSubTreePreOrderEntries(system_call);
- // Drop any errors by logging them to logcat. "Unwrap" the expected into the underlying data.
- auto/*obs<DirectoryEntry*>*/ expected_drop_errors = MapExpectedOrLogError(std::move(results));
- return expected_drop_errors;
- })();
- // Fill in -1 for the dev_t since readdir only returns the ino_t.
- // The caller of this function is expected to call stat(2) later on to fill in
- // the full data.
- return[](DirectoryEntry e) {
- return InodeResult::makeSuccess(Inode::FromDeviceAndInode(-1, e.d_ino), std::move(e.filename));
- });
- SearchDirectories::ListAllFilenames(std::vector<std::string> root_directories) const {
- // TODO: refactor implementation into DiskScanDataSource.
- return EmitAllInodesFromDirectories(std::move(root_directories),
- /*borrowed*/system_call_);
-struct FilterState {
- // Emit 'match' Inodes corresponding to the ones here.
- InodeSet inode_set;
- // An inode matching one of the ones in inode_set was discovered in the most-recently
- // emitted SearchState.
- //
- // The InodeSet removes any matching 'Inode'.
- std::optional<InodeResult> match;
- FilterState() = default;
- FilterState(FilterState&& other) = default;
- // Copying the InodeSet is expensive, so forbid any copies.
- FilterState(const FilterState& other) = delete;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const FilterState& s) {
- os << "FilterState{match:";
- // Print the 'match' first. The InodeSet could be very large so it could be truncated in logs.
- if (s.match) {
- os << s.match.value();
- } else {
- os << "(none)";
- }
- os << ", inode_set:" << s.inode_set << "}";
- return os;
-rxcpp::observable<InodeResult> SearchDirectories::FilterFilenamesForSpecificInodes(
- rxcpp::observable<InodeResult> all_inodes,
- std::vector<Inode> inode_list,
- bool missing_device_number, // missing dev_t portion?
- bool needs_verification) const {
- // TODO: refactor into InodeResolver
- borrowed<SystemCall*> system_call = system_call_;
- // InodeResult may be missing the dev_t portion, so we may need to call scan(2) again
- // to confirm the dev_t. We skip calling scan(2) when the ino_t does not match.
- // InodeSet lets us optimally avoid calling scan(2).
- std::shared_ptr<FilterState> initial = std::make_shared<FilterState>();
- initial->inode_set = InodeSet::OfList(inode_list);
- auto/*[observable<FilterState>,Connectable]*/ filter_state_results = all_inodes.scan(
- std::move(initial),
- [system_call, missing_device_number]
- (std::shared_ptr<FilterState> filter_state, InodeResult inode_result) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "FilterFilenamesForSpecificInodes#Scan "
- << inode_result << ", state: " << *filter_state;
- filter_state->match = std::nullopt;
- InodeSet* inodes = &filter_state->inode_set;
- // Find all the possible (dev_t, ino_t) potential needles given an ino_t in the haystack.
- InodeSet::ValueRange inode_list = inodes->FindInodeList(inode_result.inode.inode);
- // This inode result doesn't correspond to any inodes we are searching for.
- if (!inode_list) {
- // Drop the result and keep going.
- return filter_state;
- }
- if (missing_device_number) {
- // Need to fill in dev_t by calling stat(2).
- VisitValueOrLogError(std::move(, [&](std::string filename) {
- StatResult maybe_stat = Stat(filename, system_call);
- VisitValueOrLogError(maybe_stat, [&](const struct stat& stat_buf) {
- // Try to match the specific inode. Usually this will not result in a match (nullopt).
- std::optional<Inode> inode = inodes->FindAndRemoveInodeInList(inode_list, stat_buf);
- if (inode) {
- filter_state->match = InodeResult::makeSuccess(inode.value(), std::move(filename));
- }
- });
- // Note: stat errors are logged here to make the error closer to the occurrence.
- // In theory, we could just return it as an InodeResult but then the error would
- // just get logged elsewhere.
- });
- } else {
- // Trust the dev_t in InodeResult is valid. Later passes can verify it.
- // Try to match the specific inode. Usually this will not result in a match (nullopt).
- std::optional<Inode> inode =
- inodes->FindAndRemoveInodeInList(inode_list, inode_result.inode);
- if (inode) {
- filter_state->match = inode_result;
- }
- // Note that the InodeResult doesn't necessarily need to have a valid filename here.
- // If the earlier pass returned an error-ed result, this will forward the error code.
