path: root/src/manager/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/manager/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1401 deletions
diff --git a/src/manager/ b/src/manager/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0242c10..0000000
--- a/src/manager/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1401 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "binder/package_version_map.h"
-#include "common/debug.h"
-#include "common/expected.h"
-#include "common/printer.h"
-#include "common/rx_async.h"
-#include "common/property.h"
-#include "common/trace.h"
-#include "db/app_component_name.h"
-#include "db/file_models.h"
-#include "db/models.h"
-#include "maintenance/controller.h"
-#include "maintenance/db_cleaner.h"
-#include "manager/event_manager.h"
-#include "perfetto/rx_producer.h"
-#include "prefetcher/read_ahead.h"
-#include "prefetcher/task_id.h"
-#include <android-base/chrono_utils.h>
-#include <android-base/strings.h>
-#include <android-base/properties.h>
-#include <rxcpp/rx.hpp>
-#include <server_configurable_flags/get_flags.h>
-#include <utils/misc.h>
-#include <utils/Trace.h>
-#include <atomic>
-#include <filesystem>
-#include <functional>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <unordered_map>
-using rxcpp::observe_on_one_worker;
-namespace iorap::manager {
-using binder::AppLaunchEvent;
-using binder::DexOptEvent;
-using binder::JobScheduledEvent;
-using binder::RequestId;
-using binder::TaskResult;
-using common::AsyncPool;
-using common::RxAsync;
-using perfetto::PerfettoStreamCommand;
-using perfetto::PerfettoTraceProto;
-using db::AppComponentName;
-const constexpr bool kExcludeDexFilesDefault = true;
-static std::atomic<bool> s_tracing_allowed{false};
-static std::atomic<bool> s_readahead_allowed{false};
-static std::atomic<uint64_t> s_min_traces{3};
-struct PackageBlacklister {
- // "x.y.z;" colon-separated list of substrings
- PackageBlacklister(std::string blacklist_string) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "Configuring package blacklister with string: " << blacklist_string;
- std::vector<std::string> split = ::android::base::Split(blacklist_string, ";");
- // Ignore any l/r whitespace or empty strings.
- for (const std::string& s : split) {
- std::string t = ::android::base::Trim(s);
- if (!t.empty()) {
- LOG(INFO) << "Blacklisted package: " << t << "; will not optimize.";
- packages_.push_back(t);
- }
- }
- }
- PackageBlacklister() = default;
- bool IsBlacklisted(const std::string& package_name) const {
- return std::find(packages_.begin(), packages_.end(), package_name) != packages_.end();
- }
- bool IsBlacklisted(const AppComponentName& component_name) const {
- return IsBlacklisted(component_name.package);
- }
- bool IsBlacklisted(const std::optional<AppComponentName>& component_name) const {
- return component_name.has_value() && IsBlacklisted(component_name->package);
- }
- private:
- std::vector<std::string> packages_;
-using PackageVersionMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, int64_t>;
-// Main logic of the #OnAppLaunchEvent scan method.
-// All functions are called from the same thread as the event manager
-// functions.
-// This is a data type, it's moved (std::move) around from one iteration
-// of #scan to another.
-struct AppLaunchEventState {
- std::optional<AppComponentName> component_name_;
- // Sequence ID is shared amongst the same app launch sequence,
- // but changes whenever a new app launch sequence begins.
- size_t sequence_id_ = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
- std::optional<AppLaunchEvent::Temperature> temperature_;
- // Push data to perfetto rx chain for associating
- // the raw_trace with the history_id.
- std::optional<rxcpp::subscriber<int>> history_id_subscriber_;
- rxcpp::observable<int> history_id_observable_;
- std::optional<uint64_t> intent_started_ns_;
- std::optional<uint64_t> total_time_ns_;
- // Used by kReportFullyDrawn to find the right history_id.
- // We assume no interleaving between different sequences.
- // This assumption is checked in the Java service code.
- std::optional<uint64_t> recent_history_id_;
- // labeled as 'shared' due to rx not being able to handle move-only objects.
- // lifetime: in practice equivalent to unique_ptr.
- std::shared_ptr<prefetcher::ReadAhead> read_ahead_;
- bool allowed_readahead_{true};
- bool is_read_ahead_{false};
- std::optional<prefetcher::TaskId> read_ahead_task_;
- bool allowed_tracing_{true};
- bool is_tracing_{false};
- std::optional<rxcpp::composite_subscription> rx_lifetime_;
- std::vector<rxcpp::composite_subscription> rx_in_flight_;
- PackageBlacklister package_blacklister_{};
- borrowed<perfetto::RxProducerFactory*> perfetto_factory_; // not null
- borrowed<observe_on_one_worker*> thread_; // not null
- borrowed<observe_on_one_worker*> io_thread_; // not null
- borrowed<AsyncPool*> async_pool_; // not null
- std::shared_ptr<binder::PackageVersionMap> version_map_;
- explicit AppLaunchEventState(borrowed<perfetto::RxProducerFactory*> perfetto_factory,
- bool allowed_readahead,
- bool allowed_tracing,
- PackageBlacklister package_blacklister,
- borrowed<observe_on_one_worker*> thread,
- borrowed<observe_on_one_worker*> io_thread,
- borrowed<AsyncPool*> async_pool,
- std::shared_ptr<binder::PackageVersionMap> version_map)
- : read_ahead_{std::make_shared<prefetcher::ReadAhead>()}
- {
- perfetto_factory_ = perfetto_factory;
- DCHECK(perfetto_factory_ != nullptr);
- allowed_readahead_ = allowed_readahead;
- allowed_tracing_ = allowed_tracing;
- package_blacklister_ = package_blacklister;
- thread_ = thread;
- DCHECK(thread_ != nullptr);
- io_thread_ = io_thread;
- DCHECK(io_thread_ != nullptr);
- async_pool_ = async_pool;
- DCHECK(async_pool_ != nullptr);
- version_map_ = version_map;
- DCHECK(version_map_ != nullptr);
- }
- // Updates the values in this struct only as a side effect.
