#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. PROG_NAME=`basename $0` # Set to true to get more debug information DEBUG=false # Remove the comment to enable valgrind # Require build with $mmma external/valgrind #VALGRIND="valgrind --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes" function usage() { echo "Usage:" echo " $PROG_NAME (--fdt|--ufdt) (--remote) " } function on_exit() { rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR" } # # Start # # Setup OVERLAY if [ "$1" == "--fdt" ]; then shift OVERLAY="fdt_apply_overlay" elif [ "$1" == "--ufdt" ]; then shift OVERLAY="ufdt_apply_overlay" else usage exit 1 fi # --remote: run overlay on the device with adb if [ "$1" == "--remote" ]; then shift EXE_PATH="${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}/obj/EXECUTABLES" REMOTE_PATH="/data/local/tmp" adb push "${EXE_PATH}/${OVERLAY}_intermediates/${OVERLAY}" \ "$REMOTE_PATH" > /dev/null fi if [[ $# -lt 3 ]]; then usage exit 1 fi BASE_DTS=$1 OVERLAY_DTS=$2 OUT_DTS=$3 TEMP_DIR=`mktemp -d` # The script will exit directly if any command fails. set -e trap on_exit EXIT # Compile the *-base.dts to make *-base.dtb BASE_DTS_NAME=`basename "$BASE_DTS"` BASE_DTB_NAME="${BASE_DTS_NAME}-base.dtb" BASE_DTB="${TEMP_DIR}/${BASE_DTB_NAME}" dtc -@ -qq -O dtb -o "$BASE_DTB" "$BASE_DTS" if $DEBUG; then echo "[base.dts]" dtc -O dts "$BASE_DTB" fi # Compile the *-overlay.dts to make *-overlay.dtb OVERLAY_DTS_NAME=`basename "$OVERLAY_DTS"` OVERLAY_DTB_NAME="${OVERLAY_DTS_NAME}-overlay.dtb" OVERLAY_DTB="${TEMP_DIR}/${OVERLAY_DTB_NAME}" dtc -@ -qq -O dtb -o "$OVERLAY_DTB" "$OVERLAY_DTS" if $DEBUG; then echo "[overlay.dts]" dtc -O dts "$OVERLAY_DTB" fi # Run ufdt_apply_overlay to combine *-base.dtb and *-overlay.dtb # into *-merged.dtb MERGED_DTB_NAME="${BASE_DTS_NAME}-merged.dtb" MERGED_DTB="${TEMP_DIR}/${MERGED_DTB_NAME}" if [ -z "$REMOTE_PATH" ]; then $VALGRIND "$OVERLAY" "$BASE_DTB" "$OVERLAY_DTB" "$MERGED_DTB" else adb push "$BASE_DTB" "$REMOTE_PATH" > /dev/null adb push "$OVERLAY_DTB" "$REMOTE_PATH" > /dev/null adb shell " cd "$REMOTE_PATH" && "./${OVERLAY}" "$BASE_DTB_NAME" "$OVERLAY_DTB_NAME" "$MERGED_DTB_NAME" " adb pull "${REMOTE_PATH}/${MERGED_DTB_NAME}" "$MERGED_DTB" > /dev/null fi if [ ! -z "$REMOTE_PATH" ]; then # clean up adb shell " cd "$REMOTE_PATH" && rm -f "$OVERLAY" && rm -f "$BASE_DTB_NAME" && rm -f "$OVERLAY_DTB_NAME" && rm -f "$MERGED_DTB_NAME" " > /dev/null fi # Dump dtc -s -O dts -o "$OUT_DTS" "$MERGED_DTB" if $DEBUG; then echo "[merged.dts]" cat $OUT_DTS fi