- }
- return filter_state;
- }
- // Avoid exhausting a potentially 'infinite' stream of files by terminating as soon
- // as we find every single inode we care about.
- ).take_while([](std::shared_ptr<FilterState> state) {
- // Also emit the last item that caused the search set to go empty.
- bool cond = !state->inode_set.Empty() || state->match;
- static int kCounter = 0;
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "FilterFilenamesForSpecificInodes#take_while (" << kCounter++ <<
- ",is_empty:"
- << state->inode_set.Empty() << ", match:" << state->match.has_value();
- }
- // Minor O(1) implementation inefficiency:
- // (Too minor to fix but it can be strange if looking at the logs or readdir traces).
- //
- // Note, because we return 'true' after the search set went empty,
- // the overall stream graph still pulls from filter_state_results exactly once more:
- //
- // This means that for cond to go to false, we would've read one extra item and then discarded
- // it. If that item was the first child of a directory, that means we essentially did
- // one redundant pass of doing a readdir.
- // In other words if the search set goes to empty while the current item is a directory,
- //
- // it will definitely readdir on it at least once as we try to get the first child in
- // OnTreeTraversal.
- //
- // This could be fixed with a 'take_until(Predicate)' operator which doesn't discard
- // the last item when the condition becomes false. However rxcpp seems to lack this operator,
- // whereas RxJava has it.
- if (!cond) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "FilterFilenamesForSpecificInodes#take_while "
- << "should now terminate for " << *state;
- }
- return cond;
- }).publish();
- // The publish here is mandatory. The stream is consumed twice (once by matched and once by
- // unmatched streams). Without the publish, once all items from 'matched' were consumed it would
- // start another instance of 'filter_state_results' (i.e. it appears as if the search
- // is restarted).
- //
- // By using 'publish', the filter_state_results is effectively shared by both downstream nodes.
- // Note that this also requires the subscriber to additionally call #connect on the above stream,
- // otherwise no work will happen.
- // Lifetime notes:
- //
- // The the 'FilterState' is emitted into both below streams simultaneously.
- // The 'unmatched_inode_values' only touches the inode_set.
- // The 'matched_inode_values' only touches the match.
- // Either stream can 'std::move' from those fields because they don't move each other's fields.
- auto/*observable<InodeResult>*/ matched_inode_values = filter_state_results
- .filter([](std::shared_ptr<FilterState> filter_state) {
- return filter_state->match.has_value(); })
- .map([](std::shared_ptr<FilterState> filter_state) {
- return std::move(filter_state->match.value()); });
- // observable<InodeResult>
- auto/*observable<?>*/ unmatched_inode_values = filter_state_results
- // The 'last' FilterState is the one that contains all the remaining inodes.
- .take_last(1) // observable<FilterState>
- .flat_map([](std::shared_ptr<FilterState> filter_state) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "FilterFilenamesForSpecificInodes#unmatched -- flat_map";
- // Aside: Could've used a move here if the inodes weren't so lightweight already.
- return filter_state->inode_set.IterateValues(); })
- // observable<Inode>
- .map([](const Inode& inode) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "FilterFilenamesForSpecificInodes#unmatched -- map";
- return InodeResult::makeFailure(inode, InodeResult::kCouldNotFindFilename);
- });
- // observable<InodeResult>
- // The matched and unmatched InodeResults are emitted together.
- // Use merge, not concat, because we need both observables to be subscribed to simultaneously.
- auto/*observable<InodeResult*/ all_inode_results =
- matched_inode_values.merge(unmatched_inode_values);
- // Verify the inode results by calling stat(2).
- // Unverified results are turned into an error.
- auto/*observable<InodeResult>*/ verified_inode_results =
-[needs_verification, system_call](InodeResult result) {
- if (!needs_verification || !result) {
- // Skip verification if requested, or if the result didn't have a filename.
- return result;
- }
- const std::string& filename =;
- StatResult maybe_stat = Stat(filename, system_call);
- if (maybe_stat)
- {
- if (result.inode == Inode::FromDeviceAndInode(maybe_stat->st_dev, maybe_stat->st_ino)) {
- return result;
- } else {
- << "FilterFilenamesForSpecificInodes#verified fail out-of-date inode: " << result;
- return InodeResult::makeFailure(result.inode, InodeResult::kVerificationFailed);
- }
- } else {
- // Forward stat errors directly, as it could be a missing security rule,
- // but turn -ENOENT into casual verification errors.