- //
- // May create and fire a new rx chain on the same threads as passed
- // in by the constructors.
- void OnNewEvent(const AppLaunchEvent& event) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "AppLaunchEventState#OnNewEvent: " << event;
- android::ScopedTrace trace_db_init{ATRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER,
- "IorapNativeService::OnAppLaunchEvent"};
- using Type = AppLaunchEvent::Type;
- DCHECK_GE(event.sequence_id, 0);
- sequence_id_ = static_cast<size_t>(event.sequence_id);
- allowed_readahead_ = s_readahead_allowed;
- allowed_tracing_ = s_tracing_allowed;
- switch (event.type) {
- case Type::kIntentStarted: {
- const std::string& package_name = event.intent_proto->component().package_name();
- const std::string& class_name = event.intent_proto->component().class_name();
- AppComponentName component_name{package_name, class_name};
- component_name = component_name.Canonicalize();
- component_name_ = component_name;
- if (package_blacklister_.IsBlacklisted(component_name)) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "kIntentStarted: package " << component_name.package
- << " ignored due to blacklisting.";
- break;
- }
- // Create a new history ID chain for each new app start-up sequence.
- auto history_id_observable = rxcpp::observable<>::create<int>(
- [&](rxcpp::subscriber<int> subscriber) {
- history_id_subscriber_ = std::move(subscriber);
- LOG(VERBOSE) << " set up the history id subscriber ";
- })
- .tap([](int history_id) { LOG(VERBOSE) << " tap rx history id = " << history_id; })
- .replay(1); // Remember the history id in case we subscribe too late.
- history_id_observable_ = history_id_observable;
- // Immediately turn observable hot, creating the subscriber.
- history_id_observable.connect();
- DCHECK(!IsTracing());
- // The time should be set before perfetto tracing.
- // Record the timestamp even no perfetto tracing is triggered,
- // because the tracing may start in the following ActivityLaunched
- // event. Otherwise, there will be no starting timestamp and
- // trace without starting timestamp is not considered for compilation.
- if (event.timestamp_nanos >= 0) {
- intent_started_ns_ = event.timestamp_nanos;
- } else {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Negative event timestamp: " << event.timestamp_nanos;
- }
- break;
- }
- case Type::kIntentFailed:
- if (package_blacklister_.IsBlacklisted(component_name_)) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "kIntentFailed: package " << component_name_->package
- << " ignored due to blacklisting.";
- break;
- }
- if (history_id_subscriber_) {
- history_id_subscriber_->on_error(rxcpp::util::make_error_ptr(
- std::ios_base::failure("Aborting due to intent failed")));
- history_id_subscriber_ = std::nullopt;
- }
- break;
- case Type::kActivityLaunched: {
- // TODO add test in Android framework to verify this.
- const std::string& title =
- event.activity_record_proto->window_token().window_container().identifier().title();
- if (!AppComponentName::HasAppComponentName(title)) {
- // Proto comment claim this is sometimes a window title.
- // We need the actual 'package/component' here, so just ignore it if it's a title.
- LOG(WARNING) << "App launched without a component name: " << event;
- break;
- }
- AppComponentName component_name = AppComponentName::FromString(title);
- component_name = component_name.Canonicalize();
- component_name_ = component_name;
- if (package_blacklister_.IsBlacklisted(component_name_)) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "kActivityLaunched: package " << component_name_->package
- << " ignored due to blacklisting.";
- break;
- }
- // Cancel tracing for warm/hot.
- // Restart tracing if the activity was unexpected.
- AppLaunchEvent::Temperature temperature = event.temperature;
- temperature_ = temperature;
- if (temperature != AppLaunchEvent::Temperature::kCold) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "AppLaunchEventState#OnNewEvent don't trace due to non-cold temperature";
- } else if (!IsTracing() && !IsReadAhead()) { // and the temperature is Cold.
- // Start late trace when intent didn't have a component name
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "AppLaunchEventState#OnNewEvent need to start new trace";
- if (allowed_readahead_ && !IsReadAhead()) {
- StartReadAhead(sequence_id_, component_name);
- }
- if (allowed_tracing_ && !IsTracing() && !IsReadAhead()) {
- rx_lifetime_ = StartTracing(std::move(component_name));
- }
- } else {
- // FIXME: match actual component name against intent component name.
- // abort traces if they don't match.
- if (allowed_tracing_) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "AppLaunchEventState#OnNewEvent already tracing";
- }
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "AppLaunchEventState#OnNewEvent already doing readahead";
- }
- break;
- }
- case Type::kActivityLaunchFinished:
- if (package_blacklister_.IsBlacklisted(component_name_)) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "kActivityLaunchFinished: package " << component_name_->package
- << " ignored due to blacklisting.";
- break;
- }
- if (event.timestamp_nanos >= 0) {
- total_time_ns_ = event.timestamp_nanos;
- }
- RecordDbLaunchHistory(event.activity_record_proto->proc_id());
- // Finish tracing and collect trace buffer.
- //
- // TODO: this happens automatically when perfetto finishes its
- // trace duration.
- if (IsTracing()) {
- MarkPendingTrace();
- }
- FinishReadAhead();
- break;
- case Type::kActivityLaunchCancelled:
- if (package_blacklister_.IsBlacklisted(component_name_)) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "kActivityLaunchCancelled: package " << component_name_->package
- << " ignored due to blacklisting.";
- break;
- }
- // Abort tracing.
- AbortTrace();
- AbortReadAhead();
- break;
- case Type::kReportFullyDrawn: {
- if (package_blacklister_.IsBlacklisted(component_name_)) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "kReportFullyDrawn: package " << component_name_->package
- << " ignored due to blacklisting.";
- break;
- }
- if (!recent_history_id_) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Dangling kReportFullyDrawn event";
- return;
- }
- UpdateReportFullyDrawn(*recent_history_id_, event.timestamp_nanos);
- recent_history_id_ = std::nullopt;
- break;
- }
- default:
- DCHECK(false) << "invalid type: " << event; // binder layer should've rejected this.
- LOG(ERROR) << "invalid type: " << event; // binder layer should've rejected this.
- }
- }
- // Is there an in-flight readahead task currently?
- bool IsReadAhead() const {
- return read_ahead_task_.has_value();
- }
- // Gets the compiled trace.
- // If a compiled trace exists in sqlite, use that one. Otherwise, try
- // to find a prebuilt one.
- std::optional<std::string> GetCompiledTrace(const AppComponentName& component_name) {
- ScopedFormatTrace atrace_get_compiled_trace(ATRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "GetCompiledTrace");
- // Firstly, try to find the compiled trace from sqlite.
- android::base::Timer timer{};
- db::DbHandle db{db::SchemaModel::GetSingleton()};
- std::optional<int> version =
- version_map_->GetOrQueryPackageVersion(component_name.package);
- if (!version) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "The version is NULL, maybe package manager is down.";
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- db::VersionedComponentName vcn{component_name.package,
- component_name.activity_name,
- *version};
- std::optional<db::PrefetchFileModel> compiled_trace =
- db::PrefetchFileModel::SelectByVersionedComponentName(db, vcn);
- std::chrono::milliseconds duration_ms = timer.duration();
- LOG(DEBUG) << "EventManager: Looking up compiled trace done in "
- << duration_ms.count() // the count of ticks.
- << "ms.";
- if (compiled_trace) {
- if (std::filesystem::exists(compiled_trace->file_path)) {
- return compiled_trace->file_path;
- } else {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Compiled trace in sqlite doesn't exists. file_path: "
- << compiled_trace->file_path;
- }
- }
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Cannot find compiled trace in sqlite for package_name: "
- << component_name.package
- << " activity_name: "
- << component_name.activity_name;
- // If sqlite doesn't have the compiled trace, try the prebuilt path.
- std::string file_path = "/product/iorap-trace/";
- file_path += component_name.ToMakeFileSafeEncodedPkgString();
- file_path += ".compiled_trace.pb";
- if (std::filesystem::exists(file_path)) {
- return file_path;
- }
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Prebuilt compiled trace doesn't exists. file_path: "
- << file_path;
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- void StartReadAhead(size_t id, const AppComponentName& component_name) {
- DCHECK(allowed_readahead_);
- DCHECK(!IsReadAhead());
- std::optional<std::string> file_path = GetCompiledTrace(component_name);
- if (!file_path) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "Cannot find a compiled trace.";
- return;
- }
- prefetcher::TaskId task{id, *file_path};
- read_ahead_->BeginTask(task);
- // TODO: non-void return signature?
- read_ahead_task_ = std::move(task);
- }
- void FinishReadAhead() {
- // if no readahead task exist, do nothing.
- if (!IsReadAhead()){
- return;
- }
- read_ahead_->FinishTask(*read_ahead_task_);
- read_ahead_task_ = std::nullopt;
- }
- void AbortReadAhead() {
- FinishReadAhead();
- }
- bool IsTracing() const {
- return is_tracing_;
- }
- std::optional<rxcpp::composite_subscription> StartTracing(
- AppComponentName component_name) {
- DCHECK(allowed_tracing_);
- DCHECK(!IsTracing());
- std::optional<int> version =
- version_map_->GetOrQueryPackageVersion(component_name_->package);
- if (!version) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "The version is NULL, maybe package manager is down.";
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- db::VersionedComponentName versioned_component_name{component_name.package,
- component_name.activity_name,
- *version};
- db::DbHandle db{db::SchemaModel::GetSingleton()};
- {
- ScopedFormatTrace atrace_traces_number_check(
- ATRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "IorapNativeService::CheckPerfettoTracesNnumber");
- // Just return if we have enough perfetto traces.
- if (!db::PerfettoTraceFileModel::NeedMorePerfettoTraces(
- db, versioned_component_name)) {
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- }
- auto /*observable<PerfettoStreamCommand>*/ perfetto_commands =
- rxcpp::observable<>::just(PerfettoStreamCommand::kStartTracing)
- // wait 1x
- .concat(
- // Pick a value longer than the perfetto config delay_ms, so that we send
- // 'kShutdown' after tracing has already finished.
- rxcpp::observable<>::interval(std::chrono::milliseconds(10000))
- .take(2) // kStopTracing, kShutdown.
- .map([](int value) {
- // value is 1,2,3,...
- return static_cast<PerfettoStreamCommand>(value); // 1,2, ...
- })
- );
- auto /*observable<PerfettoTraceProto>*/ trace_proto_stream =
- perfetto_factory_->CreateTraceStream(perfetto_commands);
- // This immediately connects to perfetto asynchronously.
- //
- // TODO: create a perfetto handle earlier, to minimize perfetto startup latency.
- rxcpp::composite_subscription lifetime;
- auto stream_via_threads = trace_proto_stream
- .tap([](const PerfettoTraceProto& trace_proto) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "StartTracing -- PerfettoTraceProto received (1)";
- })
- .combine_latest(history_id_observable_)
- .observe_on(*thread_) // All work prior to 'observe_on' is handled on thread_.
- .subscribe_on(*thread_) // All work prior to 'observe_on' is handled on thread_.
- .observe_on(*io_thread_) // Write data on an idle-class-priority thread.