- const StatError& err = maybe_stat.error();
- int error_code = err.err_no;
- if (err.err_no == ENOENT) {
- error_code = InodeResult::kVerificationFailed;
- // TODO: Don't LOG(WARNING) here because this could be very common if we
- // access the data much much later after the initial results were read in.
- << "FilterFilenamesForSpecificInodes#verified fail out-of-date filename: " << result;
- } else {
- << "FilterFilenamesForSpecificInodes#verified stat(2) failure: " << err;
- }
- return InodeResult::makeFailure(result.inode, error_code);
- }
- });
- // Now that all mid-stream observables have been connected, turn the Connectable observable
- // into a regular observable.
- return verified_inode_results.ref_count(filter_state_results);
-rxcpp::observable<InodeResult> SearchDirectories::EmitAllFilenames(
- rxcpp::observable<InodeResult> all_inodes,
- bool missing_device_number, // missing dev_t portion?
- bool needs_verification) const {
- // TODO: refactor into InodeResolver
- borrowed<SystemCall*> system_call = system_call_;
- // InodeResult may be missing the dev_t portion, so we may need to call scan(2) again
- // to confirm the dev_t.
- using EmitAllState = std::optional<InodeResult>;
- auto/*[observable<FilterState>,Connectable]*/ all_inode_results =
- [system_call, missing_device_number](InodeResult inode_result) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "EmitAllFilenames#map "
- << inode_result;
- // Could fail if the device number is missing _and_ stat(2) fails.
- EmitAllState match = std::nullopt;
- if (missing_device_number) {
- // Need to fill in dev_t by calling stat(2).
- VisitValueOrLogError(std::move(, [&](std::string filename) {
- StatResult maybe_stat = Stat(filename, system_call);
- VisitValueOrLogError(maybe_stat, [&](const struct stat& stat_buf) {
- Inode inode = Inode::FromDeviceAndInode(stat_buf.st_dev, stat_buf.st_ino);
- match = InodeResult::makeSuccess(inode, std::move(filename));
- });
- // Note: stat errors are logged here to make the error closer to the occurrence.
- // In theory, we could just return it as an InodeResult but then the error would
- // just get logged elsewhere.
- });
- } else {
- // Trust the dev_t in InodeResult is valid. Later passes can verify it.
- match = std::move(inode_result);
- // Note that the InodeResult doesn't necessarily need to have a valid filename here.
- // If the earlier pass returned an error-ed result, this will forward the error code.
- }
- return match; // implicit move.
- }
- );
- auto/*observable<InodeResult>*/ matched_inode_values = all_inode_results
- .filter([](const EmitAllState& filter_state) { return filter_state.has_value(); })
- .map([](EmitAllState& filter_state) { return std::move(filter_state.value()); });
- // observable<InodeResult>
- // Verify the inode results by calling stat(2).
- // Unverified results are turned into an error.
- auto/*observable<InodeResult>*/ verified_inode_results =
-[needs_verification, system_call](InodeResult result) {
- if (!needs_verification || !result) {
- // Skip verification if requested, or if the result didn't have a filename.
- return result;
- }
- const std::string& filename =;
- StatResult maybe_stat = Stat(filename, system_call);
- if (maybe_stat)
- {
- if (result.inode == Inode::FromDeviceAndInode(maybe_stat->st_dev, maybe_stat->st_ino)) {
- return result;
- } else {
- << "EmitAllFilenames#verified fail out-of-date inode: " << result;
- return InodeResult::makeFailure(result.inode, InodeResult::kVerificationFailed);
- }
- } else {
- // Forward stat errors directly, as it could be a missing security rule,
- // but turn -ENOENT into casual verification errors.
- const StatError& err = maybe_stat.error();
- int error_code = err.err_no;
- if (err.err_no == ENOENT) {
- error_code = InodeResult::kVerificationFailed;
- // TODO: Don't LOG(WARNING) here because this could be very common if we
- // access the data much much later after the initial results were read in.
- << "EmitAllFilenames#verified fail out-of-date filename: " << result;
- } else {
- << "EmitAllFilenames#verified stat(2) failure: " << err;
- }
- return InodeResult::makeFailure(result.inode, error_code);
- }
- });
- // TODO: refactor this function some more with the Find(inode_set) equivalent.
- // Now that all mid-stream observables have been connected, turn the Connectable observable
- // into a regular observable.
- return verified_inode_results;
-} // namespace iorap::inode2filename