- .tap([](std::tuple<PerfettoTraceProto, int> trace_tuple) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "StartTracing -- PerfettoTraceProto received (2)";
- });
- lifetime = RxAsync::SubscribeAsync(*async_pool_,
- std::move(stream_via_threads),
- /*on_next*/[versioned_component_name]
- (std::tuple<PerfettoTraceProto, int> trace_tuple) {
- PerfettoTraceProto& trace_proto = std::get<0>(trace_tuple);
- int history_id = std::get<1>(trace_tuple);
- db::PerfettoTraceFileModel file_model =
- db::PerfettoTraceFileModel::CalculateNewestFilePath(versioned_component_name);
- std::string file_path = file_model.FilePath();
- ScopedFormatTrace atrace_write_to_file(ATRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER,
- "Perfetto Write Trace To File %s",
- file_path.c_str());
- if (!file_model.MkdirWithParents()) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot save TraceBuffer; failed to mkdirs " << file_path;
- return;
- }
- if (!trace_proto.WriteFullyToFile(file_path)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to save TraceBuffer to " << file_path;
- } else {
- LOG(INFO) << "Perfetto TraceBuffer saved to file: " << file_path;
- ScopedFormatTrace atrace_update_raw_traces_table(
- "update raw_traces table history_id = %d",
- history_id);
- db::DbHandle db{db::SchemaModel::GetSingleton()};
- std::optional<db::RawTraceModel> raw_trace =
- db::RawTraceModel::Insert(db, history_id, file_path);
- if (!raw_trace) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to insert raw_traces for " << file_path;
- } else {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "Inserted into db: " << *raw_trace;
- }
- }
- },
- /*on_error*/[](rxcpp::util::error_ptr err) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Perfetto trace proto collection error: " << rxcpp::util::what(err);
- });
- is_tracing_ = true;
- return lifetime;
- }
- void AbortTrace() {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "AppLaunchEventState - AbortTrace";
- // if the tracing is not running, do nothing.
- if (!IsTracing()){
- return;
- }
- is_tracing_ = false;
- if (rx_lifetime_) {
- // TODO: it would be good to call perfetto Destroy.
- rx_in_flight_.erase(std::remove(rx_in_flight_.begin(),
- rx_in_flight_.end(), *rx_lifetime_),
- rx_in_flight_.end());
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "AppLaunchEventState - AbortTrace - Unsubscribe";
- rx_lifetime_->unsubscribe();
- rx_lifetime_.reset();
- }
- }
- void MarkPendingTrace() {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "AppLaunchEventState - MarkPendingTrace";
- DCHECK(is_tracing_);
- DCHECK(rx_lifetime_.has_value());
- if (rx_lifetime_) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "AppLaunchEventState - MarkPendingTrace - lifetime moved";
- // Don't unsubscribe because that would cause the perfetto TraceBuffer
- // to get dropped on the floor.
- //
- // Instead, we want to let it finish and write it out to a file.
- rx_in_flight_.push_back(*std::move(rx_lifetime_));
- rx_lifetime_.reset();
- } else {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "AppLaunchEventState - MarkPendingTrace - lifetime was empty";
- }
- is_tracing_ = false;
- // FIXME: how do we clear this vector?
- }
- void RecordDbLaunchHistory(int32_t pid) {
- std::optional<db::AppLaunchHistoryModel> history = InsertDbLaunchHistory(pid);
- // RecordDbLaunchHistory happens-after kIntentStarted
- if (!history_id_subscriber_.has_value()) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Logic error? Should always have a subscriber here.";
- return;
- }
- // Ensure that the history id rx chain is terminated either with an error or with
- // the newly inserted
- if (!history) {
- history_id_subscriber_->on_error(rxcpp::util::make_error_ptr(
- std::ios_base::failure("Failed to insert history id")));
- recent_history_id_ = std::nullopt;
- } else {
- // Note: we must have already subscribed, or this value will disappear.
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "history_id_subscriber on_next history_id=" << history->id;
- history_id_subscriber_->on_next(history->id);
- history_id_subscriber_->on_completed();
- recent_history_id_ = history->id;
- }
- history_id_subscriber_ = std::nullopt;
- }
- std::optional<db::AppLaunchHistoryModel> InsertDbLaunchHistory(int32_t pid) {
- // TODO: deferred queue into a different lower priority thread.
- if (!component_name_ || !temperature_) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "Skip RecordDbLaunchHistory, no component name available.";
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- android::ScopedTrace trace{ATRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER,
- "IorapNativeService::RecordDbLaunchHistory"};
- db::DbHandle db{db::SchemaModel::GetSingleton()};
- using namespace iorap::db;
- std::optional<int> version =
- version_map_->GetOrQueryPackageVersion(component_name_->package);
- if (!version) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "The version is NULL, maybe package manager is down.";
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- std::optional<ActivityModel> activity =
- ActivityModel::SelectOrInsert(db,
- component_name_->package,
- *version,
- component_name_->activity_name);
- if (!activity) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to query activity row for : " << *component_name_;
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- auto temp = static_cast<db::AppLaunchHistoryModel::Temperature>(*temperature_);
- std::optional<AppLaunchHistoryModel> alh =
- AppLaunchHistoryModel::Insert(db,
- activity->id,
- temp,
- IsTracing(),
- IsReadAhead(),
- intent_started_ns_,
- total_time_ns_,
- // ReportFullyDrawn event normally occurs after this. Need update later.
- /* report_fully_drawn_ns= */ std::nullopt,
- pid);
- //Repo
- if (!alh) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to insert app_launch_histories row";
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "RecordDbLaunchHistory: " << *alh;
- return alh;
- }
- void UpdateReportFullyDrawn(int history_id, uint64_t timestamp_ns) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Update kReportFullyDrawn for history_id:"
- << history_id
- << " timestamp_ns: "
- << timestamp_ns;
- android::ScopedTrace trace{ATRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER,
- "IorapNativeService::UpdateReportFullyDrawn"};
- db::DbHandle db{db::SchemaModel::GetSingleton()};
- bool result =
- db::AppLaunchHistoryModel::UpdateReportFullyDrawn(db,
- history_id,
- timestamp_ns);
- if (!result) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to update app_launch_histories row";
- }
- }
-struct AppLaunchEventDefender {
- binder::AppLaunchEvent::Type last_event_type_{binder::AppLaunchEvent::Type::kUninitialized};
- enum class Result {
- kAccept, // Pass-through the new event.
- kOverwrite, // Overwrite the new event with a different event.
- kReject // Completely reject the new event, it will not be delivered.
- };
- Result OnAppLaunchEvent(binder::RequestId request_id,
- const binder::AppLaunchEvent& event,
- binder::AppLaunchEvent* overwrite) {
- using Type = binder::AppLaunchEvent::Type;
- CHECK(overwrite != nullptr);
- // Ensure only legal transitions are allowed.
- switch (last_event_type_) {
- case Type::kUninitialized:
- case Type::kIntentFailed:
- case Type::kActivityLaunchCancelled:
- case Type::kReportFullyDrawn: { // From a terminal state, only go to kIntentStarted
- if (event.type != Type::kIntentStarted) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Rejecting transition from " << last_event_type_ << " to " << event.type;
- last_event_type_ = Type::kUninitialized;
- return Result::kReject;
- } else {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "Accept transition from " << last_event_type_ << " to " << event.type;
- last_event_type_ = event.type;
- return Result::kAccept;
- }
- }
- case Type::kIntentStarted: {
- if (event.type == Type::kIntentFailed ||
- event.type == Type::kActivityLaunched) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "Accept transition from " << last_event_type_ << " to " << event.type;
- last_event_type_ = event.type;
- return Result::kAccept;
- } else {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Overwriting transition from kIntentStarted to "
- << event.type << " into kIntentFailed";
- last_event_type_ = Type::kIntentFailed;
- *overwrite = event;
- overwrite->type = Type::kIntentFailed;
- return Result::kOverwrite;
- }
- }
- case Type::kActivityLaunched: {
- if (event.type == Type::kActivityLaunchFinished ||
- event.type == Type::kActivityLaunchCancelled) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "Accept transition from " << last_event_type_ << " to " << event.type;
- last_event_type_ = event.type;
- return Result::kAccept;
- } else {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Overwriting transition from kActivityLaunched to "
- << event.type << " into kActivityLaunchCancelled";
- last_event_type_ = Type::kActivityLaunchCancelled;
- *overwrite = event;
- overwrite->type = Type::kActivityLaunchCancelled;
- return Result::kOverwrite;
- }
- }
- case Type::kActivityLaunchFinished: {
- if (event.type == Type::kIntentStarted ||
- event.type == Type::kReportFullyDrawn) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "Accept transition from " << last_event_type_ << " to " << event.type;
- last_event_type_ = event.type;
- return Result::kAccept;
- } else {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Rejecting transition from " << last_event_type_ << " to " << event.type;
- last_event_type_ = Type::kUninitialized;
- return Result::kReject;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// Convert callback pattern into reactive pattern.
-struct AppLaunchEventSubject {
- using RefWrapper =
- std::reference_wrapper<const AppLaunchEvent>;
- AppLaunchEventSubject() {}
- void Subscribe(rxcpp::subscriber<RefWrapper> subscriber) {
- DCHECK(ready_ != true) << "Cannot Subscribe twice";
- subscriber_ = std::move(subscriber);
- // Release edge of synchronizes-with AcquireIsReady.
- }
- void OnNext(const AppLaunchEvent& e) {
- if (!AcquireIsReady()) {
- return;
- }
- if (!subscriber_->is_subscribed()) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * TODO: fix upstream.
- *
- * Rx workaround: this fails to compile when
- * the observable is a reference type:
- *
- * external/Reactive-Extensions/RxCpp/Rx/v2/src/rxcpp/rx-observer.hpp:354:18: error: multiple overloads of 'on_next' instantiate to the same signature 'void (const iorap::binder::AppLaunchEvent &) const'
- * virtual void on_next(T&&) const {};
- *
- * external/Reactive-Extensions/RxCpp/Rx/v2/src/rxcpp/rx-observer.hpp:353:18: note: previous declaration is here
- * virtual void on_next(T&) const {};
- *
- * (The workaround is to use reference_wrapper instead
- * of const AppLaunchEvent&)
- */
- subscriber_->on_next(std::cref(e));
- }
- void OnCompleted() {
- if (!AcquireIsReady()) {
- return;
- }
- subscriber_->on_completed();
- }
- private:
- bool AcquireIsReady() {
- // Synchronizes-with the release-edge in Subscribe.
- // This can happen much later, only once the subscription actually happens.
- // However, as far as I know, 'rxcpp::subscriber' is not thread safe,
- // (but the observable chain itself can be made thread-safe via #observe_on, etc).
- // so we must avoid reading it until it has been fully synchronized.
- //
- // TODO: investigate rxcpp subscribers and see if we can get rid of this atomics,
- // to make it simpler.
- return ready_.load();
- }
- // TODO: also track the RequestId ?
- std::atomic<bool> ready_{false};
- std::optional<rxcpp::subscriber<RefWrapper>> subscriber_;
-// Convert callback pattern into reactive pattern.
-struct JobScheduledEventSubject {
- JobScheduledEventSubject() {}
- void Subscribe(rxcpp::subscriber<std::pair<RequestId, JobScheduledEvent>> subscriber) {
- DCHECK(ready_ != true) << "Cannot Subscribe twice";
- subscriber_ = std::move(subscriber);
- // Release edge of synchronizes-with AcquireIsReady.
- }
- void OnNext(RequestId request_id, JobScheduledEvent e) {
- if (!AcquireIsReady()) {
- return;
- }
- if (!subscriber_->is_subscribed()) {
- return;
- }
- subscriber_->on_next(std::pair<RequestId, JobScheduledEvent>{std::move(request_id), std::move(e)});
- }
- void OnCompleted() {
- if (!AcquireIsReady()) {
- return;
- }
- subscriber_->on_completed();
- }
- private:
- bool AcquireIsReady() {
- // Synchronizes-with the release-edge in Subscribe.
- // This can happen much later, only once the subscription actually happens.
- // However, as far as I know, 'rxcpp::subscriber' is not thread safe,
- // (but the observable chain itself can be made thread-safe via #observe_on, etc).
- // so we must avoid reading it until it has been fully synchronized.
- //
- // TODO: investigate rxcpp subscribers and see if we can get rid of this atomics,
- // to make it simpler.
- return ready_.load();
- }
- // TODO: also track the RequestId ?
- std::atomic<bool> ready_{false};
- std::optional<rxcpp::subscriber<std::pair<RequestId, JobScheduledEvent>>> subscriber_;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const android::content::pm::PackageChangeEvent& event) {
- os << "PackageChangeEvent{";
- os << "packageName=" << event.packageName << ",";
- os << "version=" << event.version << ",";
- os << "lastUpdateTimeMillis=" << event.lastUpdateTimeMillis;
- os << "}";
- return os;
-class EventManager::Impl {
- public:
- Impl(/*borrow*/perfetto::RxProducerFactory& perfetto_factory)
- : perfetto_factory_(perfetto_factory),
- worker_thread_(rxcpp::observe_on_new_thread()),
- worker_thread2_(rxcpp::observe_on_new_thread()),
- io_thread_(perfetto::ObserveOnNewIoThread()) {
- // Try to create version map
- RetryCreateVersionMap();
- iorap::common::StderrLogPrinter printer{"iorapd"};
- RefreshSystemProperties(printer);
- rx_lifetime_ = InitializeRxGraph();
- rx_lifetime_jobs_ = InitializeRxGraphForJobScheduledEvents();
- android::add_sysprop_change_callback(&Impl::OnSyspropChanged, /*priority*/-10000);
- }
- void RetryCreateVersionMap() {
- android::base::Timer timer{};
- version_map_ = binder::PackageVersionMap::Create();
- std::chrono::milliseconds duration_ms = timer.duration();
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Got versions for "
- << version_map_->Size()
- << " packages in "
- << duration_ms.count()
- << "ms";
- }
- void SetTaskResultCallbacks(std::shared_ptr<TaskResultCallbacks> callbacks) {
- DCHECK(callbacks_.expired());
- callbacks_ = callbacks;
- }
- void Join() {
- async_pool_.Join();
- }
- bool OnAppLaunchEvent(RequestId request_id,
- const AppLaunchEvent& event) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "EventManager::OnAppLaunchEvent("
- << "request_id=" << request_id.request_id << ","
- << event;
- // Filter any incoming events through a defender that enforces
- // that all state transitions are as contractually documented in
- // ActivityMetricsLaunchObserver's javadoc.
- AppLaunchEvent overwrite_event{};
- AppLaunchEventDefender::Result result =
- app_launch_event_defender_.OnAppLaunchEvent(request_id, event, /*out*/&overwrite_event);
- switch (result) {
- case AppLaunchEventDefender::Result::kAccept:
- app_launch_event_subject_.OnNext(event);
- return true;
- case AppLaunchEventDefender::Result::kOverwrite:
- app_launch_event_subject_.OnNext(overwrite_event);
- return false;
- case AppLaunchEventDefender::Result::kReject:
- // Intentionally left-empty: we drop the event completely.
- return false;
- }
- // In theory returns BAD_VALUE to the other side of this binder connection.
- // In practice we use 'oneway' flags so this doesn't matter on a regular build.
- return false;
- }
- bool OnDexOptEvent(RequestId request_id,
- const DexOptEvent& event) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "EventManager::OnDexOptEvent("
- << "request_id=" << request_id.request_id << ","
- << event.package_name
- << ")";
- if (common::ExcludeDexFiles(kExcludeDexFilesDefault)) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "Dex files are excluded. Skip the purging.";
- return true;
- }
- return PurgePackage(event.package_name);
- }
- bool OnJobScheduledEvent(RequestId request_id,
- const JobScheduledEvent& event) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "EventManager::OnJobScheduledEvent("
- << "request_id=" << request_id.request_id << ",event=TODO).";
- job_scheduled_event_subject_.OnNext(std::move(request_id), event);
- return true; // No errors.
- }
- bool OnPackageChanged(const android::content::pm::PackageChangeEvent& event) {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "Received " << event;
- if (event.isDeleted) {
- // Do nothing if the package is deleted rignt now.
- // The package will be removed from db during maintenance.
- return true;
- }
- // Update the version map.
- if (version_map_->Update(event.packageName, event.version)) {
- return true;
- }
- // Sometimes a package is updated without any version change.
- // Clean it up in this case.
- db::DbHandle db{db::SchemaModel::GetSingleton()};
- db::CleanUpFilesForPackage(db, event.packageName, event.version);
- return true;
- }
- void Dump(/*borrow*/::android::Printer& printer) {
- ::iorap::prefetcher::ReadAhead::Dump(printer);
- ::iorap::perfetto::PerfettoConsumerImpl::Dump(/*borrow*/printer);
- ::iorap::maintenance::Dump(db::SchemaModel::GetSingleton(), printer);
- }
- rxcpp::composite_subscription InitializeRxGraph() {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "EventManager::InitializeRxGraph";
- app_launch_events_ = rxcpp::observable<>::create<AppLaunchEventRefWrapper>(
- [&](rxcpp::subscriber<AppLaunchEventRefWrapper> subscriber) {
- app_launch_event_subject_.Subscribe(std::move(subscriber));
- });
- rxcpp::composite_subscription lifetime;
- if (!tracing_allowed_) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Tracing disabled by system property";
- }
- if (!readahead_allowed_) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Readahead disabled by system property";
- }
- AppLaunchEventState initial_state{&perfetto_factory_,
- readahead_allowed_,
- tracing_allowed_,
- package_blacklister_,
- &worker_thread2_,
- &io_thread_,
- &async_pool_,
- version_map_};
- app_launch_events_
- .subscribe_on(worker_thread_)
- .scan(std::move(initial_state),
- [](AppLaunchEventState state, AppLaunchEventRefWrapper event) {
- state.OnNewEvent(event.get());
- return state;
- })
- .subscribe(/*out*/lifetime, [](const AppLaunchEventState& state) {
- // Intentionally left blank.
- (void)state;
- });
- return lifetime;
- }
- // Runs the maintenance code to compile perfetto traces to compiled
- // trace for a package.
- void StartMaintenance(bool output_text,
- std::optional<std::string> inode_textcache,
- bool verbose,
- bool recompile,
- uint64_t min_traces,
- std::string package_name,
- bool should_update_versions) {
- ScopedFormatTrace atrace_bg_scope(ATRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER,
- "Background Job Scope");
- db::DbHandle db{db::SchemaModel::GetSingleton()};
- if (should_update_versions) {
- {
- ScopedFormatTrace atrace_update_versions(ATRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER,
- "Update package versions map cache");
- // Update the version map.
- version_map_->UpdateAll();
- }
- {
- ScopedFormatTrace atrace_cleanup_db(ATRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER,
- "Clean up obsolete data in database");
- // Cleanup the obsolete data in the database.
- maintenance::CleanUpDatabase(db, version_map_);
- }
- }
- {
- ScopedFormatTrace atrace_compile_apps(ATRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER,
- "Compile apps on device");
- // Compilation
- maintenance::ControllerParameters params{
- output_text,
- inode_textcache,
- verbose,
- recompile,
- min_traces,
- std::make_shared<maintenance::Exec>(),
- common::ExcludeDexFiles(kExcludeDexFilesDefault)};
- LOG(DEBUG) << "StartMaintenance: min_traces=" << min_traces;
- maintenance::CompileSingleAppOnDevice(db, params, package_name);
- }
- }
- rxcpp::composite_subscription InitializeRxGraphForJobScheduledEvents() {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "EventManager::InitializeRxGraphForJobScheduledEvents";
- using RequestAndJobEvent = std::pair<RequestId, JobScheduledEvent>;
- job_scheduled_events_ = rxcpp::observable<>::create<RequestAndJobEvent>(
- [&](rxcpp::subscriber<RequestAndJobEvent> subscriber) {
- job_scheduled_event_subject_.Subscribe(std::move(subscriber));
- });
- rxcpp::composite_subscription lifetime;
- job_scheduled_events_
- .observe_on(worker_thread_) // async handling.
- .tap([this](const RequestAndJobEvent& e) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "EventManager#JobScheduledEvent#tap(1) - job begins";
- this->NotifyProgress(e.first, TaskResult{TaskResult::State::kBegan});
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "Compile " << std::get<1>(e).package_name;
- StartMaintenance(/*output_text=*/false,
- /*inode_textcache=*/std::nullopt,
- /*verbose=*/false,
- /*recompile=*/false,
- s_min_traces,
- std::get<1>(e).package_name,
- std::get<1>(e).should_update_versions);
- // TODO: probably this shouldn't be emitted until most of the usual DCHECKs
- // (for example, validate a job isn't already started, the request is not reused, etc).
- // In this way we could block from the client until it sees 'kBegan' and otherwise.
- })
- .tap([](const RequestAndJobEvent& e) {
- // TODO. Actual work.
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "EventManager#JobScheduledEvent#tap(2) - job is being processed";
- // TODO: abort functionality for in-flight jobs.
- //
- // maybe something like scan that returns an observable<Job> + flat map to that job.
- // then we could unsubscribe from the scan to do a partial abort? need to try it and see if it works.
- //
- // other option is to create a new outer subscription for each job id which seems less ideal.
- })
- .subscribe(/*out*/lifetime,
- /*on_next*/
- [this](const RequestAndJobEvent& e) {
- LOG(VERBOSE) << "EventManager#JobScheduledEvent#subscribe - job completed";
- this->NotifyComplete(e.first, TaskResult{TaskResult::State::kCompleted});
- }
-#if 0
- ,
- /*on_error*/
- [](rxcpp::util::error_ptr err) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Scheduled job event failed: " << rxcpp::util::what(err);
- //std::shared_ptr<TaskResultCallbacks> callbacks = callbacks_.lock();
- //if (callbacks != nullptr) {
- // FIXME: How do we get the request ID back out of the error? Seems like a problem.
- // callbacks->OnComplete(, TaskResult{TaskResult::kError});
- // We may have to wrap with an iorap::expected instead of using on_error.
- //}
- // FIXME: need to add a 'OnErrorResumeNext' operator?
- DCHECK(false) << "forgot to implement OnErrorResumeNext";
- }
- );
- // TODO: error output should happen via an observable.
- return lifetime;
- }
- void NotifyComplete(RequestId request_id, TaskResult result) {
- std::shared_ptr<TaskResultCallbacks> callbacks = callbacks_.lock();
- if (callbacks != nullptr) {
- callbacks->OnComplete(std::move(request_id), std::move(result));
- } else {
- LOG(WARNING) << "EventManager: TaskResultCallbacks may have been released early";
- }
- }
- void NotifyProgress(RequestId request_id, TaskResult result) {
- std::shared_ptr<TaskResultCallbacks> callbacks = callbacks_.lock();
- if (callbacks != nullptr) {
- callbacks->OnProgress(std::move(request_id), std::move(result));
- } else {
- LOG(WARNING) << "EventManager: TaskResultCallbacks may have been released early";
- }
- }
- static void OnSyspropChanged() {
- LOG(DEBUG) << "OnSyspropChanged";
- }
- void RefreshSystemProperties(::android::Printer& printer) {
- // TODO: read all properties from one config class.
- // PH properties do not work if they contain ".". "_" was instead used here.
- tracing_allowed_ = common::IsTracingEnabled(/*default_value=*/"false");
- s_tracing_allowed = tracing_allowed_;
- printer.printFormatLine("iorapd.perfetto.enable = %s", tracing_allowed_ ? "true" : "false");
- readahead_allowed_ = common::IsReadAheadEnabled(/*default_value=*/"false");
- s_readahead_allowed = readahead_allowed_;
- printer.printFormatLine("iorapd.readahead.enable = %s", s_readahead_allowed ? "true" : "false");
- s_min_traces =
- ::android::base::GetUintProperty<uint64_t>("iorapd.maintenance.min_traces", /*default*/1);
- uint64_t min_traces = s_min_traces;
- printer.printFormatLine("iorapd.maintenance.min_traces = %" PRIu64, min_traces);
- printer.printFormatLine("iorapd.exclude_dex_files = %s",
- common::ExcludeDexFiles(kExcludeDexFilesDefault) ? "true" : "false");
- package_blacklister_ = PackageBlacklister{
- /* Colon-separated string list of blacklisted packages, e.g.
- * ";" would blacklist {"", ""} packages.
- *
- * Blacklisted packages are ignored by iorapd.
- */
- server_configurable_flags::GetServerConfigurableFlag(
- common::ph_namespace,
- "iorap_blacklisted_packages",
- ::android::base::GetProperty("iorapd.blacklist_packages",
- /*default*/""))
- };
- LOG(DEBUG) << "RefreshSystemProperties";
- }
- bool PurgePackage(::android::Printer& printer, const std::string& package_name) {
- (void)printer;
- return PurgePackage(package_name);
- }
- bool PurgePackage(const std::string& package_name) {
- db::DbHandle db{db::SchemaModel::GetSingleton()};
- db::CleanUpFilesForPackage(db, package_name);
- LOG(DEBUG) << "PurgePackage: " << package_name;
- return true;
- }
- bool CompilePackage(::android::Printer& printer, const std::string& package_name) {
- (void)printer;
- ScopedFormatTrace atrace_compile_app(ATRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER,
- "Compile one app on device");
- maintenance::ControllerParameters params{
- /*output_text*/false,
- /*inode_textcache*/std::nullopt,
- /*recompile*/false,
- s_min_traces,
- std::make_shared<maintenance::Exec>(),
- common::ExcludeDexFiles(kExcludeDexFilesDefault)};
- db::DbHandle db{db::SchemaModel::GetSingleton()};
- bool res = maintenance::CompileSingleAppOnDevice(db, std::move(params), package_name);
- LOG(DEBUG) << "CompilePackage: " << package_name;
- return res;
- }
- bool readahead_allowed_{true};
- perfetto::RxProducerFactory& perfetto_factory_;
- bool tracing_allowed_{true};
- PackageBlacklister package_blacklister_{};
- std::weak_ptr<TaskResultCallbacks> callbacks_; // avoid cycles with weakptr.
- using AppLaunchEventRefWrapper = AppLaunchEventSubject::RefWrapper;
- rxcpp::observable<AppLaunchEventRefWrapper> app_launch_events_;
- AppLaunchEventSubject app_launch_event_subject_;
- AppLaunchEventDefender app_launch_event_defender_;
- rxcpp::observable<std::pair<RequestId, JobScheduledEvent>> job_scheduled_events_;
- JobScheduledEventSubject job_scheduled_event_subject_;
- rxcpp::observable<RequestId> completed_requests_;
- // regular-priority thread to handle binder callbacks.
- observe_on_one_worker worker_thread_;
- observe_on_one_worker worker_thread2_;
- // low priority idle-class thread for IO operations.
- observe_on_one_worker io_thread_;
- // async futures pool for async rx operations.
- AsyncPool async_pool_;
- rxcpp::composite_subscription rx_lifetime_; // app launch events
- rxcpp::composite_subscription rx_lifetime_jobs_; // job scheduled events
- // package version map
- std::shared_ptr<binder::PackageVersionMap> version_map_;
- // FIXME:
- // ok so we want to expose a 'BlockingSubscribe' or a 'Subscribe' or some kind of function
- // that the main thread can call. This would subscribe on all the observables we internally
- // have here (probably on an event-manager-dedicated thread for simplicity).
- //
- // ideally we'd just reuse the binder thread to handle the events but I'm not super sure,
- // maybe this already works with the identity_current_thread coordination?
-using Impl = EventManager::Impl;
-EventManager::EventManager(perfetto::RxProducerFactory& perfetto_factory)
- : impl_(new Impl(perfetto_factory)) {}
-std::shared_ptr<EventManager> EventManager::Create() {
- static perfetto::PerfettoDependencies::Injector injector{
- perfetto::PerfettoDependencies::CreateComponent
- };
- static perfetto::RxProducerFactory producer_factory{
- /*borrow*/injector
- };
- return EventManager::Create(/*borrow*/producer_factory);
-std::shared_ptr<EventManager> EventManager::Create(perfetto::RxProducerFactory& perfetto_factory) {
- std::shared_ptr<EventManager> p{new EventManager{/*borrow*/perfetto_factory}};
- return p;
-void EventManager::SetTaskResultCallbacks(std::shared_ptr<TaskResultCallbacks> callbacks) {
- return impl_->SetTaskResultCallbacks(std::move(callbacks));
-void EventManager::Join() {
- return impl_->Join();
-bool EventManager::OnAppLaunchEvent(RequestId request_id,
- const AppLaunchEvent& event) {
- return impl_->OnAppLaunchEvent(request_id, event);
-bool EventManager::OnDexOptEvent(RequestId request_id,
- const DexOptEvent& event) {
- return impl_->OnDexOptEvent(request_id, event);
-bool EventManager::OnJobScheduledEvent(RequestId request_id,
- const JobScheduledEvent& event) {
- return impl_->OnJobScheduledEvent(request_id, event);
-bool EventManager::OnPackageChanged(const android::content::pm::PackageChangeEvent& event) {
- return impl_->OnPackageChanged(event);
-void EventManager::Dump(/*borrow*/::android::Printer& printer) {
- return impl_->Dump(printer);
-void EventManager::RefreshSystemProperties(::android::Printer& printer) {
- return impl_->RefreshSystemProperties(printer);
-bool EventManager::PurgePackage(::android::Printer& printer, const std::string& package_name) {
- return impl_->PurgePackage(printer, package_name);
-bool EventManager::CompilePackage(::android::Printer& printer, const std::string& package_name) {
- return impl_->CompilePackage(printer, package_name);
-} // namespace iorap::manager